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December 31, 2006 Link to this post

Ms. Dewey - she makes me laugh
Elnea discovered a search site called msdewey.com - there's a ton of funny stuff you can find if you know the right search terms, but try Halo to start with. Do it more than once. (Louis Wu 23:03:42 UTC)

December 31, 2006 Link to this post

Video commentary from Defy at MLG
Over at MLGPro.com, you can find player match commentary from Defy, in video form. (Heh - was probably filmed a while back; he starts by saying it's a match between top-rated Final Boss and his own second-rated team... been a while since Carbon hasn't been in one of those two spots.) Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 22:53:53 UTC)

December 30, 2006 Link to this post

Briar's Armor starts on Halo 3 goodies
DOH! Almost forgot. Briar's Armor, who has made some pretty darned cool Halo 2 armor over the past couple of years, is trying his hand at Halo 3 armor; a prelminary shot of the helmet shows some nice details. Can't wait for the rest! (Louis Wu 18:19:03 UTC)

December 29, 2006 Link to this post

Single Segment Speedrun, Halo CE
Ducain, then NOKYARD, sent word of a new speedrun through Halo - 90 minutes, start to finish, all in one shot. (The actual downloads are broken up by level, but that's just to be reasonable, bandwidth-wise.) Swing by High Speed Halo for all the details. Congrats to slYnki for the impressive achievement! (Louis Wu 23:29:27 UTC)

December 28, 2006 Link to this post

Brute Doc Analysis
Mark MacDonald, of GameVideos.com, gave us a heads-up about a new analysis video they've posted, picking apart the Brute Vidoc in minute detail. Downloadable versions are in the hundreds of megabytes, or you can stream it on their site. Looks like a thread has started on our forum - some folks are amused (or unhappy) about certain assumptions made by the GV guys... see what you think! (Louis Wu 22:54:34 UTC)

December 24, 2006 Link to this post

Christmas Screens from Edgeworks
The Edgeworks Crew has two new CG screennshots, courtesy of Major.Dump - they're a Christmas present to you. Thanks, MasterChief2829. (Louis Wu 19:59:45 UTC)

December 23, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Pro Circuit Final - Sneak Peek
Over at MLGPro.com, you'll find a sneak peek at the final episode of the MLG Pro Circuit - first from Walshy's perspective, then from Karma's. What struck me most about watching Karma's screen was the way he simply never slipped off his target's head. (I know most pros do that to some degree - but it's never seemed so obvious before, at least to me.) Great bit - thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 15:13:29 UTC)

December 22, 2006 Link to this post

Don't Forget The Sherry...
Christmas is Monday, but Stuntmutt has started the season a little early, with today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 16:31:25 UTC)

December 22, 2006 Link to this post

Local Michigan Boy Makes Good (playing games)
The Grand Rapids Press has an article on Dave 'Walshy' Walsh - and while the Halo stuff is pretty cool, I was more impressed by the sales from his start-up shirt company; they've had almost 15,000 orders in the past month. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 16:10:23 UTC)

December 22, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Tourney in upstate NY
Dan Morrell wrote to point out a Halo 2 tourney/LAN party this weekend in Glenmont, NY. The news post for it is on Facebook - many people won't be able to read that, but he sent along a screenshot for the rest of us. If you're in the area, check it out! (Louis Wu 16:00:08 UTC)

December 20, 2006 Link to this post

This... is... MARTA!
Frankie has updated the news post from last night, which mentions the Brute Vidoc, to include a short question and answer session answering your most-asked questions. And he added in some great pics to try and distract you from the fact that he's got no more screenshots for you. Go read! (Louis Wu 21:17:34 UTC)

December 20, 2006 Link to this post

Brute Vid online, lots of places
For folks who don't have a 360, or Xbox Live... the Halo 3 ViDoc 'Et Tu, Brute?' is available at millions of places across the web. (Well, okay, not millions. But a lot.) There are 640x360 versions at GameVideos.com (thanks, z77) and Xboxyde (thanks, Urk), and Wraith-ops.com (thanks, Wraith7n). There's a 428x240 version at JeuxFrance (thanks, Xavier De Coster). There are lots and lots of YouTube links (here's one, here's another, there are plenty more). I'm sure there are others - but this is a reasonable collection of links. YouNewb has 89 screenshots. (There are a bunch at that Xboxyde link above, too.) If/when higher-res versions become available on the web, we'll be sure to let you know. (Louis Wu 16:25:22 UTC)

December 19, 2006 Link to this post

Online coop - revisited
Drakkari pointed out an interview with Certain Affinity's Max Hoberman, who made a comment that might or might not have repercussions for yearning Halo gamers:

I would hope that more games are headed in the direction that we've tried to blaze with Halo 2. I've seen the start of a trend in this direction, and I've seen some huge leaps in online cooperative play, and I hope that this all is a sign of things to come. I think that Halo 3 will set the next standard, but I don't think the Bungie guys want me talking about everything they have up their sleeve just yet.

The Halo 3 Data Archive jumped on this quote, and wrote up a speculation article about what he might have meant. Be aware, though, that until this gets clarified by Bungie, you can't count on Max's quote meaning what you think it means. Whatever it means, though... it's intriguing. (Louis Wu 16:54:34 UTC)

December 16, 2006 Link to this post

RvB Info Flood
Swinging by the Red vs Blue site last night, I noticed a link to Forbes Magazine, where they were recently written up - and where they created a new vid about making money. Sarge scares me. Then, a bit later, back on their own site, they posted a new PSA for sponsors - it's called 'Let's All Go to the Movies', and it gives you lots of suggestions on how not to suck so much in movie theaters. The news article about it also contains screenshots of the new RvB theme available on Xbox Live Marketplace (I gotta say, it doesn't look like any theme I've seen so far - and that's generally a good thing). Whew! That's a lot of news for a site that sometimes goes weeks between releases! (Louis Wu 13:57:19 UTC)

December 15, 2006 Link to this post

Happy Birthday... and Godspeed.
Happy Birthday today (and a sad farewell) to vshields ash, who has turned 55 - and has announced his retirement from the Halo community. (It's real, and it's time, and though we're going to miss him, mostly because I won't be able to say there's a community member who's almost 15 years older than I am (well, except Marty, but he's so old he's passed go and started over - I think he's younger than KP now), it's the right thing to do.) Do a search for him here, or more usefully, at High Impact Halo, if you want to relive some of his contributions. vern... it's been a good run. Take care of yourself. (Louis Wu 12:30:11 UTC)

December 12, 2006 Link to this post

Static - now in one piece
Dennis Powers has re-released his movie Static, as a single 320x240 file, 36 minutes long. It's 121mb, and only available in WMP9 format. (The individual episodes were released in higher-res, 640x480 format in WMP9, QT, and streaming flash; this is really only for the people who want to watch it as a single file, and don't like the idea of starting 6 different episodes.) (Louis Wu 16:50:48 UTC)

December 12, 2006 Link to this post

Do Halos Melt?
Heh - Tex started a Halo snowflake craze. (Well, it's not a craze YET - that's sort of up to you.) (Louis Wu 15:54:34 UTC)

December 10, 2006 Link to this post

Lost: Halostyle Ep 11 - The Deep Breath
Injured Knee Productions has released Episode 11 of their Lost: Halostyle series. I know I said last month that I like this series - I'm upgrading that. I LOVE this series. Great cinematography, great storyline, great voices. And it makes me laugh. Go watch it. We're hosting copies for them - WMP9 (48.3 mb) or QuickTime (48.5 mb). Then go hang out on their server and pester them to finish Episode 12. (Or start it, maybe. I don't know how they work on these.) (Louis Wu 18:41:20 UTC)

December 9, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Wars Heaven launches
watchwood sent word that Halo Wars Heaven has opened - it's a Halo Wars fansite. (The first?) Check it out - they're already running a fan-fiction contest. Update: Ducain reminded me of Halo Wars Central, which we mentioned back in early October. Where's that WD-40 for my steel trap? (It seems that Halo Wars Central isn't online at the moment - a fansite started and abandoned well over a year before the game's released? Ouch.) (Louis Wu 21:57:39 UTC)

December 8, 2006 Link to this post

CG... or not CG?
There are lots of questions people still have about the Halo 3 commercial... but here's an answer, hard and solid, directly from Frank O'Connor at Bungie. With respect to the children shown at the start of the film:

"Those kids are real actors. Not CG or MoCap. Even the grass is real in that shot."

More of your questions will be answered soon - Bungie's got an interview with Digital Domain that will go live before you're as grey as I am. (Louis Wu 19:51:38 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

Commercial Theme on XBLM
There's a new 360 Theme available on XBL Marketplace, based on images from the commercial - it's 150 points, and LordGideon kindly provided screenshots of all four blades. They're all 1280x1024, and weigh in at around 200kb each.
Blade 1 | Blade 2 | Blade 3 | Blade 4 (Louis Wu 16:57:36 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

Summary of Community Discussion
A lot of little things from the commercial have been discussed more than once. I've tried to summarize these in this forum post; please read it before jumping in and starting your own thread. Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:43:40 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

That thing is already edited. That was fast.
Okay, now that I've gone through all 800+ new posts from the past 12 hours, I can start pulling out the new stuff. The majority of what's there is speculation about the trailer; I'll probably put up a summary of noticed things soon, just to keep people from repeating the same points over and over and over again. There were a few things worth noting by themselves, though - first up, Geoff Chang synched the commercial to Harry Gregson-William's Kingdom of Heaven Sountrack. I have to say, it works rather well. Give it a watch! (Louis Wu 14:34:18 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

HD QT, finally
Simply because it's not out there, I whipped up a 720p QuickTime version of the commercial, one that doesn't require a machine that can process the H.264 codec. It weighs in at 35 mb (I probably could have shaved a few megs without any loss, but that's not huge anyway), and it started life as the second HD version of the commercial, released by TeamXbox. (It still has their watermark on the bottom.) I know there are a few people out there that have trouble with WMP9 files - there's no reason you should be shut out of the HD goodness. (Louis Wu 12:47:28 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

Okay, so I knew that if I stuck around last night, and tried to keep up with the news about the Halo 3 commercial that aired on Monday Night Football, I'd NEVER get to bed... so I skipped it all. This means two things: it means HBO's currently about 8 hours behind the curve, news-wise... and it means that this news post is going to be mega-complete with current information about that commercial, because I can collate everything at once into a single post. I think we'll go with bullet points:

  • TeamXbox is hosting both HD and SD versions of the trailer, direct from MarketPlace - the HD version is GORGEOUS, and 31 mb.
  • Totally360.com has digital versions of some of the concept art that came out in EGM and LEVEL last month (not trailer-related, but new), along with stills from the trailer - the most recent 14 pictures on this page cover both subjects - along with a contest to give away 100 Halo 3 beta tester slots they've secured. (They will not be the last website to have a deal like this - but they're certainly the first I've heard of.)
  • Halo Base, in Germany, is streaming a copy of the trailer (thanks, Legend). (Actually, they have a link to the Xbox.com German site that actually hosts the file.)
  • The American Xbox.com site is hosting a streaming version, as well - 320x180, so it's good for low-bandwidth folk. (Thanks to many - looks like n3mo was fastest.)
  • Mitsur found an HD version (1280x720, WMP9 format) at GameTrailers. There's a link on that page that will allow you to download a 25 mb HD QuickTime version, as well (852x480).
  • trigger119 is mirroring the TXB version of the HD trailer (720p, 33 mb, WMP9 format), as well as a self-encoded QuickTime .mp4 (720p, 31 mb).
  • THE bean noticed that Bungie has edited their Halo 3 Ad story so that the screenshot now links to the Xbox.com streaming version of the trailer. (They didn't delete the high-res version of the screenshot it USED to link to - just swapped the link.)
  • Spec_Ops_Assault saw that the Canadian Xbox.com site is hosting 5 stills from the trailer, for folks who can't download the whole thing.
  • Halo: Portable created mobile versions for your handheld viewing pleasure - do them a favor and use the Rampancy.net links for download, instead of the local ones; they're worried about bandwidth.
  • IGN is hosting low-res downloadable versions for everone, and high-res downloadables for Insiders - thanks, Edwin Durning.
  • Cumbo Benjamin Franklin found a really low-res (and really low-bandwidth) version at Google Video.

Our forum has been OVERRUN with content - I'll be sorting through the info as I go, but if you're interested in discussion of the trailer content, this is a place to do it. Upon quick scan of the new topics, I saw this thread - apparently, Frankie showed up in irc last night, and answered some questions - there's some solid stuff in there that should stop the worst of the BAD speculation (like 'OMG THERE ARE NEW ALIENS AT THE END OF THE TRAILER' - they're brutes) - thanks to Konrad for transcribing. That should keep you busy for a while... I'll be back with more later this morning. (Louis Wu 11:16:46 UTC)

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