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Abandoned Covenant by Argonox
Tides of the Accolade [Part 01]
Date: 30 May 2003, 12:19 PM
Series 01 [Abandoned Covenant] Part 01 [Tides of the Accolade] 2300 Somewhere on Halo Segment 03076
Master Chiefs boot crashed down into a murky puddle, the wet mud splashed up and clung to the green MJOLNIR battle suit. Blue trails that sparkled around Master Chief suddenly became more violent, his camouflage flashed on and off. The chief became more frantic as he ran across the jungle path.
Keeping up the pace, he heard a low roaring from behind him, turning for a moment to catch a glimpse of the noise; he tripped and hit the floor with a crash. Skidding across the track, mud sent up like a tsunami, Master Chief came to an abrupt stop against a tree trunk. His pistol sent flying across into the nearby bushes and random grenades sunk into the thick gritty mud. As the roaring approached, the ground started to shake and trees shuddered with the great force. Master Chief did his best to climb back to his feet, only to get knocked clean from the floor with a heavy thump as metal hit metal. Clutching his stomach he looked up thought his visor and saw a proud elite standing above him. Still clasping his torso, he turned his glare back down towards the oncoming thunder.
For some reason a mighty M8088 Scorpion crawled its way over to the Master Chief, grunts danced over the cannon, screaming and clapping. Master Chief lay his head down into the mud, and stared up into the emptiness of the elites eyes. Suddenly a trail of smoke beamed past from right to left in nanoseconds. Soon followed by the blue blood gushing from the wound now in place of the elites harsh face. There were more cracks of weapon fire around him, the grunts clapping soon turning into stampeding. Grunts rolled across the brown river of mud following the jungle path, plasma shot up into the night sky, never hitting anything more than leaves and trees on the way up, occasionally sending down the odd branch. From the bushes in front of Master Chief, a loud whistle rang out, a glowing red projectile chased by grey thick smoke ran past his face, and thumped into the front of the scorpion. A bright flash soon followed by a shower of grunts, metal and trees. Feeling several pairs of hands grab around the Chiefs waist, he quickly turned, hands out to stop any form of attack. To his surprised, a group of marines where latched onto him, surrounded by other frantic soldiers shooting into the dense jungle. One marine looked down at the Chief and shouted over the gunfire "Master Chief, we're so glad we found you, follow us!" Without warning the marines pulled the Chief up to his feet and handed him a rifle. The Chief slammed a cartridge into the MA5B Assault Rifle and let out rain of bullets into the cowering grunts.
A wave of mud and debris flew up and over the attacking group of marines, a warthog burst through the trees. Quickly as it came, quickly as it went. The Chief sprang up onto the machine gun, and let another hail of bullets into the advancing Covenant. All the marines jumped for the warthog, green plasma crashed into the backs of some on the retreating marines, sending them sprawling across the terrain. When the LRV was loaded it skidded off, deeper into the jungle.
The Chief bent down to the leading marine "How the hell did the covenant get one of our tanks? I thought I was the only person sent to check this part of halo?" The marine looking up at the chief "Major Gus Admardre." Introducing himself. "No, after approximately 10 minutes after your E.T.A, we received a distress call from the same segment of halo you were checking. Being you - sir" There was a stutter in his voice" I didn't expect you to call out for a distress on a routine check." "Well you suspected right, because it wasn't me!" The marine confusingly looked back down at his computer panel then back up to the chief "Then who the hell was it sir?" "I don't know, but where did all the covenant come from? I thought that this sector of space had been cleared?" "Apparently so, but it looks like the covenant had never left this chuck of rock, so they must have set up camp after halo was blow to pieces, this must be one of the biggest segments still around and it looks like they've made use of whatever was left behind, including a Scorpion."" "So what is the plan?" "We have to reach the pick-up point, there will be more marines and armoury dropped off from a advancing Pelican, to deal with this kind of covenant threat." "So the idea is we clear this meaningless bit of dirt of any covenant?" Again the marine looked up at the chief uneasy "Sir, this piece of dirt might not be as meaningless as you first suspected, plus this still is your mission, Search and Destroy?"
After about 15 minutes of the warthog bouncing its way around the jungle, it screeched to a halt in a small clearing. Several marines patrolled the boarder; crates lay in groups in the centre with more marines examining them. "How long is our drop off suspected?" Master chief swiped clean his visor from the fresh raindrops that lay like little eggs across the orange panel. "E.T.A was 20 minutes from when we found you sir, so anytime now really" The marine scanned the night sky, far out in the distance small orange flashes filled the sky.
The trees rustled more violently in the cold wind, the screech of a Pelican roared above the clearing, boxes of crates where kicked from the back of this hovering ship. The crates landed and split sending supplies across the ground. Several marines were ordered to clean up the boxes; they quickly scurried over, pushing the supplies back into the broken crates. After all crates had been dropped the Pelican took back to the sky, glowing flames licked out from the engines.
Master Chief made his way over to the tower of crates, looking inside one box he started to gather a selection of supplies. First several pistol rounds, M9 Grenades he stashed in his suit, then picking up a dozen magazines for a Rifle and loading them into the two MA5B's he was carrying now. "Right 2nd Marine Company, come collect a sparing amount of supplies leaving enough for the 6th patrol and backup."
The 2nd Company made their way over to Master Chief when suddenly there was a crack of lightning followed by a deafening explosion. Everyone turned round to face the glowing Pelican, soaring from the sky, orange and red flames chased it down. As it was reaching the canopy, two blue plasma bolts shot out from the nearby trees hitting the Pelican once more in the hull. BOOOM!!! It exploded into millions of pieces, the force knocked most marines to the ground.
"Sarge! What the was that?" All the other marines were asking the same questions. "Everyone! Collect your supplies, we've got a job to do!" There was a scream from the right of the clearing; one marine was floating in the air and then with a sudden movement half his body dropped to the floor followed closely by the second. Loud thuds could be heard and the floor trembled, not only with fear but something else. Hoards of marines rushed to the crates grabbing at the supplies like hungry animals. More random marines flew threw the air, but nothing was there and panic set in.
Suddenly the wheels of the warthog buckled and the window shattered and crumpled. A blue beam came from nowhere and hit the LRV in the side, sending it rolling in the night's mist, and crashing through nearby trees and bushes. Marines in the way where crushed on impact.
Master Chief flicked on his shoulder lamp and scanned the clearing full of rioting marines. He could see marines getting crushed into the floor by something not there; others got battered in mid air. Then he realised the marks on the floor, giant footprints. "2nd Company follow the footprints! Looks like we have a camo covenant playing sneak a boo with us."
Master Chief dashed across the clearing, following the footsteps and dying marines, suddenly he hit something face first with a crash sending him back a yard. The chief's lamp shone up on something nearly transparent, a glint in its eye. There was clash of metal once more and the chief was sent across the clearing and into a group of oncoming marines, knocking them down like rag dolls.
Out for a few seconds the chief made his way back onto his feet and pulled a grenade out from his suit. Watching carefully he launched it across the clearing and landing in a puddle of mud. Some marines stood confused at the Chief, when BOOM!! The explosion sent mud flying high into the sky, covering any think in its radius. Out from the shower of mud and smoke stood a 9-foot tall robot or the outline of one, still partly in camouflage. Mud covered whatever it was.
All the marines' gunfire turned to that single standing monstrosity running across the mud. It ran straight at Master Chief, only realising too late, the chief was sent back once more, landing on his head. The robot took to the air, its metal body crunched as it bent down to jump. It sprang up and over the chief and came crashing down behind him and landing with a tremor like feel, a blue beam swirled around the robot for a second, before a rocket smashed into its backs.
Taking a couple steps forward to gain its balance, it flickered, a yellow shield flashed on and off round this machine until it came to a stop, revealing what this thing really was. A giant 9-foot robot stood, two massive Plasma Cannons on each arm, under these were a large Needler Mod and clamps. From each shoulder were two glowing Plasma Pistols and a giant white lamp. But in the middle of it all clamped from the waist down was an Elite. Elite was driving this machine. A yellow shield shone down in front of the blue shell of the elite, its guns glowed as they charged. A word read across the main breast of the robot 'Accolade'.
The Chief looked around to see only a handful of marines standing, and they were behind whatever object they could find. This only left the Chief standing at one side and this giant machine commanded by the elite on the other. There was one hell of a battle about to commence...
Crash of the Accolade [Part 02]
Date: 2 June 2003, 4:31 PM
Series 01 [Abandoned Covenant] Part 02 [Crash of the Accolade] 2345 Somewhere on Halo Segment 03076
Master Chief stood tall and unsure, waiting for the Accolade to make some form of attack. His methods unknown to any one, what would happen? A cold wisp of air floated by, the elite shook slightly and its jaw open and snarled quietly. Master Chief looked down at his hands, holding an Assault Rifle in one, then looked up slowly into the still darkened night sky.
Why did this go so wrong? I was only meant to be out on a routine check out on the Halo fragments. And only a few weeks after I alone, destroyed it. And now unknown covenant and some kind of invisible predator ambush me repeatedly. I have had a really bad month, yet if I don't something about the Accolade, god knows I might end up dead. I have no choice either way. It's either him or me.
Master Chief slammed his fist down onto his rifle and charged at the Accolade. Stepping to one side as he made his move, he fired off a chain of bullets, all hitting the yellow shield brightly shining in front of the elite. The Chief ducked down onto the floor getting some low shots at the machines metal legs, the bullets sparked the legs and bounced off into the mud. The elites gave a loud cry and charged at the Chief. At an incredible speed, the Accolade flew towards the Chief and struck him in the upper abdomen, sending him spinning backwards. Barrels flew, as the green rag roll ploughed through them. Still charging at the Chief lying down, it launched up into the air, its yellow shield glowed brightly above him. The giant foot crashed down, Master Chief pushed himself to the side as it crashed down and sank into the mud. The Chief saw a covenant plasma grenade lying in the mud, without hesitation he grabbed it and slammed it onto the side of the metal foot wading in the mud, then rolled away gaining his balance as he dived once more as the blue explosion rippled through the clearing. The Accolade toppled backwards; wires under its metal coating sizzled and shone red. The grounded machine sprang back up to its feet and seeing that parts of it were now exposed, an orange circle appeared from its right arm, a large form of a jackal's shield. Only one arm free now, it rose up and glowed, blue plasma bolts shot out at Master Chief, crashing into his chest, knocking him clean from the floor and into the neighbouring tree behind him. The wood split and the tree crashed into some empty crates sending even more wooden splinters out across the soaking wet floor. There was a loud click and a bright white beam locked onto the Chief's body, there was no escape, not even in the dark of the night. More plasma bolts hurdled at the body lumped against the tree, hitting him directly in the face, Master Chief's visor cracked loudly. The Accolade approached the body; looking smug it reached down to pick up the lifeless body. The Chief sprang up and fired a round into the gaping hole where the buzzing wires sat. Sparks flew and the shield crackled until it disappeared. Suddenly a small explosion inside the grey body rocked the colossal machine slightly and then the yellow shield covering the elite disappeared, the elite looked surprised. The Chief looked even more surprised, he quickly aimed his rifle at the elite and fired, but nothing was heard accept an empty click. Realising that his rifle was empty he quickly tried to make his escape. Soon to be scooped up and thrown across the clearing into an empty Warthog's window screen. The Accolade strolled up to the Chief once more, who for some reason was sat up looking at it, wondering slightly what he was up to, it approached a little more carefully. Suddenly the machine gun on the Warthog came to life, it roared as the bullets were chucked out from it. The bullets pounded into the machine as it tried to retreat, failing to do so as the gun followed it's every move as it crashed into a pile of supply crates. Small glowing triangles gently slide out across the floor, a small red orb shining from the inside. The Chief dropped the gun controls and spirited out across to this object, he jumped and slide into his strange shining triangle. He hit it directly and a quick buzz sound rang out and he disappeared. The Accolade rose up from the boxes and roared, all its guns glowed and the white torch beam shone over the plain, searching for life. A small group of marines were witnessing the fight. A mixture of blue and green plasma span through the air, and rocketed into the hiding place sending marines into trees and boxes, screaming. But still there was no sign of the Master Chief. Until it was too late. The Chief appeared from nowhere in front of the Accolade, pistol pointed at the elite inside. The Chief pulled back on the trigger, a bullet shot out and sunk into the elites chest, little blue splatters covered the metal body. Again the Chief squeezed the trigger, the cold steel suddenly felt warm, more bullets struck the elite in the legs and lower abdomen, it roared in pain, the blue blood gently flowed in the puddles of the brown dirty mud. The Chief vanished once more. The he reappeared. Hanging by one arm from the lamp, he looked into the defeated elites eyes "You shouldn't have bothered" the Chief chuckled slightly. And with his spare arm, he sent a crashing fist into the elites face, a loud crunch echoed, the blue blood splattered up and cover the Accolade writing. The machine came to a silent stop, and dropped backwards into the pile of already splintered crates. The Chief looked back up into the sky, seeing the little orange flashes still glistened. He placed one hand to his helmet as he bent down to pick up a crackling radio, "Master Chief here, I require a pick up. From Halo Segment 03076 Base Camp. Covenant forces have been neutralised from now. Once I'm back onboard we can blow this piece of rock into a million more pieces. Chief out."
The Chief looked up at the sky, still little orange flashes darted across the empty black sky, it wouldn't be long until he would be picked up, still it would be a long night until he could get any sleep.
The End
The Fall of a Covenant Armada
Date: 16 June 2003, 4:39 PM
The Fall of a Covenant Armada Abandoned Covenant " Gather everyone for a meeting, I must tell them what is happening. Some see it, but not all, in fact most don't. Most don't see anything, anything!, " yelled the prophet in an ordering way. Yes, the Prophet, the leader of Covenant. Perhaps the most dangerous of Covenant, also. The danger was their knowledge. Their knowledge could have stopped the humans long ago. The only thing that stopped them were those damn marines. As everyone gathered in the main hull of the Covenant transport ship, like the Prophet had asked, no one saw the Brute. No one had ever seen one. They had heard of it, the Prophet preached about the Brute and its strength, its tactics, its armor. That was the reason for all of this, to show the Brute off. So the Prophet could laugh in everyones face, so he could say they were wrong and that he was right. "Greetings everyone, I have gathered you here to show you the toughest, meanest, maybe even the most merciless warrior ever thought out!" That outraged everyone in the hull. "The best warrior," cried an Elite," i'll show you best warrior." It jumped up to the podium, raised its fist and tried to punched. Then, a Hunter grabbed the fist twisted it, until it snapped, and pulled out its Fuel Rod Cannon. The Elite begged for mercy, " Oh please no, I'm sorry. I lost my temper, but I am dearly sorry, sir!" The Hunter turned and looked at the Prophet, as he nodded his head, so did the Hunter. The Fuel Rod Cannon started to charge, the Elite begged and begged. It was too late. The Fuel Rod Cannon charged faster and harder. The gun fired, and the Elite fell to the ground in a melted heap. " Clean this mess up. Now, are there any other rebels? Well, don't be shy?" " I am proud to announce that the Brute is here tonight. Come out here, Brute!" When the Brute came out, he made a series of warcries and grunts. Everyone shrieked as they saw the beast.
Ismanole knew how to act when he saw the Brute, suprised. The Prophet came up to him that day, and told him what was going to happen. Ismanole didn't hear Masterchief slowly sneak up. He thought he heard something. He turned in every direction. He couldn't find out what was making the noise, though. "Who's there," he said in a very deep voice. " Who is there, show yourself, show yourself NOW!" He heard another noise, so he turned around, and didn't see anything. When he did, he felt the barrel of a human pistol touch his brain stem, he heard a click, and then he heard a little explosion. Ismanole fell onto the floor, dead.
Masterchief stepped over the dead Elite, and reloaded his silenced human pistol. His main target wasn't some simple Elite. His main target was the Prophet. He pulled out his sniper, aimed very carefully, and fired twice. Both the Hunter guards fell dead. Everyone then panicked, running in his line of fire. He couldn't get a clean shot. He saw the Prophet leave the podium, but couldn't follow his trail. He heard Elites and Grunts screaming bizarre things like, " We are all going to die,". He finally saw the Prophet out of the corner of his eye. He followed him with the scope on his sniper. He took careful aim, took a deep breath, and fired.
Jesnobe heard the Prophet cry out in pain. He couldn't see him though, he couldn't see why. He saw everyone running . He didn't understand why, because of one little marksman. There were hundreds of them and only one of him. What Jesnobe didn't know was that that one marksman was a Spartan 2 issue. Jesnobe knew how to fight, he fought well, very well. So why didn't they stop and fight him, they could get the job done. They could kill 1 stupid marksman, he was sure they could. The Prophet totally left his mind. He had to kill this marksman, he would make sure that this marksman was wiped off the planet. The angry grunt walked off to meet his fate. The Prophet felt a sharp pain shoot straight through him. He fell out of his hover craft, and onto the hard floor of the sub-hall. Everyone gathered around him, as he took weathered breaths. Purple goo oozed out of his mouth when he opened it. He could hardly breath, and when he did his lungs got smaller, and smaller. He asked a golden Elite to come down, near his mouth. He told him to command the Covenant armada. The Prophet knew these moments were his last, so he concentrated really hard. A blue gassy shield grew around him. He mumbled in an old Forerunner tongue. He then breathed out and never breathed in. Everyone knew he was dead. The Elite gathered them into a group and told them, " When the Prophet died, I think he transfered his power to command and lead onto me. I'm not sure why, though." The Elite walked out of the sub-hall and into the main transport area. He thought hard on what he should do, what their master, the Prophet, would do. He then figured it out, he would hunt down the killer of his master. He decided to give himself a name, Master Hacomba. He then walked into the weapon supply area, grabbed a plasma rifle, 4 plasma grenades, and a needler. After he was done putting on his armor, he marched on to kill the murderer.
Master Hacomba gathered everyone and ordered them to post 4 Grunts at every door. He lined all the warriors up in 4 straight, even lines and had the most merciless beast re-train them, the Brute. He also gave the Brute a name, Rhyno. He had all the warriors march down the halls and kill anything that moves, besides their own kind. He himself, also marched up and down the halls waiting for the murderer to come. He was also conceiling his special weapon, a very special weapon. It was a weapon that was powerful, and deadly. Almost all the Elites had one, except for maybe the rookies. the weapon was a plasma sword. He took 2, just in case this enemy was tougher then he thought. He heard stomping, or maybe it was running. He followed the noise thinking it was the enemy. He saw a shadow, a very large one. The runner was very fast, like an Elite. He followed him for awhile, and then the runner stopped. He turned the corner and saw a group of Elites running up and down the halls. He realized how paranoid he had become, beause of the death of his master. He had a right to be paranoid though. He turned around angrily and started marching up and down these halls again.
Masterchief was looking for a way to leave the ship, when he heard the sound of marching coming his way. He quickly hid, and peeked out to see if he could see anything. He saw 12 Elites with plasma swords marching in a row. He knew it would be terribly hard to escape with Elites on guard. Who knew what else they had stored around this ship. He entered the Transport Bay, and say Elites, Grunts, and Hunters everywhere. He also saw Covenant Transport ships scattered everywhere. He got an idea of how he could jump on one and steal it to get out of here, without being too loud. He could run and jump on it, the easy way, but that has a high chance of everyone seeing him. He also could have stupidly ran out and tried to kill everything there. He knew he would die if he tried that. He then got an idea, ran out in the middle of the area, and jump on to an Elite. He broke the Elite's neck with the butt of his gun, and dragged him into the corner. He put the Elite's armor on himself, and walked out into one of the Transport ships. He had done it, and he had done it smoothly. While he was on the ship, he glanced through the window and saw the control room. He then got an idea. If he could get into there and plant a couple booms, this whole ship would go down. He would already be out of here. He would then pilot the ship down to Earth, and let them study it. It was foolproof. He jumped out of it, and ran for the control room. He saw 2 Elites guarding it. He ran up to them, and made a deep sound. It must have been the password, because the Elites stepped out of the way. He walked in, and looked for a place to set the bombs. He found a spot in the corner. There was a vent, so he set the bombs in there. He walked out of there and jumped in the ship. He had done it again, and again smoothly. He was out of here.
Hacomba was running when he heard the explosion. He didn't know what it. But, he still ran toward it. He ran and ran, and then heard 2 more explosions. He then saw that the control room was damaged and unrepairable. He knew that the ship was going down. "But atleast the murderer was going down with it. Me, I'm not, I'm not going down with this hunk of junk." He then took his rifle, lifted his head armor, and fired at his head. Master Hacomba had just killed himself.
Jesnobe walked down the hall, when all of a sudden a peice of glass broke and stuck into his neck. He cursed slowly and silently. He knew he was dying, and didn't fight it. He wondered if the murderer got out. He thought that it was impossible, so he took a frag grenade, and stuck it on himself. He closed his eyes, and then blue, purple blood painted the wall. He was also dead.