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A John Before Halo by J-117
A John Before Halo: Prelude and Chapter 1
Date: 6 July 2003, 7:14 PM
Note: This story is told from a first-person view, and This is my first time writin at HBO so I would like some feedback about the Story.
2151- The Human race makes First Contact with an alien race known as the Gu'naari which later becomes the Elites.
2165- The Gu'naari and Humans make an alliance. Leading to the colonization of the Milky Way Galaxy.
2340- The last planet in the Galaxy is Colonized.
2345- Trading disputes leads to the first galatic war between the Gu'naari and the Humans.
2355- 10 years after the First Galatic War begins, all the Humans have left as territory is the Orion arm where Earth resides on the very edge.
March 10, 2355- A virus breaks out, killing all those who are done with puberty, (16 and older). Leading to an 85% loss of population of both Species.
June 20, 2355- The Virus, code-named "The Big Death" suddenly vanishes without a trace and all the Humans left are split into tribes. Without the knowledge of there predessocers.
Semtember 2355, The Tribes of North America unite under the name "United Nations", and discoveries of old technology fuel an ambition to unite the Earth.
2356- The United Nations, using there superior technology conquer the Earth and find even more lost technlolgy. They have the abilitiy to create WWII age guns, build starships with basic "Slipstream" engines and a huge Military called the "United Nations Space Command".
2358- The discovery of Human Colonies, forces the UNSC to reconquer what was left in the Human Empire before the Big Death.
2391- Having invented 21st century guns, The UNSC has conquered 3/8ths of the Remnants of the Human Empire. But a rebel faction having conquered 5/8ths of the other side of the Orion Arm starts an Civil war over who Controls the Orion Arm, the Rebels lack the superior tecnology that the UNSC has leading to the UNSC taking one Rebel Stronghold at a time.
2411- 20 years after the Civil War starts, the UNSC has hold of nearly half of the Orion Arm. A Boy named John is born on Reach to a Military family, but he doesn't know his destiny is about to Begin.
2429- At the age of 18, John joins the Marines and immendeatly becomes squad leader in his unit, 203rd Division, 17th Regiment, Easy Company, 2nd Platoon, 1st squad. ( An division has 20,000 men, an Regiment has 1000 men, a Company has 100 men, a Platoon has 50 men, and a Squad has 10 men) Chapter 1
Febuary 2,2430 0630 Hours (Military Calendar) A Dropship landing on Huna III carring 1st Squad
"Okay Squad listen up, the 2nd platoon has to prepare a LZ for the upcoming invaision, you know what that means, kill 'em all, and blow all the other S*** out of the way" I said. A chorus of "Hell yeahs!" emerged. The Basic Marine was equpided with a M4, a 9mm berreta and 2 Fragmentation Grenades, While the basic rebel had an M1 Garand, an 9mm colt 1911, and 2 Frag Grenades. "30 seconds 'till drop" the pilot said.
We landed. The Doors Opened, "Hit it Marines!" I yelled. Unfortunatly, we happened to land right in the middle of an Excersise. I fired right at the middle of a Rebel Squad, I killed all of them before they even had a chance to fire back. A rebel got hit three times, and fell over. The smell of lead was in the air. I saw a Rebel come out of a nearby ditch with a Bazokaa, I quickly put a three-round burst into his head, when he fell over a stray rocket hit a Rebel Squad right next to him. "1st Squad into the ditch!" I yelled. They fellowed my command. Suddenly I heard someone in my Squad yell "Medic!!". It was Rambo, he had taken a bullet in the stomach. The Medic came and patched him up, and he fired the rest of his clip into another Squad trying to flank us.
We went through our clips, and there was a bunch of dead rebels who tried to fihgt and didn't suceed. By the time the battle was over there was 500 dead rebels and 7 wounded Marines. "1st Squad into the trees. We have to attack another base two kilometers away from here lets move". We fanned out into the forest, 30 minutes later we found a Rebel base with Anti-Aircraft guns. "God theres so many of 'em they'll destroy our dropships in seconds" David said. "well, we're just gonna have to destroy those guns" I said. "lets move" I said. We ran out of the forest into the trenches were the guns were. The crew wasn't there, so we just took our grenades and shoved them down the barrels of the AA guns. BOOM!!!!!. The guns were destroyed and the crew came out of the forest trying to find out what the hell was going on. They found my Squad and thats the last thing they ever saw.
A John Before Halo:Part 1 (Changed for the better)
Date: 12 July 2003, 5:16 AM
Note: like most stories, this series is told in a 3rd-person view. If you read my last story, you found out about a virus, I got that idea from the now canceled showtime-show "Jerimiah" 9that was for whoever said it came from a book). There is no virus of gu'narri in this version of A John Before Halo... Squad Members: (rank, codename, specialality CPL. John "Spartan", Squad leader PFC. "Rambo", Heavy Weapons PFC. "VManJr.", Heavy Weapons PVT. "Archon", Stealth and Assault PVT. "IceMan", Vehicles and Demolitions PVT. "AirCav.", Vehicles and Sniper PVT. "JB", Assualt and Demolitions PVT. "Mayo", Assualt and Sniper PVT. "Kelanix", Assualt and Vehicles PVT. "Nova", Sniper and Stealth
Unit: 2nd Marine Recon Division, 117th Regiment, E. Company, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad
Weapons:(Name, rounds, calibre, scope{optional}) M9 HE-DP (Grenade) M6A Pistol, 20 10mm, 2x MA1A AR, 30 9mm M80 Shotgun, 8 12Gauge S1-AM Sniper rifle, 8 12.7mm, 2x and 8x M19 SSA Rocket Launcher, 1 150mm M36 LAAG, 10mmX99mm
Armor: steel and kevlar mixed together. 1 cm thick armor plates, and a 1/2 cm thick helmet
Who was Armed with what: "Spartan" pistol with 10 extra clips, AR with 10 extra clips, 4 Grenades (Everyone has this) "Rambo" RL with 4 spare rockets, Shotgun with 32 extra single reloads "VManJr." read what Rambo is armed with. "Archon" 1 20cm long KBAR Knife (everyone is armed with this too.) Silenced Pistol with 10 extra clips, AR with 10 extra clips "IceMan" Rl with 4 spare Rockets, Pistol with 10 extra clips "AirCav." S1-AM with 5 extra clips, Pistol with 10 extra clips "JB" AR with 10 extra clips, RL with 4 spare Rockets "Mayo" S1-AM with 5 extra clips, AR with 10 extra clips "Kelanix" AR with 10 exta clips, pistol with 10 extra clips "Nova" Silenced pistol with 10 extra clips, S1-AM with 5 extra clips
Part 1: 0130 Hours, September 2, 2436, (Military Calendar), Huna III, Grid 14 by 36
Since 2391 the Rebels and the UNSC have been engaged in a Civil War for control of the Orion Arm of the galaxy. Any planets the rebels had, the UNSC wanted so we invaded and conquered every habitible planet in sight as the boundaries of Human-explored terriotory expanded. The 2nd Marine recon's mission was to prep a 80km-Squared dropzone for the upcoming invaision of the planet comincing at 0630 today. They expected to be dropped in a very hot Landing Zone. They landed right on the edge of a forest. They set out with Nova in the lead and AirCav. watching our backs. They had been walking for five minutes when Nova raised his fist. They all stopped. Nova came to John and said"Rebel patrol, 10 in single file, sir." "Nova, Archon, walk ahead and flank them" said John. They walked ahead and two minutes later, they returned. "Hostiles elimanated, sir" said Archon. They walked right by their bodies to find that there throats had been slashed. John flashed them a thumbs-up and they continued for 30 more minutes intill they heard the sound of gunfire. Nova Scouted ahead. He returned 10 minutes later. "Four Squads are in a pitched battle with a large Rebel fort, sir." "Well, what are you waiting for lets go" said John. They went into a clearing to find a large 2km-squared fort in the process of being destroyed. They entered in. John started firing at anything that didn't look like a Marine. Rambo and VManJr. took out there shotguns and started pumping any rebel full of buckshot. Archon took out his AR and went into the action. IceMan took out his pistol and started to fire at a distance to try to get headshots. AirCav., Mayo, and Nova took out Sniper Rifles and started to fire. Kelanix and JB took out AR and went into the chaos. John fired a 3 times into a man, and meleed another one. suddenly 10 Rebels were tossed into the air, A Marine had fired his Rocket Launcher right at the middle of the crowd. Rambo and VManJr. had gotten onto the second level and dropped into the crowd, they both yelled "Banzai!" and dropped down and fired. One Rebel had caught a Buckshot round right in the face, filling it with lead. Kelanix fired into a crowd, killing six men, and reloaded. The Snipers kept on getting headshots. JB fired right into a Rebel's chest and it exploded, covering JB's armor in blood. John had ran through three clips before finding a Rebel with a Captains insignia on his arm, John holstered his AR and drew his knife. The Captain did the same. John caught his balde with his knife eight times in all directions before punching him, and stabbed him in the heart. "B**ch" said John. He took out his AR when he heard the a Couple of the Rebels cheering...
A John Before Halo: Part 2
Date: 12 July 2003, 7:04 PM
Note: Im not going to repeat all of those schmatics so if u need them to fellow the story then just print out part 1.
0300 September 2, 2436. (Military Calandar). Huna III. Grid 16 by 37.
Rebel reinforcements had somehow came to the fort. There was more then a thousand of them surroinding the Marine Recon forces. John clicked his mike in his helmet. "This is Spartan. I need any UNSC forces to come to a Rebel fort along the north-eastern edge of grid sixteen by thirty-seven." A voice on the other side of the line said "All companies from A to E in the 117th regiment are coming to you, Spartan wait ten minutes please." "Roger, Spartan out." He suddenly heard a loud voice "lower your weapons and surrender, UNSC scum! This is Major Kilvon of the 34th Rebel regiment." "F*** you, I would never go so low as to surrender to a piece of s**t like you" said John as he pulled out his AR, checked that he had 15 bullets left in the clip and pointed it at the Major's head. "Then I'm just going to have to kill you and your men" said the Major. "Wrong! I have fifteen ten millimeter bullets left in this clip and all I need is a millisecond to put 'em in your stupid-a** head b**ch" said John. His squad-mates looked at him, they had never seen Joh like this before, then John gave them a hint of a wink. They gave a hint of a nod to John, they understood, John was buying time for UNSC reinforcements to arrive. "Men keep your weapons on him" said the Major. He pointed to John, but he was very nervous and tense. John heard a another loud voice say "You are surrounded by the UNSC, surrender now and drop your weapons and we will not harm you." The Rebels dropped their weapons and raised their hands. Then a huge number of dropships came, and UNSC MP's came out and started to cuff the rebels, they were now P.O W's and the Major would probaly be interrogated. "Thanks for rescruing my men, sir" said John to a Sargent. "Sure, we're a family, when one's in trouble the rest of the family come to help." "Ok men saddle up, we have to keep on going" said John to his men. They started walking north. 15 minutes later, they heard gunfire. Nova scouted ahead. A little bit later he returned. "Sir a bunch of Marines are being fired apon at such intervals that they cant fire back." "Nova, Mayo, and AirCav. see if you can snipe them while the rest of us flank them, ok, let's go" said John. They sniped at the Rebels. Some of the Rebels turned around, but then John and the rest of the non-snipers flanked them from the left and right. Then the Marine Platoon were able top fire back. A bullet caught John in the stomach, but it didn't hit anything vital. Kelanix got hit too in the left chest but fortunatly again din't hit anything vital. When the skermish was over, there was a couple of wounded marines and a bunch of dead Rebels. Then Rambo heard the sound of a couple of rebel tanks. "Oh f*** me..." John heard it too, "Everyone hit the dirt!" The tanks came out, they look like antique tanks for old Earth, it was a 5 M1A1 Abharms. Rambo, VManJr., IceMan, and JB took their RL's and fired at the tanks scoring direct hits and destroying them but leaving one tanks left. John got an idea. He quickly got up, popped the pin off of a Frag Grenade, and ran up to the tank, he threw the Grenade inside the viewport in the front, and dived to the right of the tank, 15 ft away. BOOM! The tank blew up but it tossed John 15 ft away. "F***, Im ok!" he said. The leader of the Marines that were traped said to John "thanks for that, man we needed it." "Sure, you just go along now and finish your mission" said John. John looked at his watch, it was 0430, two hours before the main invaision began. John walked north. 30 minutes later, Nova raised his fist. The group stopped. Nova went ahead. He returned a little bit later. "Sir, there is a large base ahead with factories, and it looks like that there's a whole bunch of other stuff, and it also looks like a general is running the base, we should assault it with everything we can get. John clicked his mike, "This is Spartan, we have found a very large base with factories and a general, we need anything you can get for us, we are at the center of grid 20x40. Spartan out." That same voice on the other sid eof the line said "Damn Spartan we're sending you the 117th regiment to you." "Looks like we are going to f**k up something big" said John.
A John Before Halo: The Invaision Begins (Part 3)
Date: 20 July 2003, 1:49 AM
note: I would like some feedback if its possible, thx a bunch...
0530, September 2, 2436, (Military Calander), Huna III, Grid 20 by 40
The large Rebel base had a garrison of 35,000. The 117th Regiment was attacking any minute now. They had formulated a good attack plan: All snipers would take out the guards in the towers for 10 seconds, then anyone with an RL (Rocket Launcher) would blow a large hole in the wall, allowing assaualt teams to fight the garrison, while that was happening the people certfied with vehicles would go into the armory's and hangers and steal vehicles, while that was happening the people certified with stealth would sneak in the back way and try to capture the general and sabotage anything. But, to make sure that Rebel reinforcements wouldn't come, AirCav. (The best sniper in the 117th) would empty his 8-round clip in 5 seconds into the center of the radio dish, which was a feat by itself.
"Waiting for signal, sir" said AirCav. John waited 5 seconds. "Go, go, go!" he yelled. 5 seconds later, there was a minor explosion. "Radio sattilite destroyed sir" said AirCav. BANG BANG BANG BANG. A bullet entered a rebels chest. "What the f**k?" he said, and then blackness come over him. Rockets then fired. BOOM. In the 35-squared K.M. base a kilometer-long hole appeared in the west wall. The assualts teams went in. The two sides ran into eachother and a great massacre happened. John took each his AR and killed a Rebel with a 3-round burst to the head. The H.W. twins (rambo and vmanjr.) took out there shoutguns and fired buckshot at everything. Archon and Nova, and everyone has with stealth went in the back door to the south (they had set out beforehand at 0430) and nobody even noticed them, they went to a nearby bunker and blew out the hatch with C9 and went in.
A Rebel looked at Nova, right before Nova killed him. "let's go" said Nova. "Affirmitive" said Archon. They went in deeper and soon came to a ladder. Archon went down first. Then the same with Nova. A squad of patroling Rebels walked down a hallway to the left of them. Archon and Nova turned around. "Drop the weapons, and dont move" said Nova. "No please, by all means move" said Archon with a grin on his face. The Rebels dropped the weapons. and continued down the hallway and 10 minutes later came upon a hatch. "Blow it" said Archon. Nova set up the C9 and set a 15-second timer. They went back down the hallway. BOOM. Nova took out his sniper rifle and fired his clip out. Archon ran up to the door and killed the rest of the people inside except for one man. He was inside an underground control room, to his left were TV moniters showing the Mayhem up on the surface. To his right was the General and consoles. Archon pointed his pistol at the general. "Your're coming with me." The General mouthed the words 'f**k'.
Meanwhile on the surface, IceMan had entered an armory and found a M1A1 Tank. 'Sweet' he mouthed. He got in and rolled out. He started running over Rebels, when he heard someone nearby yell "Watch out!" "Fuck" said IceMan. The Rocket hit the tank. BOOM. Iceman was killed. John Heard over the radio "IceMan down, I repeat IceMan down." These words struck him with anger. He Collasped, and he saw a Rebel point his gun at him. Then Kelanix Came and tackled the man, And then drew out his pistol and killed him. Right then and there and Rebel had drew his knife and ran up behind Kelanix. "NOOOOO" yelled John as the Rebel killed Kelanix. John got up and drew out his AR and pumped a whole clip into him. "You son of a b**ch, you took another one of my squad members away."
Archon called on his radio, "General captured, mission accomplished." John heard it, and said "Roger that, Archon, IceMan and Kelanix are dead, this is a no-s**t assesment, John out." "F**K!" yelled Archon. John drew AR and fired screaming "Motherf**ker, B**tch, what you want, you f**king piece-of s**t!" A Rebel turned around and caught three in the head. Another one caught ten in the chest. Johns Rampage had began, feeling no remorse for anything, all that was on his mind was the death of every single Rebel, because this was the first time he had lost someone he knew very well. Then Dropships where starting to come out of the sky. "The Invasion of Huna III has begun" John said...
A John Before Halo: Part 4
Date: 24 July 2003, 4:36 AM
Note: to whoever read my last version of part 4, it is a better version with no True stomach hurling gross-out stuff in it. 0830, September 2nd, 2436, (Military Calander) Huna III, Grid 13 by 24
7 regiments of Marines had been sent to help clean up at the General's base. Meanwhile the 117th were too check out grid 13 by 24 for enemy activity. The General had been taken to an orbiting ship for itterogation. John had been walking for 15 minutes when at last they came to the grid. He looked around a small waterfall to his right and bushes and trees to his left, if he wasn't fighting he would've just sat down and relaxed, but he couldn't so he stayed focused. Nova was shaking, "Oh shit sir, we have contact lot's of contact!" "Get ready marines!" John yelled. A wave of Rebels come out of the thick trees. "Fire at will!!" John yelled, firing his AR on full auto because there was so many of the Rebels in front of him. John fired a clip, just moving his AR from side to side. The Demo. Boys had taken out there Rocket Lauchers. and fired blindly, killing many. John caught a round in his neck, luckly it passed his Jugular vein by a millimeter. John yelled "Throw grenades and fall back now!" They threw some nades, and fell back to the grid starting point. "Wait sir, there going back into the forest, they're likly to come back in a bigger force." said Nova. John clicked on his mike, "Hello SATCOM, yes this is Spartan of the 117th Marine Recon regiment, we need reinforcement at grid 13 by 24 on the double, repeat on the double." "Roger that Spartan, we are sending you two regiments of Marines, over and out." said a voice on the other side of the line. They arrived right when the new bigger force of Rebels who tried to fight to the death. "Hold the line!" John yelled. A squad of them tried to flank John. "Fuck it, kill 'em all!" siad John. War cries came from the others and the Marines charged into the Rebels and total chaos insued. A Rebel shot JB in the leg, "You fucked with the wrong Marine pal." said JB right before he killed him with a 10 round burst to the chest. John ran up to one and and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest untill he went down. A Marine caught 3 in the chest by a Rebel and the Marine took out his knife and cut his leg off, and took out his pistol and put him out of his misery before another Rebel shot the Marine in the head.
Nova had spent his sniper clips and just ran in with his knife slashing at any Rebel unlucky enough to get in his way. The Demo. guys had ran out of RL ammo and had switch to shoutguns a long time ago, but they two were ruuning out of shells. A grenade exploded, right next to a squad of Marines killing them all. John was angry, too many of his brothers were dead, "You're gonna wish you were never born you pig-faced, ass nosed, mother-fuckers!" He was dancing away with his knife. SLASH. a Rebel with a slit throat. SLASH. Another Rebel with his head missing a an arm. Meanwhile, a platoon of Marines had thrown grenades and was weakening the Rebels a lot. 15 minutes later a bomber came by with a lot of ordinace, leaving no chance of escape for the retreating Rebels. John looked at the ground, and and only thing he saw for a long way was the bodys of Rebels and a squad of Marines here and there, John felt that right now, he was trying to save what humanity was left in him, he sat down on a nearby rock, and thought deeply about all those lives wasted. Then a transmission came in, "Spartan, dropship wing 64 is going to pick you up and take you straight to the Destroyer "Stomper" to be de-briefed." "Roger that" said John. 'Well' He thought. 'At least I've have time to think on the trip back. John's Squad was selected to go on a mission. The interrogation of the genenral revealed that the current home base of the Rebels was a Star System 4 S.S. away called Sigma Octunas, The H.Q. was Sigma Octunas 4, and a Small-task force made up of 6 frigates, 4 destoryers and 2 new carriers were going to invade the capital city of Cote d' Azur...
A John Before Halo: Part 5
Date: 26 July 2003, 10:25 PM
Revised ranks: just imagine everbody is one up, like L. Cpl. "SPARTAN" note: carriers can drop 500 people at once, destroyers 200, and frigates 100.
0700, september 4 2436 (Military calander), Dropships procedding to cout d' azur. The dropship was rumbling a lot as it entered the atmoshpere of Sigma Octunas IV. Anti-Aircraft guns were going off throughout the city, as Rebels prepared for the invasion, the 117th was to secure a large rebel base 10 KM away. After that they had to hold it intill 0200 when more UNSC ships would arrive. Right now, only 5 Regiments of Marine Recon, and 2 Armor Regiments (5200 men and woman plus tanks) would be in the city and the surrounding 13 KM. The bay doors opened and the troops came out. Rambo and VmanJr. were going after seperate AA guns with 10 garrison troops each, the rockets made short work of the guns and the troops, John ran for the walls, and shouted "Men, I need a hole in the wall ASAP!" JB fired a rocket a blew a 15 foot hole in the wall. John went in the fired 3-round bursts at a nearby rebel. His chest exploded in gore and his heart fell out. "Shit" said John.
VManJr. had broken off from Rambo and was firing so much so fast his wrists were starting to hurt, when a Grenade expoded 3 meters away from him and he blacked out.
VManjr. awoke in a Medibay on a Destroyer, "eah... what happened?" He said slurly. John and the rest of the squad was right next to him. "Well, a grenade exploded 3 meters away from you, your lucky to be alive from being that close, well let me start telling you what happened to you, your left shin took too much sharpnel and the bone broke in 12 places so you wont be able to fight intill... april, and the force of the explosion knocked you out..." said John. "Fuck!" yelled VManJr. "Your going back on shore leave to Tantulus four" said John. Rambo looked angry. "I swear VMan. Those Sons-of-bitches are gonna pay."
"Well VMan. Would you like to meet the person who pulled you away from the battle?" said John, "Sure". A man walked in, who was 24, but looked battle-hardened. "VManjr. I would like you to meet Corporal Ryan of second squad in our platoon, or you can call him 'HellJumper' (The ODST Unit didn't exist yet)" "Hi" said HellJumper. "Hi" said VManjr. Hell turned to John, "Sir, everybody in my squad is dead sir, request permission to join your squad sir!" "Granted" said John.
Truth was, nobody else in the company made it, but John's squad, and the "Bomb Squad Elite" Lead by the lengendary "Fresh77" , he was the best person in the regiment who could use demolitions, one rumor was that he had built a atom bomb was he was 7, but nobody knew if he did.
Johns Squad and BSE had teamed up for the next mission, while the the Large Rebel base was still in the process of being secured, The Team had to go to a smaller base right on the beach 3 KM away from the other base, and they had to destory it to prevent reinforcements from coming in. The Squads were there in 45 minutes and they soon saw that the base had large amounts of armor guarding it, BSE would make short work of them, while John and his Squad short work of the infrantry. "Fire at will" Shouted Fresh77. 10 rockets went off destorying 10 tanks, BSE would also would have to make short work of the Humvee's, John went in to find everybody massing towards the armory, "JB, can you fire a rocket into that armory?" said John. "Yes, sir" said JB. He fired. BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM. The following explosion was so big, it knocked everybody off there backs, and killed 65 percent of the garrison, but the job was not done yet. John looked around the corner of a nearby building a fired at 8 Rebels running up the street, wondering what had happened, John unloaded his clip on them, and painted the wall with red paint, and pink chunky stuff.
Fresh77 heard a bullet go by his ear, he turned around and drew his pistol and ran towards the bastard who almost killed him, he fired and fired and fired intill his clip was gone, "Don't mess with the Bomb Squad Elite, cause, you always find a rocket up your ass!" Soon the Base was conquered. Just then, John heard a crackle on his radio. "Somethings...pening..need..forcement...grid twenty by thirteen." "Shit, thats downtown, we need to leave now and reinforce downtown, c'mon some shits, happening!" yelled John, not knowing what was about to happen...
A John Before Halo: Part 6
Date: 31 July 2003, 10:08 PM
1230, september 7th, 2436 (Military Calander) on the outskirts of cote d' Azur, Sigma Octunas IV, Sigma Octunas system. John's Squad and the Bomb Squad Elite were halfway through the 13 kilometer trip to Cote D' Azur, when they exited the jungles and entered the rice paddies. John fell to both knees, hard of breath. Hundred, if not thousands of dropships were droping Rebel troops into the city. "Jesu Christe" said JB. HIs eyes stareing out at the city. John Clicked his mike "I need to talk to the commander onboard the destroyer 'Silent Slayer' now!" he yelled into the mike. "This is Commander Shane of the destroyer 'Silent Slayer', what is it?"
"What the Fuck is going on sir?!" Yelled John.
"Three hundered plus Rebel ships have pulled into the system, and have set up a blockade over the planet, we have pulled into the edge of the system." said Shane trying to be sympathic.
"How many troops do we have? How many Rebel Troops are there? And where are they?"
"We have ten-thousand, five-hundered troops in there and the Rebels have thirty-five thousand, the Infantry have pulled back to the wharf, and the Armor has pulled back into the residential system." John didn't say anything for for a few seconds.
"When can you pull back into the system to pick us up?"
"We have fifty-five ships, we can break through the blockade for twenty minutes, after that we are leaving the system. If u can Put back together the seperated troops we can get them all out of there."
"Thank you sir, SPARTAN out." John said, "we're going to the wharf, thats where the infrantry is, BSE, if you want to get the Armor back, you can go to the residental section of the city" said John. "K" said Fresh77. "Come on Squad, double-time it now!" Snapped John. They Ran towards the city.
0200,september 7th, 2436, Cote D' Azur.
They had arrived on the edge of the city. They went in. They walked for 5 minutes in the direction of south-east, because that was where the wharf was. Then they ran into a few Marines pinned down by a platoon of Rebels. "Sir, glad to see you, sir, where the hell is everyone else?" said the Marine as he fired a few random bursts at a nearby window and heard a scream of pain coming fromt the window. "most of the Marines went back to the wharf and the armor is in the residental section of town." said John.
"okay, sir, my squad is pinned, can you give us cover fire, so we can get to you?" said the scared Marine. "sure, squad get ready to throw some cover for the Marines!" ordered John. "Now!", John's Squad whipped out of there cover and fired at the nearby rebels who occupied the windows, the Marines ran towards John, and the Screams of many damned Rebels could be heard.
"Private what's your name?" asked John. "Private first class Muzodia, sir." said Muzodia. "follow me, Marine." said John. They walked and saved a few more squads of marines, along with lots of dead Rebels. They finally arrived at the wharf to see a bunch of Marines firing at a solid wall of Rebels. John clicked his mike. "SPARTAN to fresh77, are you there?" asked John into the mike. "SPARTAN, we have got the Armor and are coming to your position even as we speak." said Fresh77.
"Double-time it plese, we're getting hammered over here, SPARTAN out." John want over to a Lieutanant, "Sir, may my squad join you?" asked John sarcastically. "Sure Corporal, we need all the help we can get." said the lieutanant in a serious voice. John walked up to the front lines. "well, what the fuck are you waiting for, an ivitation? Kill them now!" yelled John. John Took out his AR and begin firing and blowing the chests and heads off of any Rebel to get in his way.
Half an hour later, John heard that familiar noise of a bunch of tanks. A second later, platoons of Rebels exploded as the tanks fired at them. John Clicked his mike, "Sir we are reayd for pickup at the Wharf." "roger that, SPARTAN, we're coming right now ETA, twenty minutes."
John and the rest of the Marines cleaned up the rest of the rebels that tried to get into the wharf. And everbody was picked up and sent to ships, brefore they entered slipstream, John and other commanders were pulled into the very large conference room onboard the "Silent Slayer." Halfway through the meeting the entarance exploded, inward....
A John Before Halo: Part 7
Date: 13 August 2003, 6:35 PM
note: some things will be different about this part...
1700, september 17th, 2436, (Military Calander), confrence room B onboard the "silent slayer"
BOOM! The doors busted inwards, and Rebel troops poured into the room. Captain Shane was the first to die, followed by Commondore Jeff, and Leiutanant Carl. John sprang out of his chair, and drew his M6A Pistol and fired at the Rebels. The Rebels retreated into the hallway, and John took cover behind the left wall overlooking the right side of the Hallway where the rebels retreated. He leaned out a little bit, and a bullet whized pass his ear. "Son of a Bitch!" he yelped. He checked his clip, 7 bullets remained and he had 2 extra clips in his pocket. He counted to 3. "one, two, three!" he counted slowly, and on the three, he leaned out of his cover, and fired the rest of his clip into the remaing rebels. Then the intercom spoke, "The ship is being boarded! this is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill, all UNSC personnel to battle stations!" yelled someone over the intercom.
John was on the 2nd floor of the 8 floor frigate. His squad was most likely in the weapons locker B, because it was nearest to the infirmary were VManJr. lied on his bed. John needed to go down three levels, so he went in search of a lift...
Rambo and Helljumper were in the mess, when the alarm sounded. They were on third floor. They Jumped off out of there benches and ran towards weapons locker B on the 5th floor. "c'mon, lets hurry!" yelled Rambo, sweat poring down his face. They ran out of the door into the mess, drew there pistols. As soon as they exited the door, They ran into a squad of rebels. "Holy shit!" one of them yelled, before a bullet went through his neck, The rebel died grasping for air. The leader of the squad tried to fire his AR but it was jammed. Rambo double-punched him in the face. The leader was on the floor, he tried to get up, when Helljumper tackled him, then the leader ounched him in the stomach. Rambo had pulled out his pistol but he couldn't get a clear shot. Then Helljumper, kicked the leader in the chest and he staggered back. That was all Rambo needed, he fired his pistol. The 10mm slug went throw the kevlar armor that the Rabel was wearing and went inside his chest, intill it came into contact with his heart. The heart then exploded inside his chest cavity, and his life ceased to exist. "Nice shot" said Helljumper, amazement in his eyes. "c'mon, we need to find a lift"...
John had picked up an AR from a dead Rebel and had found a lift, when he went down one floor, the lift pinged, and the doors opened, he leveled his rifle at the door, but he found Rambo and Helljumper on the other side. "Christ, sir, can you put that thing down?" said Rambo with his hands raised. They got to the 5th floor only to find a firefight between 20 Rebels and the rest of Johns squad. John raised his AR and fired the whole clip into the rebel's sides. o most of them died clutching there sides. They all proceded to weapons locker B where they all got there primary weapons, save for the snipers and the Demo. guys, who took, ethier shotguns or AR's. John's squad had set up barrier so that no Rebel could get near the infirmary.
Continous assualts happened fora straght 30 minutes. John eyed the hallways littered with Rebels bodies and shell casings. No enimies to be found. His Mike clicked. A scared voice came on the line, "Hello? is there any UNSC on the fifth floor?" John answered "This is coporal Spartan, my squad has set upa perimeter and a causilty collection point at the infirmary near weapons locker B, which direction are you coming from?" "The east" "Okay, men hold your fire to the east, friendly coming this way." said John patiently. The man came running down and jumped the 3 foot high barrier. "Sir, Private Evans reproting for duty!" Yelled the Marine. The Marine had an medic insignia on his helmet. "Get inside and help the wounded." said John eyeing the hallways. "yes sir!" the marine ran off into the infirmary. 80 percent of the ship was under control, and john waited around for more orders, then on his Motion tracker on the little blue screen over his right eyes, a bunch of contacts appeared...
A John Before Halo: The End Of VManJr. (Part 8)
Date: 25 August 2003, 11:05 PM
note: if you want to become a character on my stories then you can email me at gjm_25@yahoo.com and describe the character and tell me what his/her two specialties in warfare are. Ex: Demolitions, Assualt, stealth, Sniping...
2100, September 17th, 2436, (Military Calander) onboard the 'Silent Slayer'.
Due to the lack of UNSC reinforcments, most of the ships left in the Sigma Octunas system. Rebel reinforcments had taken over all of the ships except the Silent Slayer, which only held John's Squad and a dropship with its crew. John had decided to abandon the ship and use the dropship to leave the system. John held up his AR and fired at a trip of rebels who tried to stop his plans, they all ended in a bloody heap. VManjr. was at the back of the squad due to his injuries, he held a crutch in his left hand and a pistol in his right. John and everyone else except for VManJr. had gotten into the dropship, VManJr. was still 35 feet away, when a six-fingered (right hand) rebel sargent and his two bodyguards put up there AR's and fired 3-round bursts into his back.
"NOOOOOOO!" yelled John. VManJr. was hit in the back with a bunch of rounds and he spun to the ground. firing his pistol at the rebels. The Sergant moved away. "Cover me!" yelled John as he dashed out of the dropship towards VManJr. Bullets zoomed and hissed past him. He Got to the still-alive body. "Hang on man, your gonna be all right, okay." said John. He ran back to the dropship, the Body over on his right shoulder, right before he entered the dropship, a bullet went through his right ankle but he didn't notice. He droped the body softly on the cold metal floor. JB slamed his hand on the pilot's door, "get the fuck out of here now!" The ramp closed and the dropship went out of the airlock. "Dont you die on me you son-of-a-bitch." said John sobbingly. "Tell my family that I was a good soldier, sir." said VManJr., blood coming out of his mouth. "You well tell them yourself, VManJr." Said John. "You all of that bullshit about a light and a tunnel. I cant see shit..." said VmanJr. and then he stop moving, eyes still open. John kiss him on the forehead rather roughly (like when wyatt's brother dies in the movie Tombstone) and shut VManJr.'s eyelids. Mike A.K.A VManJr. was 20 years old when he died, he had lied about his age and had joined the Marine Corps at the age of 16. Only John had known that and his real first name. With a last thought, John thought 'May his soul rest peacefully in the eyes of god...'
1030, September 20th, 2436 (Military Calander) A remote home on the outskirts on Dolas City, Tantulus IV.
John had the unfortunate job of telling the news about VManJr. to his family. He got out of the military Hover-car and walked up the front stairs of the house. John was in his black dress uniform with a Marines Cap on. He knocked on the door, and his mother walked out and her face was filled with grief when she saw him, but she tried to act like she didn't notice. "Yes?" she said. John told it to her. "Your son was a good and honorable soldier in the Marine Corps Ma'am, but he died an honorable death on the battlefield." John didn't want to tell her that he died in his arms on a captured ship. She fell on her knees and John knelt down next to her. "Im so sorry about that I said this to you, but you needed to know." said John. "I was there when it happened Ma'am, I was his non-com, and I am proud beyond words and honored to fight along side of your son." "Thank you, Soldier, may I have your name?" she said shaking. This was out of protocol, but VManJr.'s mother should al least have this. "My name is John Ma'am.
The funeral happend the next day and the flag of the UNSC was given to his mother, and his meadls for sevice in the Corps. He was the first person to be awarded the congressinal Medal of Honor posthumanly since the Sol wars of Earth versus Mars (I might descirbe that war in detail in later stories or make a side story about it) in 2134. After the funeral, John whispered in VManJr.'s ear, "I promise that they will pay for what they have done my friend"...
A John Before Halo: Part 9
Date: 21 September 2003, 4:04 AM
dont delete this loius, i worked hard to create this chapter just read it, please thank you. sorry that i haven't been on lately. school and stuff making it hard but ill try to post whenever i got 2 free hours on my hands and at least once every two weeks. and everybodys up one rank now. Johns a sarge.
1000, September 28th, 2436, Reach special training camp number 0012341, Reach.
John rode in his humvee through the gates of the camp. He was looking for someone to replace his dearly-beloved friend: VManJr. He drove over into the parking area and got out of his humvee. He walked towards the firing range, 200m away. He presented his credentials to a guard and walked by noticing the accuracy of shots being fired. Halfway through he stoped and watch a Woman who was ranked corporal, and watched her pull out a custom-made revolver and fire 8 440 magnum shots into a cardboard target that represented a human. All 8 shots were headshots. John walked over to her. "Nice gun, you got there coporal." She turned around and turned back reloading her revolver. "Its a 440 Magnum, can hold eight shots and has a scope that has 2x magnification and has night-vision and infa-red capabilities." "Nice." John said grinning. He took a closer look at her uniform and it had an insignia of 5 ONI on it. She was from 5th division of ONI, assasins, and bounty hunters, why? John did not now and her codename was Amazon Ghost. "How would you like to be in a Marine Recon unit, I just lost one of my good members and we could use a person like you." She just turned around at looked at him. "Whats the catch?" Amazon said. "Your chance to die is higher and the unit is full of guys." "Alright, I need to talk to my superior and meet me at Thunder's." "M'kay" John said.
02100, same day, Thunders bar in Scivotal city. Note: there are civies that do live on reach.
John walked in and found her twirling a sword that look like serrated Titanium B. (inmangine the basterd sword from the oringinal unreal tournament without the bone casing). John took a seat. "Now tell me about yourself Amazon." "Well, Im trained in use of almost all weaponry, and vehicles, and Im an assasin who specializes in stealth and vehicles. My revolver also has an attachable silencer and has different kinds of ammo that it can fire." She pulled out a bunch of different colored darts. "Red for undercover work, looks like a kill but without the side effect of death, green, Knocks the bastard cold for 12 hours, purple, a nerver toxin that kills very fast ans painfully." "This sword is a serreated titanium b sword that can hack through armor and bone." "Im also 23" "Now tell me about you Spartan."
"Well I was raised on Earth, and my parents were rich, until my jeaulous uncle killed my parents ands wiped my memory when I was six. One day when I was 14, I found his diary and found out, and took a knife and snook up behind my uncle and put that knife through his neck. I took what money was left and moved to a military academy here. Now the thing that scares me is that when I was 16 I accentaly killed my friend in a traing accident. The thing that scares me is that I was guilty that he was gone, but I wasn't guilty that I killed him, then I realized that Im a natural born killer and that to save my soul and my humanity, I would need to die, now I didn't have the balls to commit sucide so I accepted the most dangerous unit i could find. That was when I was 18 and now its been 7 years since." By the end he was almost in tears. Why did he told this person about his sercret past that he had never told anyone? Because he felt the need too.
"Wow." said Amazon, in shock because of the horror of Spartans being. "I joined the military because some rebels killed my parents and raped me a lot." "Now im out for revenge." John and Lindsey (her real name), talked all night long and by the end of the night, they felt like that they were ment for each other. John now had another member in his unit.
A John Before Halo: Part 10
Date: 3 October 2003, 3:32 AM
Note: Hell Yeah! 10 parts in this series and many more to come and forget the rape part in my last chapter, thatt was really dumb of me to do, so I made a new reason why Ghost joined the UNSC Military. read on...
October 3rd, 2436, 2nd Marine Recon HQ, Reach.
"So Ghost," said JB. "Why did you join the military?" "Long story but I'll tell you anyways, On Tarus IV, in '27. I was 14, and my town was atacked by the rebels, ansd my father was an ex-marine and a tgief, so he tought me and my little brother who was 10 at the time to survive right? So the Rebels come in, pillaging, raping, you name it. So My brother and I, we had a trapdoor under the kicthen floor and we hid out there as my father tried to fight them off, I saw him die, froma headshot. When the rebels left, I came out and with what we were able to get: a pistol and some food, and about $30,000 in a hidden safe. My brother and I left and left for the nearest town witha spaceport and we were able to buy our way into a evacuation ship. we were sent to Reach and My brother in still in the Academy." "shit" said JB.
Meanwhile John was in his Humvee looking for another recriut. The Man he was looking for was code named Alpha Lance, from Bravo Company. His was a Lance Coporal. He was 22. He was 6'7, and a Mean Mofo, but an honorable one at that. He was an all-around assualt guy. His CSV was impressive. In 4 years of service he's been in 40 serperate ground engagements, has over 1000 confirmed kills, and has been awarded 13 Medals. His most recent heroic duty was running into a bunker saving POW's and walking out with Rebels dead, and UNSC POW's saved.
John walked over to the B. Company HQ, 3 bolcks away from his. He went up to the Admin desk. "Yes, Im here to see an Alpha Lance?" "He's in the gym" "okay, thanks." John walked over to the local gym, another 3 blocks away. He went in and saw Alpha Lance, using the punching bag, He had at least a couple of inches on John. John looked up. "You must be Alpha Lance..." He looked down and seeing Johns rank, He snapped a salute. "At ease, You wanted to join my sqayd, Lance?" "Sir, yes Sir." "alright, I got some forms for you, and I need to have a talk with your superior." "alright then, sir." 2 hours later Alpha was in Johns squad.
"this is the men and women of my unit, Alpha, we got: Rambo, a Big guy who is not a guy yu ever want to mess with; Archon, A stealthy guy who can stick an AR in your face without you ever knowing; AirCav, my leading sniper and vehicles operator; JB, who can blow shit up and amke it stylish at the same time; Mayo, another sniper and a joker; Nova, another sniper but he's sneaky; and our newest recriut Amazon Ghost, ONI-trained assasin" "Damn, you got one hell of a squad sir."
0630, the next day
"All right, people we're going back to sigma octunas IV, I want you guys out the door in 10, aand packed" 10 minutes later, the 2 Humvee's were going out and moving towards Edward Fitzgerald Air Force Base. They took a Shuttle to the "Profane God" A destoryer of exaxtally the same model of the 'Silent Slayer'. They moved into slipstream and arivved in system 3 weeks later.
They landed with the rest on 2nd MR and walked into a familiar scence: total chaos. AA flak and explodsiens were already happening. They landed and got out. John rolled to the left and covered the southeren approach. There was a series of 'Clears!' and they moved out in 2 humvees in the back of the dropship. John turned on the radio and drove towards base camp, 2 miles away. On the team-freq John Spoke "All right people, we're gonna approach from the right and lay down some covering fire for the main Recon attack force, I want Snipers to go into the hill to the right and left and back of the base. We'll drop you off, Alpha team will be Rambo, Ghost you get Bravo team, which JB will be in. I'll take the left flank while, you take the right, all right?" "Sir yes Sir" came out of all of them...
A John Before Halo: Mass Death (Part 11)
Date: 8 October 2003, 12:15 AM
Note: I forgot to include some members of johns sqaud in the planning for this assualt to get home base for the UNSC on SO IV, Johns Sqaud is: Rambo and JB, while Ghost's team was Helljumper and Alpha Lance, just forgot to put that in.
October 4th, 0640, 2436, Sigma Octunas IV, Sigma Octunas system
Ghost was driving the Advanced Humvee, towards the right flank of the base, Explosions from artillery was shooting up soil on both sides of the Vehicle. Then an 105mm round hit 6inches in front of the front-left wheel causing the vehicle to turn on its right side for 20 meters and for 20 more meters the Humvee flipped over into its back then the front where it skidded to a halt. Nobody moved.
John saw the Humvee "crash" and he got into the radio and turned the vehicle around towards the "crash" site. "This is Spartan-Kilo 117, One of my vehicles has 'crashed' and we're pulling off to see their status, requesting medevac on yellow alert!" yelled John Sweatting. "Calm Down Marine, Medevac on yellow alert." (yellow alert is getting ready, but not executing.) John got out and ran over to the site. "Shit" He said. Everybody had blood and dirt on them. "This looks bad". He ran back to his humvee. "Medevac on Red, I repeat, Medevac on Red!" "Roger, ETA 11 Minutes, Control Alpha Out."
"This is Spartan-Kilo 11 to AirCav.-Kilo 11, we have a damaged vehicle with 3 of our Sqaud in it, medevac's on red, our you guys ok?" "Negative! We are recieving heavy enemy fire! Shit, What is your position Sir!?" cried a frantic Nova. "We're in sub grid 23 by 43, Over, hike your asses over here on the double!" "Sir, Yes, Sir!" "Rambo and JB, you go out and cover them, I'll remain here! Take the Humvee, I got enough!" "Yes Sir!" Rambo drove the humvee over, while John Scanned the area for Hostiles, none so far. He checked the radio of the crashed Humvee. It was in working order.
The ETA of the Medevac was 3 mintues away. John got into the radio, "This is Spartan-Kilo 11 to Rambo-Kilo 11, hows yur situation?" "We got them, but there wounded bad and we're receiving heavy incoming fire from everyone...SHIT!!" Then there was a scream and white noise. The Medevac came. John ran over, "I need you to take me to sub-grid 36 by 36 alright, when your done." John said Calmly but his voice was shaking, 'Why does all the worse shit have to happen to my on this god-forsaken planet?' He thought.
The medevac was done with the First Site and John was onboard to the second site, John was horrified as he got closer: The Humvee had taken direct hits from 2 88's and an 105, and John cried when he saw the wrecked bodies of his sqaud, He lept out and ran over towards the humvee, tears flowing out of his eyes. He ripped open a door and got Nova's body on his shoulder, "Get the bodies!" He yelled. Soon all 6 bodies were on and the airlocks closed. The Medevac was going to the "Profane God" and He was even carrying the stretchers to the ER, the Only thing that scared him was that an ONI guy was there too but John didn't focus on that, only on the well-being on his squad.
John was pacing around for hours, the blood of his squad still on his uniform. Finally after 8 hours a surgeon came out. "Ghost, alpha, and helljumper were able to make it, but everybody else died before they even got here, it wasn't your fault" and then John Collasped, and He broke right then and there. In the middle of the busy ward, nobody noticed John on his knees, his face in his hands, breaking apart, as war does to anyone, nobody who, you always break, Even it if you can Tolorate a level of war, there is always the level in which you break apart, then soon after, you become stronger then you ever was, fueled by the passion of the dead, angry at loss, But you fight back and when you do, You fight back with a die-hard vengance...
John visited the beds soon-there after to see his remaining sqaud. "Thank you, Sir." said alpha Lance. "Its all in a days work, lance."
November 1st, 2436.
John was practicing when an ONI guy came in and spoke to John, "Spartan, I want you to come with me, I have something to show you." John walked with him into a private space on the other side of the ship. When the doors opened, John saw his dead Teammates, all lined up in a row. 'But how can it be?' he thought. As if the ONI-spook was telepathic, he said "for years we have been trying to clone human beings, perfectly and without incident, now Here are the first sucessful clones..." They had new Code-names too: Archon was Jakason, JB was Chrono, Nova was still Nova, Mayo was now BlancoGato or just Blanco, AirCav. was now Heavy Hitter, Kelanix was still Kelanix. "But where's IceMan and Rambo?" asked John. "Well we couldn't clone them they failed and you can only use a tissue sample once. But we were able to resserect one more guy. VManJr. you can come in..."
John wa shocked to see VMan come out and he said "being dead sucked ass sir, so I decided to come back." John laughed. The ONI-spook spoke, "Thier just like the oringinals in every way, the only way you can tell there clones is that they have a tiny mound of flesh, behind their ear." John went up to Vman and looked behind his ear. There enough, was a tiny button shaped flesh thing. It was hard to see too, so that didn't pose a problem to John. John got back together with his squad...
A John Before Halo: Defense (Part 12)
Date: 13 October 2003, 6:16 PM
this chapter is dedicated to the 101st Airborne, 506 regiment, E Company.
0900, December 2nd, 2436, Cote D' Azur, Sigma Octunas IV, Sigma Octunas system.
By now 1/3 of the planet had been under UNSC control, and things were going mostly well, except witht he 2nd MR. In one week they had lost 85 percent of their men and women. John's regiment had been renamed the 305th, because that regiment was destroyed and brass liked the name. Only D, E (Johns company), and F companies were left in the regiment, (300 officers and enlisted). But since the UNSC forces wanted the war to be over by chrismas, the brass had sent the 305th to scout Cote D' Azur, the planets capital.
So far John had counted 13 divisions of rebels protecting the city, including 5 armored divisions. John's orders were to scout out the city, then call for attack. The main force attackignt he city would be 6 armored divisions plus 1 support division. John wanted to get out of the foxholes in the jungle surrounding Cote D' Azur but there was something that was strange, John was looking for that. He sensed that there was something wrong. 'Why 13 divsions?' He thought, but sense he was just a marine grunt, he wasn't supposed to think, only to obey.
John hated being ont he front lines, especially when there was no backup or resupply of any kind. He only had 3 more days worth of MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) so he wasn't about to stay in, much longer then he needed to be. Every now and then a Rebel patrol would come within 20 meters of the Recon Line, But since the 305th had lots of camoflauge on them and their foxholes, they couldn't see them. Untill on 0900 on their 2nd day. One rebel triped over into a foxhole and both forces were suprised, then the 305th's cover was blown and Rebels would soon be swarming them.
"This is Spartan-Easy 305 to 6 tanks CDA HQ, we need you guys here now! and some pick up too, we are being swarmed, we wont be able to last long, come over to us ASAP!" Shouted john sweat forming on him, '13 divisons?' He thought, 'we are SO dead.' "We are coming but it will take time, ETA will be 6 hours but we have just contacted Evac. for you. Just stand there for 15 Minutes and you will be fine, 6 Tanks out" Johns face was almost drained of color. "Shit, 15 minutes, oh well." He got into his radio. "Spartan-easy 305 to 305 hq, Our cover ahs been blown, evac is on way, 15 to 30, pack up and defend till then sir, out." "Roger Roger"
John could see a whole lot of Rebels coming, over the rice paddies that stretched for a mile between CDA and the 305th's position. "Snipers, take out anyone you can, primarily officers, all right." "Yes Sir." The Snipers readied their rifels and looked into the scopes. BANG. Someone lost his head. Now the Rebels thought that, there was a 3 divisons, because all the snipers in the 305th started firing and Rebels were dying fast. Then everyones nightmare started. A large BOOM was hold and a large whistling sound got larger. "SHIT, ARTILLERY!!!!" shouted someone. BOOM BOOM BOOM. 3 105mm holes appeared around the Recon Line. "Keep on firing!" Shouted John.
10 minutes had passed and the rebels were now 50 meters away. The Snipers had ran out of ammo long ago. Explosions happened on both sides. The artillery stopped around the same time the snipers did. Luckly the armored divisions were being kept back along with 3 other divisons, so 5 divisons were heading towards them. (50,000 officers and enlisted). John kept on firing, shouting "reload!" and someone would cover him and he would do the same. This created a constant rate of fire, but ammo was draining as fast as morale was. John Shouted "Fire in the hole!" as he tossed a fragmetation grenade into the enemy lines.
John was out of AR ammo, and He switched to his Pistol. The Recoil felt smooth in his hands. No matter how hard John tried the enemy kept on coming. Then he heard the whine of dropships, and miniguns. Troops were coming off the dropship, the 305th were staying. But at least supplies were too.
The UNSC lines were breaking apart, but soon the first tanks and humvee's came in. The UNSC had now stirred up a hornets nest. John was soon fighting hand to hand. With his knives, but he kept looking at Ghost, her technique with a sword was nothing short of beautiful. Of course the people that got in contact with the sword didn't became beautiful, they ethier became dead of deformed. She brought her sword up in a diangonal cut, going up and a Rebels chest burst open. She Turned and brought the sword down with strength and sliced another man almost in half.
Meanwhile the Rebels had penetrated through. Soon the UNSC would be surrounded, but John Kept on. Killing with all there might. But something hit John hard in the head and he fell and blacked out... TO BE CONTINUED...
A John Before Halo: Escape (Part 13)
Date: 17 October 2003, 2:49 AM
Note: sorry i made the last part short but i did it for a reason. you see part 12 is what i like to call a bridging chapter. It basically is a small event connecting 2 large events. well I just hope you enjoy this one :)
December 7th, 2436, time unknown, place somewhere on sigma octunas IV.
John awoke. He was straped to a chair in a white room. Next to him was a table, with surgical instrutments on it. "Shit" moaned John. He reached over to cut his bonds with and did. Right before a Man in a white lab coat came in. "Hello there..." He took a look at a clipboard in his hand, "Spartan." "Hi, doctor, what are you gonna do to me, eh?" "Well I'm gonna get infomation out of your head, if you dont. I will torture you as you can see on the table." John started laughing. "Whats so funny?" asked the Doctor. "The look on your face, when I do THIS!" John sliped out of his cut bonds and punched the doctor in the head, knocking him out.
John grabbed a scapel with a inch blade. He slowly opened the door in which the doctor came from. There were 2 guards standing on each side on the door with AR's. John put his scapel into the left guy's chest and pulled it out. The right guy was turning around to fire. John had no time to pull the scapel out so he tackled the guard. They were wrestling over control of the AR. John kicked the guard in the groin. Allowing John to get the AR and John pumped a few rounds into the guards head. John took reloads for his AR, a 9mm Pistol with reloads and 2 combat knifes form the dead guards. John crawled on the wall down the hall, then looked around a corner.
On the opposite wall, was a open door and inside John saw 2 lab coats fiddeling around with John's squad's weaponry. John slung his AR and took out the knifes and crept up towars them. He then threw 1 knife into the back of one lab coat and John ran and stabbed the other in the chest. John then took a second holster around his left thigh and put Ghost's revolver in it, and took a scabbard (a swords steath) and put Ghosts sword in it. He took 2 speed loaders and traded the 9mm for his standard issue 10mm Pistol and accedentally put down the reloads for his AR on the table. He left going down the hall.
John went down some stairs into the Jail cells. There were lots of guards down there and John opened up, being careful, not to hit anyone in the cells. He ran over to a pillar for cover. He leaned around and fired. The screams of the guards filled the room with sound. John reached for a reload for his AR and found none. "FUCK!" he yelled. He then took out his pistol and killed some more. When he leaned around he found his sqaud mates, but ghost wasn't with them. John had turned around with his back on the pillar to relaod, when a shot from an AR was heard, "Put down your weapon, Spartan or the woman dies!" John leaned around and there was a man holding ghost with an AR to her head. "That wouldn't be a good idea." said John. He took out the revolver and found a hole big enough for the muzzle to fit in. He look through the scope and Fired.
BANG! The guy fell to the ground with a 44. mangum bullet in his head. John holstered the revolver and took out his pistol and cleaned up the rest of the guards. He found keys and give back Ghost her stuff. He opened the door. "Is there a way out of here?" John asked. "I heard the guards talking about a dropship on a landing pad outside." said Jakason. "K, lets find some stairs." John went up and found some. He went up a few flights and opened the door at the top. He was outside, and there was an alarm blaring. John was greeted by a lot of Rebels. John fired his pistol. Pistol = Dead Rebels (lol). John walked on a walkway. Running. He was desperate to get out of this place. He found the dropship with a big guard detachment on it. Ghost took out her revolver and sniped 7 rebels. She was reloading while the squad provided cover fire, and soon ghost was out but the rebels kept coming. John then ran back a few feet, found a grenade on a body and primed it. "Fire in the hole!" He yelled.
BOOM. 10 Rebles flew up in the air in pieces. John ran over and yelled "COME ON!!" The squad ran. They all got into the ship while John powered up the ship. Ghost was an expert flyer, so she was in the cockpit. John cloed the ramp. Then John hold out a button and pressed it. BOOM! The whole complex exploded. John Grinned. "What was that, SIR!?" Asked Chrono. "I also found some C-9 in the place where our weapons were and set all of them around the base." "Ok". They all laughed while ghost flew them back.
They eventaually arrived at alpha base. The commander came out. "Holy Jesus, I thought you were gonners for sure." "No sir" said John. "Come with me to debrief, then the brass wants you on a special mission." "Yes Sir" said John, as he walked out and into the base...
A John Before Halo: Part 14
Date: 25 October 2003, 6:21 PM
0830, December 21st, 2436, Ardonian Forest, Sigma Octunas IV
Lots of things has happened in such a short time. The 117th regiment (re re named from the 305th) was supoosed to invade Cote D'Azur but 2 day before the operation was supposed to start, the rebels abondoned the city for the UNSC to takeover. But on december 16th at 0700 hours, the 10 rebel divisons that was protecting Cote D' Azur were found in the Ardonian forest, which looked a lot like the Ardennes forsest from WWII. Now these divisons breached the UNSC line, and was heading for the Port of Drokan, 80 km away. Between the two was the town of Bastane, which was 30 km away from the Adronian Forest. Now this port was very important in the capture of the planet.
So 35,000 UNSC soldiers were against 10,000 Rebels, and they were only 10 km away from Bastane. Now John's sqaud was on the frontlines, then on the 21st, at 0630, John found out that half of his sqaud was missing and only a faint blood trail was the key to founding out were they are. Now only John, Alpha Lance, Ghost, VManJr, and Helljumper were the only ones not captured and were following this faint blood trail...
John raised his fist. Everyone stoped. "Theres a sniper tower, and the guy is facing us, dont move" John whipered. "How are we supposed to get by him then?" ask Alpha. "Wait, I will throw a rock to his right, and if he falls for it he will turn around, when he is facing away from us, Ghost will shoot him in the head, and since you have a laser ont heat revolver ghost, it shouldn't be a problem." said John. "Ready?" asked John. "Ready" said Ghost.
John picked up a rock and threw it to his left, the rock hit a tree, causing the Sniper to look to his right. Ghost turned the laser on and looked threw her scope, she aligned the laser witht he snipers head and pull the trigger. The 440 magnum bullet hit the sniper in the back of the head and exited right above his right ear. "Nice shot" said VManJr. "Thanks" said Ghost. They walked on for what seemed like hours, but it was only 30 minutes, until the blood trail stopped, John looked up.
John was facing the right side of two guards guarding a bunker, what amzed John was there weapons. "Thats a goddamn MP40 and a Thompson" John whispered. (those are weapons from WWII). "Alpha, Helljumper, I want you to sneak up behind them and slit em, V, you provide cover fire while we cover our backs." said John. Alpha walked up behind a guard, crouching and pulled out his knife. Alpha lept up, grabbed the man around his chest and slit his throat. The other guard was turning around when Helljumper tackled the man witht he MP40. They wrestled while V was trying to get a clean shot.
The guard tried to flip the knife around, then Helljumper was on top and the knife slowly entered the guards chest. Suddenly the guard was pleading in German for Helljumper to stop. "Go to sleep" said Helljumper, when the knife entered the heart of the Rebel. Then the rebel died. John then walked up to the bunker's door and opened it.
John went in, and was crawling along the walls. Soon he was on a corner and looked around. A bunch of rebels were coming. John drew his AR and whipped around the corner. His gun was on full auto and he fired. The Rebels were taken by suprise. John whipped back to the corner and reloaded. Meanwhile VManJr. had covered John. The 9mm bullets coming out of the AR's were cutting the rebels up. Soon all 20 of them were dead, but then Johns nightmare came alive: Klaxons starting blaring. "Shit, someone set off the alarm. We got to hurry!" Yelled John.
Rebels started to run out of doors like wasps. John had disturbed the hive. John sqaud was running intill it came to a door with "Interrogation" on it. The door was locked so Ghost came around and picked the lock. "Cover me!" She yelled. Rebels were coming from behind and John was low on ammo. The door opened and everyone went inside.
Only to find Kelanix strapped to a table. John had locked the door on the rebels. but they were starting to get through. John unhooked Kelanix from his straps. "Where is everyone else?" Asked John. "I dont know." said Kelanix, John handed Kelanix his AR with his remaining 2 mags. Joh opened a door on the other side of the room and it lead to a bunch of stairs. "Come on!" said John. John had closed the door, when the rebels from the other door had came through. John locked this door, and ran down the stairs.
John quickly came to a door and opened it. What he saw before him was horrifying. What was Johns Squad was hanged with shackles on there arms, and bullet holes through there heads. "They're dead" said John...
A John Before Halo: Part 15
Date: 8 November 2003, 5:33 AM
1000, December 21st, 2436, Inside a rebel base, Sigma Octunas IV
John just stared with cold eyes at the life-less bodies of his fallen squad mates. John felt his heart spilt in two and now upon checking the conditions of the bodies, they would not be able to be cloned. "Goddamn it..." said John. "Son of a fucking bitch, goddamn it..." John walked out of the room, into the stairway, when he heard some banging on a higher level. "Shit we have to go!" John yelled. But ghost (Sarah) just stood by the stairs. "No" She said. "We have to go, now!" yelled John. "I will stay and avenge my fallen. John you must get out of here, I can buy you time, just go!" said Ghost. "I can't afford to lose you, goddamn it Sarah." said John, a tear falling out of his eyes. "John, I cant afford to lose you either which is another reason why you should go. Besides I'm an ex-ONI assassin, remember? I've been in worse situations then this..." said Ghost. "Then I want you to have this," said John. He pulled something off his neck; it was a pure Jade pendant, and inscribed on it was ancient Chinese. "No I can't accept it," said Ghost. "I don't know what the writing means but it has always brought me good luck." He handed it to Ghost. "Thanks" She read the pendant (she was trained to be able to speak a whole bunch of languages... It read: Fear not, for I am the First and the Last, the giver of death, and the destroyer of life. I hold onto me these truths which are self evident, in which I shall destroy the enemies of Humanity and so shall my children, for I am the guardian of humanity in itself, which upon the orders of heaven, shall strike down at any evil and which the guardian has to have been born upon it...
Ghost just stared at John and repeated those words to him, she give John back the pendant and said "there isn't much time left, you must go now!" John kissed her on her lips and said 'I shall always love you, Sarah." "And I shall too." An explosion accrued and John was off, and Ghost drew her sword and put herself in a fighting stance, the Rebels came down and stairs and as one clashed into another, she threw her sword down upon there heads...
Meanwhile John was bolting down the stairs as fast as he could. Soon he approach a door and opened it, he was on a balcony and below him was a huge hanger that opened up onto the surface, maybe he had just gone down a cliff or a hill? Below him was a thousand Rebels, watching someone deliver a speech, luckily the balcony was 350 feet up and the Rebels backs were turned, across from them was another balcony with a radio room on it. "Sir, request permission to go to radio room." said Kelanix. "You know that's a suicide mission, right, you would have to climb down this ladder, sneakily go across the damn floor and climb up another ladder to get there?" said John. "Yes sir" said Kelanix. "Request accepted" said John, "you go and tell the outside world that there's a whole bunch of Rebels here, maybe a couple of regiments, k?" "Yes Sir" and kelanix was off...
Meanwhile Ghost was hacking and slashing. She danced with her sword movements with a certain grace that could only be told by watching it itself, "I hope John is alrigth" she thought. The rebels stopped and fell back, and then Ghost decided to find a way out of here.
Kelanix was on the floor, crouching and trying not to make any noise, He had successfully go to the ladder when he coughed, "ah shit" he said. Then he bolted up the ladder as far as he could. John watched "shit, covering fire!" John ordered. Soon John and the rebels were exchanging fire at intervals. Kelanix gad made it to the top. He got to the radio. "This is Kelanix-Easy 117, can anybody hear me?" "Roger, what do you need, Kelanix? over" "we are stuck inside a rebel base, Garrison possible 2 maybe 3 Rebel regiments, over." "K, I need co-ordinates to get you out of there, Kelanix, what's your position? Over" Kelanix found a Map on the wall. "I'm in grid 10,13, sub-grid 43,12, Co-ord is x-ray, tango 9023391 within the sub-grid over." "Roger, don't worry we have rescue on the way, just on for 10-15 minutes over." "WE WONT SURVIVE 15 MINUTES! WE NEED YOU HERE NOW!" "I can get you some light reinforcements, maybe a company in 5, but your gonna have to wait 15 for the whole package, over." "Roger, Kelanix out."
Kelanix had moved down the ladder and was sprinting across the floor, when somebody noticed him and fire a 10 round burst to his chest. Kelanix fell back and stared out into the sudden emptiness and saw another muzzle in his face, and saw the man on the other side, pull the trigger and that was the last thing Kelanix ever saw...
A John Before Halo: Part 16: Chapter 1
Date: 4 January 2004, 5:10 AM
Note: sorry I've been gone lately, school and issues and having to rewrite this bout 10 some-odd times lol, so after much consideration, I present to you, part 16, enjoy...
2100, December 22nd, 2436, at the main UNSC base, Ardonnes Forest, Sigma Octunas IV
John and his Squad had been saved by UNSC, and he was in his room in his squad's bunkhouse. Though he was having a nervous breakdown over the death of part of his squad. He was crying, and shaking uncontrollably, nightmares rushing into his head, wondering why the universe had hated him so, he wished he was dead; he wanted to end the killing, end it all.
He felt like a darkness had surrounded him, and he was up against a wall, he couldn't sleep because of the faces of his squad were looking at him, blaming him for there deaths. And then he yelled, in the cry of immortal pain, of deep suffering, the most haunting yells of darkness ever to consume him.
He was trying to look for inner peace. He had locked his room from the rest of his squad to be alone in his search for peace. But now, he tried something he had never believed in, but he was willing to do anything.
"Dear god, I know you haven't ever heard a prayer from a non-believer, but please, in this time of mourning, I ask guidance from you, please show me the way out of my wicked ways, and please give me a reason to live again..."
His prayers were answered in his unloaded AR, pendant and map hitting the floor. He grinned, he took the map and looked at it, and suddenly an idea poured into his head. He gathered the AR, the pendant, and the map, and burst into the bunk room. Everybody was at Alpha Lances bunk playing cards, then turned there heads to look at him.
"I'm going to be straight with you, I got an idea, but you may not like It." said John. "What is it, sir?" said Helljumper.
"We're gonna hit a rebel base where a Rebel division (4,000 men, or = to an UNSC brigade) is gonna hit us soon, if we can disrupt operations there, then maybe we will have enough time to mount a counter-attack against the rebels." said John seriously, his voice cold.
"Ah, sir, that's suicide" pointed out Lance.
"Well I will tell you this, I will die for this nation, and if I die, I want to die facing a Rebel, not a bed. Besides, I got a prophecy to fulfill..." He took a magazine for his AR. "I got Rebels to kill..." He loaded the Magazine into his AR. "And most importantly..." He cocked the action. "I got ideals to defend..." John said staring coldly into the eyes of his teammates. "Well are you with me or not?" John asked.
Helljumper rose "I still not up to my quota for dead Rebels, sir." Alpha Lance rose "I'm with you all the way sir." VManJr rose "I still got payback to dish out." and then Ghost rose "With you 'till my dying day...sir" she said. John nodded.
John went outside with the rest of his squad to the Regimental HQ. John detailed his plan to the colonel.
"Well it's suicide, but we need that time, permission for mission granted Spartan, and give em hell Sergeant." said the Colonel.
"Sir, yes, Sir" John barked, and snapped a salute.
0530, December 23rd, 2436, 8 KM out of main UNSC base
"Now squad listen up" said John, they crouched with him ears at ready. "Now if you can't run, you crawl, and if you can't crawl, you let yourself be carried, am I clear?" "Yes sir" they all whispered. "VMan, why do you have two ARs with you?" whispered John. "Sir, I've been practicing lately, and I can now fire two AR's at once sir, accurately too." This puzzled John, but he didn't mind the extra skill.
"Ghost, hit it" said John. She nodded. She went into the prone position and look into the scope of her revolver.
"Acquiring target" she said, looking for something flammable, "Found one" she said, she pulled the trigger. A magnificent explosion of sound and light came. A big power generator went up in flames, also knocking out all the power in the camp.
John stood up, and waved his hand forward "C'mon, do you want to live forever?" and he rushed into the camp. He ran full speed and fired his weapon in single-shot mode. Rebels got out of there tents wondering, just to have a bullet in there head a second later. Helljumper had used his gun as a blunt weapon and swung the butt around to connect with another persons head. Alpha jumped into the camp and was firing full auto into a mass of Rebels in front of him.
VManJr. had withdrawn both his ARs and fire them in burst, spinning around, then leapt to the side, firing in midair, he rolled behind cover, "Ain't this gonna be one hell of a day." He muttered. Ghost had taken cover and leaned around a corner firing into the stray Rebel. John was already clearing tents delta force style.
Johns radio crackled. "Sir, this is Lance I'm pinned down. Requesting immediate help, over" "Roger" said John. John had run to Lance's position within 15 seconds, John was right beside him.
"Okay, I'll cover you, but then you cover me, k?" said John. "Yes sir" Lance was running back, when he saw a Rebel with a shotgun turn around the cover behind John.
"Shit" said Lance, he turned around and leapt, the Rebel fired and Alpha Lance caught buckshot in the gut. John turned around and killed the Rebel, knowing he had to be more careful, and then he looked down.
"Shit, not you Lance, not you." said John, his voice breaking.
"It was an honor fighting beside you sir, an honor" said Alpha Lance, his voice growing more quiet. Then his eyes closed and his body became deadweight. John took Lances AR and a new anger had risen in him. He leaned around the corner and fired full-auto rushing into the Rebel lines. John then ran back and found what he was looking for: a mounted MG. He went up behind it and cocked the bolt, and looking coldly at a Rebel, the Rebel muttered 'o shit' and his chest exploded.
A rain of pure hell come from Johns position, he held onto the trigger into the drum magazine was empty. The place is front of the gun was like a scene out of WW1, ground full of holes, and bodies littered all around. Note: sorry about the wierd ending, but hey this is a 2 parter lol.
A John Before Halo: Part 16 Chapter 2
Date: 23 March 2004, 3:46 AM
Note: Sorry it's taking so long, but hey, I got acting to deal with, school, a girlfriend, and clans, but hey, I don't forget my fans. O yeah, another thing: if you don't understand the names of the guns presented in this part, then I advise you get rainbow 6 3. Now I present to you, Chapter 2 of part 16.
0600 December 23rd 2436, Inside Rebel camp, Ardonnes Forest, Sigma Octunas IV
John just collapsed on the mounted MG, tired yet still angry of all the hate, just thinking that maybe he really was doomed to hell. Then a shot was heard behind him, and he turned around only to see a fallen Rebel and a smoking gun. "Honey, you got to be careful" said Sarah.
"Remind me later to marry you" said John with a smile. He got up and ran with Sarah across the field of dead bodies killed by John. After running 50 meters, he ran into Helljumper and VManJr.
"Sir, we can mourn Lance later, right now we have a job to do." said Helljumper to John, looking a little weary in his helmet.
"You don't think I know that?" said John angrily. He continued to run, in till he came up about a 4 foot high wall and on the other side was an encampment full of Rebels. John pulled out a fragmentation grenade.
"Now on my mark, I want all of you to pop the firing pin and hold the grenade for 3 seconds then throw it over the wall, ready?... MARK!" said John, and he pulled out the firing pin and held it for 3 seconds then threw it over the wall and covered his ears. Three 'whumps' were heard followed by many screams. John pulled out his AR and placed the bottom of the rifle on the wall, giving himself a semi-covered position.
"Fire!" John yelled. He sighted on the remaining Rebels and squeezed the trigger, giving off single shot rounds to the Rebels. John was picking them off one by one. When none were left, he listened and heard a bunch of voices getting slowly louder. Sarah took out some binoculars and her face went pale. She handed the binoculars to John.
"Oh my god..." he said. A battalion's worth of Rebels were charging at them, John had about 30 seconds in till they were on top of him.
"Sarah, I need you to go back to base and tell them that we need help, now!" John said in a slightly panicky tone. Sarah took the binoculars and ran off.
"VManJr." I need you to go back and find all 3 of us, some weapons and ammo, because I'm on my last magazine of ammo for the AR here, ok?" said John calmly. VManJr. ran off. Just then the first shots were fired from Helljumper. A rebel that was charging with his rifle flew back and covered his stomach with his hands. John was firing, watching his ammo slowly diminish. He then noticed that no shots were being fired from the Rebels. Then another shot was fired, but this time from a sniper. The bullet bounced off the wall.
"Shit!" yelled Helljumper. John and Helljumper ducked behind the wall. John leaned out from around the wall, trying to find the sniper. He was greeted by a bullet that whizzed by his ear. John immediately pulled his head around, his head now protected by the wall. John reached into his pocket and took out a mirror the size of the middle of his palm. He took the mirror by the bottom right edge and moved the mirror to the side of the wall. John saw what he was looking for. The sniper was on top of a one-story building. John pocketed the mirror and graded his AR. He moved the AR up over into the wall and sighted in, found the sniper and pulled the trigger. His shot was confirmed by the silence of sniper shots.
VManJr. came back with a G36C, a M-4, and a G3A3. He gave the G3A3 to John, the M-4 to Helljumper and VManJr. kept the G36C to himself.
"Well what are you waiting for, an invitation? Fire!" yelled John as he sighted in and pulled the trigger, the antique gun from the early 1950's giving him smooth recoil. The 7.62 mm bullet went threw a Rebel's neck, grabbing it the Rebel went down into the ground. Soon Helljumper was screaming in a maniac manner.
"Take this you piece of shit!" said Helljumper, grinning. John punched him in the face.
"Get hold of yourself, damnit!" yelled John, turning the gun back to the Rebels and firing. Then VManJr. noticed something out of the corner of his eye, it was a small band of Rebels trying to flank John and Helljumper, VManJr. was in the middle of reloading a magazine so he had no time to shoot them, he had one option left.
He pulled out his K-bar combat knife and yelled a war cry toward the flankers. He jumped and landed the knife in the neck of a Rebel, pulled it out and turned 180 degrees causing him to cut another Rebels throat. He thrust the knife to the side of him, catching a Rebel in the heart. He dived to the right and threw the knife to his left at a flat angle, the knife flying in till it landed in the base of a Rebel's neck. The remaining Rebel took out his knife and ran towards VManJr. VManJr grabbed the arm holding the arm and threw the Rebel over his back and elbowed the Rebel in the chest, causing the knife to fall. VManJr. took the knife stabbed the Rebel in the heart.
Note: sorry I had to end this on a short note, but the KB limit was approaching too fast, so I wish all readers a good time, and just wait till next time loyal fans...
A John Before Halo: Part 17
Date: 15 May 2004, 1:23 AM
Note: well I'm back from my stuff, and I'm promising to go on a speed-run of writing so to say, so you can expect a lot out of J-117 these next coming weeks. This is a bridging chapter, and now without further comments, I present to you Part 17.
0900, December 23rd, 2436, Ardonnes Forest, Sigma Octunas IV, Sigma Octunas system
Sarah was running with all her might, down the eight kilometers to the UNSC base, she had a kilometer to go and she was exhausted from running at her high speed. She thought about John, who she loved with all of her heart and soul, the very thought of anybody hurting him made her run faster then she ever knew.
Soon she was in the UNSC base, and she ran towards Easy Company HQ. Sarah threw open the door to the building, and ran down the corridor into the Captain's office. She went in, and panting, she said: "Sir, I need help relieving my squad from the Rebel base that is eight klicks out of here." "Ok, Ghost, but I need some time to assemble the Company." "Hurry!" yelled Sarah as the Captain ran out the door.
1000 Hours, December 23rd, John's position
John brought up the butt of the shotgun that he 'stole' and rammed it into a Rebel's face with such a force that John snapped the Rebel's neck. He then shouldered the shotgun and fired directly into another Rebel's chest, making him fly back from the buckshot. "I'm out!" John yelled as he found out that he had no spare shells left.
"Use your knife, sir!" said Helljumper as he executed his '5 Point Knife Kill.' He hit the back of a Rebel's head with the butt of his knife, stunning him. He then used the momentum to slash down diagonally, cutting the Rebel's throat. He then brought the knife back into the Rebels throat; he ripped the knife out and stabbed the Rebel in the side, puncturing his kidney. Finally he forced the knife upwards while he was still in the Rebel's body, puncturing many organs and sealing the Rebel's fate.
"Your going to have to teach me that sometime." said VManJr. bending over to catch his breath. All three of them were exhausted from this endless fighting, but they still had the hope of killing one more enemy before they find themselves six feet under. Suddenly a low rumble was heard, followed by war cries. "Well I'll be damned." said Helljumper, as he turned around and look at the entire 117th regiment, as it charged the Rebel's. A Humvee pulled up next to John and his two comrades. "Never leave a soldier behind." said Sarah, grinning. "My god, Ghost, what did you do to get the entire regiment to save me, eh?" asked John, still surprised by the size of the rescue crew. "I ran as fast as I could and told the Captain, and he convinced the Lieutenant Colonel to bring the entire regiment, seems like your worth more then you think you are." said Sarah, still grinning. John, Helljumper, and VManJr. got inside the Humvee and Sarah drove them back towards the base.
1200 hours, January 5th, 2437, briefing room, on board the UNSC destroyer Predator, in orbit above Sigma Octunas IV, Sigma Octunas system
A lot had happened over the past couple of days. UNSC forces were winning the battle of Ardonnes Forest, and with only 3 towns left to occupy, the UNSC would have no trouble to rid the forest of Rebels. Sensing an end to their fight in the system, the Rebels had started to evacuate Sigma Octunas IV, but the UNSC blockade destroyed many ships that tried to escape, though few got out.
John was in the briefing room aboard the Predator. He was talking to his teammates, when General Kemper came in.
"As you know, since the Rebels are losing the planet, they have evacuated, but they are leaving some men behind to have a guerilla war with us to give the Rebels time to evacuate. Now the Rebels that were left behind are using any dirty trick they can to stall us, that's where you come in. Now my Daughter joined the 324th medical corps, to help the war effort against my wishes, but 6 hours ago at 0600 Standard Military Time, her convoy was attacked, and she was kidnapped, now all I know is that the UNSC go off the planet or else she dies. Now I want all of you to kill every Rebel that ever even saw her. She was last seen in this point here." The General turned on a holographic map and showed John and his squad the position: 100 miles east of the current front lines, in a huge camp.
"Now, we'll have a dropship fly you over the camp at 1000 feet where you will do a LOLA jump (low opening, low altitude). There I want you to begin your search for my daughter, and o yeah, if you succeed, I will put you all in for promotions and some shore leave, dismissed."