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Search results for logo

Showing results 126 - 150 of 282 matches

July 31, 2003 Link to this post

Halo font - updated
Over a year ago, Will Turnbow created (then updated) a Halo font, to match the Halo logo developed by Bungie. Yesterday, he submitted another update; this one simply changes the '2' to match the '2' in the Halo 2 logo. We've updated the Miscellaneous Art entry that contained the last version, since that's been pointed to from several different places around the website. (Louis Wu 11:21:56 UTC)

July 24, 2003 Link to this post

GBA Halo and a couple logos
A Misc Art entry that, if real, would be a definite hit, and two logos (here and here). (mnemesis 17:44:34 UTC)

July 14, 2003 Link to this post

Pics (2)
A couple of logo enhancements for you, as well - check the Logos page. (Louis Wu 04:55:23 UTC)

June 28, 2003 Link to this post

Stick it!
Visitors to the E3 fanfest this year got their hands on a bunch of cool Bungie stickers. For the first time, Bungie is actually SELLING them at the Bungie Store now; there are five, ranging from a standard Bungie logo to the uber-cool Carnage Zone sticker. (You can even get your hands on the Webmaster sticker, which was NOT given out at the fanfest.) To keep it Halo-related, one of the stickers is the 'Flaming Ninja' sticker, inspired by a Jason Jones' quote and the unofficial mascot of Halo 2. Thanks to Jonah for being the first to notice on our forum. (Louis Wu 10:35:42 UTC)

June 24, 2003 Link to this post

Logos, too.
And, while we're clearing that art box, there were two Halo logos to be posted, as well... check the Logos section. (Louis Wu 21:19:32 UTC)

June 12, 2003 Link to this post

Now THESE are big.
Thanks to Strato, who pointed out some astonishingly high-resolution versions of the first 6 Halo 2 screenshots over at the Xbox.com press section. The zip file is almost 40 megabytes, and for that you get some Bungie logos (EPS format, so you pick the size), and 6 TIFF files that weigh in at 2560x1920 pixels each. (Check the alpha channel of any of 'em for a funky bonus.) If you're looking for hi-res shots to create artwork from... these are your friends. (Remember that yellow text in the brute shot that looked like S'pht writing? You can read it now.) (Louis Wu 01:53:14 UTC)

May 14, 2003 Link to this post

The link that wouldn't die
While we were sleeping - er, crashing, Bungie put up another desktop on their Wallpapers page. (Last image on the page.) You know... that sure looks like S'pht writing in the background, to me... (Louis Wu 01:28:28 UTC)

May 13, 2003 Link to this post

Press shots... now.
Recently, there has been some discussion about a pair of screenshots for PC Halo that have appeared (one each) in the current issues of Computer Games Magazine and Computer Gaming Monthly. For those who can't wait until June for us to post the press scans, the shots are now online at Microsoft's PC Halo site: the Computer Games shot is here (apologies for not using the Flash interface; there's no way to give a direct URL that way), and the CGM spread is this image (though without the large logo in the center). Who says we never gave you anything? (Louis Wu 08:20:25 UTC)

May 3, 2003 Link to this post

Logos, too
We also received a couple of logos a little while back; they're on our Logos page. (Louis Wu 11:02:38 UTC)

May 3, 2003 Link to this post

It's been a little while since we cleared the images queues... first up, desktop images. After tossing out the non-attributed ones (how hard is it to upload a text file telling us you created a picture, folks?), we've got 6 images for you, from three different artists. Check 'em all out in the Wallpaper section. Update: oops, missed one; from the filename, I thought it was a logo submission. Check out Mister E's Halo logo background, too. Update 2: We've pulled one of these entries because it included copyrighted work. (Louis Wu 10:34:08 UTC)

April 18, 2003 Link to this post

Another Logo
A new logo tweak for our Logos section... and they keep coming. (Louis Wu 17:01:35 UTC)

April 8, 2003 Link to this post

It's big and green.
A gigantic logo has been added to the Logos section. (Louis Wu 12:20:20 UTC)

March 31, 2003 Link to this post

And Logos...
After a long time with no submissions, the Logos section gets another entry. We've also put up a layered Combat Evolved document (photoshop format, 1.1 mb, zipped) that appeared on the web - in a much larger size - for a short time about 18 months ago. If you want to make your own Halo logos (i.e. without the word 'Halo'), this is the puppy you need. (Louis Wu 18:44:21 UTC)

March 14, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Done Quick - Part 1
A month ago, a pair from Canada sent in times for speed runs through the various levels of Halo, performed on Easy. Yesterday, Åstro and his partner, Coreman (Team Poughkeepsie), sent word (and a pair of films) of their work on the first of 10 levels... performed on Legendary. Their run of Pillar of Autumn is just a hair faster than Hartley and Copeland's... on a much rougher difficulty setting. The gauntlet, thrown down 4 months ago, now has some content behind it. The movie of this feat, which includes everything from the time the Bungie logo leaves the screen through the Level 2 loading screen, is available in both QuickTime and Windows Media Player 9 formats (25.6 and 18.6 mb, respectively) from Mythica.org, and both versions have been mirrored on the Psyjnir.com Hotline server. (We are happy, of course, to announce mirrors - just let us know if you put these up.) (Louis Wu 21:48:09 UTC)

March 9, 2003 Link to this post

The Case of the Missing Screenshots
I'm fallin' out of my seat, laughin'. We got a note from ed, asking us if we knew anything about the new Halo 2 shots showing at Giga.de, a german TV affiliate of NBC-Europe. In ed's words,

Giga is a well-known show about all sorts of internet-themes, and I don't think they would lie, but I wonder if these pics are real, because they have no Bungie-logo on them, and they are still not shown at BungieÇs T&R-site.

To see the pics, follow this link, then hit the 'Shots'N'Pics' link underneath the action figure picture. Alternatively, here's the frame in question. When you're all done, follow this link, posted on our news last week, and if you want, you can even follow the internal links from there for the original source. When you're all done with that, sit back, laugh, and then send Roger Wilco some email, telling him just how cool his work really is. (ed, you were right to be suspicious... but if you ask me, those are good enough to be in the game anyway.) (Louis Wu 01:46:13 UTC)

February 28, 2003 Link to this post

Potential Problem Heads-Up
A user has just tracked down what had seemed to be a problem with the server here... and I thought it might be worth passing on the information. He'd recently found that images in some sections were disappearing. Further investigation showed that a single line of the navbar on the left of every page was gone, too. (That line was the banners link.) This all got traced back to the ad-blocking feature of Norton Internet Security. If you're running this program, look to the left. If you don't see a link to the Banners section, just below 'Logos' and above the Press Coverage section, you're experiencing this weirdness, as well. (It might be killing all the thumbnails in the Miscellaneous Art section for you, too. It was for him.) (Louis Wu 21:34:05 UTC)

February 6, 2003 Link to this post

The artwork keeps coming
Three new Art tidbits - a nice satire piece, a boot logo for Win2K, and a cute exercise pic. Check 'em all out in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 20:23:09 UTC)

February 4, 2003 Link to this post

Halo 2 Logo Animation
DovBer (pronunciation - "the bear dove into the river") Friedman dropped off a 2 sec. loop animation of a spinning 3d model he created of a potential halo2 logo/title. We reduced the size a tad - it's still a full megabyte, but that's better than 2... you'll find it in our Miscellaneous section. (Louis Wu 11:25:22 UTC)

January 28, 2003 Link to this post

Feet First
Joshua Pettigrew created a logo for the Helljumpers, Special Forces troops mentioned in the Fall of Reach. You'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 14:22:28 UTC)

December 31, 2002 Link to this post

Wow, that's big.
A simply MASSIVE new logo from X - in our Logos section. (Louis Wu 16:55:51 UTC)

December 8, 2002 Link to this post

A Banner Day
Five new banners for you - four from Tru7h, who submits a series of HBO banners, and one from doggone, who plays with the 'O' in Halo to come up with a new Halo 2 logo. Gettin' to be a real collection! (Louis Wu 17:08:13 UTC)

November 29, 2002 Link to this post

The Visual Comments
Submitted artwork over the past couple of days... JangoMaster126 turns in a minimalist Halo 2 case, Mr. Lolly Pop Man composites a nice Halo montage (full of spoilers), and Andrew Katz takes another stab at the Spartan II logo described in the Fall of Reach. You can find all three images in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 16:43:31 UTC)

November 20, 2002 Link to this post

Halo opening cinematic, credited
Whoa - great find by Ghôlsbane. If you visit COMPUTERCAFE.com, and navigate your way through gallery -> broadcast -> Bungie (in the Flash version, it's the first icon), you'll see the opening movie (the cells morphing into the earth, with a Bungie logo), and its credits.It was created by NoiseTV, for Microsoft/Bungie. Interesting that nobody involved is credited anywhere in the Halo manual. Anyway, if you have need for an opening cinematic that has to capture the attention, now you know a company to call! (Louis Wu 20:51:50 UTC)

November 15, 2002 Link to this post

Photo Impact and you
Back to the fan submissions... Jack Smith has turned in a logo modification. You'll find it in our Logos section (whose idea was that, anyway?). (Louis Wu 14:29:08 UTC)

November 1, 2002 Link to this post

Catchin' up...
A couple of pieces of Miscellaneous Art submitted over the last couple of days; apologies, it's been busy. You'll find the original version of strykerwolf's Halloween (modified version visible on yesterday's news page), and a clan logo from some Halo fanatics in Finland. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:28:03 UTC)

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