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A Series of Weird Events by Hunter_Killer
A Sieries of Wierd Events, Chapter One
Date: 18 August 2003, 10:52 PM
12:00 Noon, July 16(My Calendar) Elfster's Basement
Elfster, me, Frensa Geran, and 'Nosolee were playing Halo on my 60" Plasma TV, and consuming beers. Elfster and me were the Blue Team, versus 'Nosolee and Frensa Geran as Red Team. It appeared they had the upper hand, Frensa just picked up the skull, again. Suddenly, I respawned right in front of him, having caught the business end of 'Nosolee's Rocket. I Melee Attacked Frensa 6 Times with me Assault Rifle, and he died. I quickly picked up the skull, and ran out into the open space outside Blue Team's Base. I saw Elfster in a deadly pistol duel with 'Nosolee, apparently loosing. "Wait here, I'll get the hog," I shouted across the snowswept plane to my dying friend. Glad my MJOLNIR Armor protected me from the smeggin' cold, i ran through the snow. 'Nosolee, seeing me with the skull, shot after me with several clips. Regretting I allowed Pistols, cause 'Nosolee was so smeggin' good with it, i trudged on. By the time I got to our Hog, my health was down to two bars. Suddenly, back in the basement, i felt several sharp pains in my back, neck, and left arm. Then, i saw blood trickle down from several wounds. In my peripheral vision, it was like I had a HUD, with my life readouts still fairly good, even though several bullet wounds were detected. Suddenly, 'Nosolee had a Pistol, like the ones in Halo. I was wearing MJOLNIR, as were the rest of the people in the basement. Suddenly, I was holding something fairly heavy, an MA5B! Elfster was sucked into a vortex thingie, where the TV was before. Then Frensa, me, and finally 'Nosolee. We were in a snowy box canyon with two exits, new snowfall filling the ground. I noticed a tank turret over a hill, obscuring the rest of it, but I stayed with the guys. "Um... guys..." Said 'Nosolee, obviously bewildered(As were we all), "Where are we?" "Isn't it obvious?" Asked I, as I shook my head to clear my mind. "No," Replied all three of them, in unison. "Well..." I thought. "Oh, no." "What?" Asked Elfster. "We're in Campaign Mode, of Halo, Guys. Except, we really are in Assault on the Control Room. And we all had it set on..." "Legendary," We all said, as one. "C'mon! I found a Tank! Let's use it!" Said I. "To where?" Asked Frensa. "Isn't it obvious?" Frensa gave me the look that I get whenever I Frag him out, and rocket him whilst plasma is hitting him. "The Pillar of Autumn! We can get to that Longsword, and get outa here!" I jumped in the driver's seat, and the others jumped on the tank pods. We need weapons, I thought. I had an AR, and 'Nosolee had a pistol, but that was about it. The tank started forward, and we was off! Suddenly, we saw a Covenant Camp up ahead, on higher terrain. We stopped the tank, knowing it would alert the sleeping Grunts we could see on top of a hill. Me and 'Nosolee proceeded up ahead, us having weapons. We found some weapons, and I slung a Shotgun, and swapped my AR for a Sniper Rifle. 'Nosolee took a Needler and a Shotgun. We tipy-toed back to the Tank, and policed the weapons. I got the Sniper Rifle, Elfster had a Shotgun, 'Nosolee got the Needler, and Frensa got the other Shotgun. Then, i revved up the engine. Then, I saw a cage. I jumped out, and ran up to it. There were 12 Cages, each having people in it. I looked in the first one, and saw Alpha Lance! He looked at me, and said, "Hunter_!" "Hey, man." I said back. "Um... could you get me out of here?" "No problemo, amigo!" Said I, as I smashed the Control Panel with me Sniper Rifle. The cage opened, and Alpha stepped out. "What about the others, Hunter_?" "Others?" I walked to the next one, seeing pooman and Monitor101 in a cage together. I got them out, and they thanked me. They got some weapons, and I said where the tank was. I would come back after freeing the others. I next liberated Agent Shade. After that, I found GLADIATRRR3000. "What the shit, is every fan fic dude in here?" "Yes," Said Wiley K. I got him out, and sent him on his way to the Tank. Two more cages to go. One of them had 3 Game Marines, which I helped and sent to the Tank. The last had Hawk8776, who was cussing about his LAN Party going wrong. "Hey, dillhole!" Said I, stopping his mad ranting. "What the!? Hunter_Killer!? If this is another of your God-Damned Fan Fics, I'll..." "Do what? You're in this cage. And you'll stay there. Bye Bye, now." I walked away, he yelling at me with various mean comments. I looked at the cache, and picked up a Rocket Launcher. "Damn, this is heavy to carry," Said I. At the Tank, everyone was talking tactics, except the Marines. They was on guard duty. "We gotta Get to the PoA, and that Longsword," Said 'Nosolee to Wiley K. and the others. "Yah, but that's either a million miles away, or close, but buried under snow!" Responded Wiley. "But, the events on Halo only took a few days, how could it change seasons dramatically in 5 Levels or 5 Days?" Chimed in Alpha Lance. "Dunno, but let's find out," Said I, as I assumed the Drivers' seat of the Tank. The four what could jumped on the pods, and the rest of them simply jumped on the Track Pods with (A) Button. Then, the tank and the Fan Fic writers (And three Marines) traveled into the sunset.
A series of Wierd Events, Part Two
Date: 23 August 2003, 11:05 PM
1:00 'o clock, 20 August, 2003(My watch's time) Inside a Computer Game, Assault on the Control Room
"What now?" Asked 'Nosolee, as I drove the tank. "Isn't it obvious?" That was becoming my battle cry versus 'Nosolee. "What do you think?" "Thada Way," I pointed towards the way we was goin'. "Anything in particular?" "Nope." "Ah, like usual when we play AoTCR." "Wraith!" Yelled I. "Hey, don't be callin' names," Scolded Alpha Lance. "No, look!" I pointed to the Giant hover tank, speeding towards us. I sighted the Scorpion onto the Wraith, and fired the massive Cannon. The explosion rocked the Covie Mech. Unit, but it was still in one piece. A Plasma Ball hit, twenty-one meters behind the tank. Suddenly, my guns clogged. "SMEG," I said, as the Wraith put me in it's sights. Then, I noticed 'Nosolee was missing. The Plasma Mortar collected energy, as it glowed blue... A warthog flew over the hill opposite the Scorpion. Vege7a was at the drivers' seat, whilst 'Nosolee manned the LAAG. The LAAG let loose a stream of bullets at the back of the Wraith. The Hover tank exploded, into flames. The hog stopped two feet from the tank, and Veg7a said, "Yea Haw! Hey, H_K! Need a new ride? Room for one more." So, the others rode the tank, while we went ahead in the hog. We found a giant Covenant gather point, there had to be more than 100 Hunters, 300 Golden Elites, 700 Jackals, and 1000 Red Grunts. And, Dropships were unloading more and more. Banshees flew overhead, on patrol. "Holy Shit," I said, when I got a closer look with x10 Magnification Scope. I sighted a Hunter's orange flesh on it's back. "Yes, yes..." I muttered, the shot was perfect. My finger approached the trigger, when Vege7a hit the gun, sending it to the ground. "Hunter_!" He said, "Don't shoot 'em! They'll find us, and that'll be great!" I scooped up my Sniper Rifle. "Do they ever follow the Sniper's smoke trail?" "No, but they WILL see the hog!" "Then drive back. I'll take out some Covies." I hopped out of the 'Hog, ran forward 5 Meters, and flattened myself against the ground. From the cliff I was on, I could kill them all. I heard the hum of a Hog engine, then it faded. When it had gone, I let loose 4 Rounds, and 4 Hunters toppled. The Covenant forces wildly fired around, looking for the Human who would dare kill them. I quickly shoved another Magazine in. I got a triple-headshot on some Red Grunts, and I used the Last three bullets on a Golden sword-toting Elite. They all fell, their corpses crumpling. I realized that I was good with a Sniper Rifle, but I was definitely impressed with myself. I put another Clip in, two Jackals and a Red Elite fell to my Gun. Suddenly, I saw a pair of Banshees stream towards me. Blue Plasma Bolts melted the snow around me. My shield siren blared, and I rolled out of the way. Two Fuel Rod bolts melted the snow down to the dirt 3 Feet below where I was, moments ago. "Hunter_! We've set up a base where we can hunker down for the Assault!" Cracked over my MJOLNIR's Radio. "I'll post a NAV point," Said a Voice just like Cortana's, and a NAV Marker appeared. It was 120.8 Meters away, directly behind me. I grunted in the radio, and clicked it off. I pulled out my Rocket Launcher, and used both Rockets. The first exploded a Banshee. The other dodged the Explosive, but in the process crashed into the cliff wall, exploding. I ran towards the NAV Marker, with out even stopping to reload. Little did I know, one of the Covies were able to plant a tracker on me, before he perished with his Banshee. I arrived at the NAV Point in less than 2 Mins. flat. At 'Alpha Base', as my HUD indicated it, there was a bunch of Plexi-Plaster(Easy to set up) Buildings, and in front of that was a hastily constructed stone wall with a gate(2 LAAG Guns were torn out of 2 Hogs and placed on the wall on the left and right of the gate), and in front of that were several hastily dug Firing Pits. The fan fic writers, and a couple of Marine Squads they found around the area were at various places around the base. I approached, and was greeted by pooman. "Hey, man!" He said, than noticed a tiny flashing thing on my neck. "What is that?" I picked it up, and looked at it closer. "A Tracker," I muttered furiously. I dropped it, and put a Sniper Round through it. Pieces of it flew in 12 different directions. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. I wheeled, and saw over 10,000 Covenant troops marching towards us...
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Three
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:32 PM
Note to Readers: Um... Sry for this, but most of me Teaser Trailers was wrong. Still... Enjoy!"
1:30, Daytime 2003(My watch) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved, AoTCR, 'Alpha Base'
The Marines were manning the LAAGs and the Gate, while the Fan Fiction writers were in the Firing Pits or the base. The covenant troops marched towards us. We finally let Hawk7889 join our group, and he was in the same firing pit as me and Elfster. "Uh, guys," Said Hawk. "What?" Asked I, as I zoomed in my Sniper Rifle on an unlucky Elite. "I think I just... soiled myself." "We're about to die in a video game, in another dimension, and that's the smell I go out wit!?" I said, "These suits don't help with THAT smell, Hawk. Fly over to the Covies, and get a Hunter to turn his back on Alpha Base. I'll finish the job." My gun barked twice, and a cry of pain resonated from an elite in the distance. Hawk just sat there, frozen. The forward line of Covenant fired their Plasma Weapons into several firing pits, and I heard a cry of pain from Wiley and others. I was pulling quadruple head shots on everything except Hunters, which I was pulling triple belly shots. The LAAGs fired, decimating Covenant troops. However, a squadron of Banshees killed the Gunners and the guns. "Pelicans Echo 419 and Charlie 69, to any and all Human survivors. Come in. Repeat, any Humans respond!" I, realizing I had a radio, replied. "Copy, 419 and 69. This is Fire Team..." I made up a designation, "Delta. At coordinates 128 Upspin, by 25 Downspin. Need immediate dust off, area is hot!" "Copy. Echo 419 and Charlie 69, inbound. Sit tight one moment." And like that, two Pelicans appeared in the distance, and in the game, the first part of the Level Halo music plays. They set down by the buildings, and the Fan Fic writers filed in, along with the Marines. One more Marine was on the ground, there wasn't enough room. Sarge. Johnson. So, we threw Hawk out, and the Sarge took his place. The Dropships lifted off, and Covenant surrounded Hawk. "Ah, a move with no drawbacks," I said, relaxed. I reclined in my seat, the comfiest thing I'd been in since the Real World. A cold breeze blew in the Compartment, and most of us fell asleep. I was, however, awake long enough to instruct Foe Hammer to take us to the PoA, and wake us when we arrived. I then drifted off into sleep. Three hours later, I was woken. "Heads up, boys and girls," Her voice interrupted my dream, ""Touchdown in one," pooman awoke with a groan. Wiley informed me "I ain't got time to bleed," whilst clasping a minigun. The others awoke, one by one. "Mommy!" Cried out Hawk, as he awoke. "How the hell did you get back here!?" I asked, pissed off. Then I realized this guy was like Johnson, always going to die, and come right back. "Whoa," Said Walker, as we approached the hull of the crashed UNSC Warship. The Pelicans split up, each one finding a Bumblebee Docking Sleeve to unload the Humans on. "Copy," Elfster's voice said over the radio, "We'll meet at the bridge. 'Till then!" The machine clicked off. My party had pooman, 'Nosolee, Alpha Lance, and Hawk 7889 in it. The others were in the other group. We passed a wrecked hallway, the ground painted in a swirl of Red, Orange, Purple, and Blue Blood. As we walked through a thin, narrow room, a wall exploded on my right. The force from the blast sent me slamming into a storage barrel(Like the things you see on the PoA). My Sniper Rifle fell to the ground, as a loud CLANK echoed down the hallways. There was a weird creaking sound, and a horde of infection forms poured in. I quickly regained my Gun, and fired off a clip. No effect, they didn't even notice the rounds go through them. Realizing my mistake, a rolled two Frags down the hall, right into the center of the Flood Group. Two BOOMs went off, twin plumes of smoke rose to the ceiling, two bright flashes glowed for a second. All of the tiny things popped, and a flotilla of fleshy bits lazily floated to the ground. Knowing my Sniper Rifle wouldn't cut it, I ditched it for a shotgun, and gave my launcher to Alpha Lance, so I could pick up the numero uno Bullet hose: the MA5B Assault Rifle. To get it, I had to literally use the butt of my Shotgun like a crowbar, to pry it out of a Marine's cold, dead fingers. We went on, to the armory. I heard movement, and readied my M90 Shotgun. I ran around the corner, ready to fire. I found Elfster, with an MA5B, about to do the same thing. He sighed in relief when he saw me, and lowered the AR. "God, it's good to see you." The others weren't looking, but a Combat Form with a Shotgun snuck up on me, distance 5 Meters. He raised the Projectile Weapon, one of its tentacles about to squeeze the trigger...
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Four
Date: 3 September 2003, 2:38 AM
MY WATCH STOPPED!(My Watch's Time) Inside a Computer Game, The Maw
A click sounded, and I got tense. "Analyzing. Sound Pattern identical to that of an..." Cortana started. I finished by adding: "M90 Shotgun being loaded and made ready." I had no clue how I knew that. I spun, and came Eye-to-Tentacle/Head with the Combat Form. I smiled, and stuck my shotgun into it's chest. I pulled the trigger, and the report of the weapon echoed through the armory. The thing came apart, right before me. A piece of flesh landed on the barrel of my M90. A quick shake was sufficient to send it to the floor. I loaded up on Grenades, invaluable against flood, 13 Clips of MA5B Ammo, and 70 Shotgun Shells. Then, we proceeded on. Soon, we came to the entrance to the Bridge. I prepped a Frag in one hand, whilst ready to fire my AR with the other hand. I ran in, and the Grenade flew into the group of Spec-Ops Grunts. The explosion blossomed, and their bodies flew in different directions. A second later, the Fuel Rod Cannons exploded. Then, the group entered the Bridge. I, without hesitation, went to Cortana's cylinder thing(like you get her from, on the Level Pillar of Autumn), and put her disk in. Machines clicked, steam hissed, and a One Foot Hologram of the AI appeared. She looked around, and scanned the PoA. "Ok, there are two Longswords left. You'd better use one to get out of the game. I'll stay here, and wait for the chief to come, and blow this thing sky high with Keyes's Neural Implants." "Why only one?" Asked Elfster. "I'd rather not be in the same craft all the way till Earth with Hawk. The Rations... don't agree with him." A fart sounded, and everyone looked at Hawk. He blushed. "I see your point, but here's a better one: The Chief needs to escape in the other, or the Space/Time Continuum comes undone! We're finished!" I said. "Oh," Said he. "Let's go, team!" I said, and headed towards the exit. "Hey," Said the resilient voice of Walker, "How come you get to lead us?" "Because," I snapped, "I'm the best driver of any ground vehicle for billions of light-years, and the ONLY driver here of a Sword!" "He's right," Admitted Alpha Lance, "I'll follow this guy till death!" "Besides," Said 'Nosolee, very slyly, "If he is a good leader, it won't come to that." I instructed her to erase any memory of meeting us, and she did. I smiled, and we went on. Very little, except a horde of Enemies, happened, till we reached the Hogs. I whooped, and jumped in the Drivers' seat of one. 'Nosolee quickly jumped on the Gunners' Platform, and Elfster(Rocket Launcher in hand), rode Shotgun. It took a total of 5 Warthogs to motorize everyone, but eventually we were off. We traveled the narrow passageways, some of the Hogs flipping. I never flipped it once. We reached this big room, where Flood, Covenant, and Sentinels were having World War II. Barrels and Boxes blocked further vehicle progress, but the Sword was in sight! We all ran, ignoring several of our group being cut down by enemy. I heard a strange noise, and swiveled my head. I never stopped running. A LOT of Infection Forms were surging at us in a giant tidal wave. I kept running, and jumped in the Door of the Sword. They sealed shut, and I took the Sword out of the bay. However, a Grunt latched 4 Grenades on the Ship, 20 Second fuse. Just as we were over 30,000 Feet high, the engines failed. The ship belched smoke and flame, as it fell to the Ground. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!" We all screamed, as the Sword hit the snowy ground, and we all were hurled 40 Meters from the Longsword. The Fighter exploded, hurling debris all over the place. I got up. "So much for escape," I said, really ticked off. "Another piece of good news!" Hawk's Grenades exploded in his face, killing him. Then, he was behind me, alive. Well, alive as Hawk could be in the first place. "Damn," I said. Elfster groaned in pain. I looked at him, and saw a one meter metal shard from the Sword, lodged in his chest. "Shit!" With me, Alpha, 'Nosolee, and Frensa's help, we got it out, and I used a Med-Kit on the Fan Fic dude. Like that, he jumped to his feet, AR art the ready. "I'm ready," He chimed. I looked around. "Oh, shit. Back in AoTCR. Well, let's go!" I heard a rumbling, and at a bridge a bit ways ahead, over 200 Wraith Tanks drew beads on our group...
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Five
Date: 6 September 2003, 4:34 PM
Damn Watch is still broken(My Watch's Time) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved, AoTCR, area in front of the pyramid structure
Also, there were more Covenant troopers(Over 100 of Each Race, which were all Gold, Red, or Yellow[Or Normal, like Hunters]) than on a Spaniard's Honeymoon! "FIRE!" I screamed at our group, and we ripped through a line of Grunts in less than 10 Seconds. Comet-Like balls of Plasma exploded all around us. Pooman saw the Plasma Ball hurling towards him, but could do noting about it. As a freak accident, he was hurled up to the Wraith bridge, and in his last breath, he armed four Frag and Four Plasma Grenades. I saw the Frags go off, then the Plasmas. The result was gratifying, as 7 Flaming Wraiths toppled to the ground, and two of them exploded. We made it to a trench under the bridge, but the enemy rained fire down on the sides of the bridge. We were trapped! Of course, the enemy was kept at bay, also. I heard a Pelican, and seven dropships-Warthogs already with Sniper Marines and Sergeant Gunners in them- flew over the bridge, and set down the hogs on the far side. The LAAGs and Snipers pounded the Covenant, and the Wraiths(As well as the remaining ground troops) turned their attention to the new humans. The Pelicans each unloaded 9 Sniper Marines, and soon the enemy troops were no more. The Remaining Ground Humans ran to the trench under the bridge with us. We moved out to retrieve the Hogs, and 4 out of 7 of us made it back, and our Fan Fic dudes manned them. "Well," I said, as I filled a wound in my arm with Medical Self-Sealing Biofoam, "I have several theories, all of them reinforced and supplied by the Halo hackers that sent in the Dropships." "Who are they?" Alpha Lance was tossing his M6D up, and catching it. "Well, far as I can tell, c0ld Vengeance, BOLL, and Frogblast." "But, they haven't even chatted with you!" Said Elfster, as he tossed his AR away, and took a Sniper Rifle from a dead Marine. "Yah, but once they heard, they were eager to help," I picked up a SR, and 12 Clips for it. "Why? They'd probably be none the worse if we died in this game," Hawk said, as he fumbled with a Frag Grenade. He dropped it, and it exploded. He died, then was standing to the right of me. "Dunno," I respond, and pulled the safety back on my Rifle, and inserted a clip into it, "They probably want to show off hacking skills. Anyways, my First is that Louis Wu is here. Second, the Index is also here. Third, they're both in the Control Room. Fourth, 343 Guilty Spark did this duplicating, cause our Hackers ain't done it! Fifth: He controls the Covenant. And he needs the Index, or the game starts to unravel. Get real Screwy. Also, he wants us." "If these're true, then why don't 343 just replicate 100000000000000000 Hunters, and obliterate us in a fiery mass of hell?" Monitor 101 chimed in his thoughts at this point, while holding his plasma scorched left arm with his right one. "Because: One, he can't get past a duplication limit in place for the game..." "Why?" GLAD has tossed in his two cents, while shouldering a Jackhammer. "I haven't the foggiest. But, it's like-I read this on the Forum-when BOLL tried to replicate 2000000 Jackals, and the game crashed. Second, he wants to know what we know." "US!? Know more than Spark about Halo? He's been here longer than 10 Millennia! He knows more than even I could know!" Said Walker, limping towards our meeting, on one leg. The other was hit by a Hunter shield, and a Medic... Amputated. Yuck. He used a cane, and could barely use a Pistol in his state. "Yes, about HALO. But not about how we got here. If he knew, he could bring the Covies with him to Earth, or at least signal the real Covenant to Earth." Everyone froze for a moment, snapped back to reality. Frensa ran up to me, in a frantic fear. "G-g-g-..." He said, in a fervor. I hit him with the butt of my Sniper Rifle, a glancing blow. He snapped out of it. "Ghosts!" He yelled, and armed his Pistol. "How many?" "All of them ever." 50 Ghosts prepared to charge, and I sniped off four Elite drivers. They rushed into the trenches, and a frantic firelight broke out. GLAD hit one with a rocket. The flaming wreckage hurled towards Hawk. He was squished. He reappeared by my shoulder, and was subsequently hit again with a Ghost. After that, everything went pretty good. Except Frensa. A Barrage of Plasma hit him, and he fell. His blood freely fell. He caught some of it, and stared at his own blood. He died with a final cry of Agony, and I vowed to avenge him after the battle was over. A Stealth Elite armed his Plasma Sword, 10 Meters from me. To close to disengage. Everyone else was too far to help. I couldn't fell him in the short time I had. It looked like my stay on this plane of existence was about to come to an end...
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Six
Date: 22 September 2003, 11:16 AM
It JUST WON'T WORK!!!(My watch's Time) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved. AoTCR
Elfster yelled, and shot once. The bullet whizzed by. The Elite roared, and charged me. It seemed like slow motion. I raised my SR, and let loose a full clip. One of them hit it, and the Elite materialized right in front of me. The shields on it flickered. I clubbed it with my SR, and the shields dropped. Elfster and Alpha Charged. The Elite raised the Sword. He brought it down, and it was 2 Inches from my skull. A sniper round hit the sword, and it de-stabilized. The Elite fell to the ground. I wasted only the fraction of a second it takes to pull a trigger, and I was splattered in Elite guts. "Class dismissed," I whooped, triumphantly. I again boarded my Hog. Nosolee and a Sniper Marine were there. "I'm going after the prize," I yelled to the 50 other Humans, "Cover us." Elfster and Frensa exchanged looks, as if to say; Cover Him?!?!?!?!!? AGAINST ALL THAT!!?!?!?!. I stepped on the gas, and snow smooshed under the tires as the LRV shot off. The Tanks took several seconds, as the ground troops screamed for support, as they were being sliced through by Humans. 5 Other Hogs trailed right behind us, in a loose V Formation, with us at the lead. The Wraiths were now drawing beads and firing on us. "Enemies!" A grunt yelled, and then I made it road-kill. Nosolee swiveled his LAAG back, and fired on the enemy tanks. A flaming wraith exploded in a mosaic of yellows, purples, grays, whites, and reds. "Yah!" Said a Sniper Marine, "Class is now in session!" A plasma mortar hit our hog, dead on. Nosolee and a badly mangled Marine were thrown free, and I was hurled into Nosolee. The hog, now in midair, exploded, sending debris crashing down on us. I was hit by the barrel of the tri-pod mounded gun, and said, "That's bad news." I helped Elfster up. A Warthog was flipping in midair, and it arrived right up to us, obviously hit. I looked back, to find Two Marine's and Walker's bodies on the ground. "Thanks," I said, and we boarded. I heard Walker groan, and I drove to him. With all his strength, he managed to make it to the Passengers' Seat. I slammed the petal down, and the Hog sped forward with gusto. I noticed me and the other 5 Hogs that were left weren't under Tank Fire any more. We were out of range! Finally, some good news. What's more, we were almost to the Pyramid thingy. The Humans unloaded, and began the climb up. At several points, we faced grueling battles against those damn Covenant, but we finally made it to the top. We approached the door. The Marines were all dead, leaving us with: Elfster, Frensa, Walker, GLAD, Agent Shade, Mainevent, and Tinmad! In our little party. The rest were at the bridge. "I don't think I need to tell you to get ready. We will fight the Covenant inside, then retrieve Louis and the Index, and then we'll escape this game any way possible. At any cost. Is that understood?" It surprised, yet delighted me, to hear them all yell, "Sir, yes Sir!" At once. I had become their Sarge. They all aimed their weapons at the door. Some of them crouched, and they all spread out. I took out my AR(I, among few, like this weapon; besides, this was close quarters battle here), and walked up to the holo-panel. Somehow, I pressed the right buttons, and the door slid open. It revealed... NOTHING!? "What the fuck..." Frensa's voice trailed off. "Stay sharp! I KNOW there's enemies here." My voice had a resounding air of authority. We quickly entered the first room, and secured the area. We were about to open the 2nd door, when the familiar Worp! Worp! Worp! Of Elites came to my ears. Several Plasma Grenades landed at our feet. We all dove away, as the Grenades went off. Plasma bolts materialized and slashed through the air over us. "Stealth Elites!" Elfster was panicking now. I rolled on my back, and raised my rifle. I let loose several bursts. No luck. We all stood, and fired, whilst dodging Plasma. Finally, an Elite appeared from my bullets. And so, we whittled down the enemy. Every time someone yelled: "There! There's one!", we would all line it with lead. After several minutes of tedious battle, the last Elite fell. We must've had more luck than I assumed, for the only person that was hit was Elfster, a glancing blow by Plasma to his cheek. That had done almost no damage. We encountered no Covenant as we breached the doors, one by one. Finally, we came to the Control Center. As we entered, a Hunter noticed us. We all were about to fire, when it said, in perfect English, "Don't shoot! It's me, Frogblast!"
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Seven
Date: 22 September 2003, 11:20 AM
I got rid of it(My watch's time) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo's Control Center
"Hot damn!" I exclaimed, "You good at this hacking thing." The Hunter smiled. Then, he held up the index. "Got it." A voice floated up to us, from down below. "I am Louis Wu on HBO... Why can't my wife call me Lewis Wu? She calls me Louis Wu. Then again, Louis Wu might fit me better. Hehe... i am a genus. Muahahaha!!" His ramblings were cut short by a cough, probably his own. We all looked over the edge. It was too dark to see to the bottom. "This is a job for me Sniper Rifle," I announced, and zoomed in to x10 , with Night vision on. "I see him! He's strapped to a Banshee; tight." Suddenly, I felt a popping in me ears. The holo panels froze, and when I shot, there was no bullet pock on the floor. "There," Said Frogblast, "I've frozen the game." GLAD pushed me down. "H_K! Noooo! What the fuck, GLAD!?" Walker had his pistol on GLAD's forehead. "The game's frozen! He won't take any damage! He can fly back up here with Wu, then we can get the fuck outa here." "The damage all catches up to you when it's back up," Yelled Walker, and he almost squeezed the trigger. "Not if we all get to the next checkpoint before the game," They all jumped down, except for Walker. I fell for probably 2000 FT, Then hit the ground rather hard. However, I felt nothing. Several seconds later, the others landed. When Frog did, the Earth shook rather hard. The word 'checkpoint' appeared, and I knew we made it. "Louis?" We were about 10 Feet from the webmaster. I got a good look at him, while he was pondering a reply. Several gashes were on his head and body, and blood dripped freely from at least 5 different areas. His weapon, a Plasma Rifle, lay on the other side of the craft. "I am king of the monkeys," He replied. His eyes drooped. "He's lost it," Offered up Elfster, and he picked up the Plasma Weapon, "H_K, snap him out of it. You good at that." "With pleasure," I leveled my Assault Rifle, and sighted in on Wu's head. Elfster hit the gun, swiveling it. "I said snap him out of it, not snap him!" "Oh, Ok." I approached the Wu dude. In one swift motion, I blindsided him with the butt of my weapon. "I am... Louis..." He was Ok. I heard plasma fire, and looked up. Not only had the game restarted, but Covenant troops were coming from the entrance! And more, and more, and more of them. Walker was holding them best he could, but it was evident he was in trouble. I took out a knife, and cut the bindings on Louis. He wobbly stood up, and the group all moved to support him. I jumped in the pilots' seat of the Banshee, and started the engines. They roared to life. I quickly rose, and was soon on level with the bridge. I saw Walker wave, then sighted in on the door. 12 Gold Elites, 17 Yellow Jackals, and two dozen Red Grunts were there, attempting to enter. Whenever one got too close, Walker gave it a pistol surprise. I fired the Fuel Rod gun, wiping them all out. Walker ran under me, and flagged me down. "What is it?" I asked, from the hovering Banshee. "I think I can rig Halo's teleporter grid to get us out of here. Where too?" "Sidewinder," I said, thinking quickly. "Ok. Give me cover fire while I work. Here comes more now!" Walker commenced on the holo-panel. Just on schedule, 4 Hunters charged. I gave them a little Fuel Rod surprise, and three went pouf. The other one returned fire, almost hitting me. I fired the regular Plasma cannons, and the Hunter retreated behind his shield. Then, me Fuel Rods were ready, and I blew it to hell. After another assault, the enemy fell back. "Got it! Go tell the others," He said to me. I motored back down to ground floor. "Get ready for teleport!" I commanded, then flew out the door, and above the pyramid thing. I saw the bridge with the rest of the people, and headed for it. I blasted most of the Wraiths from high above. The other 4 retreated. Then, I set down in the trench. Pooman was my first sight. "How the!? You took a hit! The Bridge! Fraging out!" I was speaking in a total fluster. I picked up an overshield at the exact moment, but it didn't cover my legs in time." "Well, at least you live..." I said, then said to the others, "Get ready to teleport to Sidewinder, Compliments of Walker." I flew back to the control center. The teleport began, and we were all enveloped in yellow light.
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Eight
Date: 23 September 2003, 9:19 PM
I must've lost it in the teleport (My Watch's Time) ;) Inside Halo: Combat Evolved, Teleport, en route to Sidewinder
My sight faded for a moment. Then, a frizzy sensation surged through me. The light faded, and we arrived. I was the very first to get there. I was in the direct center of the level. I turned my head this way and that, watching my comrades materialize. Suddenly, a guy in Red MJOLNIR Armor walked up. "Ah ha! I caught the Blue Enemies!" As he watched more of us emerge, he began to realize we couldn't all be playing Multiplayer. Then, the surviving Marines came through, and he said, "Th- Th- That's impossible! Marines can't be here! Not even with Halo Hacking! Who are you? What are you?" A Grunt had followed us, and managed to get a radio message out to 343 Guilty Spark before we found him. So, I explained our situation. Apparently, we caught them in the last stages of a 16-Player System Link CTF Game. Both Teams agreed to help us. Me and Wu(Basically the Commanders) decided on Blue Base to build our Fortifications. First, I had all the Teleporters blocked with boulders; A must if the defenses were to hold. Wu took a bunch of guys and started in on something important(Taking lots of building equipment and other stuff) , while BOLL summoned up some vehicles for our holding action. Me, Elfster, and Alpha took a Warthog, and using Rockets, Grenades, and overshield, got it(and us) out of the level. We were to scout out the enemy, see what he had for us. So, we drove for a while, till coming to the Level Halo area. "Wow," Said Me, "I didn't know all the levels were connected. Cool." I stopped talking, as the ground rumbled. In the distance, I could make out a HUGE army of Covenant, Marching for our camp. The little bastard! He told where we was! I estimated 10,000 Troops at least. More and more came over the hills. Finally, we drove full speed back to base, which was marked by a NAV point on me HUD. It took us 3 days to get there, 3 to get back. We drove up to the edge of the map, and I slammed the brakes. Wu had been working on something that just might save us: A castle thing, just like Helm's Deep from LOTR, covered the Blue Base and the surrounding area. Wu had used explosives to expand the map, he had to for the castle. There were several layers outside the castle, they almost reached the center. Apparently, Several Shades comprised each layer till the Castle. People already manned the stationary weapons. We approached, and I could see Warthogs mounted on 'The Deeping Wall,' LAAG Guns at the ready. A Marine sentry had the gate opened, and we stopped the vehicle. I disembarked.
The doors to the main hall flew open, and I entered. Wu, Alpha, and Elfster were there. "What news?" Asked Lewis. "An army is headed for us," I said, and sat down at a chair. "How many?" He questioned. "Ten thousand, at least." I replied. Everyone was taken aback be the news. "And we have but 50 men," Said Louis. "God help us." "And there's more. They shall be here by nightfall." I Said. Just then, a horn sounded. "That ain't no Covies," I said, and we all hurried to the outside. 650 Hooded and cloaked(Clothes Cloaked, not Cloaking Device) figures marched to the Deeping Wall's gate, in three perfectly straight files. They had an assortment of weapons. I went down to the gate, and had it opened. The newcomers filed in. I noticed Frensa had been gone a while, on a mission somewhere else. Frensa broke from the ranks, and went up to me. The Army also stopped, and stood stiffly at attention. "I have collected others on HBO-mostly Forumgoers- that are stuck here as well. They will follow your command," Said Him. At first, I thought he was talking to Lewis. Then, it became pretty evident I was to command. "Why me?" I asked, bamboozled. "Dunno. But most 'a em like you stories on HBO, that could account for somthin." He smiled. "Ok, Wu, you in charge of the Keep Defenses, Elfster, you got the Deeping Wall, Alpha Lance, you have the outer defenses." I turned to address the people, who now were Un-hooding. "300, man the Deeping Wall. 300 more, you man the keep wall. The rest, move to the outer defenses." The people went about their tasks. Frogblast(He was just a hunter in the game, which he was playing) was working on a way to get a portal open for us all. Before long, nightfall came. The earth rumbled, and above the middle of the Level(at the place where we went out to scout), the army marched towards us. I took my place at the Deeping Wall, and looked up at the Twin Scorpions(Each with a Rocket Launcher Passenger) on top of the keep. Then, I looked at the approaching Covenant. "So it begins," I muttered.
A Series of Wierd Events, Part Nine
Date: 25 September 2003, 12:38 AM
Who cares? I'm about to be dead, anyway(My Watch's Time) Inside Halo; Combat Evolved, Helm's Deep
The Covenant had met the outer defenses, and quickly cleaned house. However, the Gunners took down 50 of them before they perished. They then marched toward us, stopping abruptly 160 Meters from the Deeping Wall. "Prepare to fire!" I shouted to my men, and they drew their weapons and took aim. I myself opted for my Sniper Rifle. Resting the barrel on the wall edge, I took aim at some Jackals and Grunts. A single shot rang out, and a single pistol bullet hit a Red Grunt right between the eyes. It fell, and blue blood gushed out. The Covies all watched the Grunt fall to the ground. "HOLD FIRE!" I screamed at my Gunmen. The Covenant stomped on the ground, louder and more frequent each time. A Golden Elite with a Plasma Sword stood on a small hill, and roared a throaty challenge. "CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His low pitch voice rumbled through the level, and all the Covies broke rank and ran towards us. "HOLD!" I yelled, intending to wait until most of the Weapons could hit them. Right now, only Pistols and Sniper Rifles could hope to hit them. The Enemy mostly didn't even shoot at the Garrison Holders, just ran, with weapons holstered, towards the wall. "FIRE!!" I yelled, and a barrage of fire, from Magenta Needles to vapor trails of Sniper Rounds to LAAG Bullets, hit the enemy. The enemy continued to fall, but more replaced them. They grew near. 80 Meters to wall... 75 Meters to wall... 70 Meters... "Frag them all!!!" 500 Fragmentation Grenades flew into the path of the enemy. The resulting explosions looked like a 50 Foot high wall of Fire, catching many, many enemies in it's deadly plumes. But, then the fires died out. The Ground in front of(And in many cases, under) the Enemies' feet was no longer snowy; rather a dark black color, with many flaming corpses riddling the ground. Dispite this, the enemy pressed on. Many reached the Deeping Wall, where the Tanks couldn't hit them. About 30 Covenant Ladders were being pushed up to the wall. "LADDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed. I drew my Assault Rifle, and almost everyone on The Wall drew Shotguns. I used the butt of my AR to knock down a ladder. It fell into the sea of Enemies, and squished about 2 Dozen. The Enemies had begun to climb the ladders, and already several Elites and Jackals were in close quarters with my Troops. The Enemies got their weapons amply ready, and when they were up, they commenced to chew out my men. Me and Elfster were fighting back to back. I emptied a clip on a Red Elite, and it fell with a cry. I heard a shotgun pump, and two Grunts simultaneously fell to the floor, bullet pocks all over them.
Meanwhile, a Group of Covenant were putting unlit Plasma Grenades in the storm drain on the Deeping Wall. After about 200 Plasmas were grouped, an Elite armed a Grenade, and ran towards the drain. Skavenger noticed this, and yelled to me, "Bring him down, Hunter_Killer!" I saw it, and made ready my SR. Aiming, I sent a bullet straight into it. It kept going, only about 30 Meters from the Grenades. A full clip went into it, but it still managed to hurl itself into the Grenade group. The Plasma went off. The cataclysmic explosion that occurred sent a large section of the wall into the air as large pieces of flaming rubble. A Full Platoon(50) of our boys were on that section when it went, as well as 8 Dozen Covenant. None survived. The pieces of stone fell mainly onto the attackers, killing a full score of them. "Oh, shit," I said, and ran towards the huge breach in the wall. "They have breached the wall," Yelled Mainevent, and a squad of my men moved up to the breach. The enemy charged into the inside, and I was at the head of the squad. "CHARGE!!" I ordered, and brandished an Energy Sword from a fallen Elite. My men and the Enemy ran towards each other. Battle cries from both sides filled my ears. We made contact, and clashed. I ran my sword through a Red Elite, and swiped a blow that toppled 3 Jackals. Elfster was on the wall, and grabbed a piece of Metal. He pushed himself, on top of the metal, down a flight of stairs going to the middle of the breach, like Legolas did in the Movie. His twin SMGs were blazing all the way down. I had just sent a Jackal to Hell, when he arrived. The metal flew into a Golden Elite's skull, and caved it in. "He makes an entrance, gotta give him that," I said.