Halo the Fall

                                   HALO THE FALL

                                          Ruben Gonzalez

                           Based on the Book by

                                         Eric Nylund

                                HALO THE FALL OF REACH

                                                           Ruben Gonzalez
                                                            1113 E, Nocta
                                                        Ontario, CA 91764

                                                                FADE IN:

            EXT. 0500 HOURS, FEBRUARY 12, 2535 (MILITARY CALENDER)

            Behind a three meter high stone ridge several SPARTANS in
            full MJOLNIR armor (A marine green metal suit of armor)
            covering them from head to toe, hold position. SPARTAN 117
            The MASTER CHIEF snakes a fiber-optic probe up and over the
            ridge as the other Spartans comprising blue team stand
            absolutely silent and immobile covering his back. Once in
            place he links the probe to his helmet. On the other side a
            valley with eroded rock walls, a river meandering through it
            and the enemy.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Contact, enemy Contact my position, all
                      teams stand bye.

            Camped along the banks as far as he could see were easily a
            thousand GRUNTS, wearing armored environmental suits,
            spanning a meter tall, these stocky aliens looked like
            bipedal dogs who speech is comprised of high pitched squeaks,
            guttural barks, and growls. Each grunt carried ether a plasma
            pistol or needler, and they weren't with out support with
            four stationary plasma cannons( purple, four legged, one man
            three torrent guns). The Chief detached the optic and took a
            step back. He then proceeded to pass the information to his
            team over a secure COM channel

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)
                      Two problems, there's four plasma
                      cannons, two here, along the middle of
                      their position, one covering their six,
                      the other there twelve.

                                BLUE THREE
                      How many.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      HUD's (Heads up Display) of the chart,
                      more than a thousand easily, each one
                      with ether a plasma pistol, or needler.

            BLUE TWO not shifting position responds.

                                BLUE TWO
                          (Whispers over the link)
                      Four of us and a thousand of them? Piss
                      poor odds for the little guys.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Blue two.

                                BLUE TWO

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      I want you up that ridge with those
                      jackhammer launchers. Take out the
                      cannons and soften the rest of them, blue
                      three and five your with me, were on
                      crowd control. Blue four you get the
                      welcome mat ready, understood.

            Four blue lights winked on inside his heads up display.

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)

            In all of three seconds Blue Two leaped gracefully atop the
            ridge, straight up, landed with sheer silence, hefted one of
            the launchers and ran along the ridge and in quick
            succession, Blue Two emptied both of the jackhammer tubes,
            dropped one launcher and then fired the other rockets just as
            fast. The shells streaked into the grunt formation and

                                BLUE TWO
                      Guns Clear.

            The Chief, Blue Three, and Five leaped up to the top of the
            ridge. The Chief switched to infrared to cut through the dust
            an propellant exhaust just in time to see the second salvo of
            jackhammers decimate the grunts front lines and the last
            plasma cannon.

                                MASTER CHIEF

            The Chief and the others open fire with there MA5B assault
            rifles. A full automatic spray of fifteen armor piercing
            rounds per second tore into the grunts, breathing there
            environmental suits sparking the methane tanks. Gouts of
            flames traced wild arcs as the wounded grunts ran in
            confusion and pain.

                                BLUE TWO
                      Taking bate sir.

            Realizing what has happen the grunts regrouped, and in masse
            charged the Spartan position.
            An earthquake vibration coursed through the ground and shook
            the porous stones beneath the chief. They continued to fire
            until exhausting their AP clips.

                                MASTER CHIEF

            In unison the three Spartans switched to shredder rounds
            stemming the tied of creature just a moment longer as they
            surged over. Suddenly the Chief saw the flash of a plasma
            bolt side stepped and heard the air crackle were he once

                                BLUE FIVE
                      Inbound Covenant air support. ETA two

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Roger that. Blue Three, and Five maintain
                      fire for five seconds and then fall back,

            The grunts just about to over run their position The Master
            Chief tossed two grenades and he Blue Three and Blue Five,
            stepped backward off the ridge, landed, spun and ran. The
            Chief and his team sprinted up the half kilometer sandstone
            in thirty seconds flat. The hill ended abruptly, a cheer 200
            hundred meter drop into the ocean.

                                BLUE FOUR
                      Welcome mats laid out Chief, ready when
                      ever you are.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Roll out the carpet.

            The hill exploded as plumes of pulverized sandstone, smoke
            and fire hurtled skyward along with hundreds of grunts
            mangled body's. Sand and bits of metal pinged off The Chief
            helmet. The Chief and his team open fire again, picking off
            the grunts still clinging to life and struggling to stand.

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)
                      New contact.

            Suddenly his motion detector flashed a warning, incoming
            projectiles high at two o'clock. Five Covenant Banchees(a
            purple one man elongated flying craft) appeared over the

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)
                      All teams open fire.

            Bullets pinged from the fliers their armor holding. The
            Banshees returned fire as lances of plasma slashed from the
            Banshees gun ports. The Chief dove and rolled to his feet,
            sandstone exploded were he once stood. The Banshees screamed
            over there heads and then banked sharply for another pass.

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)
                      Blue Three, Blue Five, Theta Maneuver.

            Both gave him the thumbs up and they re-grouped at the edge
            of the cliff and clipped onto the steel cables that dangled
            down the face of the rock wall.

                                MASTER CHIEF (CONT'D)
                      Did you set up the fougasses with fire or

                                BLUE THREE

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Good, cover me.

            The Banshees formed a flying V and swooped towards them
            almost brushing the ground. The Spartans open fire as
            superheated bolts of plasma punctured the air. The Chief
            dodge left, right, then ducked, and he shook his head. The
            banshees were closing the gap unable to fire as their cannons
            recycled. The Spartans jumped backwards off the cliff guns
            still blazing, and as The Chief jumped he hit the detonator.
            The ten fougasses (steel barrels) filled with napalm, and
            spent AP and shredder rounds berried a few meter from the
            edge made a shrimp kabob out of anything in it's way.


            Blue Three, Blue Five, and the Master Chief slam into the
            side of the cliff their steel cables twanged taut. Suddenly a
            wave of heat and pressure washed over them. A heart beat
            later five banshees hurtled over their heads, leaving trails
            of black smoke as they arced into the water. They splashed
            down and disappeared beneath the emerald waves. The Spartans
            hung there a moment, waiting and watching, their assault
            rifles trained on the water.

                                BLUE THREE
                      No enemy contact all clear.

            The all clear given they repelled down to the beach and
            rendezvoused with Blue Two and Four.

                                BLUE TWO
                      Red Team reports mission objective
                      achieved Chief, they send their

            Blue Three kicked the sand and muttered.

                                BLUE THREE
                      Not like those grunts when they
                      slaughtered the 105th drop jet platoon.
                      They should suffer just as much as those

            The Chief looked over but didn't reply.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Blue Two get me an uplink.

                                BLUE TWO
                      Aye, aye, patching you into SATCOM now.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Mission accomplished Captain de Blanc,
                      enemy neutralized.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      Excellent news, but we're pulling you out

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      But we're just getting warmed up down
                      here sir.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      But it's a different story up here, move
                      out for pickup ASAP.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Understood sir. Looks like the party's
                      over, dust off in fifteen.

            The Spartans take a ten kilometer jog to their LZ.


            The grey dented battle harden craft sits silent in the sun.
            Just ahead the Spartan team arrives, boards the craft and
            it's engines wine to life.


            Settled in Blue two takes her helmet off and scratches the
            stubble of her brown hair as she looks out the porthole.

                                BLUE TWO
                      It's a shame to leave this place. There
                      are so few left.

            The Chief stood by her and glanced out as they lifted into
            the air. Just outside wide rolling plains of palm grass, the
            green expanse of ocean, a wispy band of clouds in the sky and
            a setting red suns.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      There will be other places to fight for.

                                BLUE TWO
                      Will there?

            OPERATIONS - SPACE

            Breaking orbit the Pelican carrying the five Spartans
            maneuvers to it's battle group, were dozens of battle weary
            frigates, destroyers, prepare to break orbit.

                                PELICAN CAPTAIN
                          (Over COM)
                      This is Striker One to UNSC Destroyer
                      Resalute requesting dock prep in four.

                                UNSC RESALUTE COM OFFICER
                      This is The UNSC Resalute Striker One,
                      you are clear to land.

            The pelican makes it's way through the battle group and docks
            port side of The UNSC Resalute.


            The Pelican docked in it's own personal docking bay, The
            Chief exits, his team just behind him. Four more Pelicans
            came in and began docking sequence.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Have all the gear stowed away.

                                BLUE TWO
                      Aye sir.

            The Master Chief took to the elevator taking one last look at
            his team and the arriving Pelicans as the doors shut. On his
            elevator ride up the Chief takes the time to look over his
            team after action report in his HUD. Spartans BLUE, RED, and
            GREEN Teams, augmenting three divisions of battled harden
            UNSC Marines, had stalled the covenant ground advance.
            Casualty figures in the hundreds then scrolled through his


            Captain de Blanc stood firm before his view screen displaying
            Jericho VII's four silver moons. The elevator at the adjacent
            end opened and The Master Chief stepped onto the rubberized
            bridge deck. The Junior Officers couldn't help but stare. The
            Chief snapped a crisp salute at Captain de Blanc.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Sir, reporting as ordered.

            The Captain waved the Chief over as he continued to look out
            to the stars and the rest of the battle group.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      It's happening again.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Request permission to stay on the bridge
                      sir... I want to see it this time.

            The Captain hung his head looking weary, and glanced at The
            Master Chief.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      Very well Chief, after all you've been
                      through to save Jericho Seven we you
                      that. Were only thirty million kilometer
                      out-system, not half as far as I'd like
                      to be.

            He turned to the NAV OFFICER.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC (CONT'D)
                      Bearing two one zero, prepare our exit

            He then turned back to the Chief.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC (CONT'D)
                      We'll stay to watch but if those bastards
                      so much as twitch in our direction were
                      jumping the hell out of here.

                                MASTER CHIEF
                      Understood sir. Thank you.

            Resolute's engines rumbled and the ship moved off. Suddenly
            three dozen Covenant ships, big ones, Destroyers and
            Cruisers, slick and silvery, looking more like sharks than
            space craft, winked into view. Their lateral lines brighten
            with plasma then discharged. Raining down fire on Jericho
            VII. For the next hour The Chief stood unflinching as lakes,
            rivers and oceans vaporized, fields and forest turned to

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      Make the ship ready to jump out system.
                      Ten years of this is one year to many.
                      Our vast network of colonies whittled
                      down to a handful of strongholds. You
                      have shot them, stabbed them, and broken
                      the enemy with your own two hands. The
                      Spartans cannot be beat on the ground,
                      but up here the story is totally
                      different. If this keeps up, soon there
                      will be no more colonies, no more human
                      settlements, and nowhere left to run.

            The Chief does not reply, he simply continues to look out to
            Jericho VII as it's turned from a sprawling paradise to hells

            INT. O430 HOURS, AUGUST 17, 2517 (MILITARY CALENDER)

            Dim lights give view to rows of stainless steel lockers,
            showers, a medical pod for emergency resurection, and forty
            cryogenic tubes, thirty eight of them empty. A dull red light
            suddenly fills the room. A disembodied voice comes over the

                      Wake up Lieutenant KEYES.

            The cryogenics tube on the middle right opens and Lieutenant
            Junior Grade JACOB KEYES awakes. The dull red lights filling
            his blurry vision as he chokes

                                TORAN (CONT'D)
                      Sit up Lieutenant Keyes, take a deep
                      breath and cough, sir. You need to clear
                      the bronchial surfactant.

            Lieutenant Keyes pushed himself up, peeling his back off the
            formfitting gel bed.
            As he clumsily climbs out, Keyes stumbles over to a near bye
            bench, tries to inhale, doubles over, and coughs until a long
            string of clear fluid flows from his mouth, and then sits up
            and takes a deep breath.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Status Toran? Are we under attack.

                      Negative sir, status normal, we will
                      enter normal space near the Eridanus
                      System in forty five minutes.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Good, thank you Toran.

                      You are welcome Lieutenant.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Time to wake up our resident doctor

                      Underway Lieutenant.

            The cover from the adjacent cryogenics tube hummed open and
            mist rippled out as Dr. Halsey's, a dark haired, blue eyed
            women sat up coughing. Her blue eyes fixed upon keys.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We must be near Eridanus

            About to salute he checks the motion.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Yes Dr. Halsey.

            Looking slightly away from her naked body Keyes went to her.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES (CONT'D)
                      Can I help you.

            Dr. Halsey swung her legs out and climbed out.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I'm fine, get cleaned up and dressed

            She brushed pass him and strode to the showers.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Hurry, we have important work to do.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Aye, aye ma'am.


            The size of a walk in closet, no gravity, a freshly showered,
            shaved, and uniformed Lieutenant Keyes pulls himself into the
            room. The pressure door behind him slides shut as monitors
            from head to toe flicker to life. Beside him is Dr. Halsey in
            a white jumpsuit strapped into the navigators chair, her
            hands tapping in commands.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Welcome Lieutenant, please have a seat at
                      the communication station and monitor the
                      channel when we enter normal space. If
                      there's so much as a squeak on
                      nonstandard frequencies, I want to know

            Keys drifted to the station and strapped himself in.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)

                      Awaiting your orders Dr. Halsey.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Give me astrogation maps of the system.

                      Online Dr. Halsey.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Are there any planet currently aligned
                      with our entry trajectory, and Eridanus
                      Two? I want to pick up a gravitational
                      boost, so we can move in ASAP.

                      Calculating yes DR...

                                DR. HALSEY
                      And can we have some music? Rachmanivo's
                      Piano Concerto Number Three, I think.

                      Understood Doctor...

                                DR. HALSEY
                      And start a preburn warm up cycle for the
                      fusion engines.

                      Yes Doc...

                                DR. HALSEY
                      And stop spinning the Han's central
                      carousel section, we may need the power.


            The good doctor eased back, the music started and she sighed.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Thank you Toran.

                      You are welcome Dr. Halsey, entering
                      normal space in five minutes, plus or
                      minus three minutes.

            The Lieutenant shot the doctor and admiring look.

                                DR. HALSEY

            Keys composed himself and pulled his jacket taut.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      I was curious about or mission, ma'am. I
                      assume we are to reconnoiter something in
                      this system, but why send a shuttle,
                      instead of a prowler or corvette? And why
                      just the two of us?

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Blinking a smile)
                      A fairly accurate assumption and
                      analysis, Lieutenant. This is a
                      reconnaissance mission... of sorts. We
                      are here to observe a child, the first of
                      many I hope.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      A child.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      A six year old male to be precise. It may
                      help to think of this as a UNSC-funded
                      physiological study.(Her smile gone)
                      Which is precisely what you are to tell
                      anyone who ask, is that understood

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Yes ma'am.

            Keys frowned, retrieved his grandfathers pipe from his
            pocket, and turned it end over end. Mulling it over Keyes
            return the pipe to his pocket and asked.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES (CONT'D)
                      With all do respect DR. Halsey, this
                      sector of space is dangerous.

            With a sudden deceleration, they entered normal space. The
            main view screen flickered and a million stars snapped into
            focus. The Han dove toward a cloud-swirled gas giant dead

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Stand by for burn. On my mark Toran.

            Keyes tighten his harness

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Three, tow, one, mark.

            The ship rumbled and sped faster toward the gas giant.
            Accelerating for sixty-seven seconds, the Han then arced up
            and away from the storming clouds and Eridanus drifted into

                      Gravity boost complete, ETA to Eridanus
                      is forty-two minutes, three seconds.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Well done.

            The good doctor releases her harness and floats freely.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      I hate cryo sleep, it leaves on so

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      As I was saying before Doctor, this
                      system is dangerous.

            She gracefully spins to face him, halting her momentum with a
            hand on the bulkhead.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Oh yes, I know how Dangerous this system
                      It comes with a colorful history: Rebel
                      insurrection in 2494, beaten down by the
                      UNSC two years later at the cost of four

            Thinking for a moment the doctor adds.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      I don't believe the Office of Naval
                      Intelligence ever found their base in the
                      astroid filed, and since there have been
                      organized raids and scattered pirate
                      activity nearby, one might conclude as
                      ONI clearly has, that the remnants of the
                      original rebel faction are still active.
                      Is that what you were worried about.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Yes, and I need hardly remind you that it
                      is my job to worry about security.

            Dr. Halsey strapped herself back into her seat.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Back to Keyes)
                      Speaking of pirates.

            Cursing himself for the momentary lapse Keys snapped to.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      All signals verified, no pirate
                      transmissions detected.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Continue to monitor them please.

            Clearing his throat Keyes asks.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      May I speak candidly Doctor.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      You don't need my permission, by all
                      means Lieutenant speak candidly, you've
                      been doing a fine job of it so far.

            Keyes frowned at the remark but let it slide.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      You said we were here to observe a child.
                      If this is a cover for real military
                      intelligence work, then to tell the
                      truth, there are better qualified
                      officers for this mission.
                      I graduated from UNSC OCS only seven
                      weeks ago. My orders had me rotated to
                      the Magellan. Those orders were
                      rescinded, ma'am.

            Turning back to face Keyes, DR. Halsey scrutinized him with
            icy blue eyes.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Go on Lieutenant.

            Going for his Pipe keys checks the motion and continues.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      If this is an intel op, then I don't
                      understand why I'm here at all.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Leaning forward)
                      Then Lieutenant I will be equally candid.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Go ahead Doctor.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      You are here because Vice Admiral
                      Stanforth, head of Section Three of UNSC
                      Military Intelligence Division, refused
                      to lend me this shuttle without at least
                      one UNSC officer aboard... Even though he
                      dam well knows I can pilot this bucket
                      myself. So I picked one. You.

            Tapping her lower lip the Doctor takes a second.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      You see Lieutenant I've read your file...
                      all of it.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      I don't know what you're...

                                DR. HALSEY
                      You do know what I'm talking about.

            Rolling her eyes.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Don't insult me Lieutenant.

            Keyes swallows.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Then why me, especially if you've seen my

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I choose you precisely because of your
                      record, because of the incident in your
                      second year at OCS. Fourteen ensigns
                      killed. You were wounded and spent two
                      month in rehabilitation. Plasma burns are
                      particularly painful, I understand.

            Keyes runs his hands together.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES

                                DR. HALSEY
                      The Lieutenant responsible was your C-O.
                      You refused to testify against him
                      despite overwhelming evidence and
                      testimony of his fellow officers... and

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES

                                DR. HALSEY
                      They told the board of review the secret
                      the Lieutenant had entrusted to you all,
                      that he was going to test his new theory
                      to make Slip space jumps more accurate.
                      He was wrong, and you all paid for his
                      ignorance and poor mathematics.

            Keyes looked out to Eridanus.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      Yes we did.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      And despite continued pressure, you never
                      testified. They threaten to demote you,
                      charge you with insubordination and
                      refusing a direct order... even discharge
                      you from the Navy. The charges were
                      eventually dropped, and your CO was
                      convicted under the testimony of your
                      fellow officers to be.

            Keyes head hung low.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      That is why you are here, because you
                      have an ability that is exceedingly rare
                      in the military. You can keep a secret.

            Taking a deep breath DR. Halsey adds.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      You may have to keep many secrets after
                      this mission is over.

            Looking up Keyes saw a strange look in her eyes, Pity, but
            quickly looked away.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      I think you rather be on Megellan
                      fighting and dying on the frontier.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      No I... Yes. The UNSC needs every man and
                      women patrolling the Outer Colonies.
                      Between the raiders and insurrections,
                      it's a wonder it hasn't all fallen apart.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Indeed Lieutenant, ever since we left
                      Earth gravity, we've been fighting one
                      another for every cubic centimeter vacuum
                      from Mars to the Jovian Moons to the
                      Hydra System Massacres and on to the
                      hundred brushfire wars in the Outer
                      Colonies. It has always been on the brink
                      of falling apart... That's why were here.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      To observe one child... what difference
                      can one child make.

            One of Dr. Halsey's eye brows arched.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      This one child may one day hold the key
                      to our survival....

                      Approaching Eridanus Two.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Plan an atmospheric vector for the Luxor
                      spaceport... Lieutenant Keyes prepare to


            Standing with in the semi-shade of a canvas awning Dr. Halsey
            and Lieutenant Keyes, now in civilian clothes, watch as
            children scream, and chase one another at a nearby school
            play ground.

                                DR. HALSEY

            At the  end of the playground was a grassy hill. At the crest
            of the hill was pure dirt scuffed clean of all vegetation. A
            dozen boys pushed and shoved one another, grabbed, tackled,
            rolled down the slope, got back up and started the process
            all over again. One boy stood on the crest. He blocked,
            pushed, and strong-armed all the other children.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                          (With a smile)
                      King of the hill.

            Dr. Halsey pulls out a small palm size data pad. With a tap
            of a finger she accessed a file. The picture in the file
            showed a typical six-year-old male, with tousled brown hair
            and a sly grin that revealed a gap between his front teeth, a
            few freckles were speckled across his cheeks. Next to the
            picture genetic information, DNA codes, and just above his
            head a sequence of numbers 117.

                                LIEUTENANT KEYES
                      I believe that's him atop the hill.

            Dr. Halsey puts the data pad before her and the boy a top the
            hill. She looks to Key's and nods. The two then make for the

            REACH - SPACE

            Surrounded by orbital gun batteries, space docks, and a fleet
            of heavily armed capitol ships, this earth copy host three
            suns, and the Marine and Navy Special forces training
            grounds. A small transport heads in system flaring orange
            flames as it hits the atmosphere.


            Beneath three hundred meters of harden steel and Concrete,
            standing before a podium, concentric rings of slate gray
            risers just beyond, under the scrutiny of focused spotlights
            in a white lab coat is Dr Halsey, who takes in a deep breath
            and exhales. Suddenly a disembodied voice ask.

                                DEJA (O.S.)
                      Are you ready Doctor.

            Flicking on next to Dr. Halsey, barefoot, wrapped in a toga,
            motes of light dancing about her luminous white hair is DEJA,
            a hologram. In Deja's left hand a clay tablet with binary
            cuneiform markings scrolling across it. Dr. Halsey gives a
            half smile as she looks over the hologram and then goes cold
            with no emotional markers present.

                                DR. HALSEY

            Looking up the she spots CHIEF PETTY OFFICER MENDEZ, a man of
            normal stature neither short nor tall, with close-shorn hair,
            a touch of grey at the temples, in a black dress uniform, his
            chest awash with silver and gold stars and a rainbow of
            campaign ribbons, he strode's down the stairs.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Up here please.

            Gesturing to the stairs on her right. In full compliance
            makes his way down, mounts the steps of the platform and
            stands at ease next to her.

                      You have read my psychological

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Yes, they were quite thorough, thank you.


                                DR. HALSEY
                      I'm forgoing your recommendations, Deja.
                      I'm going to tell them the truth.

            Mendez gives an inaudible grunt of approval.

                          (Slightly annoyed)
                      The truth has risks.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      As do lies, any story fabricated to
                      motivate the children , claiming their
                      parents were killed by space pirates or
                      by a plague... No, if they learned the
                      truth later, they could turn against us.

                      It is a legitimate concern.

            Consulting her tablet she continues.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      May I suggest selective neural paralysis?
                      It produces a targeted amnesia...

                                DR. HALSEY
                      A memory loss that may leak into other
                      parts of the brain, NO. This will be
                      dangerous enough for them, even with
                      intact minds. (Clicking on her
                      microphone) Bring them in.

            Four sets of double doors at the top tier swing open.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      They'll adapt, or they won't and they
                      will be untrainable and unsuitable for
                      the project. Either way I just want to
                      get this over with.

            Just then seventy-five confused tired children, with rings of
            fatigue around their eyes are walked in, each one accompanied
            by a handler, a Naval drill instructor in camouflage pattern
            fatigues. Upon all being seated DR. Halsey cleared her throat
            and spoke.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      As per Naval Code  45812, you are hereby
                      conscripted into the UNSC Special
                      Project, code named SPARTAN II.

            The children were even more confused and some tried to stand
            and leave but their handlers placed firm hands on their
            shoulders and pushed them back down.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                          (In her mind)
                      Six years old, just out of a month long
                      cryo freeze, how could they possibly

            Notecing the added confusion Dr. Halsey took a tentative step

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      You have been called upon to serve. You
                      will be trained, and you will become the
                      best we can make of you. You will be the
                      PROTECTORS of EARTH, and all her

            A handful of the children sat up straighter. Looking over the
            crown Dr. Halsey spotted John, Number 117 who wrinkled his
            forehead, confused, but listening with rapt attention.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      This will be hard to understand, but you
                      cannot return to your parents.

            The children stirred, but their handlers kept a firm grip on
            their shoulders.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                          (As soothing as possible)
                      This place will become your home... Your
                      fellow trainees will be your family now.
                      The training will be difficult and there
                      will be a great deal of hardship on the
                      road ahead, but I know you will all make
                      it... Rest now. We begin tomorrow.
                      (turning to Mendez) Have the children,
                      trainees, escorted to their barracks.
                      Feed them and put them to bed.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Yes ma'am. (shouts) Fall out.

            The children stood at the urging of their handlers. John 117
            stood, but he kept his gaze on Dr. Halsey, and remained
            stoic. Many of the subjects seemed stunned, a few had
            trembling lips, but non of them cried.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (To Mendez)
                      Keep them busy tomorrow, and Deja, keep
                      them from thinking about what we've just
                      done to them.

            Dr. Halsey exits via a back door as Deja's image flicker off,
            and Mendez follows up the risers behind all the kids.

            PLANET REACH

            With in cinderblock barracks, seventy-five cots sit lined
            side by side and across with a child soundly sleeping in
            every one of them. In front of each cot a closed trunk.

                                DI MENDEZ (O.S.)
                      Wake up trainee.

            Before Johns cot is Petty Officer Mendez in full camouflage,
            holding a silver baton. John rolls over, and goes back to
            sleep dimly aware of his surroundings. With a flick of the
            wrist Mendez sparks the baton just above Johns back jolting
            him out of his sleep screaming in surprise.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      I said up boot, you know witch way is up.

            John stood up right before Mendez as dozens of other men
            roused the other children up, each one of them jumping out of
            their cots screaming.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      I am Petty Officer Mendez, the rest of
                      these men are your instructors. You will
                      do exactly as we tell you at all times.
                      Showers are aft.

            Mendez points to the end of the barracks.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      You will wash, then return here to dress.

            Opening the trunk before Johns cot Mendez pulls out a
            matching set of gray sweats. Leaning closer John saw his name
            stenciled onto the chest JOHN-117

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      No slacking on the double!

            Taking the baton he tapped John between the shoulder blades.
            Lightning surged across his chest as he fell back onto his
            cot gasping for air.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      I mean it, Go, Go, GO!

            With hurried determination John moved, unable to inhale,
            clutching his chest.


            A conveyor like system took undressing children through
            lukewarm soapy water, and finished with an icy cold shower.
            Running in John manages a ragged breath. Looking around all
            the other kids looked scared and disoriented, but compliant
            as they went through the conveyor showers. Just out of the
            icy water John ran back still drenched got into underwear,
            thick socks pulled on sweats and a pair of formfitting combat

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Outside trainee's triple time, march!

            The children marched out.


            The sun not out yet the edge of the sky still indigo as a
            pair of jets roared overhead and arced into the sky.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      You will make five equal-length rows,
                      fifteen trainees for each.

            As they lined up John noticed the jets. His attention was
            then drawn to a metallic crackle in the distance. A few
            seconds later his attention return to Mendez who now walked
            up and down the forming students.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Straighten those rows. You  know how to
                      count to fifteen trainee, take three
                      steps back.

            John melted into the second row as the cold morning air
            filled his lungs waking him up, and seeming to look inward
            trying to remember when Mendez shouted.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Jumping jacks, count off to one hundred,
                      ready, go.

            The officer started the exercise and John followed. One girl
            refused to jump and an instructor was on her instantly. He
            whipped the baton into the girls stomach and she doubled

                      Get with the program, boot.

            The girl uncurled and started jumping. Minutes later they
            were done.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      98, 99, 100.

            Pausing, taking in a deep breath Mendez then dropped onto the

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Sit ups, count off to one hundred no

            John dropped like a stone.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      The first crewmen who quits, gets to run
                      around the compound twice, and then comes
                      back here and does two hundred sits ups.
                      Ready, count off... one... two...

            Deep squats followed, then knee bends. John threw up, but
            that didn't buy him any respite, an instructor descended on
            him after a few seconds.

                      You need help son.

            The instructor holds out the baton, and John immediately
            rolls over. Struggling to keep going John responds with
            sluggish leg movements, but he does not stop.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Rest, trainers get the water.

            The trainers roll out carts laden with water bottles. John
            grabs one and begins to gulp it down the liquid. He makes
            face as the warm and salty water makes its way down, but he
            does not stop until it's gone. Plopping his back onto the
            ground he pants, then rolls onto his knees to let the sweat
            drip off like heavy rain. Slowly standing John takes a look
            around to see some of the other children crouched holding
            their sides, but no one spoke, and all were soaked with
            perspiration. Taking a deep breath looking to the sky John
            begins to wonder and remember.

                          (In a low voice)

            Before John could think some more Mendez barked.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      That was a good start trainees. Now we
                      run, on your feet.

            The instructors pulled out their batons and hurtle the
            children to begin their run.


            As the children jogged through the compound, they went down a
            gravel path, past more cinderblock barracks, alongside a
            river, over a bridge, then by the edge of a runway where Jets
            took off into the sky. Then Mendez lead them through a
            zigzagging path of stone. John was tired as were the others,
            but they kept going as they continued into a courtyard of
            smooth flagstones. At the center of the courtyard was a blue
            flag with stars and earth in the corner, The UNSC colors. At
            the far end of the yard was a building with a scalloped dome,
            white columns and dozens of white steps leading to the
            entrance. The words NAVAL OFFICERS ACADEMY were chiseled into
            the arc over the entrance.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Move it triple time.

            They head towards the building were at the top of the step
            John spots Deja who seems old to him but young at the same
            time. As they near he spots the molts of lights floating over
            her head and her semi solid body.

                      An AI.

            The Chief leads them all the way to the top and stops before

                      Excellent work Chief Petty Officer

            She then turns her attention to the students.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      Welcome, my name is Deja and I will be
                      your teacher, now come class is about to

            John ground out loud as did some of the others. Deja turned
            and headed inward.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      Of course if you prefer to skip your
                      lessons, you may continue the morning

            John double time it up the steps.

            MOMENTS LATER

            It was cool as seventy-five desk comprised the room, each one
            with a set of crackers and a carton of milk. Running in John
            took a seat, ate his stale crackers and milk. All of them
            seated Deja began her lesson, but John was ready to go to
            sleep and began to lay his head down when Deja, with a flick
            of a wrist, brought up a holographic countryside. The
            children walked around the miniature mountains and hills, and
            let the illusionary sea lap at their boots.

                      Look over here please.

            She guided their attention to a gathering force of Persian
            soldiers in the thousands.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      The Persian army march in the thousands
                      to take Thermopylae, and only a band of
                      three hundred stood in their way.

            The hologram showed the Persian army marching through a
            narrow mountain pass toward a group of three hundred who
            guard it.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      Who will win.

                      That's easy, The Persians.

                      Is that so, lets look and see.

            The miniature Persian army clashed with the guarding force,
            spears and shields splintered, swords sparked and drew blood.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      The three hundred that protected the pass
                      were SPARTANS, trained as children to
                      fight, and unbeatable in battle.

            John washed, fascinated as the holograhic Spartans
            slaughtered the Persian spearmen.
            His stomach growled with hunger but there were no more
            crackers to be had. Looking over he spotted a pair, and when
            the girl next to him wasn't looking he took them and quickly
            ate them, but he was still hungry. Giving his attention back
            to the hologram he witnesses the Persians break formation and
            run as the Spartans stand victorious. The children cheered.

                                THE CHILDREN
                      Again, again.

            John looked to Deja and smiled.

                      That's all for today, will continue
                      tomorrow and I'll show you some wolves.
                      Now it is time for you to go to the


            John bolted out of his seat as did the others and ran out of
            the building.


            Exiting the building the children are greeted by Officer
            Mendez and his crew of instructor.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Time for the playground, its a short run
                      fall in.


            After a two mile run from The Officers Academy the children
            lead by Mendez come upon what they call the playground. A
            forest of twenty meter tall wooden poles, roped cargo nets,
            and bridges stretched between the poles, that swayed, crossed
            and criss-crossed, one another, alongside slide post and
            knotted climbing ropes, swings and suspended platforms. John
            even noted ropes loops to pulleys and tied to baskets.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Trainees form three lines.

            The instructors move in to herd them but John and the others
            made no fuss and lined up.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      The first person in every row will be
                      team member one, the second person in row
                      two, will be team member two, and so on.

            Looking to his right John is introduced to a boy with sandy
            hair, green eyes, and darkly tan skin with the name SAMEUL
            034 stenciled on his sweat top, returning a weary smile. In
            the row beyond Samuel was a girl taller than John and skinny
            with a long mane of hair dyed blue, KELLY-087, the same girl
            who's crackers John had stolen giving him a disapproving
            look. They would comprise his new teammates.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Today's game is called ring the bell.

            Mendez pointed to the tallest pole in the playground, ten
            meters taller than the rest, a brass bell at it's top. Next
            to the pole was a steel slide pole.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      There are many ways to get to the bell, I
                      leave it to each team to find their own
                      way. When every member of your team has
                      rung the bell, you are to get groundside
                      double time, and across this finish line.

            Taking his baton Mendez scratches a line across the sand.
            John raised his hand.

                                 DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      A question trainee.

                      What do we win.

            Mendez cocks and eye brow.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      You win dinner, Number 117. Tonight,
                      dinner is roast turkey, gravy and mashed
                      potatoes, corn on the cob, brownies, and
                      ice cream.

            A murmur of approval swept through the children.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      But, for there to be a winner there must
                      be a loser. The last team to finish will
                      go without food.

            The children fell silent then looked to each other warily.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Make ready.

            Sam lean over and whispered to John and Kelly.

                      I'm Sam.


            John looked Kelly over then the brass bell at the top of the
            pole, but said nothing to the two.

                                DI MENDEZ

            John ran through the pack of children, scrambled up a cargo
            net, onto a platform, raced across the bridge, jumped onto
            the next platform, just in time. The bridge flipped, sending
            five others to the water below. He then stopped at the rope
            tied to a pulley attached to a basket.

                      No strong enough.

            John toke to the knotted climbing rope and scrunched his body
            skyward. The rope swung wildly around the center pole. John
            looked down and almost lost his grip. Looking to the other
            children, some climbed, other where floundering in the water,
            but no one was as close as he was and so John swallowed and
            kept climbing. Watching him from far down below Mendez notes
            Johns efforts.

                                DI MENDEZ

                      John-117 sir.

            John got to the top rang the bell three times, slid down the
            pole falling into a pile of cushions. He got up and ran
            smiling all the way over to Petty Officer Mendez.

                      I was first.

            Mendez nodded and made a check on his clipboard. John watched
            as the others made it up and rang the bell, but Sam and Kelly
            got stuck in a line to get to the bell. Finally they rang the
            bell, slide down the pole and crossed the finish line
            together, but last and glared at John.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Good work trainees... Let's get back to
                      the barracks and chow down.

            The children leaning on each other, covered in mud cheered.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      All except team three.

            Mendez looked at John, Kelly, and Sam.

                      But I won, I was first.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Yes you were first, but your team came in

            Mendez then turned to address the others.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Remember this, you don't win unless your
                      team wins. One person winning at the
                      expense of the group means that you


            John stood before his bunk, tired, acking, looking to the
            others as they stuffed their faces, his stomach growling.
            Through the crown he spots Sam and Kelly across the way sound
            a sleep, and gives the two a look of destain, but he's to
            tired to muster any words, and knocks out upon hitting the


            The day began as the day before with morning calisthenics,
            and running all morning, with a stop at Deja's. John avoided
            Sam and Kelly all morning.


            The students sat as they did a day earlier. John stole some
            crackers from neighboring students as Deja brought up a
            holographic meadow and the children watched seven wolves hunt
            a moose.


            Today there were fewer bridges and more complicated rope and
            pulley systems, and the poll with the bell twenty meters
            taller than all the others.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Same teams as yesterday.

            Sam and Kelly walked up to John. Sam shoved him and Johns
            anger flared but he calmed and saved his energy.

                      You better help us this time, or I'll
                      push you off those platforms.

                      And I'll jump on top of you.

                          (Low voice)
                      Okay... But you better not slow me down.

            Taking a second John examined the course and found his way
            through the maze.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Look, that basket and rope on the far
                      side, it goes straight to the bell. It's
                      a long pull though.

            John took a second to flex his biceps uncertain if he could
            muster the strength in his weaken state.

                      We can do it.

            John glanced at the other teams, they were searching the
            course as well.

                      We'll have to make a quick run for it.
                      Make sure no one else gets there first.

                      I'm fast, real fast.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Trainees get ready.

                      Okay, you run ahead and hold it for us.

                                DI MENDEZ

            Kelly shot forward, her feet seemed barely to touch the
            ground. She got to the basket first but John and Sam were
            only half  way there. One boy beat them to the basket.

                      Get out.

            The boy told Kelly.

                                BOY (CONT'D)
                      Move I'm going up.

            Sam and John ran up and pushed the boy basket.

                      Wait your turn.

            The two got into the basket with Kelly, and together they
            pulled. Six hands working together they went up.


            In the end they weren't first, they were third but they all
            got to ring the bell. They slid down the pole Sam and Kelly
            waited for John to hit ground, and all of them together ran
            across the finish line. Mendez watched them all the way, said
            nothing, but gave John a slight nod.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      You see that.

            Sam clapped John and Kelly in the back


            Kelly and Sam look to Mendez who looks out onto the course.


            The three laugh.

                                SAM (CONT'D)
                      Good work, we can be friends, I mean if
                      you want. It'd be no big deal.

                          (Shrugging shoulders)

                      Okay... Friends.

            INT. 0630, JULY 12, 2519 - PLANET REACH - PELICAN DROP SHIP

            Holding on tight as the drop ship accelerates up and over a
            jagged snow capped mountain range it's engines blaring.
            John two years older, looks over to see Sam and the other
            members of his team their faces pressed against the windows.

                      Nice place for a snow ball fight.

            Leaning over John to get a better look Kelly added.

                      You'll loose, I'm a dead aim with

                      Dead is right, especially when you load
                      them with rocks.

            CPO MENDEZ stepped out from the cockpit into the passenger
            compartment. The trainees stood and snapped to attention. The
            silver at Mendez's temples had grown to a band across the
            side of his closely shaved hair.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Today's mission will be simple for a

            He hands a stack of papers to Kelly.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Pass these out recruit.


            Kelly saluted smartly and handed one of the papers to each
            one of the seventy-five children.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      These are portions of maps of the local
                      region. You will be set down by
                      yourselves. You will then navigate to a
                      marked extraction point and we will pick
                      you up there.

            John turned his map over, it was just one part of a much
            larger map, no drop or extraction point.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      One more thing, the last trainee to make
                      it to the extraction point will be left

            Mendez looks out the window.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      And it's a long walk back.

            John contorted his face as he looked out onto his fellow
            squad mates.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      First drop in three minutes. Trainee 117
                      your up first.

                      Sir, yes sir.

            He glanced out the window and scanned the terrain. There was
            a ring of jagged mountains, a valley thick with cedars, a
            river that fed into a lake. John nudged Sam, pointed to the
            river, then jerked his thumb to the lake. Sam nodded then
            pulled Kelly aside and pointed out the window. Kelly and Sam
            moved quickly down the line of seated trainees. The ships
            decelerated and began it's decent.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Trainee 117, front and center.

            Mendez stepped to the rear of the compartment as the ships
            tail split and a ramped extended. Cold air blasted into the
            ship. Mendez patted him on the shoulder.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Watch out for wolves 117.

                      Yes sir.

            John looked over his shoulder and his teammates gave him an
            almost imperceptible nod. He ran down the ramp and into the
            forest. The dropship's engines roared to life and it rose
            high into the cloudless sky. He zipped up his jacket and
            started toward the river keeping with in the tree cover.


            John arrived at the semi iced over lake cautious, waited and
            listen. In the distance he heard an owl hooting. John marched
            toward the sound.

                      Hey owl.

            Sam stepped out from behind a tree and grinned.

                      That's Chief Owl to you trainee.

            John and Sam began to walk the circumference of the lake.

                                SAM (CONT'D)
                      So what do you think the twist is this

                      I don't know, what I do know is that we
                      are all getting out of here.


                      I'm working on it.

            As they walk they gather the rest of the children. John
            counted each one of them to make sure seventy-five.

                      Let's get the map pieces together.

                      Good idea. Sam take three and scout the
                      area. I don't want any of the Chief
                      surprises sneaking up on us.

            Sam took Fhajad, James, and Linda and took off into the
            brush. Finishing with her collection of the pieces Kelly made
            her way underneath the shade of an ancient cedar tree and
            assembled the map.

                      Some of these pieces don't belong, and
                      some are copies.

            A later minute she was done.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      Yes, here's and edge, got it. This is the
                      lake, the river, and here.

            She pointed to a distant patch of green.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      That has got to be the extraction point.

            Kelly shook her head and frowned.

                      What is it.

                      If the legend on this map is right, it's
                      got to be a full days hike, we better get

            John whistled and a moment later Sam and his scouts returned.

                      Let's move out.

            No one argued and they fell into line behind Kelly as she


            The children continued their march through the cold as Sam
            blazed the trail ahead. Several times he signaled for them to
            freeze or hide, but it turned out to be a rabbit or bird.
            After several miles Sam dropped back and whispered to John.

                      This is to easy, it's not like any of the
                      Chief normal field exercises.

                      I've been thinking that too. Just keep
                      your eyes and ears sharp.

            Morning turn to afternoon and the children stopped to stretch
            and eat some berries they gathered along the way. Fhajad
            stood and spoke up as he wiped the sweat of his skin.

                      I want to know one thing. We're going to
                      get to the extraction point at the same
                      time. So who's getting left behind? We
                      should decide now.

            Some one shouted out draw straws.


            John stood.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      No one's getting left behind, we're going
                      to figure out a way to get us all out.

                          (Scratching her head)
                      How? Mendez said.

                      I know what he said. But there's got to
                      be a way... I just haven't thought of one
                      yet. Even if it has to be me that stays
                      behind... I'll make sure everyone gets
                      back to the base.

            John started marching again.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Come on, we're wasting time.

            The sun began to melt, shadows lengthened and the edge of the
            sky turned red. Kelly halted and motioned for every one else
            to stop.

                      We're almost there.

                      Me and Sam will scout it out, everyone
                      else fallout and keep quite.

            The children silently followed his orders. John and Sam crept
            through the underbrush and then hunkered down at the edge of
            a meadow.


            From the edge of the forest Sam and John observe the dropship
            which sat in the center of the grassy field, her flood lights
            illuminated everything for thirty meters. Six men sat on the
            open launch ramp, smoking cigarettes and passing a canteen
            amongst themselves. Sam motioned to drop back.

                      You recognize them.

                      No, you.

            Sam shook his head.

                      Their not in uniform. They don't look
                      like any soldiers I've ever seen. Maybe
                      their rebels. Maybe they stole the
                      dropship and killed the Chief.

                      No way, nothing can kill the Chief, but
                      one things for sure...
                      I don't think we can just walk up there
                      and get a free ride back to the base.
                      Let's go back.

            The two crept back into the woods and explained the situation
            to the others.

                      There are six out of uniform adults
                      guarding the dropship, with flood lights
                      illuminating over thirty meters in either

                          (Looked to John)
                      So what do we do.

            John looked to her then to the others who awaited and answer
            from him.

                      Okay... we don't know who these men are
                      or what they'll do when they see us, so
                      we find out.

            The children nod in agreement.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Here's how, first will need a rabbit.

                          (Springing to her feet)
                      That's me, I'm the fastest.

                      Good. Okay you will go to the edge of the
                      meadow and let them see you. I'll go
                      along and hide nearby and watch. In case
                      anything happens to you I'll report back
                      to the others.

            Kelly nodded.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Then you'll lure a few back here, run
                      right past this spot. Sam, you'll be out
                      in the open, pretending like you've
                      broken your leg.


            Sam walked over to Fhajad and had him scrape his shin with
            his boot. Blood welled from the wound.

                      The rest of you, wait in the woods in a
                      big circle, if they try to do anything
                      but help Sam.

            John made a fist and slammed into his open palm.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Remember the moose and the wolves.

            They all nodded and grinned.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Get some rocks.

            Kelly took off her parka, stretched her legs and knees.

                      Okay let's do this.

            Sam lay down clutching his leg.

                      Oooh it hurts, help.

                      Don't over do it.

            John kicked some dirt on him.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Or they'll know it's a setup.

            John and Kelly then made toward the meadow and halted a few
            meters from the edge.

                          (Whispers to Kelly)
                      If you want me to be the rabbit.

            Kelly slugged him hard in the shoulder.

                      You think I can't do my part.

                          (Rubbing his shoulder)
                      I take it back.

            John moved of ten meters to her flank, took cover and
            watched. Kelly emerged at the edge of the meadow, stepping
            into the illumination of the dropship's floodlights.

                          (Waving her arms)
                      Hey! Over here, you got any food I'm

            The men slowly stood and pulled out a stun baton.

                                MAN 1
                      There's one, I'll get her. The rest of
                      you stay here and wait for the others.

            The man cautiously approached Kelly, a stun baton held behind
            his back. She stayed put and waited for him to get closer.

                      Hang on a sec. I dropped my jacket back
                      there, I'll be right back.

            She turned and ran. The man leaped after her, but she had
            already vanished into the shadows.

                                MAN 1

                                MAN 2
                      This will be to easy, kids won't know
                      what hit them.

                                MAN 3
                      Fish in a barrel.

            John had heard enough, and he went after Kelly, but detoured
            and went over to were Sam lay. In the dark the man had lost
            Kelly stopped, and waited for his eyes to adjust, when they
            did he spotted Sam holding his bloody leg.

                      Please help me, it's broken.

                                MAN 1
                          (Rasing his baton)
                      I got your broken leg right here kid.

            John picked up a rock and threw it, but missed.

                                MAN 1 (CONT'D)
                          (Turning around)
                      Who's there.

            Sam rolled to his feet and darted away. There was a rustling
            in the forest, then a hail of stones whistled through the
            trees pelting the man. Kelly appeared and side armed a rock,
            and hit the man dead center in the forehead. The man toppled
            and slammed to the ground. The other children moved in.

                      What do we do with him.

                      It's just and exercise right, he has to
                      be with Mendez.

            John rolled the man over.

                      You saw what he was going to do Sam.
                      Mendez or our trainers would never do
                      that to us... Ever... His got no uniform,
                      no insignias... He's not one of us.

            John kicked the man in the face then in the ribs. The man
            curled up into a ball.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Get his baton

            Sam grabbed the weapon, then kicked him too.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Now we go back and get the others. Kelly
                      you be the rabbit again. Just get them to
                      the edge of the clearing, duck out, and
                      let them us do the rest.

            She nodded and made for the meadow. The rest of them fanned
            out collecting rocks along the way. After a minute Kelly
            shouted out.

                      The guy fell and hit his head. Over here!

            The five remaining men ran toward her. When they were close
            enough John whistled. The air suddenly swarmed with stones.
            The men held up their hands and tried to protect themselves.
            John whistled again and seventy-five screaming children
            charged. The men got up to defend themselves stunned at the
            sight. Sam smashed his baton over a man's head. Fhajad was
            hit squarely in the face by one man's fist, and he fell, but
            the men where overwhelmed by a wave of flesh beaten down on
            them with fist, stones and boots until they no longer moved.
            John stood over their bleeding bodies angry. He took a deep
            breath and exhaled.

                          (Helping Fhajad)
                      Want to call Mendez now.

                      Not yet.

            He marched onto the dropship.


            Entering the empty dropship John headed for the com system in
            the cockpit. He accessed it and linked to Deja, her face
            appeared, a scratchy image over the terminal.

                      Good evening trainee 117, do you have a
                      homework question.

                      Kind of... One of CPO Mendez assignments.

                      Ah... very well.

                      I'm in a Pelican dropship. There's no
                      pilot, but I need to get home. Teach me
                      to fly it please.

            Deja shock her head.

                      You are not rated to fly that craft
                      Trainee, but I can help. Do you see the
                      winged icon in the corner of your screen?
                      Tap it three times.

            John tapped it and a hundred icons and displays filled the

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      Touch the green arrows at nine o'clock

            He did, then the words auto pilot activated flashed on

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      I have control now. I will get you home.

                      Hang on a second.

            John ran outside.

                                JOHN (CONT'D) (O.S.)
                      Everyone on board double time.

            The children ran into the ship. Kelly paused and turned to
            John just outside.

                      So who gets left behind.

                      No one, just get in.

            Making sure he was the last one on board John stepped in.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Okay Deja, get us out of here.

            The dropship engines roared to life and it rose into the sky.


            Line with dark wood paneling the smell of cigar all around
            him John stud at attention before Mendez. Mendez glowered at
            the boy from behind his desk as he read the report.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Sixteen broken ribs, six broken noses,
                      two broken arms, a stolen Pelican.

            The door opened and in walked Dr. Halsey. Mendez stood gave a
            curt nod and then sat back down.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Hello John.

            She sat across from Mendez, crossed her legs, and adjusted
            her grey skirt. John saluted.

                      Dr. Halsey.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Trainee 117... Tell me again why you
                      stole UNSC property, and why you attacked
                      the men I had assigned to guard it.

            John took a second and prepared his answer.

                      Sir, the guards were out of uniform, and
                      failed to identify themselves, sir.

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (Going over the report again)
                      Hmmm... So it seems, and the ship.

                      I took my squad home, I was the last one
                      on board, if any one should have been

                                DI MENDEZ
                      I didn't ask for a passenger list Crewman

            Mendez voice soften, he then turned to Dr. Halsey.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      What are we going to do with this one?

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Examining John)
                      Do? I think that's obvious Chief, make
                      him a squad leader.


            DR. Halsey paced from side to side in this monitor filled,
            terminal choked from floor to ceiling room. On the monitors
            and terminals pictures of the children scrolled and next to
            them their vitals. Just beyond the room translucent domes,
            widows into the surgical bays below all fully staffed and
            overseeing each one of the children.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I want that information decoded now Deja.

                      The encryption scheme is very
                      complicated. I don't even know why they
                      bother, who else but Beta 5 Division even
                      have the resources to use this data.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Spare me the banter Deja, I'm not in the
                      mood. Just finish the encryption.

                      Yes doctor.

            A few moments later.

                                DEJA (CONT'D)
                      Done, the file awaits your inspection

            Dr. Halsey stopped pacing and sat down.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      On my glasses please.

            Her glasses scanned her retinal and brain patterns and then
            the file open.

            -The File Read-

            ENCRYPTION CODE: RED PUBLIC KEY : file / excised access

            From Admiral Ysionris Jeromi, Chief Medical Officer UNSC
            Research Station HOPEFUL

            To: Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey M.D. Ph.D. Special
            civilian consultant (civilian identification number 10141-026

            SUBJECT: Mitigating factors and relative biological risks
            associated with queried experimental medical procedures.

            Classification: Restricted (BGX Directive)

            /star file/

            Admiral Ysionris Jeromi face appeared on ger glasses.

                                ADMIRAL YSIONRIS JEROMI
                      Catherine, I am afraid further analysis
                      has yielded no viable alternatives to
                      mitigate the risk in your proposed...
                      Hypothetical experimentation. I have
                      however, attached the synopsis of my
                      teams findings as well as relevant case
                      studies. Perhaps you will find them
                      useful. I hope it is a hypothetical
                      study... The use of Binobo chimpanzees in
                      your proposal is troublesome. These
                      animals are expensive and rare now since
                      they are no longer bread in captivity. I
                      would hate such valuable specimens
                      waisted in some Section Three project. My
                      best Yj.

            The message "Synopsis of chemical/biological risks" scrolled
            on her glasses.
            The WARNING: the following procedures are classified level-3
            experimental. Primate test subjects must be cleared through
            UNSC Quartermaster General Office code: OBF34. Follow gamma
            code biohazard disposal protocol. Suddenly a video feed of a
            monkey as it went through various experiments popped up and
            the following words scrolled over it.

            1. Carbide ceramic ossification: Advanced material grafting
            onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable.
            Recommended coverage not to exceed 3 percent total bone mass
            because of significant white blood cell necrosis. Specific
            risk for pre- and near -postpubescent adolescent: Skeletal
            growth spurts may cause irreparable bone pulverization. See
            attached case study.

            The video feed changed from the primate being operated to a
            primate on a stretcher half his face caved in, one leg, and
            several areas of his chest caved in under the weight of the
            augmentation. Then the feed changed once more to a second
            monkey being injected with several  different syringes. The
            following words scrolled over him.

            2. Muscular enhancement injections: Protein complex is
            injected intramuscularly to increase tissue density and
            decrease lactase recovery time. Risk: 5 percent of test
            subjects experienced a fatal cardiac volume increase.

            The primate suddenly went into cardiac shock and began
            convulsing uncontrollably. The feed cut off and cam back up
            with a third primate his thyroid cut open. The video feed
            shifted to another primate its lips, left arm, and head
            overly grown. The following words scrolled over it.

            3. Catalytic thyroid implant: platinum in the thyroid to
            boost growth to skeletal and muscle tissues. Risk: Rare
            instances of elephantiasis. Suppressed sexual drive.

             A forth feed then came into view this time of a primate with
            his eyes being operated on. The following words scrolled over
            the feed.

            4. Occipital capillary reversal: submergence and boosted
            blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of subjects
            retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase. Risk:
            retinal rejection and detachment. Permanent blindness. See
            attached autopsy reports.

            The feed shifted to a monkey and closed in on his now empty
            eye sockets. It faded out to another feed of a primate, its
            head cut open, several doctors operating on him. The
            following words scrolled over the feed.

            5. Superconducting fibrification of neural dendrites:
            alteration of bioelectrical nerve transduction to shielded
            electronic transduction. Three hundred percent increase in
            subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in
            intelligence, memory, and creativity. Risk: significant
            instances of Parkinson's disease and Fletcher's syndrome.

            The feed shifted showed monkeys using sign language, and
            playing catch, the feed then changed again and it showed
            another primate, shaking uncontrollably. The words /end file/
            pop up and the feed ended.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Close file. Deja track all instances and
                      destroy all leading pathways.


            Dr. Halsey removed her glasses and pinched the bridge of her

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Thank you Deja

                      I'm sorry, I too had hoped there would be
                      some new process to lower the risks.

            The good doctor sighed.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I have doubts Deja. I thought the reason
                      so compelling when we first started
                      Project Spartan. Now? I just don't know.

                      I have been over ONI projections of Outer
                      Colony stability three times, Doctor.
                      Their conclusion is correct, massive
                      rebellion within twenty years unless
                      drastic military action is taken. And you
                      know the drastic military action the
                      brass would like. The Spartans are our
                      only option to avoid overwhelming
                      civilian losses. They will be the perfect
                      pinpoint strike force. They can prevent
                      the civilian war.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Only if they survive to fulfill that
                      We should delay the procedures more
                      research needs to be done. We could use
                      the time to work on MJOLNIR.

                      There is another reason to proceed
                      expeditiously. Although I am loath to
                      bring this to your attention, I must. If
                      the Office of Naval Intelligence detects
                      a delay in their prize project, you will
                      likely be replaced by someone who
                      harbors... fewer doubts. And regrettably
                      for the children, most likely someone
                      less qualified.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I hate this.

            Dr. Halsey got up and strode to the fire exit.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      And sometimes Deja... I hate you too.

            She exits.


            Exiting the observation room Dr. Halsey is greeted by Chief

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Walk with me Chief.

            He followed with out a word as they took the stairs to the
            pre-op wing of the hospital and entered room 117.

            117 - ORBITING PLANET REACH

            John lay in bed, now 14 with the physic of an eighteen year
            old, ripped and muscular a teen Olympic athlete, with an IV
            drip attached to his arm. His head had been shaved and
            incision vectors had been lasered onto his entire body. Dr.
            Halsey and Officer Mendez walked in. Dr. Halsey forced the
            best smile she could muster.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      How are you feeling John.

                      I'm fine ma'am. The nurse said the
                      sedation would take effect soon.
                      I'm fighting it to see how long I can
                      stay awake.

            Johns eyelids fluttered.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      It's not easy.

            Spotting Mendez John struggled to sit up and salute, but

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      I know this is one of the Chief
                      exercises, but I don't know what the
                      twist is... Can you tell me... Dr.
                      Halsey? Just this time, how do I win?

            Mendez looked away as Dr. Halsey leaned closer to John, his
            eyes closing and breathing harder.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I'll tell you how you win John... You
                      have to survive.

            EXT. 0000 HOURS MARCH 30, 2525 - SPACE

            Stars blink in the far distance as the immense, machine grey,
            UNSC Carrier Atlas floats into view.

                                DI MENDEZ (V.O.)
                      And so we commit the bodies of our
                      brothers to space.


            Cleared of munitions and crew, long unadorned black banners
            now hang from the bay's overhead gantries. Before a series of
            stainless steel canisters, prepped to be ejected out the
            missile launch tubes is Mendez. Just behind him at full
            attention were thirty Spartans in all black dress uniforms.
            John, Sam and Kelly being at the fore front.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Honors... ten hut!

            Pushing a button the canisters moved slowly into the ejection
            tubes. John and the other Spartans saluted in unison.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Duty... honor... and self sacrifice.
                      Death does not diminish these qualities
                      in a soldier. We shall remember.

            A series of thumps resonated through the Atlas hull as the
            canisters were hurtled into space. The view screen before
            them flickered on and displayed a field of stars. One bye one
            the canisters appeared and quickly fell behind the carriers
            hull. John swallowed his eyes near water but he does not cry
            as he keeps his gaze locked to each fading canister. Mendez
            finished his protracted salute.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Crewmen, dismissed.

            John turned and in the distance spotted orderlies wheeling
            away three of his teammates. Fhajad was wheeled away,
            shacking uncontrollably, Kirk and Rene were in large neural
            buoyancy gel tanks, breathing through respirators, their
            bones so twisted they no longer looked human. John strode
            toward them and stopped before them, blocking their path.

                      Stand fast crewman. Where are you taking
                      my men.

            The orderly eyes widen, he swallowed and answered.

                      I, sir... I have my orders.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Squad leader, a moment

                          (To Orderly)

            John marched to face Mendez.

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (In a low voice)
                      Let them go... They can't fight
                      anymore... they don't belong here.

            John glanced at the long line of canisters as they shrank in
            the distance.

                      What will happen to my men.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      The Navy takes care of it's own. They may
                      no longer be the fast or strongest
                      soldiers, but they still have sharp
                      minds. They can still plan mission,
                      analyze data, trouble shoot ops...

            John exhaled a sigh of relief.

                      That's all any of us ask for sir, a
                      chance to serve.

            Turning to Fhajad John snapped to attention and saluted.
            Fhajad managed to raise one shaking arm and return the
            salute. The orderlies wheeled them away. Taking a look at
            what remained of his squad no one had moved since the end of
            the ceremony.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Our orders sir.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Two days bed rest Squad Leader, then
                      microgravity physical therapy aboard the
                      Atlas until you recover from the side
                      effects of your augmentation.

            John paused and closed his eyes for a moment remembering.

            117 - ONE WEEK AGO

            John lay sleeping no longer strapped to any medical
            equipment. The rooms been cleared out, and a vase of freshly
            cut flowers stand prepped next to him. Groggy John slowly
            opens his eyes. Through his blurry vision he spots a women,
            as his vision clears he notices who stands before him Dr.
            Halsey. John attempted to stand but the good doctor held him
            down, and pumped him with a sedative.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      No, rest, your still feeling the side
                      effects of the augmentation.

                      Side effects.

            Johns right eye began to bleed and his hand shock as he went
            to wipe the bloody tear away.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Your brain must relearn how to move your
                      body with faster reflexes and stronger
                      muscles... now rest.


                                DR. HALSEY

                      Did I win.

            Johns eyes role back as he knocked out.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Yes, yes you did.


            John continues to stand before Mendez, his conversation from
            earlier continued. John took a second glance at the exiting

                      Is that all sir.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      No, Deja will be running your squad
                      through the dropship pilot simulator as
                      soon as they are up to it... and if they
                      are up for the challenge, she wanted to
                      cover some more organic chemistry and
                      complex algebra.

                      Yes sir, we're up to the challenge.

            John still continued to stand fast.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Was there something else Squad Leader.

                          (Furrowed his brow)
                      I was Squad Leader, the last mission was
                      there for my responsibility, and members
                      of my squad died... What did I do wrong?

            Mendez stared to John, then to his squad and then back at

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Walk with me.

            Leading John to the view screen Mendez stopped and watched as
            the last canister vanished into the darkness.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      A leader must be ready to send the
                      soldiers under his command to their
                      death. You do this because your Duty to
                      the UNSC supersedes your duty to yourself
                      or even your crew. It is acceptable to
                      spend their lives if necessary.

            Mendez turned to face John.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      It is not acceptable how ever, to waste
                      those lives. Do you understand the

                      I believe I understand sir... but which
                      was it on this mission? Lives spent? Or
                      lives wasted?

            Mendez turned back to the blackness.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      R&R Squad Leader. Tomorrows a brand new

                      Sir, yes sir.


            The UNSC Carrier Atlas runs a patrol between Jericho I and

            INT. 0430 HOURS - UNSC CARRIER ATLAS - GYM

            From the stationary corridor it was easy to see that this
            section of the Atlas rotated. The constant acceleration gave
            the circular walls a semblance of gravity. A segmented cone,
            the outer portion was wider and rotated more slowly than the
            narrower inner portion. Set around the room were free
            weights, punching and speed bags, a boxing ring, and machines
            to stretch and tone every muscle group. John arrived at the
            entrance and oriented himself before entering.

                      All to myself.

            John started with arm curls. He went to the center section,
            calibrated at one gee, and picked up a twenty kilogram
            dumbbell, but John lifted the heavy weight with ease.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      That can't be right, spin must be off.

            John grabbed the 40 kilogram set, that felt more like it,
            giving him the resistance he desired. As John went through
            his routine memories of the last three weeks flooded his
            mind. From daily stretching, isometric exercises, light
            sparring drills, to lots of eating, at least five high
            protein meals a day, and the constant vitamin injection from
            the ships doctors. Then the thoughts of his fallen squad
            mates came to him, John clinched his teeth and lifted harder.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      I will be prepared, never again...

            Letting go of the weight John moved on and took a seat at the
            leg machine, set it to maximum, but it felt light as he did
            the leg presses with ease. John moved to the high gee end of
            the gym and things felt normal again. After working every
            machine he moved to the speed bag, a leather ball attached to
            the floor and ceiling by a thick elastic band. His fist
            jabbed forward cobra quick and struck, but the speed bag
            moved slowly, like it was underwater, far to slowly
            considering how hard he hit it.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Tension must be turned down.

            He twanged the line and it hummed, it was tight.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Is everything broke in this place?

            John pulled a pin from the locking collar on the bench press,
            and then made for the center of the room. John held the pin a
            meter of the deck and dropped it, it clattered upon impact.
            It looked to have fallen normally, but somehow it also looked
            slow to John. He set the timer on his watch and dropped the
            pin again, Forty-five hundredth of a second. He struggled to
            do the math in his head, but got the equation through.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Gravitational acceleration of nine point
                      eight meters per second squared. One
                      standard gee.

            His experiment was cut short as four, heavily muscled, lean,
            and fit men entered the gym. They were out of uniform,
            wearing only shorts and boots, their head cleanly shaven.
            John noted they were Special Forced, Orbital Drop Shock
            Troops by the tatoos on their arms.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Hell jumpers

            The largest of the four was taller than John, scars covered
            one side of his face. John gave them all a polite nod. They
            just brushed by him and started on the high-gravity free
            weights. The largest ODST lifted the bar of the bench press.
            He struggled and the bar wavered unsteadily. The iron plates
            on the right slid off and fell to the deck. The opposite end
            of the bar tilted and he dropped the weight, almost crushing
            his spotters foot. Startled by the noise John jumped up.

                                BIG ODST
                      What the.

            He looked to the locking collar that had slipped off.

                                BIG ODST (CONT'D)
                      Some one took the pin.

            The big ODST growled and looked at John.

                          (Picking up the pin)
                      The error was mine... My apologies.

            The four ODST's moved as one toward John. The big guy with
            the scars stood hands breath away from John's nose.

                                BIG ODST
                          (With a grin)
                      Why don't you take the pin and shove it
                      meat. Or better yet, maybe I should make
                      you eat it.

            The big man nodded to his friends. The men surrounded John,
            but John hesitated, in his eyes you could see he was trying
            to figure wether to fight his fellow servicemen or just walk
            away. John was given his answer when the two men flanking him
            grabbed Johns biceps.

                                BIG ODST (CONT'D)
                      Take him

            The one behind him tried to slip an arm around his neck. John
            hunched his shoulders and tucked his shin to his chest. With
            ease John whipped his right elbow over the hand holding him,
            pinned it to his side, and then straight punched the man,
            breaking his nose. The other three reacted, tightening their
            grips and stepping closer, but just like the pin they moved
            slow. John ducked, slipped out of the unsuccessful head lock
            and then spun free, breaking the mans grasp on his left at
            the same time. Suddenly a booming voice penetrated the room.

                      Stan down.

            The sergeant, his stomach bulging over his belt, looking
            bemused stepped into the gym and strode toward them. John
            snapped to attention. The others stood their and continued to
            glare at John.

                                MAN WITH BLEEDING NOSE
                      Sarge... we were just.

                      Did I ask you a question..

                                MAN WITH BLEEDING NOSE
                      No sergeant!

            The Sergeant eyed John, then the ODST's.

                      Your all so eager to fight, get in the
                      ring and go at it.


            John went to the boxing ring, slipped through the ropes, and
            stood waiting.


            The big ODST followed John into the boxing ring and pushed
            through the ropes as his three other buddies and The Sergeant
            gathered to watch.

                                BIG ODST
                      I'm going to rip you to pieces meat.

            John sprang of his back foot and launched his entire weight
            behind his first strike. His fist smashed into the man's wide
            chin. John's left hand followed and smashed into the soldiers
            jaw. The big ODST's hands came up, and John followed through
            with a hook to the mans floating ribs and bones broke. The
            man staggered back. John took a short step, brought his heel
            down on the mans knee, and laid three more punches, pinning
            the man to the ropes. The man stopped moving, his arm, leg
            and neck tilted at unnatural angles.

                                MAN WITH BLEEDING NOSE
                      What the, kill'em.

            The three remaining ODST's moved in. The one with the bloody
            nose grabbed and iron bar.
            John didn't hesitate this time, and quickly assessed his
            situation. The man with iron bar swung a vicious blow at
            Johns ribs. Reacting with lightning speed he side stepped,
            grabbed the mans hand and clamped it to the bar. With a twist
            John crushed the bones of his attackers wrist. John then
            snapped a side kick toward the second man, caught him in the
            groin, crushing the soft organs and breaking his target's
            pelvis. Pulling the bar free John whipped around and caught
            the third man in the neck, hitting him so hard he was
            propelled over three ropes.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      At ease 117.

            Bullet quick John dropped the bar. Mendez at the far end of
            the gym looked to the ODST's crumpled on the ground
            unconscious or dead, as he strode toward the boxing ring. The
            Sergeant stood with his mouth open.

                      Chief Mendez sir!

            The Sergeant then snapped a crisp salute.

                                SERGEANT (CONT'D)
                      What are you... (looking to John) He's
                      one of them isn't he.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Medics are on the way. Their are two
                      intel officers waiting for you in Ops,
                      they'll debrief you... I suggest you
                      report to them immediately.

                      Yes sir.

            The Sergeant nearly ran out of the gym, looked back at John,
            then moved even faster.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Your work is over for today.

            John saluted and left the ring as a team of medics with
            stretchers rushed toward the ring.

                      Permission to speak freely, sir.

            Mendez nodded.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Were those men part of the mission? Where
                      they targets or teammates?

                                DI MENDEZ
                      You engaged and neutralized a threat,
                      that action seems to have answered your
                      question Squad Leader.

                          (Wrinkling his forehead)
                      I followed the chain of command. The
                      Sergeant told me to fight, I was
                      threatened and in imminent danger, but
                      they were still UNSC Special Forces.
                      Fellow soldiers.

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (In a low voice)
                      Not every mission has simple objectives
                      or comes to a logical conclusion. Your
                      priorities are to follow the orders in
                      your chain of command, and then to
                      preserve your life and the lives of your
                      team. Is that clear?

                      Sir, yes sir.

            John glanced back at the ring the blood seeping into the


            John rinsed the blood of him as he replayed the events of
            earlier today, feeling remorse over the men he had killed.
            Then the words of the Chief rang through.

                                DI MENDEZ (V.O.)
                      Follow orders, keep yourself, and your
                      team safe, that is all.

            John swallowed and didn't give the incident another thought.

            EXT. 0930 HOURS, SEPTEMBER 11, 2525 - EPSILON ERIDANI SYSTEM -
            PLANET REACH - SPACE

            A UNSC dropship flies over, under, and between UNSC
            destroyers, frigates, and the planetary MAC GUNS (massive,
            four times destroyer size, titanium projectile launching
            guns). Once passed the Mac Guns, the dropship heads planet


            Reclined in Mendez's Padded chair Dr. Halsey looks to the
            Sweet Williams cigars on his desk.
            Thinking it over Dr. Halsey goes to grab one, but upon
            opening the box the stench wafting from within was to
            overwhelming and she quickly shuts it.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      How can he stand them.

            Suddenly the door open and CPO Mendez, surprised to see the
            good doctor halts in the doorway.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Ma'am. (Standing straighter) I wasn't
                      informed that you would be visiting
                      today. In fact, I had understood you were
                      out of the system for another week. I
                      would of made arrangements.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Folding her hands on her lap)
                      I'm sure you would have. Our situation
                      has changed, where are my Spartans? They
                      are not in their barracks, nor on any of
                      the ranges.

            Hesitant to answer Mendez takes a second.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      They can no longer train here ma'am. We
                      had to find them... other facilities.

            Dr. Halsey stood and smoothed out the pleats in her grey

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Maybe you should explain that statement,

                                DI MENDEZ
                      I could, but it will be easier to show

            Her curiosity piqued she replied.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Very well.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      This way ma'am.

            Mendez escorts Dr. Halsey out his office.


            Escorting Dr. Halsey out Mendez takes her to his near bye
            parked personal Warthog (an all-terrain vehicle refitted with
            a rack of Argent V Missiles) They both embarked and the
            engine roared to life. Mendez at the wheel drove them off the
            base and onto winding mountain roads.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Doctor, did you know Reach was first
                      colonized for its rich titanium deposits.
                      There are minds in these mountains
                      thousands of meters deep. The UNSC uses
                      them for storage now.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Yes, and I hope you do not have my
                      Spartans taking inventory today, Chief.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      No ma'am... we just needed the privacy.

            They continued past a main guard house and into a large
            tunnel that sloped steeply into the ground. The road then
            wound deeper in a spiral pattern.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Do you remember the Navy's first
                      experiment with powered exoskeletons?

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I'm not sure I see the connection between
                      this place, my Spartans, and the
                      exoskeleton projects, but I'll play along
                      a bit further. Yes, I know all about the
                      Mark I prototypes. We had to scrap the
                      project and start from the ground up for
                      the MJOLNIR project. The Mark I's
                      consumed enormous energy. Either they had
                      to be plugged to a generator or use
                      inefficient broadcast power, neither
                      option being practical on a battlefield.

            Mendez decelerated slightly as he approached a speed bump.
            The Warthog massive tires thudded over the obstacle.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      They used the units that weren't scrapped
                      as dock loaders to move heavy
                      equipment... Or might they have been
                      dumped in a place like this.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      There are dozens of the suits here.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      You haven't put my Spartans in some of
                      those antiques.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      No, their trainers are using them for
                      their own safety. When the Spartans
                      recovered from micro gravity therapy,
                      they were eager to get back to their
                      routine. How ever we experienced some...

            Mendez glanced over at Dr. Halsey his face grim.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Their first day back three trainers were
                      killed during hand to hand combat

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (Cocking an eyebrow)
                      Then they are faster and stronger than we

            They come upon a large opening and Mendez slowed the vehicle.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      That would be understating the situation.


            Hundreds of meters up above on the ceiling and along the
            floor, there were lights scattered about, but they did little
            to dissipate the overwhelming darkness. Nearby the entrance
            to the cavern a prefabricated building. Driving into the
            cavern Mendez parks next to the building. Quickly he jumped
            out and helped Dr. Halsey step from the vehicle.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      This way please. We'll have a better view
                      from inside.

            Mendez lead the way into the prefabricated building.


            The room came with three glass walls and several monitors,
            marked MOTION, INFRARED, DOPPLER, and PASSIVE. Mendez entered
            alongside Dr. Halsey.
            A second later he pushed a button and the room climbed a
            track along the wall until they were a twenty meters off the

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (Keying a microphone)

            Flood lights snapped on and illuminated a section of the
            cavern the size of a football field. In the center stood a
            concrete bunker. Three men in the primitive Mark I armor (A
            bulky, heavy armored metal suit, with a thirty-millimeter
            mini gun mounted on self targeting armatures) stood on top.
            Six more stood evenly spaced around the perimeter. They all
            guarded a red banner planted at the center of the bunker.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Capture the flag? Past all the heavy

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Yes. The trainers in those exoskeletons
                      can run a thirty-two KPH, lift two tons,
                      and have a thirty-millimeter mini gun
                      mounted on a self targeting armatures.

            Dr. Halsey cocked an eyebrow as she looked to the man.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Stun rounds of course. They are also
                      equipped with the latest motion sensors,
                      and IR scopes, and needles to say their
                      armor is impervious to standard light
                      weapons. It would take two or three
                      platoons of conventional marines to take
                      that bunker.

            Mendez keyed the microphone again.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Start the drill.

            Sixty seconds ticked but nothing happened, one hundred twenty

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Where are my Spartans.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      They're here.

            Squinting her eyes Dr. Halsey caught a glimpse of motion in
            the dark, a shadow against shadows, a familiar silhouette.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (To herself)

            The trainers turned and fired at the shadow, but it moved
            with almost supernatural quickness, even the self-targeting
            systems couldn't track it. From up high, a man in all black
            free-rappelled down from the girders and gantries overhead.
            The newcomer landed behind one of the perimeter guards, quite
            as a cat. He he punched the guards armor twice, denting the
            heavy plates, then dropped low and swept the target's legs
            out from under him. The guard sprawled out on the ground, the
            Spartan attached his rappelling line to the trainer. A moment
            later the guard shot upward into the darkness.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      And so it begins.

            Two guards turned and fired, the Spartan turned, dodged and
            melted into the shadows.

                                DR. HALSEY

            Using the rising guard as a counter weight, two more Spartans
            all in black, except for their open eye slits, dangling from
            the other end of the rope dropped unnoticed into the center
            of the bunker.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)

            John landed, braced and kicked one guard eight meters. The
            other Spartan jumped off the bunker, flipped end over end
            evading the stun rounds that filled the air. He threw himself
            at the farthest guard and they skidded together into the
            darkness. The guards gun strobed twice and then it was dark
            again. A top the bunker John was a blur of slashing motion.
            Another guard's exosuit erupted in a fountain of hydraulic
            fluid and then collapsed under the armors weight. The last
            guard on the bunker turned to fire and Dr. Halsey gripped the
            console before her.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      His at point blank, even stun rounds can
                      kill at that distance.

            As the guards gun fired John sidestepped, the stun rounds
            slashed through the air a clear miss. Grabbing the weapons
            armature, and with a screech of stressed metal John wrenched
            the gun right off the exoskeleton. He then fired into the
            mans chest and sent him tumbling off the bunker.
            The remaining quarter of perimeter guards sprayed the area
            with suppression fire. A heart beat later the lights went

                                DI MENDEZ
                      God dam. (Keying the mike) Back ups, hit
                      the back up lights now.

            A dozen amber floods flickered to life. No Spartan in sight,
            the nine trainers lay immobile or unconscious in their now
            inert battle armor. And the noticeable red flag was gone.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Show me that again, you did record all
                      that, didn't you.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Of course.

            Tapping a button Mendez brought up the recording but all the
            monitors played back was static.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Dam, they got the cameras too. Every time
                      we find a new place to hide them, they
                      disable the recording devices.

            Dr. Halsey leaned against the glass wall staring at the
            carnage below.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Very well Chief Mendez, what else do I
                      need to know?

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Your Spartans can run at burst of up to
                      fifty-five KPH. Kelly can run a little
                      faster... I think. They will only get
                      quicker as they adjust to the alterations
                      we've made to their bodies. They can lift
                      three times their body weight, which I
                      might add is almost double the norm do
                      their increased muscle density. And they
                      can virtually see in the dark.

            Taking a second to ponder the data Dr. Halsey continues to
            look down as they begin to lift the suits via a warthog crane

                                DR. HALSEY
                      They should not be performing so well.
                      There must be unexplained synergistic
                      abnormalities brought on by the combined
                      modifications. What are their reaction

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Almost impossible to chart. We estimate
                      it at twenty milliseconds, but I believe
                      it's significantly faster in combat
                      situations, when their adrenaline is

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Any physiological or mental

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Dam near telepathic if you ask me. They
                      were dropped in these caves yesterday,
                      and I don't know where they got black
                      suits or the rope they used for that
                      maneuver, but I can guarantee they
                      haven't left this room. They improvise
                      and adapt... And they like it. The
                      tougher the challenge, the harder the
                      fight, the better their morale becomes.

            Dr. Halsey watched as one of the suits sparked and caught on
            fire and the man struggled to get out. Several crewman ran
            over to help put out the blaze.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      They might as well have been killed...
                      But can the Spartans kill Chief? Kill on
                      purpose? Are they ready for real combat?

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (Taking a second)
                      Yes if we order them to, they would kill
                      quite efficiently.

            Mendez body stiffened.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      May I ask what real combat you mean

            DR. Halsey collapsed her hand and wrung them nervously.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Something has happened Chief. Something
                      ONI and the Admiralty never expected. The
                      brass want to deploy the Spartans. They
                      want to test them in a real combat

                                DI MENDEZ
                      They are as ready for that as I can make
                      them, but this is far ahead of your
                      schedule. What has happened? I've heard
                      rumors there was some heavy action near
                      Harvest colony.

            Dr. Halsey pushed the descent button and they began to lower.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Your rumors are out of date Chief.
                      There's no more fighting at Harvest,
                      there is no more Harvest.

            Mendez looked to the bunker below as they continued to

                                DI MENDEZ
                      What is that you need of me?

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Get my Spartans out of this hole, have
                      them ready to muster at 0400. We have a
                      briefing tomorrow at 0600 aboard the
                      Pioneer. We're taking them on a mission
                      ONI's been saving for the right crew and
                      the right time. This is it.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Yes ma'am.

            The doors to the room open and the two make their way out.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Tomorrow we see if all the pain they've
                      been through has been worth it.

            EXT. O610, SEPTEMBER 12, 2525 - UNSC DESTROYER PIONEER -
            REACH SPACE DOCK

            Walking down an encapsulated walkway The remaining Spartans,
            lead by DR. Halsey and Mendez make their way inside the
            massive destroyer.

            INT. O650, SEPTEMBER 12, 2525 - UNSC DESTROYER PIONEER -

            A holographic projector, just beyond a podium at the far end
            of a triangular room showed the field of stars visible of the
            bow of the ship. John and the other Spartans stood at ease,
            but seemed uncomfortable. Suddenly the stars flickered and
            faded and the overhead lights warmed. Chief Petty Officer
            Mendez and Dr. Halsey entered the room. The Spartans snapped
            to attention.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      At ease.

            Collapsing his hands behind his back and clenching his jaw
            muscles the Chief looked almost nervous. John took note and
            swallowed. Dr. Halsey walked to the podium. The overhead
            light reflected off her glasses.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Good morning Spartans I have good news
                      for you. The word has come down. Command
                      has decided to test your unique
                      abilities. You have a new mission, an
                      insurgent base in the Eridanus System.

            A star map appeared on the wall and zoomed in to show a warm
            orange sun ringed with twelve planets.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      In 2513 an armed insurrection in this
                      system was suppressed by the UNSC
                      force... Operation TREBUCHET.

            An inter system tactical map appeared, and tiny icons
            representing destroyers and carriers winked on.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      They engaged a force comprised of hundred
                      smaller ships.

            Pinpoints of fire appeared against the dark.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      The insurrection was put down. However
                      elements of the rebel faction escaped and
                      regrouped in the local astroid belt.

            The map tilted and moved into the circle of debris around the

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Billions of rocks is were they hid from
                      our forces. For sometime ONI believed
                      that the rebels were disorganized, and
                      were lacking leadership. That appears to
                      have changed. We believe that one of
                      these asteroids has been hollowed out,
                      and that a formidable base has been
                      constructed within. UNSC exploration into
                      the belt has been met with no contact, or
                      with an ambush by superior forces.

            Pausing to push up her glasses Dr. Halsey continued.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      The office of Naval Intelligence has also
                      confirmed that FLEETCOM has discovered a
                      security breach within their
                      organization. A rebel sympathizer leaking
                      information to these forces.

            John and the Spartans shifted uneasily. A flat picture
            flashed over the star map and a middle aged man with thinning
            hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and water grey eyes was

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      This is their leader, Colonel Robert
                      Watts. The original photo was taken after
                      operation Trebuchet and has been computer
                      aged. You mission is to infiltrate the
                      rebel base, capture Watts and return him
                      alive and unharmed to UNSC controlled
                      space. This will deprive the rebels of
                      their new leadership, and it will provide
                      ONI a chance to interrogate Watts and
                      root out the traitor within FLEETCOM.
                      Chief Mendez.

            Dr. Halsey stepped aside, Chief Mendez exhaled and unclasped
            his hands. He strode to the podium and cleared his throat.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      This operation will be different from
                      your previous missions. You will be
                      engaging the enemy using live rounds and
                      lethal force, and they, will be returning
                      the favor. If there is any doubt, any
                      confusion and make no mistake in combat,
                      there will be confusion, take no chances.
                      Kill first ask questions later.


                                DI MENDEZ
                      Yes Squad Leader.

                      Are we to expect support from UNSC forces
                      in the area.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Support will be limited to the resources
                      and firepower of this destroyer, to
                      minimize the chance of a leak in the
                      command structure.

            Mendez walked to the star map. The face of Colonel Watts
            snapped off and blueprints for a Parabola-class freighter

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Although we don't know the location of
                      the rebel base, we believe they receive
                      periodic shipments from Eridanus Two. The
                      independent freighter Laden is due to
                      leave space dock in six hours for a
                      routine recertification of her engines.
                      She is being loaded with enough food and
                      water to supply a small city.
                      Additionally, her captain has been
                      identified as a rebel officer thought to
                      have been killed during Operation
                      TREBUCHET. You will slip aboard the
                      freighter and hopefully hitch a ride to
                      the rebel base. Once there, infiltrate
                      the installation grab Watts, and get off
                      the rock anyway you can. Questions.

                      Sir, what are our extraction options.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      You have two options, a panic button that
                      will relay a distress signal to a pre
                      established listening ship. Also Pioneer
                      will stay on station... briefly. Our
                      window here is thirteen hours.

            Mendez tapped the star map on the edge of the asteroid field
            and it glowed a blue NAV marker.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      I'll leave the extraction choice up to
                      you. But let me point out that this
                      asteroid belt has a circumference of more
                      than a billion kilometers, making it
                      impossible to canvas with ONI
                      surveillance craft. If things get hot,
                      you will be on your own. Any other

            The Spartans sat silent and immobile.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      No? Well listen up Recruits... This time
                      I've told you all the twist that I know
                      of. Be prepared for anything.

            Mendez turned to John.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Squad Leader, you are hereby promoted to
                      rank of Petty Officer Third Class.


                                DI MENDEZ
                      Assemble your team and equipment, be
                      ready to muster at 0300. Will drop you
                      off at the Eridanus two docks. You're on
                      your own form there.

                      Yes sir!

            Mendez saluted and he and Dr. Halsey left the room. John
            turned to face his teammates. The other Spartans stood at

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                          (To himself)
                      Thirty three to many for this operation.
                      Sam, Kelly, Linda, and Fred meet me in
                      the weapons locker in ten minutes.

            The other Spartans sighed and their gaze dropped to the deck.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      The rest of you fall out, you'll have the
                      more difficult part of the mission...
                      You'll have to wait here.


            Stocked with a bewildering array of combat equipment, on a
            table were guns, knives, communication gear, body armor,
            explosives, medical packs, survival gear, portable computers,
            and a thruster pack for maneuvering in space. John stood
            before the arsenal.

                      This should do.

            John then turned his attention to his team. Sam the strongest
            of them, hair grown to three centimeters, paced impatiently
            around the crates of grenades. Kelly the fastest of them
            stood in the corner with her arms crossed over her chest, her
            hair yet to grow back since the augmentations. Fred sat
            crossed legged on the deck, neither too short nor to tall,
            not overly muscled or slim, his black hair was shot with
            streaks of silver, twirling a razor edge combat knife in
            glittering arcs. Linda was the quitest of the bunch, with her
            pale skin, close-cropped red hair, and green eyes, she
            examined her sniper rifle.

                      These are our new trainee uniforms?

            Kelly circled the table once, and then selected a pair of
            grease-stained blue coveralls. Her name sloppily embroidered
            on the chest.

                      ONI provided them, they're suppose to
                      match what ever the crew of the Laden

            Kelly frowned at the coveralls.

                      They don't give a girl much to work with.

                      Try these on for size.

            Linda held a black body suit up to Kelly's long slender
            frame. The black suit was a formfitting, lightweight polymer
            body armor, with small caliber stopping power, infrared
            masking, and refrigeration and heating units. It came with an
            integrated helmet. The helmet had built in encryption and
            communication gear, a heads up display, and thermal and
            motion detectors. It all came in a tightly sealed package.
            Kelly shot Linda a look.

                      These things are to tight, they'll limit
                      my range of motion, let alone brake down
                      when we least expect them to.

                      We wear them for this OP. There are to
                      many places between here and there with
                      nothing to breathe but vacuum. As for the
                      rest of your equipment, take what you
                      want, but stay light. Without recon data
                      on this place, we're going to be moving
                      fast... or we'll be dead.

            The team selected their weapons first.

                      Three ninety caliber.

                      Yes, everyone take guns that carry .390
                      caliber ammunition so we can share clips
                      if we have to... Except Linda.

            Linda gravitated to a matte-black long-barreled rifle, the
            SRS99C-S2 AM. The sniper rifle system had modular sections,
            scopes, stock, barrels, even the firing mechanism could be
            swapped. Linda detached all the sights and scopes and settled
            for an integrated link to her helmet's head up display. She
            also picked up .450 caliber rounds and pocked the five
            ammunition clips. John chose an MA2B short cut assault
            riffle. It came with electronic targeting, an ammo supply
            indicator, and a recoil reduction system. He then picked up a
            knife, twenty centimeter blade, one serrated edge, non
            reflective titanium carbine and balanced for throwing. John
            grabbed a tiny single-shot emergency beacon, the panic button
            with two setting red, and green. He then went to take a
            double handful of ammo clips but paused.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Um, take five.

            John set them down and pocketed five.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      If we need that much firepower, our
                      missions a wash.

            Everyone took similar equipment with a few variations. Kelly
            selected a small computer pad with IR links, and a field
            medical kit. Fred packed a standard issue lock piker.
            Linda selected three Nav marker transmitters, each the size
            of a tick. Sam hefted two medium-size backpacks "damage
            packs" they were filled with C-12.

                      You think you have enough of that stuff.

                      You think I should take more. (Smiles)
                      There's nothing like a little fireworks
                      to celebrate the end of a mission.

                      Everybody ready.

            Sam's smile disappeared and he slapped an extended clip into
            his MA2B.


            Kelly gave John a thumbs up, Fred and Linda nodded.

                      The let's go to work.


            Jam packed with people boarding and unboarding from different
            hanger bays the Spartans in their new civilian uniforms meld
            in perfectly. John lead the team through the crowds, as he
            scanned the area with his eyes.

                      Over there.

            Spotting a data terminal he moves in.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Kelly your up. I need the works, crew,
                      schedules, shift changes, guarded areas,
                      duty stations, and whatever else you deem

            Kelly went slid a fiber optic link into a slot by the
            terminals side, and pulled out her laptop. Encryption
            algerythms ran through sequencer on her monitor.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Sam, Fred, two, and eleven, Linda up
                      front with me.

            The for of them created a wall around Kelly and kept a look
            out for any guards.

                      Got it.


            Kelly and John traded places. John scanned the data, from
            shift, to crew, to thermal sensor range, he looked at every
            detail in seconds.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)

            The others turned and gave a quick glance, then nodded in

            INT. 1210 HOURS, SEPTEMBER 14, 2525 - ERIDANUS SYSTEM - CARGO

            Rigging a web of support nets, now in their form fitting
            black armor suits, the five Spartans rest in relative comfort
            using flashlights in the upper girders. Below them lay a
            hundred thousand liters of black water, and surrounding them
            two centimeters of stainless steel. Sam turns to John, and
            gives him the thumbs up as he finishes rigging the
            reservoir's computer to stop the flow of water.

                      Spartan 117, we are in position, next
                      check-in at 0400.

            John clicked off the microphone, encrypted the message, and
            fed it into his COM relay. He then triggered a secure burst
            to the Athens. Looking around as everyone settled in John
            allowed himself a small grin of triumph.

                      I'm in.

            Kelly just finished setting up a tiny microwave relay outside
            the top hatch. Propping her data pad on her stomach she went
            over the ships computer defenses.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      No AI or serious encryption. Accessing
                      their system now.

            Tapping the pad a few more times she activated the intrusion
            software. A moment later the pad pulsed to indicate success.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      They've got a nav trajectory to the
                      astroid belt. ETA is ten hours.

                      Good work. Team, will sleep in shifts.

            Sam, Fred, and Linda snapped off their flashlights. As all
            went quite Johns mind wondered and the thoughts of his former
            life filled his mind. Images of his school, friends, and
            family flashed for a few seconds, then his sense of duty took
            over. Shaking his head John went back to the mission.

                      I've got something.

            She handed the data pad to John, it displayed the cargo
            manifest. Water, flour, milk, frozen orange juice, welding
            rods, superconducting magnets for a fusion reactor, but most
            notable, no mention of weapons.

                      Okay I give up, what am I looking for.

                      I'll give you a hint... The Chief smokes

            John flicked back through the list and there he found them
            Sweet Williams cigars. Next to them on the manifest was a
            crate of champagne, fast chilled New York steaks, and Swiss
            chocolates. They were all stored in a secure locker with the
            same routing code.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      Luxury items, I bet they're headed
                      straight for a special delivery to
                      Colonel Watts or his Officers.

                      Good work, we'll tag this stuff and
                      follow it.

                      Won't be that easy.

            Fred flicked on his flashlight.

                                FRED (CONT'D)
                      There are a million ways this can go
                      wrong. We're going in with out recon, I
                      don't like it.

                      We only have one advantage on this
                      mission... The rebels have never been
                      infiltrated, they'll feel relatively safe
                      and won't be expecting us, but every
                      second we stay, is another second we risk
                      getting spotted. Will follow Kelly's

                      You questioning orders... Scared?

                      No, but this is no training mission. Our
                      targets won't be firing stun rounds... I
                      just don't want to fail.

                      We're not going to fail, we haven't
                      failed in the past, and we're not going
                      to start now... Rotate sleep cycles, wake
                      me up in four hours.

            John turned over and quickly nodded off to the sound of the
            sloshing water. The voices of kids playing filled his mind,
            the spinning of a quarter as it sliced through the air came
            to him, and the voice of a young John screaming "eagle"
            reverberated through his thoughts. Suddenly John was awaken
            by a nudge from Kelly's shoulder. Hand on his assault riffle
            he turned to Kelly.

                      We're decelerating.

            She pointed her light to the water below. The liquid tilted
            at a twenty-degree inclination.

                      Lights off.

            The room went pitch black. John popped the hatch and snaked a
            fiber-optic probe attached to his helmet.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      All clear.

            They all climbed out.


            Several dozen ten meter tall tanks lined the entire facility.
            Out of one of the center tanks John and the others rappelled
            down onto the metal floor below.
            Upon reaching the ground they donned their grease stained
            coveralls and removed their helmets. The black suits looked a
            little bulky beneath the work clothes, but with there bags
            and gear in duffle bags they passed as crew from a distance.

                      Move out.

            Making their way around the tanks they came upon a deserted
            corridor, crept by and made for the cargo bay.


            A huge room, stacked to the ceiling with barrels and crates.
            There were massive tanks of oil, and a work crew of automated
            robot forklifts between rows checking for loose items. As the
            Spartans entered they heard a million tiny metallic pings as
            gravity settled the ship.

                      Laden must be docking with a spinning
                      station, or a rotating astroid.

            Consulting her data pad Kelly whispered to the others.

                      Cigars are this way.

            Putting her data pad away they all move out, clinging to the
            shadows. Every few meters they stopped, listen, and made sure
            their field of fire was clear. Kelly held up her hand and
            made a fist, then pointed to the secure hatch on the
            starboard side of the hold. John motioned for Kelly and Fred
            to go forward. Fred took to the door, used the lock breaker
            and in seconds it popped open. Kelly and Fred entered and
            closed the hatch behind them. John, Linda, and Sam waited
            outside. There was a sudden motion and the Spartans snapped
            their weapons to firing position. A robot forklift passed bye
            the adjacent aisle. Suddenly the massive aft doors to the
            hold parted with a hiss. Light spilled into the hold and a
            dozen dock workers in coveralls entered.

                          (In his mind)
                      This is not good.

            John gripped his MA2B tighter. One man looked down the aisle
            where they crouched in the shadows, stopped and paused. John
            raised his weapon slowly, his hands steady, John sighted on
            the mans chest. The man stood and stretched his back.

                                LADEN WORKER 1
                      Come on stop lagging it.

                                LADEN WORKER 2
                      Yeah, yeah quite your yapping, I'm

            The man moved on as Fred and Kelly returned. Kelly closed and
            open her hand palm out. John pulled out his helmet from the
            duffle bag. Tapping the outer right side he pinged the
            navigation marker and saw the blue triangle flash once on his
            head up display. John stowed away his helmet and MA2B and
            motioned for the others to do the same. They then casually
            walked out the bay and onto the rebel base.


            Hewn from solid rock, people everywhere the ceiling stretched
            a kilometer high. Bright lights overhead effectively
            illuminated the place. There were hundreds of ships docked
            within the cavern, tiny single craft, Mako-class corvettes,
            cargo freighters, and even a captured UNSC Pelican dropship.
            Each craft was held by massive cranes that traveled on
            railroad tracks. The tracks led toward a series of large
            airlock doors. John looked to his team as they looked around,
            Fred's hand sliding closer to his bag and his MA2B.

                      This way.

            John led his team past dockworkers, and robotic trams full of
            cargo, and vendors selling roasted meat on sticks. He made
            for a set of double doors set in the far rock wall marked:
            Public Showers. John pushed through and didn't look back.


            Rows upon rows of lockers lined the rock walls and lead
            toward a round room with falling water. All but deserted The
            Spartans hunkered down behind some lockers. Fred turned to
            the far showers.

                      You hear that.

            The voice of a man rang out as he sang in the showers.

                      Sam, Kelly check it out.

            Sam and Kelly made a stealthy dash for the showers, spotted
            the naked man signing his lungs off, turned to John and gave
            him the all clear sign. John signaled for them to return.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      So far so good, this will be our fall
                      back position if everything falls apart
                      and we get separated

            Sam nodded.

                      Okay we have a lead on how to find the
                      Colonel. Any ideas on how we get off once
                      we grab him.

                      Back into the Laden's water tanks.

                      To slow, we've got to assume when Colonel
                      Watts goes missing his people are going
                      to look for him.

                      There was a Pelican on the dock, we'll
                      take it. Now let's figure out how to
                      operate the cranes and airlocks.

            Sam hefted his pack of explosives.

                      I know just the way to politely knock on
                      those airlock doors. Don't worry.

            John scanned his team for a second, Sam tapped his left foot,
            eager to go. Fred's hands were clenched with nervousness, but
            under control. Kelly yawned, and Linda sat absolutely still.
            John got his helmet, donned it and checked the nav marker.

                      Barring 320, it's on the move.

            They moved out the showers and into the docks, and passed
            massive drop doors, until they cam upon a city scape.


            Looking like a canyon carved into the rock, there were
            skyscrapers, apartments, factories, and even a small
            hospital. As the Spartans made it through the crowds, John
            ducked into a alley, put on his helmet and pinpointed the
            blue nav marker.

                      Up ahead.

            Join nodded to a cargo tram that silently rolled down the
            street, with three armed guards riding the rear. The Spartans
            followed uniformed at a discreet distance. As they walked
            some of the people began to give them strange looks.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Spread out, we look like were on a parade

            Kelly stepped up her pace and pulled ahead. Sam fell behind,
            and Fred and Linda drifted to the right and left. The cargo
            tram turned and went down a crowded street. It then stopped
            before a twelve stories tall building, with balconies on
            every floor. There were two armed guards in white uniforms at
            the front entrance. The three men in the tram got out and
            carried the crate inside.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      This must be it.

            Kelly glanced at John and he nodded, giving her the go ahead.

                          (To herself)

            Giving a big smile as she approached the guards Kelly waved
            to the guard and pulled open the door.

                                GUARD 1
                      Stop, show us your identification.

            Kelly stepped inside, grabbed the mans rifle, twisted, and
            dragged the man inside with her. The other guard stepped back
            and leveled his rifle. John sprang at him from behind,
            grabbed his neck and snapped it, then dragged his limp body


            The entry room had cinderblock walls and a steel door with a
            swipe-card lock. A security camera dangled limply over
            Kelly's head, and the guard she dragged in lay at her feet.
            John dragged in the second guard to find Kelly using her data
            pad, and already running a cracking program on the lock. John
            took out his MA2B and covered her. Fred and Linda and slipped
            out of the coveralls, then donned their helmets.

                      Nav marker is moving, mark 270, elevation
                      ten meters, twenty, thirty-five and
                      holding. I'd say that's the top floor.

            Sam entered last slammed the door shut and jammed the lock.

                      All clear out there.

                      Gear up.

            John took his coveralls as did Sam and Kelly and put on their

                      Were in.

            Kelly pushed open the door, Linda stepped in and to the
            right. John entered and took the left, noting the two guards
            seated behind the lobby's reception desk. Another man out of
            uniform stood in front of the desk, and two more uniformed
            men stood by the elevator. Linda shot the three near the
            desk, and John took out the two by the elevator. Fred entered
            and policed the bodies, dragging them behind the counter.
            Kelly moved toward the stairwell, open the door and gave the
            all clear sign. The elevator pinged and its doors open. They
            all wheeled rifles leveled but the car was empty.


            Taking point Kelly moved fast, the others followed as Sam
            brought up the rear. Upon reaching the ninth floor John
            detected faint blurs of heat on the twelve floor. John shook
            his head and then opened a door to an empty hallway. He then
            went to the elevator doors and pride them open with ease.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Cool suits.

            John then turned on the suits cooling element, as did the

            ERIDANUS TWO - SPACE

            Climbing up the last three floors, the Spartans braced
            themselves in the corners by the closed elevator door. Linda
            came up last, went up as far as she could, hooked her foot on
            a cross brace, and hung upside down.
            John held up three finger, two, then one, then he and Sam
            silently opened the elevator doors. There were five guards
            standing in the room. They wore light body armor and carried
            older model HMG 38 rifles. Two of them turned. Kelly, Fred
            and Linda open fire. The walnut paneling behind the guards
            became pockmarked with bullet holes and spattered with blood.


            The team slid inside the room.

            ERIDANUS TWO - SPACE

            Climbing in from the elevator shaft the Spartans found two
            set of wooden doors, one to the right and another set dead
            ahead, just beyond the dead guards.


            Kelly turned to John he signaled to go check out the door on
            the left. As John continued toward the door ahead Sam policed
            the dead bodies, took their weapons, and dragged them aside.

                          (Whispered into helmet)
                      This overlooks the alley between
                      building, no activity.

            John checked the nav marker. The blue triangle flashed a
            position just beyond the door ahead. John attempted to get a
            read on the other side, but nether his thermal or motion
            sensors could penetrate the walls.

                      Can't get a read, the walls must be

            John looked to Fred and Sam who had flanked the door, tapped
            his chest, and began a count down with his fingers, three,
            two, one.

            ERIDANUS TWO - SPACE

            With a wet bar boasting shelves of amber-filled bottles, a
            large round bed in the corner, decorated in silk sheets,
            windows on all sides draped in white curtains and a heavy
            wooden oak desk before a large balcony opening this room was
            made for a king. Sitting behind the desk in a large plush,
            brown leather chair was Colonel Watts.
            Before him were three men and the armored crate, now open,
            it's contents being displayed to Watts.

                                COLONEL WATTS
                      I hoped you got everything I asked for.

            The Colonel stood and walked over to the crate.

                                LADEN GUARD 1
                      Only the best Colonel, Steaks, from the
                      greatest city this side of Eridanus,
                      chocolates, from the mother land her
                      self, your favorite Sweet Williams

            As the man spoke of the cigars a huge smile came upon the
            Colonel, and he bent over to reach them. Suddenly the door
            burst open, flew across the room and shattered before the
            metal, black, crate.

                                COLONEL WATTS
                      What the...

            John stood on the other side, gun raised but he didn't have a
            clear shot. The men immediately turned and fired at John. He
            dove to his left, and caught two rounds in his side, knocking
            the breath from his body. Recovering quick John ignored the
            pain of the third bullet as it ping of his ribs, and rolled
            to his feet. Colonel Watts dove back and under his wooden
            desk pulled out his pistol.

                                COLONEL WATTS (CONT'D)
                      Kill him.

            With a clear line of fire John squeezed the trigger once, a
            three round burst caught the center guard in the forehead.
            Sam and Fred wheeled around the room, Sam high, Fred low,
            weapons coughed and the remaining pair of guards went down.
            Colonel Watts stood and took position behind the crate, his
            pistol aimed at John.

                                COLONEL WATTS (CONT'D)
                      Stop! My men are on there way, you think
                      I'm alone, you're all dead, unless you
                      drop your weapons.

            John jumped behind the wet bar and crouched there. He looked
            down and saw a red substance on the black suit but ignored
            it. John signaled Sam and Fred and held up two fingers over
            his head. Sam and Fred fired a burst of rounds over Watts. He
            ducked, and John vaulted over the bar and leaped onto his
            quarry. John grabbed the pistol and wrenched it out of his
            hand. Watts yelled in pain as his index and thumb where
            broken. Kelly and Linda entered as John choked Watts to near


            Kelly took out a syringe and injected the man, knocking him
            out instantly. Sam went over and crouched by the window,
            watching the streets below for any signs of trouble. Fred
            fell back to cover the elevator. Kelly then turned her
            attention to John and peeled back his black suit. Her gloves
            were slick with Johns blood.

                      The bullet still inside. (Bitting her
                      lower lip) There's a lot of internal
                      bleeding, hang on.

            Kelly pulled out a tiny bottle from her belt and inserted the
            nozzle into the bullet hole.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      This might sting a little.

            The self sealing biofoam filled Johns abdominal cavity, he
            grinned in pain as it settled and hardened.

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      You're good for a few hours, the foam
                      should keep you from bleeding out, and
                      stave off the shock.

            Kelly gave John a hand up, he was shaky, but he'd make it.

                      Good to go, thanks.

            Kelly gave him a curt nod.

                      Incoming vehicles, six men entering the
                      building, two taking up position outside,
                      but just the front.

                      Get our package inside the crate and seal
                      it up.

            John left the room, duffle bag in toe.

            ERIDANUS TWO - SPACE

            A long black thick rope swung from the twelve floor onto the
            alley floor. At the balcony looking twelve stories down John
            clicked his throat mike once.
            Kelly came over, snapped a decent rig on the crate and pushed
            it off the balcony. It zipped down the line and thudded to a
            halt. A moment later the rest of the team glided down the
            rope. They all quickly donned their coveralls. Fred and Sam
            took hold of the crate and carried it out onto the street a
            half block down. They all walked as quickly as they could,
            and made for the docks. John spotted  dozens of uniformed
            officers coming toward them.

                      Slow down.

            The team slowed, but the officers did not challenge them, as
            they ran past at hurried speed.


            Totally deserted the Spartans entered, Kelly and Linda made
            sure they were all clear.

                      Every one check your seals. Sam you go
                      ring the doorbell, meet us at the

            Sam nodded and sprinted out of the building, both packs of C
            12 looped around his shoulder. John took out the panic
            button, he triggered the green mode transmission and tossed
            it into and empty locker.

                      Your suit is breached, we better get to
                      the ship, before Sam sets off his

            Fred and Linda checked the seals on the crate, then carried
            it out.


            Still a buzz with activity, most of the people's attention
            was to the city entrance, where guards were denying passage
            in or out. The Spartans went unnoticed, as Kelly took point,
            and John brought up the rear. With in seconds they came upon
            the Pelican. John sized up her armaments.

                      Armors dented and charred, the guns are
                      out dated, and the rocket pods have been
                      removed, not much of a warhorse.

            Suddenly there was a flash of lightning at the far end of the
            dock. The thunder roiled through the deck.
            In an instant a gaping hole materialized in the airlock door
            amid a cloud of smoke and shattered metal. With and ear
            splitting roar the atmosphere held in abruptly transformed
            into a hurricane. People, crates, and Debris were blasted out
            the ragged tear. Fred and Sam boarded first, crate in hand,
            Kelly followed, then John a second later, pulled himself in.
            John prepared to seal the main hatch. As he did he watched as
            emergency doors descended over the breached airlock. There
            was an second explosion, and the drop door paused, then fell
            to the deck, crushing a light transport vessel underneath.


            John met Kelly at the helm and they watched as large bay
            doors closed, sealing the docks off from the city. Dozens of
            workers still on the docks ran for their lives, but didn't
            make it. Johns attention then turned to Sam, who sprinted
            across the deck toward the pelican. A moment later he was in,
            and up at the cockpit with Kelly and John.

                          (With a grin)
                      Back doors open.

            Kelly fired up the engines. The Pelican lifted, and she
            maneuvered through the dock, and then out the blasted hole
            and into open space. On the view screen they spotted the
            astroid as it vented atmosphere and started to rotate
            erratically. After a few minutes at full power, Kelly eased
            of the throttle.

                      Will hit the extraction point in two

                      And our prisoner.

            Sam popped open the crate.

                      The seals held. Watts is still alive, and
                      has a steady pulse.


            Kelly noticed John winced as the throbbing pain in his side

                      Something bothering you, how's the
                      biofoam holding up.

                      It's fine, I'll make it.

            John then took a second, not to relish in their victory but
            ponder if the death and destruction they had left in their

                      Something else wrong.

                          (Squashing the thoughts)
                      Nothings wrong. What could be wrong? We

            INT. 0600 HOURS, NOVEMBER 2, 2525 - REACH MILITARY COMPLEX -

            The Spartans sat quite in their dress uniforms. Sitting in
            the third row, a shinny new metal glistening against the
            black wool of his dress jacket, The Purple Heart, was John.
            Chief Mendez entered, in his dress uniform, his chest covered
            with Silver and Bronze Stars, three Purple Hearts, the Red
            Legion of Honor award, and a rainbow of campaign ribbons. He
            marched to the center platform. The Spartans rose and stood
            at attention. Dr. Halsey soon followed, the wrinkles of her
            eyes and mouth more pronounced, streaks of grey in her dark
            hair. She wore gray slacks, a black skirt, and her glasses
            hung around her neck.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Admiral on deck.

            They all snapped straighter. A man ten years Dr. Halsey
            senior, with short silver hair, wearing a simple, unadorned
            black dress UNSC uniform, a single gold star on the forearm
            of his jacket strode to the center. His walk had a strange
            lope to it.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH
                      At ease Spartans, I'm Admiral Stanforth.

            The Spartans took their seats in unison. Suddenly dust
            swirled on stage and collected into a robed figure. The
            figures face was obscured with in the shadows of his hood,
            and his sleeves draped over his hands.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      This is Beowolf... He is our AI attache
                      with the Office of Naval Intelligence. We
                      have several important issues to cover
                      this morning, so let's get started.

            The lights dimmed and an amber sun appeared in the center of
            the room.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      This is Harvest, population of
                      approximately three million. All though
                      on the periphery of UNSC controlled
                      space, this world is one of our more
                      productive and peaceful colonies.

            The holographic view zoomed in on the surface of the world
            and showed grasslands, forests and thousands of lakes
            swarming with schools of fish.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      As of military calender February 3, at
                      1423 hours the Harvest orbital platform
                      made long range radar contact with this

            A blurry outline appeared over the stage.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Spectroscopic analysis proved
                      inconclusive. The object is constructed
                      of materials unknown to us.

            A molecular observation graph appeared on a side screen.
            Spikes and jagged lines indicated the relative proportions of
            elements. Beowulf raised a cloaked arm and the image
            darkened. The words Classified-Eyes Only appeared over the
            blackened data. The Admiral shot a glare at the AI.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Contact with harvest was lost shortly
                      thereafter. The Colonial Military
                      Administration sent the scout ship ARGO
                      to investigate. That ship arrived in
                      system on April twentieth, but other than
                      a brief transmission to confirm their
                      exit from Slipstream position, no further
                      reports were made. In response, Fleet
                      Command assembled a battle group to
                      investigate. The group consisted of the
                      destroyer Heracles, commanded by Captain
                      Veredi, as well as the frigates Arabia
                      and Vostok.

            The ships and their captains appeared on a separate screen.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      They entered the Harvest System on
                      October seventh and discovered the

            The hologram of the planet Harvest changed. The lush fields
            and rolling hills transformed, morphing into a crater barren
            desert. Thin gray sunlight reflected off glassy crust, and
            heat wavered from the surface. Some isolated regions glowed

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      This is what was left of the colony... We
                      assume that all inhabitants are lost.

            John glanced at the purple heart pinned on his chest, and
            gritted his teeth, no longer proud of the decoration.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      And this is what the Heracles battle
                      group found in orbit.

            The blurry outline still visible hanging in the air sharpen
            into crisp focus. It looked smooth and organic, and the hull
            possessed an odd, opalescent sheen. It looked more like the
            carapace of an exotic insect than the metal hull of a ship.
            Recessed into the aft section were pods that pulsed with a
            purple-white glow. The prow of the craft was swollen, like
            the head of a whale.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      The unidentified vessel launched an
                      immediate attack.

            Blue flashes strobed from the ship. Red motes of light then
            appeared along it's hull. Bolts of energy coalesced into a
            fiery smear against the blackness of space. The deadly
            flashes of light impacted on the Arabia, splashed across its
            hull. Its meter armor platting instantly boiled away, and a
            plume of ignited atmosphere burst from the breach in the
            ship's hull.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Those were pulse lasers, and if this
                      record is to be believed, some kind of
                      self guided superheated plasma weapon.
                      The Heracles and Vastok launched salvos
                      of missiles toward the craft. The enemy
                      lasers shot half before they reached
                      their target.

            The rest of the missiles impacted detonated into blossoms of
            fire that quickly faded. The strange ship shimmered with a
            semitransparent silver coating, which then vanished.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      They also seem to have some reflective
                      energy shield.

            The admiral took a deep breath.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      The Vostok and Arabia were lost with all
                      hands. The Heracles jumped out system,
                      but due to damage she sustained, it took
                      several weeks for Captain Veredi to make
                      it back to Reach...

            The image of the alien craft grew larger.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Their weapons and defensive systems are
                      currently beyond our technology.
                      Therefore this craft is of nonhuman
                      origin... The product of a race with
                      technology far in advance of our own.

            A murmur buzzed through the chamber.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      We have of course developed a number of
                      first contact scenarios, and Captain
                      Veredi followed our established
                      protocols. We had hoped that contact with
                      a new race would be peaceful. Obviously
                      this was not the case. The alien vessel
                      did not open fire until our task force
                      attempted to initiate communications.

            The admiral paused considering his words.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Fragments of the enemy transmission were
                      intercepted, a few words have been
                      translated. We believe they call
                      themselves The Covenant. However, before
                      opening fire, the alien ship broadcast
                      the following message in the clear.

            The admiral gestured at Beowulf, who nodded. A moment later a
            voice thundered through the amphitheater. John stiffen in his
            seat when he heard it. The voice sounded odd, artificial,
            strangely calm and formal, but laden with rage and menace.

                                ALIEN VOICE
                      Your destruction is the will of the
                      Gods... And we are their instrument.

            John was awestruck and stood.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH
                      Yes Spartan.

                      Is this a translation?

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH
                      No, they broadcast this to us in our
                      language. We believe they used some kind
                      of translation system to prepare the
                      message. And that means they've been
                      studying us for some time.

            John sat back down.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      As of November ninth, the UNSC has been
                      ordered to full alert. Vice Admiral
                      Preston Cole is mobilizing the largest
                      fleet in human history to retake the
                      Harvest system and confront this new
                      threat. Their transmission made one thing
                      perfectly clear, they're looking for a

            John sat straighter as did the other Spartans.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Because of this UNSC wide mobilization,
                      your training schedule will be
                      accelerated to it's final phase...
                      Project MJOLNIR.

            He then stepped away from the podium and clasped his hands
            behind his back.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      To that end I'm afraid I have another
                      unpleasant announcement.

            The Admiral turned to the Chief.

                                ADMIRAL STANFORTH (CONT'D)
                      Chief Petty Officer Mendez will be
                      departing to train the next group of

            John grabbed the edge of his riser as the Chief stepped to
            the podium and clasped its edges.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Recruits, soon your training will be
                      complete, and you will graduate to rank
                      of Petty Officer Second Class in the
                      UNSC. One of the first things you will
                      learn is that change is part of a
                      soldiers life. You will make and loose
                      friends, you will move, and some of you
                      may even die... This is part of the job.

            He looked to his audience, his dark eyes rested on each one
            of them. He nodded seemingly satisfied.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      The Spartans are the finest group of
                      soldiers I have ever encountered. It has
                      been a privilege to train you. Never
                      forget what I've tried to teach you...
                      Duty... Honor... And sacrifice for the
                      greater good of humanity are the
                      qualities that make you the best.

            The Chief stood at attention and saluted.


            The Spartans rose as one and saluted the Chief.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Dismissed Spartans... And good luck.

            Mendez ended his salute and the Spartans snapped down their
            arms. They hesitated for a second, but then reluctantly filed
            out of the amphitheater. John stayed behind and waited for
            the Chief. Dr. Halsey spoke to with him briefly and then her
            and the Admiral left. Beowulf backed toward the far wall and
            faded away like a ghost. Gathering his hat, Mendez spotted
            John, and walked to him. The Chief nodded to the hologram of
            the scorched colony still rotating in the air.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      One final lesson Petty Officer... What
                      tactical options do you have when
                      attacking a stronger opponent?

                      Sir... There are two options. Attack
                      swiftly with full force at their weakest
                      point, take them out quickly before they
                      have a chance to respond.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Good, and the other option.

                      Fall back, engage in guerilla actions or
                      get reinforcements.

                                DI MENDEZ
                          (With a sigh)
                      Those are the correct answers... But it
                      may not be enough to be correct this
                      time. Sit please.

            John sat and the Chief settled next to him on the riser.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Surrender... That how ever is never an
                      option for the likes of you and me. We
                      don't have the luxury of backing down.

            The Chief glanced at Harvest.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      And I don't think an enemy like this will
                      let us surrender.

                      I think I understand sir.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      Make sure you do, and make sure you don't
                      let anyone else give up... Project
                      MJOLNIR will make the Spartans into
                      something... new. Something I could never
                      forge them into. I can't fully explain...
                      That dam ONI spook is still here
                      listening... Just trust Dr. Halsey.

            The Chief dug into his jacket pocket.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      I was hoping to see you before they
                      shipped me out. I have something for you.

            He set a small metal disk on the riser between them.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      When you first came here you fought the
                      trainers when they took this away from
                      you. Broke a few fingers as I recall.

            His chiseled features cracked into a rare smile. John picked
            up the disk and examined it. It was an ancient silver coin.
            He flipped it between his fingers.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      It has an eagle on one side. That bird is
                      you... Fast and deadly.

            John closed his finger around the quarter.

                      Thank you sir.

            Mendez stood.

                                DI MENDEZ
                      It has been an honor to serve with you.

            Instead of saluting he held out his hand. John got to his
            feet and shook the Chief hand.

                                DI MENDEZ (CONT'D)
                      Good bye.

            He turned briskly on his heel and strode from the room.

            INT. 1750 HOURS, NOVEMBER 27, 2525 - UNSC FRIGATE

            The screen clicked on as the ship entered normal space. Ice
            particles showered the external camera and gave the distant
            yellow sun a ghostly ring. The large room had one hundred
            beds and thirty two Spartans clustered together, playing
            cards, polishing boots, reading, exercising. Sam sparred with

                      Stop it.


                      I hate it when you slow down, come at me

                                KELLY (CONT'D)
                      You asked for it.

            With lightning speed Kelly dove right, ran behind Sam, took
            hold, then kicked him off, sending Sam flying several feet
            and landing before John's bunk.

                      Now that's better.

            John smiled as he read a data pad the word MJOLNIR attached
            to the top. It gave a brief ancient description of the
            weapon. "A hammer used by the Norse God of Thunder." Suddenly
            a voice blared over the loud speaker.

                                DR. HALSEY (V.O.)
                      Spartan 117, report to the bridge

            John snapped to attention and keyed the intercom.

                      Yes ma'am.

            John then turned to Sam.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Get everyone ready in case were needed.
                      On the double.

                      Affirmative... You heard the Petty
                      Officer. Dog those cards. Get into
                      uniform soldiers!

            John double timed it to the elevator.


            Every wall had a screen. Some showed stars and the distant
            red smear of nebula. Other screens displayed the fusion
            reactor, status and spectrums of microwave broadcast in the
            system. A brass railing ringed the center of the bridge and
            with in sat four Junior Lieutenants at their stations,
            navigation, weapons, communications, and ship operations. The
            doors to the elevator parted, John stepped out and strode
            toward CAPTAIN WALLACE, a black bearded, lean and fit man,
            standing firm before a view screen, his right arm crooked
            behind his back, his left arm missing from the elbow down.
            John halted and saluted the Captain, then nodded at Dr.
            Halsey. A few seconds later the Captain returned the favor.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Over here please, I want you to see

            John walked across the rubberized deck and gave his full
            attention to the screen. It displayed deconvoluted radar
            signals. It looked a lot like tangled yarn.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)

            She pointed to a blip on the screen.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      It's there again.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      That puts our ghost at eighty million
                      kilometers. Even if it were a ship, it
                      would take a full hour to get within
                      weapons range... And besides, it's gone

                                DR. HALSEY
                      May I suggest we go to battle stations,

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      I don't see the point.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We haven't let this be wildly known, but
                      when the aliens were first detected at
                      Harvest, they appeared at extreme
                      range... And then they were suddenly much

                      An intrasystem jump?

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (With a smile)
                      Correctly surmised Spartan.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      That's not possible. Slipstream space
                      can't be navigated that accurately.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      You mean, we cannot navigate with that
                      kind of accuracy.

            The Captain clenched and unclenched his jaw.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      General quarters, all hands to battle
                      stations. Seal bulkheads. I repeat all
                      hands to battle stations. This is not a
                      drill. Reactor to ninety nine percent.
                      Come out to course one two five.

            The bridge lights darken to a red hue. The deck rumbled
            beneath John's boots and the entire ship tilted as it changed
            heading. Pressure doors then slammed shut and sealed John on
            the bridge. As the ship settled into its new heading Dr.
            Halsey turned to John.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We'll be using the Commonwealth's
                      dropship to go to the testing facility on
                      Chi Citi Four. We have to get to Project
                      MJOLNIR, before they do. Get the others

                      Yes ma'am.

            John keyed the intercom.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Sam muster the squad in Bay Alpha. I want
                      that Pelican loaded and ready to go for
                      drop in fifteen minutes.

                                SAM (V.O.)
                      We'll have it done in ten, faster if
                      those Longsword interceptor pilots get
                      out of our way.

            The radar screen flashed with blobs of eerie green light, and
            the collision alarm sounded.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Brace for impact.

            The Captain braced his arm around the brass railing. John
            grabbed an emergency handle on the wall as something appeared
            three thousand kilometers off the ships prow. It was a sleek
            oval, with a single seam running along its lateral edge from
            stem to stern. Tiny lights winked on and off along the hull.
            A faint purple-tinged glow emitted from the tail. The ship
            was only a third the size of the Commonwealth.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      A Covenant ship.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      COM officer send a signal to Chi Ceti,
                      see if they can send us some

                                COMMONWEALTH COM OFFICER
                      Aye sir.

            Blue flashes flickered along the hull of the alien ship so
            bright they made John's eyes water. The outer hull sizzled
            and popped, then the screen filled with static.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Pulse lasers! Communication dish
                      destroyed. Armor section three and four
                      at twenty-five percent. Hull breach in
                      section three, sealing now. Ship AI core
                      memory overloaded.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Come to heading zero three zero,
                      declination one eight zero. Arm archer
                      missiles pods A through F, and give me a
                      firing solution.

            On screen, pods A through F opened, and launched 180 missiles
            at the alien ship. The enemy changed course, rotated so that
            the top of the ship faced a path from the Commonwealth to the
            alien ship. Archer missiles altered their trajectory to track
            the ship, but half their number streaked past the target, a
            clean miss. The others impacted and fire covered the skin of
            the alien ship.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Good work Lieutenant.

            The Captain clapped the young officer on the shoulder.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      No wait.

            The fire flared then dimmed. The skin of the alien ship
            rippled like heat wavering off hot road in the summer. The
            alien ship fluttered with a metallic silver sheen, then
            brilliant white and the fire faded, revealing the ship
            beneath. The alien craft was completely undamaged.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                          (Tapping her lower lip)
                      Energy shields... Even ships this small
                      have energy shielding.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Lieutenant, cut main engines and fire
                      maneuvering thrusters. Rotate and track
                      so that were pointing at the thing.

                                COMMONWEALTH NAV OFFICER
                      Aye aye, sir.

            The ships engines slowed and she turned about.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      What are you doing Captain.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Arm the MAC, a heavy round.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      MAC capacitors charging.

            The Covenant ship turned it's side to the Commonwealth.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Yes, give me a bigger target.

            Pinpoints of blue light glowed and then flared along the
            alien hull. The tactical view screens on the ship went dead.
            John heard sizzling overhead then the muffled sound of
            explosive decompressions.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      More pulse laser hits. Armor in section
                      three through seven down to four
                      centimeters. Navigation dish destroyed.
                      Hull breaches on decks two, five, and
                      nine. We have a leak in port fuel tanks.
                      Pumping fuel to starboard reserve tanks.
                      Sealing sections.

            John shifted on his feet.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Mac at one hundred percent, ready to

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE

            The lights on the bridge dimmed and the ship shuddered.
            Visible on screen was a red hot metal slug moving at thirty
            meters per second. The alien ship attempted to veer away but
            it was to late. The heavy round slammed into the target's
            The Covenant ship reeled through space, it's energy shield
            shimmered and glowed lightning white, then flickered, dimmed,
            and went out. The ship crew laid out a victory cheer, except
            Dr. Halsey. The alien vessels erratic spinning slowed and it
            came to a stop. It's nose was crumpled, and atmosphere vented
            as tiny fires flickered inside. The ship came about and
            started back toward them.

                                DR. HALSEY
                          (To herself)
                      It should have been destroyed.

            The Covenant ship readied to fire again.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Make ready another heavy round.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Aye, aye. Charge at thirty percent,
                      firing solution online, sir.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      No, evasive maneuvers, Captain, Now!

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      I won't have my command second guessed
                      ma'am... And with respect, Doctor, second
                      guessed by someone with no combat

            The Captain stiffen and placed his hand behind his back.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      I can't have you removed because the
                      bulkheads are sealed, but another
                      outburst like that, Doctor, and I will
                      have you gagged.

            John looked to Dr. Halsey her face flushed with anger.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Mac at fifty percent charge.

            A red light continued to collect along the Covenant ship
            until it was a solid band. It brighten.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER (CONT'D)
                      Eighty percent charge.

                                COMMONWEALTH NAV OFFICER
                      They're turning sir.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Ninety nine percent... One hundred.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Send them to hates Lieutenant, fire!

            The lights dimmed once more and a bolt of metal shot out
            toward the alien ship. The Covenant vessel stood its ground,
            and the blood red lined that had pooled on it's lateral line
            burst forth. It streaked toward the Commonwealth, passing the
            Mac round a mere kilometer away. The red light glowed and
            pulsed almost as if it were liquid, its edges roiled and
            fluttered. It then elongated into a tear drop of ruby light
            five meters long.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Evasive maneuvers, emergency thrusters to

            The massive ship slowly moved outside the coming red light
            path. The Mac round struck the alien ship. It's shield
            shimmered then disappeared as the ship was sent spinning out
            of control. The inbound ball of light moved too. It started
            tracking the Commonwealth.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Engines full power astern.

            The light should have sped past them, instead it arced and
            impacted port. The air filled with a popping and sizzling.
            The Commonwealth listed to starboard, then rolled completely
            over and continued to tumble.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Stabilize, starboard thrusters.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Fire reported in sections one through
                      twenty, decks two through seven in
                      section one have been melted sir. They're

            It grew noticeably hotter on the bridge as beads of sweat
            formed on John's forehead.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT (CONT'D)
                      All port armor destroyed. Decks two
                      through five in section three, four, and
                      five, are now out of contact, sir. It's
                      burning through us.

            Captain Wallace stood not saying a word, staring at the last
            remaining view screen. Dr. Halsey stepped forward.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Respectfully Captain, I suggest that you
                      alert the crew to get on respirator
                      packs. Give them thirty seconds then vent
                      the atmosphere on all decks, except the

            The COM officer looked to the Captain.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Do it... Sound the alert.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Deck thirteen destroyed. Fire getting
                      close to the reactor, hull structure
                      starting to buckle.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Vent atmosphere.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Aye, aye sir.

            There was a thumping sound through out the hull, then

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT (CONT'D)
                      Fire is dying out. Hull temperature
                      cooling and stabilizing.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      What the hell did they hit us with.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Plasma, but not any plasma we know...
                      They can actually guide its trajectory
                      through space, without any detectable
                      mechanism, amazing.

                                COMMONWEALTH GUIDANCE OFFICER
                      Captain, alien ship is pursuing.

            The Covenant ship a red rimmed hole punched through its
            center, turned and started toward the Commonwealth.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      How? Ready another Mac heavy round.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      MAC system destroyed Captain.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Were sitting ducks then.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Not quite. The Commonwealth carries three
                      nuclear missiles, correct, Captain?

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      A detonation this close would destroy us
                      as well.

                      Excuse me sir, the alien's tactics thus
                      far have been unnecessarily vicious, like
                      those of wild animals. They didn't have
                      to take that second Mac round while they
                      fired at us, but they wanted to position
                      themselves to fire. In my opinion sir,
                      they would stop and engage anything that
                      challenged them.

            The Captain looked to Dr, Halsey, who shrugged and nodded.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      The Longsword interceptors.

            The Captain turned his back to them and covered his face with
            his one hand. He sighed and nodded, then clicked the

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Longsword Squadron Delta, this is the
                      Captain. Get your ships into the black,
                      boys, and engage the enemy ship. I need
                      you to buy us some time. Turn us around,
                      give me best speed on a vector to Chi
                      Citi Four orbit.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Coolant leaks in the reactor sir, we can
                      push the engines to thirty percent, no

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Give me fifty percent, arm one of our
                      Shiva warheads. Set proximity fuse to one
                      hundred meters.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Yes sir.

            The Commonwealth spun about. Suddenly the spinning slowed,
            stopped, and then accelerated.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Reactor red-lining, melt down in twenty
                      five seconds.

            Over the speakers there was a crackle, a hiss of static

                                LONGSWORD CAPTAIN (V.O.)
                      Longsword interceptors engaging the
                      enemy, sir.

            On the remaining aft camera, there were flickers of light,
            the cold blue strobes of Covenant weapons, and the red-orange
            fireballs of Longsword missiles.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Launch the missile.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Melt down in ten seconds.

                                COMMONWEALTH WEAPONS OFFICER
                      Missile away.

            A plume of exhaust divided the darkness of space.

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      Five seconds to meltdown, four, three,

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Shunt dry plasma to space, cut power to
                      all systems.

            The Covenant ship was silhouetted for a split second by pure
            white, then the view screen snapped off, and the bridge
            lights went dead. John could see everything though. The
            bridge officers, Dr. Halsey as she clutched onto the railing,
            and Captain Wallace as he saluted the pilots he had just sent
            out to die. The hull pinged and rumbled as the shock wave
            enveloped them. It grew  louder. The noise seemed to go on
            forever in the darkness. It faded then it was completely

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Power us back up. Slowly give me ten
                      percent from the reactors if we can

            The bridge lights came on dimly but they worked.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      All sensors offline, resetting backup
                      computers. Hold on, scanning now. Lots of
                      debris. It's hot back there. All
                      Longsword interceptors vaporized...
                      Covenant ship... intact sir.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                          (Making a fist)

                                COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT
                      It's moving off though, very slowly.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      What does it take to destroy one of those

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We don't know if your weapons can destroy
                      them, but at least we know we can slow
                      them down.

            The Captain stood straighter.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Best speed to the Damascus testing
                      facility. We will execute a flyby orbit,
                      and then proceed to a point twenty
                      million kilometers distant to make

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Captain, a flyby?

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      I have orders to get you to the facility
                      and retrieve what ever Section Three has
                      stowed there ma'am. As we fly by, a
                      dropship will take you and your...

            The Captain glanced at John.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE (CONT'D)
                      Crew planet side. If the Covenant ship
                      returns we will be the bait to lure it

                                DR. HALSEY
                      I understand Captain. We'll rendezvous in
                      orbit no later than 1900 hours.

            Dr. Halsey turned to John.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      We need to hurry, we don't have much
                      time, and there is a great deal I need to
                      show the Spartans.

                      Yes ma'am.


            Confined to the elevator Dr. Halsey and the rest of the
            Spartans descend into the depth of the planet. The ride
            seemed to go on forever. The door finally slide open, and
            they entered into what appeared to be a well lit hanger. The
            far end had an obstacle course set up with walls, trenches,
            dummy targets, and barbed wire. Three technicians and at
            least a dozen AI figures were in the center of the room. Just
            beyond them forty Plexiglas mannequins set up in rows. On
            each was a suit of armor, much like the one the Spartans
            trained against at Reach, but less bulky, more compact. Dr.
            Halsey cleared her throat, the technicians turned and the
            AI's vanished. John stepped closer to the suits and noticed
            they had actually many layers. The outer layer reflected the
            overhead lights with a faint green-gold iridescence. It
            covered the groin, outer thighs, knees, shins, chest,
            shoulders, and forearms. There was a helmet and an integrated
            power pack. Underneath were intermeshed layers of matte-black

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Project MJOLNIR.

            With a snap of her fingers a holographic schematic of the
            armor appeared next to her.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      The armor's shell is a multilayer alloy
                      of remarkable strength. We recently added
                      a refractive coating to disperse incoming
                      energy weapon attacks, to counter our new

            Dr. Halsey then pointed inside the schematic.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Each battlesuit also has a gel-filled
                      layer to regulate temperature. This layer
                      can reactively change in density. Against
                      the skin of the operator, there is a
                      moisture-absorbing cloth suit, and bio
                      monitors that constantly adjust the suits
                      temperature and fit.
                      There's also an on board computer that
                      interfaces with your standard-issue
                      neural implant.

            She gestured and the schematic collapsed so that it only
            displayed the outer layer. As the image changed John glimpsed
            vein like microcapillaries, a dense sandwich of optical
            crystal, a circulating pump, even what looked like a
            miniature fusion cell in the backpack.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Most importantly, the armor's inner
                      structure is composed of a new reactive
                      metal liquid crystal. It is amorphous,
                      yet fractally scales and amplifies force.
                      In simplified terms, the armor doubles
                      the wearer's strength, and enhances the
                      reaction speed of a normal human by a
                      factor of five.

            She waved her hand through the hologram.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      There is one problem though. This system
                      is so reactive that our previous test
                      with unaugmented volunteers ended in...

            Dr. Halsey nodded to one of the technicians. A flat video
            appeared in the air, It showed a Marine officer, a
            Lieutenant, being fitted with the MJOLNIR armor.

                                TECH (O.S.)
                      Power is on, move your right arm please.

            The soldiers arm blurred forward with incredible speed. The
            Marine's stoic expression collapsed into shock, surprise, and
            pain as his arm shattered. He convulsed, shuddered and
            screamed. As he jerk in pain John could hear the sounds of
            bones breaking. The mans own agony induced spasms were
            killing him. The good doctor waved the video away.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Normal humans don't have the reaction
                      time or strength required to drive this
                      system. You do, your enhanced musculature
                      and metal, ceramic layers that have been
                      boned to your skeleton should be enough
                      to allow you to harness the armor's
                      power. There has been, insufficient
                      computer modeling however. There will be
                      some risk. You'll have to move very
                      slowly and deliberately until you get the
                      feel for the armor and how it works.
                      And it cannot be powered down, nor can
                      the response be scaled back. Do you

                      Yes ma'am.

                                DR. HALSEY

                      When do we get to try them, Doctor.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Right now... Any Volunteers?

            Every Spartan raised his hand. Dr. Halsey allowed herself a
            tiny smile. She surveyed them, and then finally turned to

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      You've always been lucky, John, let's go.

            John stepped forward and the technicians fitted him as the
            others watched them assemble each piece of a giant three
            dimensional puzzle.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Please breath normally but otherwise
                      please remain absolutely still.

            John stood motionless as the armor shifted and melted to the
            contours of his form. It heated then cooled, then matched the
            temperature of his body. They set the helmet slowly and
            carefully over his head.


            It was dark for a second then, bright, a second later it was
            as clear as day, and John could see and hear Dr. Halsey
            before him. In that instance a health monitor, motion sensor,
            suit status indicator pulsed to life. A targeting reticle
            followed and flickered on the heads up display.

                                DR. HALSEY (O.S.)
                      Okay everybody move back.

            John still perfectly still looked to his motion sensor as his
            teammates formed a three meter wide circle around him.
            Looking ahead John could see the concern and curiosity of the
            Spartans before him, just behind Dr. Halsey.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Listen to me carefully John, I just want
                      you to think, and only think, about
                      moving your arm up to chest level. Stay

            Suddenly with lightning speed John willed his arm to move,
            and his hand and forearm sprang forward to chest level. The
            Spartans gasped. Sam applauded, and Kelly was impressed. Over
            the course of fifteen minutes Dr. Halsey coached John through
            the motions, turn, lift, crouch, walk, jump, and last run.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Good Job. Now Petty Officer run through
                      the obstacle course.

            John snapped a salute without thinking, his hand bounced off
            the helmet, and a dull ache throbbed in his hand.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Carefully, Petty Officer, very carefully,

                      Yes ma'am

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We will proceed to fit the other
                      Spartans, we don't have a great deal of
                      time left.

            John turned to the obstacle course and focused his mind on
            motion, and he ran, jumped, and punched his way around the
            course. He threw knives, sinking them up to their hafts into
            target dummies. He slid under barbed wire as bullets zinged
            over his head. He even stood up and allowed the bullets to
            hit him, and to his amazement John even dodged a bullet or
            two. As he went through the final leg of the course a half
            mile sprint he was surprised by a fast moving object,
            friendly by the motion sensor readings, but coming up quick.
            John turned.

                      Come on slow poke.

            Kelly whizzed by at superhuman speed.


            Before he could finish Kelly went full force into the bunkers
            concrete wall. John ran over, and was their almost instantly.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      You all right.

            John attempted to help Kelly up and shot her over his head.

                      You know what, next time I'll help

                      These suits are going to take some
                      getting use to.

                      Yeah, your telling me.

            John turned and surveyed the rest of the Spartans as they ran
            the obstacle course. Everyone ran awkwardly through the
            obstacles, with little if no coordination. John ran the last
            leg of the course and met with Dr. Halsey.

                                DR. HALSEY

                      Amazing, but I'm worried for myself and
                      my team.

            Dr. Halsey turned and surveyed the other Spartans.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      All you need is time.

            As John thought of his team, his suit tagged and monitored
            the rest of the MJOLNIR suits.

                      That's interesting.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Yes John.

                      I thought of the team, and now I'm
                      tracking every single one of them on my

                                DR. HALSEY
                      If you concentrate hard enough on one
                      person, you can open a secured com
                      channel to him or her.

            Over the hanger speakers Dr. Halsey spoke to the others.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      Spartans, so far so good. If anyone is
                      experiencing difficulties with the suit
                      or its controls, please report in.

                      I think I'm in love... Oh sorry ma'am, I
                      didn't think that was an open channel.

                      Flawless application of speed and power,
                      it's like I've been training in this suit
                      for years.

                      So I take it we get to keep them ma'am.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Your the only ones who can use them Petty
                      Officer. Who else could we give them to.

            A technician walked over with a headset and handed it to Dr.

                                DR. HALSEY (CONT'D)
                      A moment please... Report Captain.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      We have enemy contact.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      The Covenant vessel is back.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Yes doctor, and he's got friends. Two
                      more undamaged ships of the same design
                      just jumped in system.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      Your repair status.

                                CAPTAIN DE BLANC
                      Long range communications inoperable,
                      slipstream generators offline. MAC system
                      destroyed. We have two Fusion missiles,
                      and twenty Archer missile pods intact,
                      armor plating is at twenty percent...

            There was a long hiss of static.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      If you need more time... I can try to
                      draw them away.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      No Captain, your no match for one ship in
                      your condition, let alone three.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      Hold on ma'am, the other two ships are
                      veering off, it seems to have locked on
                      to your transmission. Moving to

                                DR. HALSEY
                      That's a suicide mission Captain.

                                CAPTAIN WALLACE
                      What other choice do we have doctor.

                                JOHN (O.S.)

            Dr. Halsey turned to face John, and saw him and his team
            formed up, and ready for action.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      We fight... and this time we win.


            Surrounded by forest, a huge hanger capable of holding two
            747 stands out like a sore thumb under the scrutiny of
            massive flood lights. Over head the massive alien transports
            do a flyby, then continue to just beyond the tree cover,
            hover for a second, then begin to slowly descend. The sound
            of trees snapping, is heard, and flames arise from the
            surrounding area as the engines burn the forest around.

                                DR. HALSEY (V.O.)
                      We have much to do.

                                JOHN (V.O.)
                      We'll give you all the time you need

                                DR. HALSEY (V.O.)
                      Weapons locker is that way, you should
                      find anything you need their.

                                JOHN (V.O.)
                      You heard her, gear up.

                                DR. HALSEY (V.O.)
                      Be careful.

                                JOHN (V.O.)

            From the fires of the forest around eighty little grunts
            emerge, with twenty JAKELS, a race of vulture like aliens, a
            meter and a half tall, with knobby scaled skin mottled
            yellow, and purple yellow, fins running along the crest of
            it's skull, and forearms. They stand along side the grunts
            holding phosphorescent colored energy shields. The aliens
            look back as the hanger doors slowly open, to the seven
            ELITES, three meter tall, fully armored, snake black skinned
            aliens, each one in different colored armor, who continued to
            the front of the group.  JARES the gold armor elite looked to
            his officer in red armor, then to grunts below, weapons
            shaking with fear, and last to the now fully open hanger.
            Just beyond the hanger doors were thirty-two clustered
            Spartans holding their M2B5 assault rifles. Jares was taken
            back buy the armored Spartans, but only for a second.

                          (In English)

            BANG, the elites head burst into chunks, of bone, blood, and
            brain matter over his subordinates. The grunts screamed in
            fear, and then the two more elites fell, their head split
            open by a 45mm round. The remaining three elites yelled in
            their alien language and the grunts ran for the hanger guns
            blazing, the Jakel's followed alongside the Elites.


            Ten Spartans pulled up ahead of John, each one holding a
            missile launchers.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)

            Ten simultaneous plums of smoke screamed their way to the
            advancing covenant force, and detonated in an orangy,
            concrete breaking, smoke making blast. Discernible bodies
            parts flew every witch way, but the little bastards, and the
            vultures under the elites coaxing continued the advance.

                      Weapons at the ready.

                      No, wait. Linda your up again. Take out
                      the last three tall ones.

            Perched atop the hanger Linda fired three successive shots,
            and the three remaining Elites fell limp, a hole in each one
            of their heads.


            Even faster than they advanced they aliens retreated back
            into the tree cover.

                      Cut them down to size.

            John raised his weapon, and fired alongside his teammates.
            Methane tanks exploded and bodies followed. The Spartans
            continued shredding the little bastards bodies, and peppering
            their vulture like counter parts, allowing only a dozen or so
            back into the tree line. The Spartans stood weapons steady
            aimed at the trees.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)

                      All clear.

            Seconds later the two alien ships rose from within the trees
            and shotgunned it out system. The Spartans cheered.

                                DR. HALSEY
                      John, Captain Wallace reports the third
                      enemy ship is nearing weapons range, he
                      won't be able to out run it much longer.

                      Understood ma'am.

            John turned to his Spartans as Linda jumped down, shattering
            the concrete beneath her.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      Fights not over.

            John cocked his weapon.

                                JOHN (CONT'D)
                      We still got a job to do.

                                                          FADE TO BLACK.

            THE END