
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

A Grunts fight by Anton

A Grunts fight : Chapter 1
Date: 2 July 2006, 7:47 pm

Note:Grammer mistakes in the story are on purpose because Grunts talk like that. So now that thats out of the way,enjoy the story.

Yalap woke up on his cot realizing that his room-mate had hit him on the head "Yalap...Yalap,hey wake up!","Huh, wha,what wrong Galem?","It Manek,he's gone!","So?","SO!" Galem then hit Yalap on the head again and said:"He say yesterday that he go get revenge on Kig-yar that hurt him!" Yalap jumped from his cot and stumbled towards the door "We need find him fast!". Yalap ran down the long hallways which seemed to never end when he finaly made it to the armory. He walked up to the Sangheili Stationed there and asked him:"Hey,have you seen Manek?" "Yes,he came here a few Units ago asking for a new plasma pistol and 3 Plasma Grenades." "oh,no which way he go?!" "Down that way." said the Sangheili who was now pointing towards a Gravity lift on the left side of the Armory."Thanks!" said Yalap as he decended the Gravity lift which stoped in front of another door leading to the food nipel.Yalap ran through the doors and saw Manek siting down on a seat at the left side of the room staring down at his Plasma Pistol.Yalap walked over to Manek and said:"What you doing here Manek?" "Huh,oh...well me can't do this on empty stomach." Yalap sat down next to Manek and said:"Manek you no need kill Kig-yar here...you wait until battle,then kill Kig-yar and say it was accident." Manek looked at Yalap and said:"You right Yalap,you always the smart one" Yalap and Manek each hid a smile behind their masks.
As they were walking back to their quarters Yalap asked Manek:"Hey,Manek why you take 3 Plasma Grenades anyway?"
"Well,cause me already had 1 and 3 would fill my belt."
When they reached the door to the Unggoys quarters Galem ran out and said:"Hey,what took you so long?,Tnaum'ee looking for you!" Yalap,surprised by this left the Unggoys
quarters and raced to Sargent Tnaum'ee's quarters to see what he wanted.
When he reached Tnaum'ee's quarters he had to enter his personal access code to gain access since their was a traitor on the ship.When Yalap put in the last digit he heard a beep coming from inside the room and after a few seconds the door flashed and slid open.Yalap cautiosly entered the room not knowing what Tnaum'ee had in store for him."You-you wanted see me Sargent Tnaum'ee?" just as Yalap had finished Tnaum'ee appeared from behind his desk holding a Holopanel showing statistics of the Desendent Vengence."Yalap as you are aware there is a Traitor on this ship,so i have called you to eradicate him...Understood!" Yalap,now terrified beyond what he thought possable,quickly replied:"Ye-yes Sir!" and beliving he just had a heart-attack,walked out of the room wondering why he called him by his name,and not just 'Unggoy'. As he was walking off,Tnaum'ee came up to Yalap and said:"By the way...you can bring at least 1 other Unggoy with you."And with that said,he dissapered into his quarters.
Yalap ran back to the Unggoys quarters to ask his friend Danel(who just happend to be a 'spec-op') to help him kill the Traitor. As he reached Danel's quarters he saw Danel walking out,so he walked up to Danel and asked:"Hey Danel you want help me kill Traitor?" Danel shrugged his shoulders and said:"Me guess so" and followed Yalap down to the Cargo hold where the Traitor had last been seen.As they desended the large slope leading into the Cargo hold Yalap said:"Me have bad feeling bout this" hearing this,Danel replied:"You always have bad feeling" now angery Yalap replied:"No i don-" before Yalap could finish there was a rumaging sound coming from the weapon crates,Danel took out his needler and ordered:"Yalap steady your weapon,Yalap,hearing this replied:"Hey,you not boss of me!" "Yalap look out!" Yalap turned to see what was wrong when he noticed a bright blue light lunging towards him,Yalap jumped to the side just in time to dodge the lethal blade of the energy sword,Yalap looked up to see that the the Traitor was a Sangheili and that he was now getting ready to strike Danel,Yalap without thinking jumped on top of a supply crate and shouted:"HEY STINK-A-HEILI OVER HERE! the Sangheili turned around ran at Yalap,giving Danel enough time to stick over 20 needles in the Traitor before he exploded.The two Unggoy left the Cargo hold,Danel left for his quarters while Yalap went to Sargent Tnaum'ee's quarters to report that the Traitor had been killed. When Yalap got there he entered his code again and once again he heard the beep and the door flashed then slid open. "Come in Yalap" came the voice of Tnaum'ee from behind his desk,Yalap walked in watching the door close behind him,Yalap turned and saw that Tnaum'ee was getting up from behind his desk "So...i trust the Traitor has been eradicated?" "Yes Sargent,Traitor been killed" hearing this Sargent Tnaum'ee replied:"Excellent,you are promotied to Corpral,you shall aquire you're red armor tomorrow now go get some sleep".Yalap walked out of the Sargent's quarters and was happy that it was all over and now he could get some sleep.

A Grunts fight : Chapter 2
Date: 11 July 2006, 10:45 pm

Note:I am glad some people liked my first Chapter so keep that feedback coming ;).

Decendent Vengence:Unggoys quarters,
5/12/2552-1400 Hours (Military Calander)

Yalap woke up as his bed's 'built in alarm' sounded "Yalap,turn alarm off!" shouted Salaf,"Me sorry,Salaf" then Yalap turned and hit the Alarm with his arm,"OWEY,OWEY,OWEY" Yalap shouted in pain;hearing this,Salaf jumped from his Cot to see what was the matter "Yalap what wrong?" "Owey,ow,ow- me hurt hand bad!" Surprised by this Salaf ran over to Yalap and asked:"Me take look?",Yalap nearly fainted when he heard this "NO,no,me fine,me fine!" Yalap then turned and left his quarters before Salaf could get close enough to see his arm.
Yalap then remembered he had been promoted and he needed to get his new armor from the armory today,Yalap then ran as fast as he could,unfortunatly,he ran too fast and smacked face first into the door as it slid open,out of pain,Yalap started cursing in his native tongue when his realised he had hit the door to the armory,he was in the armory!
Yalap walked inside and asked the Sangheili there for his new armor,the Sangheili then went through a door behind the counter and after a few seconds shouted:"Rank?...",Yalap was surprised,it was not like Sargent Tnaum'ee to not tell this Sangheili about promotions,then Yalap relised he had not answered the question! "Um...Corporal..." a few seconds later the Sangheili came out holding new shiny red armor and a Holopad "input you'r code" the Sangheili said in a bored voice,Yalap entered his code and took the Red armor back to his quarters.
When he got there he went into the Lavatory,took off his armor and put on his new Red armor,then Yalap came out of the Lavatory went over to sleeping Salaf and said:"Hey,wake up Salaf look who got promoted!" Salaf turned over and when he saw the new armor his eyes widend and he jumped out of his cot "How come you got promoted and me did'nt!?" Yalap then happily proclaimed:"Because me kill Traitor and you did'nt!" "You mean me kill Traitor!" Yalap turned around to see who said that,when he saw Danel standing in the doorway,"Hey,you be dead if me not destracted Traitor!", Danel walked in from the doorway and said:"Hey,me could shoot him with needles before he come close-" Danel was cut off as a huge Explosion rocked the Unggoy's quarters! Yalap was thrown to the floor by the force of the explosion "What was that?" Just as Yalap had finished Sargent Tnaum'ee's voice came over the intercomm:"Attention;Human ships are assaulting the Decendent Vengence prepare to board the Human ships!
Yalap,Danel,Salaf,Manek and 10 other Unggoy ran to the boarding crafts.When they got there Yalap,Manek and 4 other Unggoy got in one and Salaf,Danel and 4 other Unggoy got in another.When yalap was in the boarding craft he looked around when he saw Gal'sym,the Kig'yar that Manek wanted to kill "Manek!" Yalap whispered to Manek while pointing to Gal'sym "What?" "Look,it Gal'sym!" Manek nearly jumped when he heard this but he held himself back and forced himself to turn and look instead,"Hey,you right,this my chance!" Manek then started to unholdster his Plasma Pistol but was stoped by somthing,when he turned to see what was holding him back he saw Yalap holding on to his Pistol "What you doing?" Yalap then removed his hand from Manek's Pistol and whispered:"Wait until battle!" Manek was dissapointed "Me wish me could do it now..." then there was a rumbling,the doors opened and the Gravity tube activated Yalap turned to Manek and said "...wish granted!".
As Yalap was about to leave a Blue armored Sangheili at the back of the Craft Announced:"Alright,Unggoy first,Kig'yar second and Sangheili last,now,MOVE!
Yalap was lifted out by the Gravity tube to be greeted by a bullet whizzing past his head and nearly rupturing his methane tank,after a hail of gunfire,Yalap jumped behind a few crates hoping the Humans did'nt see him jump behind them,luckly the Humans did'nt,they were to pre-occupied with killing the Sangheili that were each hiding behind a crate.
