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Search results for logo

Showing results 51 - 75 of 282 matches

September 16, 2009 Link to this post

Piggybacking on success
Co-Optimus noticed that a new Zune release - the ZuneHD - can be inscribed with a variety of game logos - including Halo 3: ODST and Halo Wars. It's not quite as cool as the Zune Halo 3 Edition's design (okay, not ANYWHERE NEAR as cool) - but hey, sometimes you take what you can get. (Louis Wu 16:48:45 UTC)

September 14, 2009 Link to this post

MC in your ear
Hawty McBloggy wore a cool pair of Master Chief earrings to PAX this year; you can check out a pic on her blog. (She bought 'em from PlasticParadox; they don't seem to sell them any more, but you can still get this pair of Halo 3 Logo earrings, or the HMB design in cuff links or a ring.) (Louis Wu 13:44:55 UTC)

September 4, 2009 Link to this post

Death - it's here
Remember yesterday's ODST teaser image from IGN? They've got the teasee up now - it's a live-action ODST trailer. Unclear who made this - there are no real credits anywhere I can find. (Well, there are Bungie/Microsoft logos at the end... but yesterday's teaser post specifically said that this didn't come from either organization.) (Louis Wu 17:55:33 UTC)

August 17, 2009 Link to this post

I need a ring.
Britain's Echo has a story about a Halo-themed wedding in Southend-on-Sea, outside of London. Red and blue flags, a map-based cake, and the game's logo embroidered on the bride's dress were some of the touches. Nice! Thanks, urk. (Louis Wu 17:32:17 UTC)

August 9, 2009 Link to this post

Ghosts of Onyx Preview - Complete
You might remember the Ghosts of Onyx Preview comic that Leviathan and UNSC_Trooper were working on - the first page went up on July 20, and the second page went live a couple of days ago. Last night, Leviathan sent along the finished comic (9 pages, plus a cover and credits) - you can grab the PDF from us here (4 mb). If you like the cover art, but wish you could see it without logos or text - swing by his forum post; he's put up a nice big version. Amazing work! (Louis Wu 18:46:32 UTC)

August 3, 2009 Link to this post

ONI and NMPD Logos - writ large
Stephen Loftus took a bit of time and cleaned up a couple of cool logos found in recent Bungie assets - swing by his forum post to view the UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence logo, and the New Mombasa Police Department logo! (Louis Wu 19:27:30 UTC)

January 29, 2009 Link to this post

Interesting... an Austrian xbox site called 'Xbox Austria' posted an article about the upcoming Mythic maps... and they've got a shot of Sandbox. This is the first one I know of; it remains to be seen if it's real/photoshopped/leaked (I'm sure we'll hear soon). Thanks to Domino Theory (at NeoGAF), who found it at B.net somewhere. Update: Kibbles, at NeoGAF, put up a full 720p version - pulled out of a press kit. (Thanks, Cocopjojo.) It's too bad we don't get press kits... Update 2: for anyone who had doubts about its veracity, it can now be found in Bungie's Halo 3 Screenshots section, complete with Bungie logo. (Apparently, more news about it is coming tomorrow.) (Louis Wu 21:51:54 UTC)

January 21, 2009 Link to this post

Tattoo You
Monochron noticed yet another GameDaily article that mentions Halo - this one picks the top 25 game logos of all time (based on their potential for tattoos, apparently) - and the Halo 3 logo comes in second. (Quake takes the top spot.) (Louis Wu 14:41:34 UTC)

September 20, 2008 Link to this post

So the big news last night was the return of the Superintendent. (I suppose he's never really left; he pops up on Bungie.net's logo to this day. But we haven't HEARD a lot from him since the aborted attempt to reveal a new project at E3 this year.) There's a lot of speculation on our forum (thanks to Big Goalie Dan for starting the thread) - but right now hard info is scarce. Is Bungie gearing up for that huge reveal in the near future? Wait and see! (Louis Wu 11:49:22 UTC)

August 25, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Box Art
Joystiq (and other sites) have what is purported to be the Halo Wars box art - presumably released at the Leipzig Games Convention. It looks an awful lot like some fan mockups, though, and the proportions of the actual models seem off, so I'm suspicious. If we get confirmation from an official source, we'll update this newspost. Thanks, BootStrap Boon. Update: MasterChief2829 pointed out that you can find this logo at Microsoft's ProSource press website - that's a decent confirmation of its legitimacy. (Louis Wu 17:21:08 UTC)

August 4, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 ad spurs speculation
This is most likely just a mistake, but... Voodoo Extreme has an advertisement one of their readers got from the Microsoft Download Service. It lists "Free Trials at Microsoft Game Studios" in an ad for "Games and DirectX" - and the picture includes logos from Halo 3, Zoo Tycoon, and Gears of War. (It also includes a 360 controller.) VE wonders if the Halo 3/DirectX connection means that Halo 3 is coming to the PC... but some of the commenters wonder whether the 360 controller simply implies games in general, rather than games on the PC. Me? I think it's an overreaching ad writer, just because even on a 360, there's no "free trial" for Halo 3. Draw your own conclusion! (Louis Wu 13:10:09 UTC)

April 29, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Legendary - $50 in Canada
If you live in Canada, you can snag the Halo 3 Legendary Edition for $50, until Thursday. Go visit Future Shop. (Louis Wu 22:06:53 UTC)

March 31, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3, Legendary, No Deaths
A couple of years ago, Cody Miller announced that he'd finished Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty, with no deaths - if you wanted to watch it in a reasonably viewable form, you had to download a two-gigabyte file. A couple of days ago, we were contacted by SPDN p0iz3n0us, who's now done the same thing for Halo 3 - but thanks to Bungie's built-in assets, the downloads are much smaller, and you don't have to take his word for it. Swing by his fileshare for 9 downloads, one of each level of Halo 3. All are done on Legendary, all are done with the Iron Skull on. (For those who don't pay close attention to Skulls, the Iron Skull resets you back to the beginning of the level each time you die - so if you finish the level with it on, you've successfully completed it with no deaths.) Theater mode rocks! Update: Cody Miller pointed out (rightly) that this accomplishment is not really analogous to his Halo 2 run, since the levels were not done in one sitting. Apologies to anyone who feels betrayed by my neglect in including this info from the start. (SPDN p0iz3n0us never claimed it was a single runthrough - just that he'd completed all 9 levels on Legendary without dying. Any confusion was my fault. For what it's worth, I'm STILL impressed; this is the first such set of runs I've seen.) (Louis Wu 13:16:35 UTC)

January 13, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Armor, from a prolific community
Xavier contacted us with a bunch of armor-related news from the 405th - let's see what we've got.

The 405th is the place to go if you're looking to make wearable Halo gear. Those guys are SERIOUS. (Louis Wu 18:42:31 UTC)

December 28, 2007 Link to this post

Steel Halo 2 Logo
Samscrim posted a photo of a steel Halo 2 logo his dad made for him. Nice! (Louis Wu 19:21:09 UTC)

November 23, 2007 Link to this post

Best Buy Deal Up North
Xbox Circle noticed that this week's Best Buy circular in Canada offers you a free copy of Lost Planet if you buy the Halo 3 Legendary Edition for $99. (Remember - this is a Canadian deal; in the US, the Legendary Edition is $129, and there's no free game.) (Louis Wu 16:25:58 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Heavy Metal Forging
Heh - yesterday we mentioned a blog post that suggested that you could make pictures in Forge - we received this image from AfRo SaUcE. He and his buddy Shadow300 made a copy of the Deathbat logo of the band Avenged Sevenfold - took 'em a couple of hours. Nice work! (Louis Wu 12:25:53 UTC)

September 27, 2007 Link to this post

News Catchup
News dump, yet again (I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the day when coverage can go back to commentary on every item):

  • The Seattle Post-Intelligencer thought Halo 3 was good, but not great; there were plot holes. Three stars out of four.

  • 3of9 found a very cool UNSC logo shirt at MyTeeSpot

  • Gamespot created a graphical comparison between the three games; it's a little unfair because they did a far better job getting screenshots for Halo 3 than for the other two, but the general idea is sound (thanks, Marcus-626)

  • Scott Hanselman reviewed the game for his blog, and declared it 'balanced'

  • Britain's Telegraph reviews Halo 3, and says that "Halo 3 crosses into the "essential" category effortlessly".

  • TheStreet.com warns that enthusiastic launch events do NOT say anything useful long-term for investors; they're taking a 'wait and see' approach.

  • Apparently, the US Air Force took advantage of the launch to try to do some recruiting in a small town in New Hampshire

  • Yahoo Games has posted a Halo 3: First Tips article

  • The New York Times posted a 'ho hum' article; I must include this quote:
    For all its grand panoramas and its galaxywide narrative, Halo 3's plot feels like a bit of a throwaway, a rather short adventure with a predictable story and dialogue that is sometimes as hokey as something from an old John Wayne war movie.
    The author felt that Halo 3 was simply Halo 2 with better graphics.

  • Binary Bonsai thought the story was a little obscure, but that the game was really fun anyway

More news coming soon - this was just a way to TRY and clear out the bulk of the backlog. (Louis Wu 14:46:17 UTC)

September 26, 2007 Link to this post

More News Than You Can Shake a Stick At
News roundup:

  • The New York Times wrote a pretty long article about Halo 3 - not a lot new in it, but significant for the column space in a paper like the Times (thanks, Usul)
  • TalkXBOX wrote up 10 Reasons they're Pumped for Halo 3 - thanks, Rishi Modha
  • ESPN (really? ESPN?) checks out what makes Halo 3 special - thanks, revan09
  • Master Chief rang the final bell at NASDAQ yesterday - Major Nelson has pics, Xbox Scene has a story (thanks, RVideo)
  • You can buy a pretty nice Brute Spiker replica on eBay (auction ends in less than 4 days) - current bid is $250 (thanks, Dualist)
  • TeamXbox posted all 300 pictures distributed to journalists by Bungie a couple of weeks ago - I'm sure they're elsewhere, too, but most folks put up representative samples. These are scaled to 1000 pixels wide.
  • Roger Travis has talked about the epic nature of the Halo story before (we mentioned him in May) - he's back, with an update for Halo 3
  • Heather Newman of the Detroit Free Press gets a reader to help with Halo 3 review (they completed the whole campaign in 4 hours with 2-player coop; they must have been playing easy or normal)
  • Data Mining looks at Halo mentions in the blogosphere compared with Resident Evil (the top video game release from last week), the Bourne Ultimatum (one of the largest movies of the summer)... and the iPhone.
  • Drost, of 2Old2Play, posted a full Halo 3 review a couple of days ago - he says "it's the most fun I've ever had playing a game."
  • Entertainment Weekly reviewed Halo - both reviewers gave it an A
  • Techtree.com (in India) previewed Halo 3 - and liked it
  • Apparently, Walmart in Canada plans to sell Halo 3 at price parity with the US, which will make the game cheaper at that store than at most stores in Canada (their price for the standard edition is $59.83 - about CDN$10 below everyone else)
  • MTV wrote up an interesting piece on Saved Films - check out how a cool screenshot came to be
  • A Guardian Unlimited blog discusses how many cliches were hit in the Halo 3 coverage
  • Joystiq is giving away some amazing stuff - go visit and see if you can win (thanks, Engadget)
  • Business Week wrote a really nice piece on the social aspect of Halo 3, and where it might be leading us (obDisclosure: I have a quote in this one)

Good lord, that's a ridiculous list. Unfortunately, that didn't even clear out the queue; there's more coming. I'm not sure if I can get to it right away. (Louis Wu 20:46:10 UTC)

September 12, 2007 Link to this post

News Roundup, Wednesday Morning
Wow, when a release as big as Halo 3 comes along, being gone for even one day can cause mail to back up tremendously. News articles pertaining to Halo 3 in the last 24 hours:

  • The Technology & Console Blog wants to tell you why Halo 3 HAS to be great. (Hint: it has to do with Microsoft's bottom line.)

  • Technomical has an interesting tidbit on Halo 3 - it's the first video game with real time audio signal processing. Emotional immersion for the win!

  • Games Digest wins the award for Most Bombastic Title of the Week.

  • The Inquirer has a picture of the line ALREADY IN PLACE outside the Metreon in San Francisco. Yes, there are a bunch of people on the street, two weeks early, to ensure that they get a copy of Halo 3 as soon as they possibly can. (If I were that hardcore, I'd move to New Zealand - they'll get it before EVERYONE.) And won't those guys need to go home and take a shower before they can actually play? Defeats the purpose, doesn't it? Update: Luke Smith points out that they're NOT waiting for the game, they're waiting for a chance to play Halo 3 on an IMAX screen. My bad. (Well, The Inquirer's bad.)

  • Gamersyde has an early copy of the 'Museum' ad that's supposed to be exclusive to Yahoo today - it's not up on Yahoo yet. Update: It's up on Yahoo now.

  • Best Buy has a picture pack and a Halo 3 theme available for (free) download on Xbox Live, according to Major Nelson - if you don't mind the Best Buy yellow tag logo on all your blades, the theme's not bad. (They're not available for previewing at Dashboard Themes yet, but I'm sure that'll change soon.)

  • 24/7 Wall Street believes that the Halo 3 Launch is a legitimate event, financially - no new news there for Halo fanatics, but it's pretty cool to see this discussed so far outside the gaming press.

  • According to Kotaku, Gamestop will be firing employees who so much as NICK the tape sealing the cases of Halo 3 that arrive before September 25th.

There is other news to post, but that's a decent summary of the Google News Alerts I got yesterday that weren't repeats. (Louis Wu 13:11:37 UTC)

September 2, 2007 Link to this post

Quick Halo 3 Logo
Wow, this showed up in my Google alerts - bizarre. How to create the Halo 3 logo in 5 steps. Might be useful to folks making .signatures for their forum profiles... (Louis Wu 15:04:57 UTC)

August 9, 2007 Link to this post

New Wall Hangings at the Bungie Store
David Johnson pointed out three new items at the Bungie Store - a wall calendar, a poster using the 'Emotion' artwork, and a poster using the Halo 3 Logo/Ark artwork. Go cover your walls! (Louis Wu 19:02:25 UTC)

July 4, 2007 Link to this post

Halownage Logo Contest
Halownage really wants their own logo - so they're offering a prize of $100 for anyone who can create one they really like. More details in this post. Thanks, HeisTeR. (Louis Wu 11:30:04 UTC)

June 19, 2007 Link to this post

And the Spoilers Begin.
Wow. Not sure where the info came from - but Xbox360Achievements.org has posted a full list of 49 achievements for Halo 3. Peripheral information that can be gleaned from the list is enormous (including level names, gameplay hints, and more). Do not look at this list if you're not interested in seeing campaign spoilers. It's not 100% clear to me where this list came from - but the majority of gaming sites out there seem to think it's legitimate. (If it's NOT legitimate, someone went to a lot of effort to create this content. I'm not totally convinced - one of the achievement icons is the logo for the now-defunct Bungie game code-named Phoenix - but I'm keeping an open mind.) First place I saw this was on our forum, from Naburu, who found it at Xbox 360 Fanboy. Update: If you weren't sure these were real or not (and I wasn't) - Achieve360Points.com found a link to the info on xbox.com (you need to be signed in to see it); makes it far less likely that this was faked. (Louis Wu 17:59:59 UTC)

June 7, 2007 Link to this post

A Phoenix Tat
This isn't exactly Halo-related... but phoenix.bungie.org is pretty dead, and the Phoenix team DID all move on to work on Halo 2, and it's cool. John Andersen dropped Gholsbane a line (Gholsbane created the original EPS line art that folks messed with to make their phoenix fan art), to let him know that he (John) liked the logo so much he'd gotten it inked on his arm. Looks great! (Louis Wu 14:44:16 UTC)

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