Official Bungie Banners | Fan Produced-Small | Fan Produced-Large
Large Fan-Produced banners

(Click to see full-size)
Description: hc.jpg
Size: 82K
Screen size: 639x216
Source: Image by r e c o i l of Battleground: Halo.

Description: chaseban.jpg
Size: 16K
Screen size: 468x60
Source: Image by fire phoenix.
Description: tank_banner.jpg
Size: 11K
Screen size: 531x99
Source: Image by Robert Cox of 100% HALO.
Description: mafia_halobanner.jpg
Size: 46K
Screen size: 468x90
Source: Image by DeathGuru.
Description: halo_banner_edit.gif
Size: 22K
Screen size: 384x60
Source: halo_banner.gif. Image enhanced by Aaron Davies.
"Here's a new version of Bungie's new Halo banner, slightly edited for
optimum display on white/light background pages. (Specifically, I
removed a bit from each corner that showed up on white but not on black.)" says Aaron.
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Official Bungie Banners | Fan Produced-Small | Fan Produced-Large