Blam! Halo SETI Marines

Update on the last 24 hours! (June 19, 0700 hours - June 20, 0700 hours PDT).

New members -1 Total members 425

Lost teammates (probably for philosophical reasons) in the last 24 hours:

Name Total units
DarthFlounder 1210

Results received in last 24 hours Today's team total Last team total
359 84910 84551

147 marines in top 300 crunched a total of 448 units. Looks like SETI has finally switched their setup such that those who leave don't take their units with them.

CPU time in last 24 hours Today's CPU time Last CPU time
0.47 years 119.57 years 119.10 years

Top seven unit submitters in the last 24 hours (excludes new recruits)

Order Name Units (24hrs) Total Units Average CPU time per unit
La Crunch
Banzif 39 7561 8 hr 14 min 55.6 sec
2) SkyHook 19 422 16 hr 02 min 25.9 sec
3) cae 18 4618 5 hr 46 min 09.8 sec
4) TickleSpace#2 16 477 9 hr 46 min 26.2 sec
5) mliebhold 13 1781 13 hr 01 min 56.4 sec
6) ghalidrim
all with 10 NA NA
7) JackMech
both with 8 NA NA

Top seven climbers in the top 300 in the last 24 hours (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)

Order Name Positions climbed New rank Old rank
both climbed 12 NA NA
2) yarblek 11 298 309
3) Nick-Danger 9 258 267
4) Rival 7 245 252
5) JackMech 6 117 123
6) Psyjnir Complex
all climbed 5 NA NA
7) gollum
Dr Raw Stag Footrot FRACS
all climbed 4 NA NA

Results for 24 hour stats for7 day stats for
June 15, 2000 June 14-June 15, 2000 
June 16, 2000 June 15-June 16, 2000 
June 17, 2000 June 16-June 17, 2000 
June 18, 2000 June 17-June 18, 2000 
June 19, 2000 June 18-June 19, 2000 
June 20, 2000 June 19-June 20, 2000 
June 21, 2000 June 20-June 21, 2000 

Older results can be found in the Halo SETI Marines Archive

Stats not right? You have a question/suggestion? You found the Covenant? Then email us.
