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Search results for Saber-Scorpion

Showing results 1 - 9 of 9 matches

January 12, 2009 Link to this post

New LEGO creations from Saber-Scorpion
Willy noticed a bunch of cool new LEGO stuff on Saber-Scorpion's page - a CTF tableau, a Halo 3 Warthog, and a Mongoose. Nice! (Louis Wu 18:39:51 UTC)

November 23, 2008 Link to this post

Sierra 117 - Arrival (LEGO-style)
We've mentioned Sapber-Scorpion and his LEGO creations many times in the past (just search our news archives) - but recently, he finished up an entire cutscene in LEGO, and Willy noticed. Swing by to see Sierra 117 - Arrival, from start to finish, and more. (Louis Wu 15:39:30 UTC)

October 30, 2007 Link to this post

Woody as Master Chief
Saber-Scorpion, best known for his amazing Lego creations, put together a Halo comic that ties together Halo 3 with Toy Story. (This contains Halo 3 spoilers; don't follow the link to the comic unless you've finished the game.) Pretty funny! Thanks, GoldenElite0. (Louis Wu 10:52:03 UTC)

October 25, 2007 Link to this post

Lego Madness
Wow - we've mentioned Saber-Scorpion before - he's been building Halo-styled Lego creations for years. A few days ago, though, he posted a couple of pages full of Spartan armor permutations and weapons... and man, they're amazing. Go look (page one | page two). Thanks to HHRB for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:43:38 UTC)

May 7, 2006 Link to this post

LEGO Halo Summary
Cool. Saber-Scorpion, a long-time LEGO Halo fanatic (check our news for some older posts) has put up a nice summary page of LEGO-based Halo creations around the web. Thanks, Jono. (Louis Wu 19:25:28 UTC)

February 24, 2006 Link to this post

New Lego Goodies
Saber-Scorpion, who's been mentioned a few times in the news for his Lego creations, has another couple of models up - the Pillar of Autumn, and a Pelican. Pretty impressive! Thanks to all who wrote in - looks like David was first. (Louis Wu 14:14:55 UTC)

August 9, 2005 Link to this post

It's been a few months since we last mentioned Saber-Scorpion's Halo-based Lego stuff... but he hasn't been idle. xyc0n noticed a bunch of new minifigs at Brickshelf - check 'em out! (To be fair, Bungie's agdTinMan pointed out one of them on a random blog last week, but I never got around to front-paging it.) (Louis Wu 15:09:46 UTC)

January 2, 2005 Link to this post

Nice plasma sword!
Frogblast noticed some updates on Saber-Scorpion's Lego collection web page... go visit for some really cool Halo 2-related Lego creations! (Louis Wu 15:49:45 UTC)

January 5, 2004 Link to this post

LEGO my model!
One of the 'lost in the flood' emails that came in during my trip was a message from Justin 'Saber-Scorpion' Stebbins, who pointed out a bunch of cool LEGO constructions over at his site. I particularly liked the Pillar of Autumn! Sorry for the delay... (Louis Wu 12:05:57 UTC)

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