HBO Original Series
The Frankmeister

Big Love

9 pm Sundays

They said it couldn't work. They said a Yul Brynner stand-in could never love something green. They said Mister Chief was too 'two-dimensional'.

They were wrong. Tune in Sundays for some of the most touching love scenes we've ever filmed.

Tonight on HBO

18:00 Who's having what for

20:00 Discussion about boobies

22:00 More boobies

23:00 Half the channel leaves
          to watch the daily show.
          KP preaches the true
          meaning of First Blood.

01:00 A female joins and
          is asked about her

03:00 Narcogen, Hunter
          and Vector carry on
          a conversation above
          everyone's head

HBO Original Series
One One Se7en

One One Se7en

11 am Mondays

Come along for the ride as the One One Se7en drags you kicking and screaming through Stuntmutt's depraved, pun-filled mind. Today's episode may induce feelings of mild amusement to bewilderment, viewer discretion is advised.

HBO Original Series
Movie Peer Review Rating System

Movie Peer Review

All day every day

The suspense about who's going to get tossed this week for not reviewing enough will keep you at the edge of your seat!

Stay awake for the best in Halo video from this finely-tuned machine of a processing system.

HBO Original Series
Stephen Loftus

Stephen Loftus

1 am Wednesdays

Discover the wonders of the Halo universe as we follow Stephen Loftus' adventures. This week's episode sees Stephen uncover the facts and fiction regarding Covenant vehicles and weaponry.

Inside HBO
Rockslider's megabattles continue After taking a break, longtime Halo CE tinkerer Rockslider has been back with a bunch of new videos, most recently different setups for battles on AOTCR. The amount of variations you can make in CE's battles with some tinkering never ceases to amaze.
Loftus charts Zeta Halo's solar cycles Resident technical expert Stephen Loftus stopped by to let us know he did the hard work of figuring out the rotational dynamics of Zeta Halo from Halo Infinite. Turns out a day in the day/night cycle is an hour of real time. Neat!
As close to a real battle rifle as you can get There have been a lot of recreations of Halo weaponry over the years, but this effort by B Squared Mfg is one of the most impressive I've seen. The resulting BR55 Battle Rifle looks very nifty, and comes with a working ammo counter to boot. Thanks for the link, SNIPE 316.
Infinite's March update promises new maps and networking 343 Industries dropped their March Update preview for Halo Infinite, coming on the 19th. It features an overhauled networking model and anti-cheat, weapon tuning and balance changes, and more. Check out what's cooking!
Halo Signs - Refreshed After an 8-year hiatus, Stephen Loftus is back with around 100 new Halo signs, downloadable in high quality if you so desire. Unfortunately, the page navigation is somewhat clunky (100% my fault, not Stephen's, it was built well over a decade ago), so finding the new stuff means scrolling to the end of each section (Civilian, Covenant, Miscellaneous, UNSC) and checking out the latest entries. Sorry about that! Newest Civilian images begin at the bottom of this page, while Covenant is here, Miscellaneous is here, and UNSC is here.
All aboard for new BTB maps The quality of Halo Infinite Forgers continues to astound me, and there's a new crop of BTB maps arriving in the game. I'm super-excited for the overgrown Headlong remake. Check them out in the video below or read the blog for more details.
It's been a long road (to Halo) Postmortem has been producing a Youtube channel focused on media for a while now, and he dropped by to mention his latest video is all about the history of humanity in the Halo universe, starting from almost the very beginning. You can watch it on YouTube or embedded below.