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203rd Spartan Regiment by Chief-117
Spartans in NYC
Date: 27 June 2003, 5:41 AM
1431 Hours Nov. 15, 2553 onboard the Red Phalanx in orbit above Earth, Sol System
The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the Red Phalanx as First Sergeant Samuel-213 trotted quickly to the briefing room along with John and Michael. When they entered the regimental briefing room it was already crowded, they took their seats in the back row and began chatting to each other. "Alright everybody, listen up," the Intel Officer said the intercom. Everybody in the room stopped their chatter and came to attention. The Intel Officer continued, "As you all know exactly 24 hours ago the Covenant fleet began an orbital bomdarment of Earth which was later proceed by an invasion 8 hours later. So far the Covenant havenot yet acquired a frim foothold. Currently the Covenant have only landed in London, Hong Kong, New Mombasa, New Moscow, Buenos Aires, and New York. Each of these cities contain a spaceport vital to both the UNSC and the Covenant. If the Covenant capture these spaceports the can then receive enough supplies to break out to take the rest of the planet. If we can keep these spaceports for 3 weeks reinforcements from the other few remaining planets will arrive." Everyone in the 2000 man briefing room knew what would happen if the men on Earth were unable to hold the spaceports every human on Earth would be murdered by the Covenant. The Intel Officer continued, "You guys will operate in New York until further notice. Currently only the 81st Army, 405th Armor Corp, and 51st Air Assualt Corp are defending NYC. They number up to 380,000 and the Covie army in the city number up to 3,456,00. Most of the city has been overun, the sections in our control are Brooklyn, Queens, and a small section in Manhattan around the spaceport and the U.N. Building. Both of these buildings are vital to us and must not be turned over to the Covenant." "The mission of the 203rd Spartan Regiment is to make a coordinated assualt with other units along the Covie rear. You will be working with the 3rd Marine Division, 18th Air Assualt Division, 88th Division, and the 17th Armored. the 17th and 88th are already on the gorund and will attack the Covies on their right flank and make a drive toward the Manhattan perimeter and reestablish contact between them and units in the other parts of town. The 3rd and 18th are cuurently in orbit and will drop to the north of the Covies and come down on their left flank. 6 hours after this you, the 203rd, will drop 2 miles to the rear of the Covie line and drive up it's center until you reach their HQ, upon this you will capture it and the three cruisers around the HQ. We are hoping that the other division's assualts plus your surprise and abilities as Spartans you all will be able to the enemy HQ with little problem. You all will land in 4 separate drop zones, DZ Alpha, DZ Charlie, DZ Zulu, and DZ November. Any qustions." Sam stood up,"Yeah, the 203rd only has 2000 combatants and we will be charging through the center of the Covie line in it's rear, there will be at least 200,000 Covies there plus thousands of additional reinforcements." "Yes, we know this but the Covies will be distracted by the counterattack and most of the units you will run into will be support units that are not properly armed to deal with Spartans, understand," the Intel Officer said. "Yeah, just making sure so we don't get wasted when we land because i want to kill me some Covenant," Sam said as his voice was magnified by the advanced sound magnification system in the room. A bunch of "hell yeahs" were said after what Sam said. "Don't worry, you'll get your chance, just remember that even though you all are Spartans you've never been in combat, only one Spartan as seen combat and he is needed elsewhere. just remember your training and review clips of the Spartans on Reach and you'll do fine. Now reprt to your company commander for further briefing. Dismisses." After their commpany briefing Sam, Mike, and John were suited up and battle equipped they were ready to go. They boarded their Pelican along with the other Spartans and the ship lifted off and began it's descent for Earth. "Can't wait to kill me some Covie," John said. "To bad Im gonna kill them all with this baby," Mike said stroking his rocket launcher. "We'll Im gonna fuckin kill more Covie then John-117 has in one day," said Sam. Bet you fifty bucks you won't," said Mike. "Your on." After that it was a quiet ride except for some sporadic anti-aircraft fire. "Five minutes till we hit the dirt," said the pilot. Suddenly someone started singing the "Spartans of New Thermopolyea." "We, the Spartans of Thermopolyea..." everyone else continued along until an explosion rocked the ship. Anti-aircraft fire shot up all around them. The Pelican next to was engulfed by plamsa fire and exploded into a ball of fire. The heat of the inferno could be felt inside the Pelican. The pilots voice suddenly could be heard again, "Heads up, the LZ is hot." the doorgunner began firing at every thing moving on the surface and the the pilot fired several rockets at a battery of AA guns. "Hit it Saprtans, go go go," the pilot roared into his headset as they hit the surface.
To be continued...
Spartans in NYC Chapter2
Date: 29 June 2003, 3:09 AM
1831 Hours Nov. 15, 2553 New York City, North America, Earth, Sol System
"Hit it Spartans, go go go," the pilot roared into his headset as they hit the surface.
Sam and the other Spartans hopped out of the Pelican as plasma streamed past their heads. Sam and the others took cover behind a crashed Pelican. "We can't stay," said Sam, "The plasma fire will tear us to pieces. November 34 to Hotel 61 do you read me, over."
"Roger November 34 this is Hotel 61."
"Hotel 61 we need you and your squadron to lay down suppresive fire when we attack the 10 story building to our 12 o'clock, over."
"Copy that, November 34. Hotel 61 to all Hotel units target the 10 story building and open fire out it. Go Go Go."
10 Pelicans roared over head unleahing dozens of rockets and machine gun fire. 3 Wraith tanks were destroyed and a company of Covie infantry were decimated. The Spartans then charged the building. Sam and 4 others ran all the way the stairs taking out any Covenant on the way until they reached the roof. Only Covie bodies were on the roof, killed the Pelicans' strafing. The only Covie left was a blue Elite looking down on a group a Spartans, plasma exploding all aroud them from Covie artillery. Sam snuck on it and hit it in it's neck, snapping it, killing him instantly. The Elite must have been a forward artillery observer because a minute after his death the Covie artillery fire ceased.
Within 10 minutes the entire building was secure. The rest of the Covenant retreated from the area. The Spartans then gathered by the crashed Pelican. Second Lt. Michael-213 came up and said, "Alright guys, the other DZs are secure. In 2 minutes we are gonna move east in 4 parallel lines along with the other companies. We will occupy the left center, companies D and E will be to our right, C and F will take the left flank, and G and H will take the right flank. We only lost 17 men and the other guys at the other DZs took a lot less. We had the toughest DZ to secure plus we lost Pelican went down. We should be OK though, intel reports that only 2 Covie regiments are being sent toward our position. Not very smart on their part is it, they might outnumber 2-1 but one Spartan can take on a dozen Covie himself with ease. Let's move out."
They got up a began moving east down a 6 lane street with buildings on it's sides. Sam's HUD displayed the other 3 Spartan columns and 2 Covenant columns moving toward them. they were about 15 minutes away.
Suddenly a Wraith appeared around the corner ahead and fired. The plasma exploded a few yards ahead of the the point man, taking out his shield. He quickly jumped behind a destroyed car, letting his shields recharge. They had walked into the middle of a Covie ambush. Mike fired a rocket from his Jackhammer, it struck the Wraith in it's cannon, it exploded in a ball of plasma. Within a few minutes the Covies retreated suffering heavy casualties.
Suddenly 2 Phantoms and a squadron of Banshees appeared above the buildings. Sam checked his map on his HUD, the 2 regiments of Covies came quicker then he expected, they were already on top of them. The Banshees began strafing them, one fired a blast from it's fuel rod cannon exploding near two Spartans, they were thrown several yards back. The Phantoms then began dropping troops. Several Elites were dropped next to two down Spartans. The two Spartans seem to come back to life, they sprang up and took down 3 Elites with their MA7B rifles. Mike shot down a Banshee with a rocket, it crahed right on top of a pair of Hunters. John took down some Grunts and a Brute with his M90 shotgun. Sam took out a pair of Jackals and a crimson Elite eith his MA7B.
A Brute dropped down right in front of Sam and swung at him with it's hairy arm, knocking him on his back taking away his shields. The Brute came up right on top of him. Sam tried to reach for his rifle just a few feet away. The Brute brought his foot down on his arm. It raised it's arm, Sam could see the bugs crawling around it's hairy body. The Brute then swung his arm down toward Sam's head.
To be continued...
Spartans in NYC Chapter 3
Date: 30 June 2003, 11:04 PM
1917 Hours Nov. 15, 2553 New York City, North America, Earth, Sol System
The beast's arm came crashing down at Sam's head but instead of crushing his head the arm shot up as it's blood splattered all over Sam. The Brute fell back and Sam was able to get up. The Brute's chest was a pile of it's inside laying in a pool of blood. He turned around and John was standing there with a smoking shotgun in his hands. "Thanks," Sam said.
"Hey no problem my man."
Suddenly 2 Phantoms flew right over them missing their heads by inches. "Those Phantoms are moving to our rear. We gotta take them out before they flank us. Michael-119 come to my position, it should be located on your map HUD, over," said Sam.
"Roger that. Be their in thirty seconds."
Mike got their thirty seconds later wielding his Jackhammer rocket launcher. All 3 of them began running back down the road from which they came. When they got their they saw that the Phantoms had a squad of Spartans pinned down. Mike unstrapped his rocket launcher, aimed, and fired. The rocket hit the Phantom on the right square in the cockpit. It came crashing down in a ball of fire. The other Phantom dropped a group of Jackals and Grunts. They were quickly taken down by the Spartans' accurate fire. The Phantom then started firing on Mike, he dove behind a destroyed car. The pilot was focused so much on taking out Mike that he didn't notice 2 other Spartans run up with Jackhammers in their hands. They fire and both rockets hit the Phantom in the fuselauge. It came crashing and exploded in an inferno of fire and distorted plasma.
Three other Banshees were taken out by small arms fire. Lacking air support the rest of the Covies retreated. Sam saw the leiutanant climb out of a pile of rubble. He ran up to him, "Sir, no casualties were sustained during the skirmish."
"Thats good to know. Now I have some good news for you. We don't need to walk no more. I've found oursleves some wheels."
The Lt. took Sam through the pile of rubble and came up to an opening that led into a giant garage. The garage had to be the biggest room Sam had ever seen. The garage was filled with hundrends if not thousands of Warthogs. There was enough for 4 or 5 armored divisions. "When a Phantom started firing on me I dove for cover in the rubble but an explosion knocked me into this garage."
"Thats a shit load of Warthogs right there," said Sam.
"I already radioed this to the rest of the regiment, their coming down now, they should be here in about 15 minutes. So at least we don't have to walk and we can go up against some heavy armor."
"Yeah, but why the hell are they all here."
"This building is a factory that makes military vehicles. This is the storage place for the products before they get shipped out."
"Yeah but how come no one took them, theres gotta be a few hundrend if not a thousand here."
"I don't know, before we leave I'll radio HQ about it."
The rest of the Spartans got their within the 15 minutes. Evrybody got on a Warthog. Sam got in the drivers seat of one, John manned the LAAG, and Mike sat in the passenger seat with his rocket launcher and dual SMGs. 658 Warthogs piled out of the garage. It took about an hour for evrybody to drive out and get in formation due to the mass exodus of Warthogs from the garage. They then began traveling east again along 4 different consecutive parallel roads. 200 of the Warthogs were equipped with the new 30 mm High Velocity Grenade Launcher (HVGL) instead of a LAAG. The HVGL is capable of taking out a Wraith with just 2 shots.
The wait was well worth it. Within half an hour the Spartans had breached the Covenant main rear line an 45 minutes ahead of schedule. Colonel William-234, the CO of the 203rd, suddenly came up on the radio, "Alright guys stay alert. Intel indicates we got Covies moving toward us from the east."
Sam looked on his HUD, seeing the satelite images of the Covies moving at them. They looked to be in a force of 2 divisions. One of them armored. An infantry and an armored division of Covies against a regiment of Spartans in Warthogs, Sam liked those odds. Plasma started falling from the sky. The Covenant must be within artillery range of them he thought. The streets and buildings turned into an inferno of plasma and fire. They only took a few losses from the artillery. 2 died and 5 were wounded. The guys in the gunners seat with the HVGLs were able to shot the slow moving plasma causing it to explode.
After several minutes of the bombardment several ghosts and a Wraith could be seen on a bend in the the street 1000 yards down. 2 ghosts were destroyed and the wraith was hit with a round form a HVGL. The Covie armor retreated around the bend. When the lead Warthog turned on the bend in the street it was hit by a ball of plasma. The gunner and the driver saw it coming, the gunner was able to jump out but the driver wasn't able to unbuckle the seat belt in time. The passenger wasn't even aware of the danger because he was unable to see around the corner of the building. The driver, passenger, and Warthog were incinerated. The gunner took cover behind what was left of the Warthog waiting for his shields to recharge. The explosion shocked Sam but was brought back to his senses when John started firing the LAAG. The Warthogs charged fire and became entangled with the Covie armor. Mike took out a Wraith with a rocket and shot up a pack of grunts with his SMGs. John took out 2 ghosts and a couple Elites with the LAAG. Sam was running over anything Covenant, laughing. He hated the Covenant to the core of his bones. He was enjoying this slaughter when a a bright blue light above caught his eye. He looked up to see a ball of plasma coming down right on top of him.
To ve continued...
Spartans in NYC Chapter 4
Date: 9 July 2003, 12:48 AM
2034 Hours Nov.15,2553 New York City, North America, Earth, Sol System
The reflection of the plasma shown brilliantly on Sam's visor. It kept coming closer and closer. Sam started to panic but within a second he recovered and jammed the acceleration down to the floor of the Warthog. He hit a ghost causing it to flip in the air. Just as it flipped behind John the plasma hit the road and exploded. The ghost took the brunt of the explosion and the pilot was thrown 50ft. from the cockpit. He landed on John causing him to fall out. He hit the road as sparks flew from the friction of his armor hitting the road. Before he could pick up his shotgun a squad of jackals surrounded him. They charged their plasma pistols and fired. Before they hit John jumped right over one. Several of them were hit from their squad mates fire. They started firing at him in midair not noticing a Warthog coming straight at them. Sam ran over 3 and Mike cut the ones on the other side of circle down with his dual SMGs. John landed right on the hood of the Warthog. Sam sustained his speed as John flung himself into the turret. Just as he got set up John opened fired with the LAAG, cutting down a pair of Elites and a group of Brutes in seconds.
The rest of the Covies retreated after several Phantoms were shot down. Sam looked at his HUD, they had only sustained 4 kills, bringing the death toll for the 203rd up to 26 and only suffering 14 hit, all of whom only taking light damage to their suits, no one but the dead had had their flesh hit. Several Spartans who had been knocked from their vehicles hijacked a dozen ghosts, 3 wraiths, and a Shadow. After everybody had got back on a vehicle the convoy continued eastward. The CO of the regiment Col. William-213, voice came up on the radio, "Keep your eyes open boys, satelite imagery shows a mechanized division of Covies forming a perimeter around the HQ a mile from it. Also 4 divisions, 2 armored are sweeping around our right flank and 3 others are sweeping across our left flank. Looks like we'll be surrounded in about 3 hours. Don't worry to much though, we're only 7 miles from the HQ perimeter. Over."
Field Master Hunolkar was furious, 7 of his divisions had been taken away from his army to make an attack on a regiment of humans, "A regiment," he roared, his voice scaring his aids.
"Sorry, my lord, please forgive me," he said.
"You are forgiven," said the Prophet Iseljob, "I would not have you destroyed for becoming furious with for taking away 7 your divisions to attack a regiment of humans. After all you are one of my best commanders."
"Yes my lord."
"I've taken those divisions because the regiment heading for your HQ contain the Emarald Soldiers."
"But I thought all but one were destroyed on Reach, my lord."
"You are correct, but the humans managed to train a full regiment of them before our attack on Earth. So you see, due to their awesome power 70,000 of your troops are needed to take out 2,000 Spartans."
"Yes, my lord."
"I'm glad you understand Humolkar and please don't ever let that happen again." His image then disappeared from the HoloCom. Humolkar turned around in rage, his aids looked upon them with fear in his eyes.
"I want the perimeter around our HQ to be finished within the hour," he growled. One of his aids turned and sprinted out the building. Then a huge explosion was heard near the perimeter. "All men, man your battlestations," he roared into the radio.
The Spartans attacked on the southwest section of the perimeter. The Spartans dominated the Covenant, cutting them down with LAAG and HVGL fire. Most of the other Covies moved to that position to reinforce it. When this happened 15 Warthogs and all the hijacked Covie vehicles except the wraiths attacked from the northeast. They elimanted what was left of the perimeter force. The reached the HQ suffering no caualties. Mike hopped out of the Warthog and tossed a grenade into the HQ, it exploded and a grunt flew out the entrance. A squad of Spartans disembarked from the Shadow and came up to the side of the entrance, Sam, Mike, and John went up behind them. The lead Spartan threw in a grenade and the column of Spartans rushed in. A platoon of Covies was cut down in 4 seconds by the Spartans. They moved up to the door leading into the general's command center. One kicked in the door and another threw in a flashbang. They charged into the room and secured the main computer. The only thing that suprised them was that no Covies were in the room. Suddenly 3 other doors blew open and Covies lead by a gold elite poured into the room. Bullets and plasma was sprayed all across the room. The firefight lasted for a minute before all the Covies were killed. Only one Spartan was down, he was knocked unconscience from the explosion of a plasma grenade. A noise was heard behind them, Sam turned around to see a gold elite with a plasma sword standing their. He swung at a Spartan, he dodged it but was hit in the face by the elites fist. He fell to the ground and didn't move the elite ran up to another and swung his sword. A piece of metal from the Spartan's suit fell to the ground as he screamed out in pain. He dove for cover as the elite moved toward Sam at a frightening speed. Sam started to fire but his clip was empty, he started to reload as the elite ran at him, bullets bouncing of his shield. Just as he loaded his rifle the elite knocked the gun from his hand and raised his sword and brought down at lighting speed.
To be continued...
Spartans in NYC Chapter 5
Date: 23 July 2003, 4:15 AM
2123 Hours Nov. 15, 2553 New York City, North America, Earth, Sol System
Before the blade sliced him in two it fell to the ground and disappeared. Tears fell from his eyes and they made Sam feel horrible, like an evil wretched creature from a twisted fantasy novel. The blood dripped down the cold metal and onto his hands staining them for eternity with the blood of his unknown enemy. Then he came back to his thoughts knowing all to well that this enemy would never show mercy for him. He jammed the knife further into the Elite's stomach, his scream deafened all in the room with a high pitched but somehow coarse screach. He then pushed the knife further up his body and behind his ribcage. He puncutered its lungs and along weezing sound came from his wound and mouth. He pulled the knife out of it's body and he fell to ground, gasping for air.
"Doc," said Sam, "come hear fix this guy up for evac, lets see if we can get some intel on this guy."
The medic, better known as Joseph "Doc" Rebinski went up to the gold elite and put an oxygen mask on his face. Oxygen rushed into the alien's lungs, restoring his energy but before he could do ne thing Doc gave him an anethestic. Quickly he fell into a deep, dream filled sleep. Sam then went up to the 3 wounded Spartans, 2 of them were fine, just knocked around, the other had his left middle finger chopped off by the elite's plasma sword. A medic applied some bio-foam and then put a sticky substance which he then reattached his finger to it with the armor around it. Within a day he would be fine, and he was still combat effective.
The Colonel's voice them came up on Sam's radio, "November 61 this is Zulu 34, did you take objective Echo 97, over."
"Uh, thats a roger Zulu 34, Echo 97 is secure, over."
"Copy that, expect us theire in 2 minutes. The 1045th Transport Wing is inbound on your position, ETA 5 minutes. They're gonna pick up the wounded a drop off the 403rd ODST Division to secure the perimeter while we secure the ships."
Sam and the others sat tight for a few minutes before they could hear engines outside the HQ. They went out and the rest of the regiment got off their vehicles. The colonel told Sam that only 1 guy died but a dozen others were in critical condition but they would most likely survive. The dropships then arrived and picked up the wounded and prisoners after the ODSTs were deployed.
The commander of the Wing was stunned at the number of prisoners taken, "Holy shit! 512 prisoners taken. We've never taken that many prisoners at one time, plus a u took an actual commander of a Covenant army. Jesus, those guys must be more afraid of you guys than their bosses."
The colonel gave him a quick nod and then turned away ordering his regiment to get ready for boarding action. 2 cruisers and an assualt carrier were the Covie ships in the area. 1st and 2nd battalions, Sam's battalion, were to assualt the larger carrier whereas the other 2 battalions each assualted a separate cruiser. Each battalion got on a gravity lift that lead them to their designated ship as the ODSTs set up a perimeter at the Covies old perimeter. Sam was lifted from the ground with Mike and Sam floating next to him. He couldn't see but he knew they were smiling behind their visors. They were then pulled up into the ship at an astounding speed. When he got inside the ship he quickly deployed his squad in a L formation that overlooked two separate doors on adjacent sides of the large room.
After the rest of the 2 battalions were in the ship they prepared to move out. Sam would go take the bridge as other would take the brigs, the core room, hangars, main barracks, and armories. Before they could move out all the doors in the room opened but nothing could be seen. Knowing what could be in the room Sam and the rest activated their thermal scanners. When his scanner activated he saw the heat outline of an elite 3 feet in front of him. A long, thin ray of heat reached out from his hand, the invisible elite swung his plasma sword at Sam. He opened fired with his rifle as did 1000 other Spartans firing at several platoons of invisible elites.
To be continued...
Spartans in NYC Chapter 6
Date: 4 December 2003, 2:59 AM
Sorry that I have not updated in a long time, I have been extremely busy. I will now be updating on a weekly basis. Sorry for the long wait.
2204 Hours November 15, 2553 Onboard the Covenant Assualt Carrier The Sphere of Dominance New York City, North America, Earth, Sol System
The room was full of screaming bullets, the hiss of plasma, the bursts of gunfire, and the rocking of the explosions. The elite attacking Sam never got a chance to land his blow as he and John shot him a dozen times before putting down several other elites. The invisible elites had tried to suprise them but they were to few and were quickly repulsed leaving behind thirty or so dead comrades. The Spartans took their share of casualties as well. Sam could see the faint blue outline of eight Spartans laying motionless on the floor. Mike ran up to Sam and John with smoking SMGs.
After regrouping the Spartans split up moved toward their objectives. Sam, John, Mike, and 250 others went down three separate corridors that ran all the way along the ship, each was ten yards wide and led from the engine room to the bridge, 4 klicks. As they moved along at a slow but steady pace they met little resistance. Most Covies turned and ran at the sight of the vaunted Emarald Soldiers. After several minutes of running the two columns of the center corridor came within thirty yards of an intersection with another corridor that ran perpendicular to the one Sam and the rest of the men were in. The two point men moved ahead to have a look around the corners. The motion sensors didn't pick up anything. They pointed there rifles around the corner and looked on their HUD at the Land Warrior Mk. XXII B/MM/LP. There was no sign of of the enemy and even on the thermal view finder from the tiny camera on their rifles showed no enemy activity.
When they felt that it was all clear they crossed the adjacent corridor only to be struck down by a long burst of enemy fire. One managed to crawl back into the cother corridor, his blood could be dripping out of his suit. The other lay motionless. Several blue glowing balls were thrown from down the other corridor and landed near a Spartan. The plasma grenades exploded taking out two men and were then followed by four green plasma rod shots. The plasma explosions didn't take anyone out but the Spartans were now stunned and confused. Seeing their chance they charged forward at the Spartans. To add to the confusion several of the invisible eliteshad followed them and attacked their rear taking out a pair of Spartans. John ran up to them and took several out with a shotgun and then took out a plasma sword that he picked up off a dead elite and ignited it, dueling the last three elites as the rest of the rearguard's attention was turned elsewhere.
Several explosions rocked the ceiling creating holes in the corridor above all of them. Plasma grenades were thrown from above and when they exploded a few dozen Covenant troops dropped down through the holes and engaged the Spartans in hand to hand combat. From the ambush point where the Spartans were first attakced charged two pairs of Hunters. They came up to the opening of the corridor where the Spartans were fighting. They charged their fuel rod guns and were about to fire when the point man who lay motionless on the floor seemed to come back to life a put a burst into each of the four hunters' backs. Eventually the Spartans shook off the initial shock and regained the initiative and repell ed the ambushers. The Covenant left behind forty- three dead but the Spartans lost seventeen men including John. Sam and Mike found him at the rear where he fought the four elites with his plasma sword. He cut the head off one elite and impaled another before having his left hand cut off. He then cut the other in half and as he cut the last one's head off he was impaled in the stomach.
Sam held his head in his arms while Mike took out his medkit and tried to give him first aid, his sadness shook his arms and slowed his mind. The rest of the men watched Sam, knowing those three had the strongest friendship in the regiment. They could tell he was crying under visor. After a minute or so which seemed like hours to them John's moaning stopped and his fist let go of Sam's arm. Sam dropped his head and leaped up and let out a great roar. He chraged down the corridor with Mike at his side as the rest of the Spartans tried to keep up. They took out any Covenant they came along without blinking an eye. Fianlly they came up to the door leading into the bridge. They opened the door and charged into the room shooting anything that moved. They began to reload frantically while surrounded by more than a dozen elites, three in gold armor with plasma swords.
To be continued...