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January 31, 2007 Link to this post

Rule of 3 Reminder
Bungie posted a new Top Story last night (thanks, S043), reminding everyone that the 'Rule of 3' Program starts tomorrow. This is your next opportunity to get into the Halo 3 beta. But if you don't make it... these words of hope were included:

And remember, after all the dust has settled, Bungie will have a few extra beta spots for a few lucky and loyal community members. So one way or another, you should be able to find a way to participate in the Halo 3 Beta, fingers crossed and good luck!

Don't panic. Do your best, have fun. And don't forget to eat your vegetables. (Louis Wu 13:39:57 UTC)

January 31, 2007 Link to this post

Spartan Project Oblivion mod released
Brandon stopped by to announce that his Oblivion mod is finished - you can now play through in Mjolnir Mark V armor, with energy sword and shield! screenshots and a link to the download are in his forum post. (Louis Wu 12:31:04 UTC)

January 28, 2007 Link to this post

What do you Want? And When do you Want it?
Ducain has put together his 'pie in the sky wishlist' for Halo 3 single player; things he wishes would show up in the upcoming campaign. Give it a read - and let him know what you think (either as a comment to that HIH newspost, or in the thread he started on our forum). (Louis Wu 22:07:46 UTC)

January 27, 2007 Link to this post

The Heretic Action Trailer
Sbear sent word that the Heretic Action Trailer has been released - this is the second of two trailers released for an upcoming series from Edgeworks Entertainment. This one should pump you up... and you don't have to wait long for start of the actual series - release date looks to be [censored]. Update: Wow. I was told that I was ruining the surprise release date by posting it here - because the page we linked to (see above) I guess was more subtle. I've removed the date. You'll have to go elsewhere for it. (Louis Wu 23:25:17 UTC)

January 27, 2007 Link to this post

Planet Xbox 360 takes shots at MLG
Planet Xbox 360 has an opinion piece about MLG, and whether or not they have what it takes to be 'taken seriously'. Read it for yourself - but I have to say, and I'm saying this as an MLG outsider, some of the arguments used in the piece are silly. The author argues that watching games is nowhere near as fun as playing them - but he ignores the huge number of people who enjoy montages (and, in fact, he ignores the millions of worldwide fans of OTHER gaming leagues, and THEIR spectator sports). For many of us, it's more fun to play football than to watch it - but that doesn't negate the success of the NFL. He gripes that focusing on a single game (Halo 2) will hurt MLG in the long run, because people want 'new and fresh' material - but NASCAR hasn't started showing tractor racing, and I doubt they will. He scoffs at the idea that gaming can be a 'sport' - in his words, "since when did sitting in a giant hotel ballroom playing games against others for hours, constitute you as an athlete or player of sports?" One might ask the same about the drivers who sit for hours in the front seat of stock cars, circling the same track over and over... but in general, one doesn't. I'm not sure why this piece rubbed me so strongly the wrong way... but it did. (I enjoy reading about MLG, but I'm not a real part of their community - it just felt like this attack was relatively unwarranted.) (Louis Wu 13:00:58 UTC)

January 26, 2007 Link to this post

Mid-Air No-Scopes On Turret Jerks
There was a new Halo 3 Humpday this week, and it got posted last night. Once again, a coordinated team of Bungie employees went into Halo 3 matchmaking against 3 separate ragtag groups of whoever showed - and surprise, surprise, they won. (Good thing it's still early in the Alpha cycle, and they can keep that confidence level up...) The writeup contains screenshots of the tweaked Bungie.net stats pages; kills are now broken out by type, and separate track is kept of suicide/betrayal totals. Schedonnardus was the first to notice this publicly. (Louis Wu 11:38:27 UTC)

January 23, 2007 Link to this post

B.net Fan Art Update
Over at Bungie.net, the new Top Story is a Fan Art update - and man, is there some amazing stuff in this one. Some of it has already been seen (here, in our own Miscellaneous Art collection), but much is new - and ALL of it is worth looking at. You can chime in to the thread KP started on our forum about it. (Louis Wu 16:13:01 UTC)

January 23, 2007 Link to this post

The Assault
trigger119 sent word of a new machinima he's hosting over at GamingTV.org. It's called The Assault, and he found it because Laird (of SvF and Halo: Unyielding) did some 3D work for it. The voice acting could use some work... and so could the choreography. But the added touches (a communication screen, a Pelican, etc) are really nicely done. The downloadable versions at GTV are about 30 mb, depending on flavor, or you can watch it at YouTube. (Louis Wu 15:35:45 UTC)

January 21, 2007 Link to this post

New Map Pack Release from CMT
Over at Bungie.net, there's news of a new map pack release from the Halo:CE mod group CMT. Four new maps, with custom HUD, new weapons, and more. You can find screenshots and download links on the H2Vista.net forum. Thanks to newDeviLedeT1 for the heads-up. Update: In case the CMT website goes down (180 mb download + bungie.net mention = lots and lots and lots of bandwidth), Dennis Powers, of Halo Maps, has mirrored the maps themselves, and has the bandwidth to withstand the blast. (Louis Wu 19:32:25 UTC)

January 16, 2007 Link to this post

Separating the Meat from the Fluff
Games in Action interviewed Shishka, recently of Bungie and now of Certain Affinity, the gaming company started in Austin by Halo 2 and 3 Multiplayer Lead Max Hoberman. Go read to get a feel for where he started, how he got to where he is now, and what's he's doing in his new job. Thanks to 3Suns, who noticed this at Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 15:01:06 UTC)

January 16, 2007 Link to this post

Halo tourney - on BIG screens
According to this article in the Hagerstown (MD) Herald-Mail, there'll be a Game Crazy-sponsored Halo 2 tournament held on Saturday, January 27, at the Hagerstown 10 Cineplex - $10 to play (or $5 to watch),no word on prizes. Check the article for more info. (Louis Wu 14:49:30 UTC)

January 15, 2007 Link to this post

Caption Contest #3
Dojorkan posted 3 fun screens, and asked for user-submitted captions - no prizes in this contest, but see how creative you can be! (Louis Wu 12:09:35 UTC)

January 13, 2007 Link to this post

300, Take 4
Frank Miller's 300 isn't even out yet, and it's already generated more Halo tributes than any other movie. Amazing! Latest in the field (bunch of links to other ones in this post) is a video from eternalscrappy; quality is startlingly sharp. It's leet. (Louis Wu 21:25:20 UTC)

January 12, 2007 Link to this post

New Panoramas from RVideo
RVideo continues his awesome panorama work in Halo 2; there are three new ones in this forum post. The original .png files (hosted on his server) range from 1 to 1.5 mb; I've also added much smaller (filesize, not screensize) jpegs, ranging from 120 to 160 kb. They're all pretty - but Judgement ROCKS. (Louis Wu 18:34:48 UTC)

January 12, 2007 Link to this post

We got an email from DeAdLy SeNiX, about 'Nostalgia', a montage video he'd edited (using footage from ThePanzerGnome). It's got a large backstory, and the video itself is over 17 minutes long. It's currently being hosted by FileFront, with mirrors from impressed watchers. (You can read the backstory, and find the download links, in this forum post at Halo3Forum.com.) The file is enormous - almost 360 mb. I started the download and went to do other things yesterday... and when it got here, and I realized it was almost 20 minutes long, I figured I'd watch a few representative minutes so I could at least say something about it. I ended up watching the whole thing. Great music choices and superb timing mix nicely with some topclass gameplay. (The actual gameplay is less impressive than it used to be; multiple Killimanjaros are no longer a novelty. It's how they're put together that matters at this point.) Anyway, if you've got an enormous pipe, and room for a third of a gig on your hard drive, grab this puppy; it's fun to watch. And be sure to read the forum post, for a view into the mindset of the creator; it'll set you up nicely for the vid itself. (You've got plenty of time - it's a 350 mb download!) (Louis Wu 16:48:31 UTC)

January 11, 2007 Link to this post

An Army You Could Set Fire To
Nomi is a regular of the irc.bungie.org #hbo channel - and last fall, she was one of the attendees at a LANfest in Ohio, hosted by Tarny. What started as an insert for a Christmas card/thank you note to Tarny has grown into almost a cottage industry - check out her ultra-cool Paper Spartans! (Louis Wu 19:43:07 UTC)

January 11, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: The Fall
Ruben Gonzalez sent along a screenplay adaptation of Eric Nylund's 'The Fall of Reach' - he's looking for feedback from Halo fans. Give it a read, then stop by our forum and let him know what you think! (Louis Wu 15:41:18 UTC)

January 8, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Zero - soon for PSP
Zukan pointed out that Halo Zero, a fanmade PC Halo sidescroller, is being ported to the PSP; there are a few screenshots linked in his post. More platforms = more better! (Louis Wu 13:41:36 UTC)

January 7, 2007 Link to this post

Halo on a DS - another view
leprecaun90210 noticed a writeup on HaloInformer, speculating about the Halo on a Nintendo DS story that popped up a couple of days ago. HaloInformer doesn't know anything more than the rest of us - but the reasoning is solid. If it turns out to be true, Matt Cassamina's going to have to rethink how he posts controversial stories, maybe... (Louis Wu 17:26:45 UTC)

January 4, 2007 Link to this post

VGL - Behind The Scenes (the beginning)
Over at GameTrailers, you'll find a trailer, along with the first of three full episodes, of a Behind the Scenes documentary about Video Games Live. This is only peripherally Halo-related, in that Halo is one of the pieces played during the concert, but it's pretty interesting if you were ever curious about how these guys got started, and why they're doing what they're doing. Thanks, DHalo. (Louis Wu 22:40:18 UTC)

January 4, 2007 Link to this post

Dashboard Themes - try before you buy
JeBr0nie noticed a new website called dashboardthemes.com; it's the first place I've seen that contains screenshots of all the Halo-related 360 Dashboard themes out there. (It contains a lot more than that, of course - but this is a Halo site, after all.) You can see all three Halo 3 themes there, as well as the Red vs Blue theme. It shows you what the themes look like with all the normal text that will appear over the images - really helpful. A nice resource! (Louis Wu 14:24:22 UTC)

January 3, 2007 Link to this post

Halo, Articulated 1: Dress for Success
Mister Froggy stopped by to mention that he has started up Halo, Articulated, a comic strip that uses action figures. He used feedback from his first attempt to come up with this final product - see what you think! (Louis Wu 16:14:27 UTC)

January 2, 2007 Link to this post

A Cardboard Master Chief Suit
GFC Danny has started on a cardboard Master Chief outfit - he's got a couple of photos of the helmet so far. (Louis Wu 12:05:43 UTC)

January 2, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Fever Kicks Off
Mister Froggy has started up a new action-figure-based comic - Halo Fever - but needs feedback if he's going to make more. Check out the first one, and let him know what you think. (Louis Wu 10:51:59 UTC)

January 1, 2007 Link to this post

Welcome to the Year in Which You Finish the Fight

Happy New Year - Step away from the computer!

All of us here at HBO wish all of our friends and family the very best for a bright and fruitful new year.

In what I would like to consider a tradition started back at the end of 2003, we will shut down the forum for a few hours. Those of you forum monkies will have no choice but to interact with your loved ones and think of the coming 12 months and all the goodies that might swing our way. Clink a glass of champagne for me, will ya? :) (Ding 10:15:20 UTC)

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