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Fan Fiction

Attacking The Past by Da Dum Da Dum Dadda

Attacking The Past: Only An Appitizer
Date: 19 March 2009, 3:52 am

9th Age of Reclamation
Battle Cruiser- Graceful Charity

They all gathered around the newly constructed device and watched us begin to take our steps into the past. Vadnus Vadamee and his highly trained team of Elites were ready to enter. The Prophets required a Forerunner artifact from a distant planet that allows those who enter travel back in time. Our plan is to attack the Humans five hundred years ago before they invented any weapons capable of stopping us, so we can affect the present day war. I quickly check my gear. My two plasma rifles are holstered on each side; my carbine is fully loaded and ready for war. I now set my sight towards the portal which lies in front of me. The ancient device drones at a very low tone and the questions that lay behind it will soon be answered.

My squad mates have all entered my close friend, Fromus Vadamee looks back with a confident look in his eye and he then disappears as he enters the portal. It's now my turn. I take one last look around me, the councils of the Covenant closely watch as I take my steps towards the artifact. I stop before entering, close my eyes, and walk into the past.

July 14, 2052
Freedom City, Earth

Master Sergeant Tim Dobbs was checking the M16 Rifle with M203 Grenade Launcher that was in his hand. With a quick scan of the gun he handed it back to the trainee and the trainee took it and lied prone to fire at the target. The Master Sergeant watched as almost every shot fired hit the kill zone. After all bullets were fired and the clip went empty, the trainee stood up at attention.

"That's some fine shooting soldier. What's your name?" Sergeant Dobbs asked.

"My name is Private First Class Dunbar, sir."

I looked at the PFC and noticed a little bit of me when I was in boot. With a wave of my hand I dismissed him and went back to my jeep. I took my cap off for a minute to wipe the sweat on my forehead off; it was hot as hell out here. The summer only keeps getting hotter I thought to myself as I drove through the camp's roads on the way to the Control Tent. I parked the jeep outside and stopped in to see Santiago for a bit and to get some of that cool air conditioning. I walked in and let out a sigh of relief as the air hit my face.

"You wish you had my job don't ya Dobbs?" said Santiago in a smart ass tone.

"Santiago, if I wanted your job I'd take it from you."

"Ha ha well thank you for letting me have it for this long." He replied with a grin on his face. I've known Dan since boot camp. He was in the same graduating class as me and we both finished with Expert Rifleman Ribbons. He thinks he has the best shot out of the two of us, but I know the truth. He stood up to come over and greet me. He towers over me at 6'8 and his tan complexion makes him look like he's been outside all day instead of being in here with the cool air.

"What's up Tim?" he said in a friendly manner as we shook hands.
"Just been training those recruits."

"Any good ones out there?"

"Yea….A PFC Dunbar he's got an amazing shot dead on every time."

"Wow. You wish you could still shoot like that."

"Get the fuck out of here, I'll beat your ass in a shooting contest."

"Wanna go right now?"

"As a matter of fact let's go, I haven't shot anything in a while. As we left the tent the alarm rang and we got in my jeep, taking off at full speed. Once we got to the scene I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw marines shooting at these alien creatures. We drove up and quickly exited, taking shots at the aliens. It seemed that they're covered in a shield and are bullets aren't working. I ran into the armory and took out a M60 LMG and started firing. We started to push the creatures into cover and their shields began to fall. The creatures began to fall one by one, but one slipped away around into a barrack. I chased it into the building with Santiago right behind me.

Once we got inside nothing was there, it's like it vanished. I walked slowly towards the center of the room when from above a glowing blue sword came down and slashed the gun in half. I then swiftly kicked the sword out of its hand. It then charged at me and flung me up to a wall. It then began to choke me and I started to gasp for air. Santiago rushed at it from behind and hit it with a desk chair. The creature let go and I crawled around the floor regaining my air. It then tripped Dan onto the floor and pinned him to the ground, and it then took out a weird shaped gun. I looked to the sword and grasped it in my hand. The blade lit up divulging a bluish-purple blade and I charged the alien. Before it could get a shot off I pierced its hide with the blade and purple blood began to ooze.

I threw the creature off Dan and picked him up. "What the hell are those things?" he asked. I simply replied with a simple shrug with my shoulders. We then left the barrack and reentered the compound to see scientists already there taking bodies away. This was the beginning to a whole new field of technology that will expand our knowledge and hopefully in the future will be far more advanced than anyone here can dream of. Then as I watched a body get taken away I noticed something fall from the clutches of one of its hand. I walked over and picked it up. It was a small purple device that had an image on it sort of like a video transmission, but then it turned to static and I dropped it on the ground and crushed it with my boot.

9th Age of Reclamation
Battle Cruiser Graceful Charity
The room soon filled with arguments from species to species loud noises filled the room where the artifact stands. Then the Prophet of Truth stands at the center podium and holds his hands out, quieting the crowd.

"Those who fell today were just an appetizer for those humans. We shall now send millions to cripple them from within. Ready your armies for we now delve into the human's past and this is how they shall fall." The room dispersed in loudness as the species left to ready their elite for battle, leaving the Prophet all alone. A chair floated over to the Prophet and he sat down and put his hands together and began to think. A smirk on his face then was shown as he left the room via the elevator.

"All of humanity will fall tomorrow, and they won't even see our march of deadly force coming, leaving them open to be wasted like the vermin they are.
