A Sight for Sore Eyes by Ross_BlaM-
A Sight for Sore Eyes (Redone)
Date: 12 June 2004, 1:10 PM
*Sorry about resubmitting this but I saw many mistakes on my last story and redid the whole thing, polishing it up and all that junk. So here is the last and final copy of the opening story of the "Sight for Sore Eyes" series.*
A Sight For Sore Eyes (Redone)
Part 1
"ANOTHER DROPSHIP HEADIN IN!" Screamed Sgt. Johnson on the COM link. It had been only a few hours since they had landed in this ring world they had all nicknamed "Halo." He couldn't believe that only twenty-four hours ago he had been in the Pillar of Autumn drinkin' down a cold beer. He was off duty when Covenant forces attacked the Pillar of Autumn, and it was sheer luck he even made it off the ship in one piece. "Get tactical Marines!" he yelled to his comrades, or what was left of them anyways.
When they had crash landed he had found Marines all over the place, about twenty-five or thirty all together, but now all that was left in his squad was around twelve or thirteen, he couldn't get an exact count but he knew there was about that amount, give or take a few. He also knew their numbers would keep dwindling until there was nothing left. But Sarge was ready to fight, to the death even, if it had to come to that. The terrain that they had come to was very grassy and Sarge thought it may actually be a nice place to live, but without all the damn Covies. He couldn't think about that right now, he had some ass to kick. They where all positioned in a field or rocks and boulders which gave them lots of cover and gave them the advantage against their alien foes. "THEIR EVERYWHERE SIR!" A Marine screamed, breaking Sarges' thoughts. Two dropships had landed bringin' a load of Covies their way. "GRENADE! Take cover!" another Marine screamed. BOOM! Dust and debris flew everywhere, along with some alien blood and limbs. "Hey! I got one!" called the Marine. "Don't get cocky son." Said Sarge. Sarge saw three Jackals by a boulder, and with the help of some supporting fire from the Marines and a frag they KIA'd em all. A few minutes after, a lone plasma grenade landed right on the Marine's head. He noticed it was the one who threw the frag grenade earlier, the gun happy one. Struggling to get the stuck explosive off of him he started screamin' and yelling until... BOOM! There was a large graphic explosion right next to Sarge. Blood showered all over the other Marines and body parts flew in every direction. Some Marines started gagging and vomiting. "Shit Boy you just couldn't stay down." Sarge said to himself.
MA5B fire rang all around, he loved the guns blunt sound and liked the sound of their bullets hittin' Covies. Five grunts ran towards him, they seemed endless in number; he let out three eight shot bursts of his assault rifle leveling the grunts in less than three seconds. "I think that was a record Sarge!" Said a Marine "Damn right it is." Sgt. Johnson said.
They were resisting the waves of Covenant that came from the two dropships quite well with only one casualty so far, Sarge looked down at the mutilated corpse of the Marine who was nearly incinerated by the plasma grenade. Plasma weaponry fired towards his direction hitting and melting part of his shoulder plate and burning his shoulder a little. Pissed, Sarge jumped over the boulder he had taken cover with, and while walking crouched, started firing his MA5B towards the direction of the enemy. "What's Sarge doing?" asked Pvt. Shaw. "No Fuckin' clue. His goin' to get us all killed some day, that cocky bastard." Said Pvt. Smith, obviously annoyed. "Come on show some support, Hell, half of the squads going, lets help them out." "Alright." Pvt. Smith said. "But I ain't dying."
CRACK! Went the Grunts neck when Sarges' rifle was jammed in there. He looked at the ugly monster lying on the ground in its' own blood and wondered what their faces really looked like without that stupid thing on their mouths and back. He also noticed that most of the squad had followed him and knew that they would win this skirmish against the few dozen damned Covies sent here. "KEEP MOVING!" he screamed at the advancing Marines. Then out of nowhere he saw a large Elite running towards two under supported Marines in the rocks and started running for them.
"Oh Shit here it comes!" yelled Pvt. Shaw. Him and Pvt. Smith leveled and fired their rifles both wasting an entire clip on the monstrous Covie and that didn't even seem to hinder its blind dash towards them. They started reloading when the saw Sarge run like an Olympic champion towards them with rifle in hand. "Damn he's... CRACK! Smith was cut off when the Covie lumbering over him that punched him in the face with the back end of his rifle. Shaw stood there in awe at the sheer size of the covenant creature.
Sarge saw the Elite smack a Marine to the ground; enraged he saw the creature's back facing him and with all his might jumped on the smooth back of the alien.
"HOLY CRAP!" Pvt. Shaw screamed as Sarge jumped on the Creatures back. The giant alien sensing something on his back flailed around aimlessly until Sarge shoved the MA5B at the lower part of the aliens neck.
Sarge had earlier loaded the rifle with a clip full of shredder rounds when he was running towards this location knowing it would be a tough fight. The blunt sound of the rifle, the sweet sound and sight of the alien's blood and the hissing and cracking noise of the bullets entering the Covie's neck made Sarge smile. The Covie was KIA in less than five seconds, and his body fell with a silent thump.
Seeing all this, out of amazement Pvt. Shaw sat down slowly next to his bleeding but fine comrade. "That was damn nice Sir." They both said in unison. "You sure are a sight for sore eyes."