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Fan Fiction

A Very LosT Nod GI. by MidnightBlueElite

A Very Lost Nod GI. Chapter 1-Warp.
Date: 8 May 2004, 5:02 PM

Chapter 1-Warp

"Please don't kill me!!!" The cry of a GDI soldier rang over the battlefield. "Your time is up, it will be quick." Replied an ominous voice. A sword is drawn and a small crunch is heard.

General James Jesame Pyrox, commander of the fleet ScorpioFlame, and member of the Circle of Four under the Supreme Lord Nod. Since the day his perfect genetics formed a lifeform he was the ultimate killing machine.

He accelled in all his training, target practice, science and tactics, and especially Hand-To-Hand combat, and quickly moved from foot soldier to General. He was bred from the most advanced beings on the Tiberian earth, as were many Nod recruits, but he was special. He had been give other things as well. Parts from Tiberian Wolves and Fox, ShreEagles and other deadly hunters under the Tiberian sun. His meals consisted of more than the regular Protein slop, water, vitamins and Steroid injection. He ate raw meat from live animals, was served food enriched with Tiberium so he'd have more in his blood. He is so much like an animal from the Tiberian planets, two Nod GIs died from an accidental ingestion of his blood, for they were sprayed while next to him in battle. And now that he had Cyborg upgrades, he was unstopable.

As he finished off the GDI he moved forward, Mars would soon be Nods. Years ago the GDI had come to the Tiberian Solar sytem to wipe out the Nod for they were spotted planning to take over earth. After the supposedly last of the Nod was destroyed, the GDI had faced The Soviet Union whose special force, Yuri, soon became another power. And now that all was settled, the inhibitants of Earth leached from the Moon, and when it ran out of resources, they moved to Mars, where the current Battle waged.

He ran forward, the main Power Complex was ahead. He continues to the door.
"Locked." he says as he hacks into the security sytem. The doors slide open. He walks in and is stopped at a fork in the road.

"Which way Cabaul?"
"Right" comes a voice from above. He continues down the hall as to GDI Guardian GIs approach him.
"Stop!" they say in unison. They go into barricade mode and start launching missiles. Time slows and James jumps sideways, doing a cartwheel in the air. He slowly grabs a missile, spins and lands, throwing the missile at the first GI. He continues his sideways motion. running up the wall opposite the GI and is soon upside down over the hapless fellow. He then lands on him breaking the GIs neck and rips his throat out with him Venomous fangs. Then he restocks on his ammo and continues down the corridor.

Run. Run. Breathe. *Where is the main control room?*Run. Pant. Fly.
He flies down and sees 5 medics up ahead, they see him and soon run away.
"Hehehe, snacktime" he snickers. Blades extend from both arms, his wings and his chest. Gaining speed he blazes by the Medics, who try to duck, but, too late. All 5 fall to the ground, decapitated and bleeding, their heads bounces around them. Except for one.
"Emm" mumbles the Great Pyrox as he chews on the head
"Tastes like Baichi", the Tiberian chicken.

He rounds the corner and lands, covered in blood and licking his lips. He drops the head as he looks up at the door in front of him: LUNAR POWER COMPLEX. CAUTION! PERSONEL ONLY!.
"Screw that." he charges his Laser Cannon and blows open the door. In side is a circular room with a large generator suround by six others. He walks un the the first and sees a door with a window, he peers inside and sees a large black, green and orange orb about two feet wide. He walks over to the computer and starts to hack. He soon finds him self at the control of the Moons defense systems. He could shut down the shields and weapons, set them to kill the GDI, disrupt the radios, and, oh, whats this...
"Self-Destruct." He smiles and he says. he clicks the icon and is then greeted with a message: ! ENGAGING SELF DESTRUCT Wil TRIGGER NUCLEAR METDOWN, DETENATION OF FUEL TANKS AND ARMORIES, AND WEAPONS TO FIRE TOWARDS CORE. CONTINUE?
"Aw shit, a password"
"Haha very funny." he searches the room and finds a sticky note: Password for sd is kaboomski. lunch with pat Tues.
"Kaboomsk-" he stops as a large circle appears above him, swirling black and purple and he slows rises out of the seat into the air.

"What the hell is this?!?!" He yells.

RAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEET! a screech of energy and alls goes black.

Join us next time for Chapter 2-Bumpy Landing

A Very Lost Nod GI. Chapter 2-Bumpy Landing
Date: 14 May 2004, 1:25 AM

RAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIE! Screeched the wormhole again. "What the hell?" James questioned as he fell from the hole. He grunts as he hits the ground. "Ow." He picks himself up and walks forward, spotting a strange bridge in front of him and a strange aircraft behind, the craft surrounded by first aids and blood.

"Where is this place?" he asks himself as he crosses the bridge.
"What was that?" cries a high-pitched voice.
"Wort whart?" Comes a deeper voice.
"I thought i heard something-there!"
"Oo bow do me!"
"Oh shit, a welcoming committee." He whispers and ducks behind a tree, now on the other side of the bridge.

"It came from here, here Ongaa'r!" Cries the grunt, jogging past the tree. *Hethitt*! James' fang-tipped frog-like tongue lunges out and stabs the fin of the Grunt, ripping it back to the tree where he pulls off its head.
"Banjar? Banjar go sez moe?" The Elite calls for his fallen comrade.
"Looking for someone?" James pounces on the Elite and they tumble into the creek that becomes a waterfall downhill, and pulls the Elites gun away. Claws emerge from James' gloves and he rips at the Elite, breaking his shield. He kicks the Elite into the air and when he falls back down punches him so hard he flies into a tree, branch piercing his arm.
"Arrrrieee!" It cries in pain.
James takes a drop of the aliens blood as a tray appears coming out of his chest. Hes put the blood on the tray, which then retracts.
"Where am I?" James yells
"Damn you, alien pig!" The Elite retorts as he spits on the ground. James pushes him up higher, the brach tearing in deeper.
"Aagh! Ok Ok. This place, the place you stand on, is the Sacred Ring. It is one of the most important symbols in our religion, and it has vast power and wisdom to those who know where they may find it. Many times the Human Scum have called it: Hollow. I know not what it means, but they speak of it all the time as if it is a weapon of destruction, opposite of what it is in our rel-"
"Enough. I thank you for your assistance, and my meal."
"Meal what mea-" But Ongaa'r never finished, for James Jesame Pyrox had shot his large tongue into the Elites neck, and from there proceeded to snake it down his throat and into his gut, where he ate him from the inside out.
"I think i shall enjoy my short stay."

He walks up the hill, and when at the peak continues to proceed down, as most people do when scaling such a hill. On the other side he spotted a large building one which continuosly shot out a large blue beam.
"Strange." He says. He continues past the Building, where he finds another crashed vehicle, one like the other before. He decides to go explore inside, once again there is much blood splattered every where. He goes to the cockpit, and tries to reboot the systems. After many failed attempts, it works, and he finds the vehicles name is a Pelican, however the Pelican had no way of flying again, and was therefore of no use to him.

He walks out side and sits at the edge of the Pelican. After some thinking, he notices a glare next to him, apparently not made by something in the craft. He engages his wings and his jets start up. He follows the light and while flying thinks "Why didnt I think of this before? It would have saved a lot of time..."
"FUEL TANK EMPTY" his suit replies as if to his query.
"Oh yes, well then that answers that." He says as he starts to fall. "This could hurt." He says and then lands perfectly on his feet. "If not for the genes in me from Tiberian MoonPanther." He purrs and licks himself. He catches him self and quickly yaps "Uh, yes, thats enough of that. Its silly, just silly." He then sees the object which created the glare. A Warthog! Of course, he didn't know it by its real name, he simply said "And yet another transport vehicle...oh wait...is there any other kind of vehicle...anyways." And got in the Warthog, just now noticing he was standing on nothingness. "Sweet, im at the top of the level!"
"Damn Hack3r." Echoes a voice as a sniper rifle is heard and James dies. The end.

But seriously, he was at the top of the level so he rode of and lands perfectly, from there he rides into a valley with a bridge above it. Turning right he enters a cave.
"And so my journey continues."

Join us next time for A Very Lost Nod GI Chapter-3 A Grunt No More
