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August 23, 2007 Link to this post

Data Jacking?
Um... I'm not sure I understand all that's going on here... but some weird stuff showed up on our forum this morning. Before you go there, though - visit This Spartan Life; it seems to start there (check the front page, then visit their episodes page). (Louis Wu 11:58:57 UTC)

August 23, 2007 Link to this post

1Up Halo 3 Flood Starts
1Up.com has begun its nearly month-long Halo 3 intense coverage - the first three items are up now. A new screenshot gallery (with a great collection of new shots), a hands-on preview of Halo 3's fourth campaign mission, and a blog from editor Jeremy Parish, looking back on Halo's roots, round out the first day's content. Nice! Thanks, darthbob (and doober187). (Louis Wu 10:38:21 UTC)

August 22, 2007 Link to this post

Campaign Footage
There's a small clip of actual gameplay from Halo 3's campaign, shakeycam'd off a monitor and recorded during the Leipzig Games Convention, at IGN (first movie on the page). (Sort of has that start-of-Delta-Halo feel to it... but prettier.) It's actually linked from this hands-on article, which also contains the "Top 5 Leipzig GC Halo 3 Moments". Give it a read! Thanks, Spenser. Update: there's another clip, showing part of a singleplayer level and a tiny bit of a multiplayer level, recorded at Leipzig, at IGTV - thanks, serpx. (Louis Wu 18:44:59 UTC)

August 22, 2007 Link to this post

Forging New Paths
The Age's Screen Play blog has a great discussion about Forge - info collected during the Sydney playtest, but embargoed until today. The more I read about this tool, the more drool collects on my keyboard... (Louis Wu 15:11:19 UTC)

August 22, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 at IMAX - Tons of Web Content
There are a number of writeups of the IMAX showing of Halo 3 last night in Seattle - you can find them around the web at places like Gamerscoreblog and CyberRoach - but there's also quite a bit of info in our own forum. x1zero started a thread while waiting in line last night - but the real meat is in threads like CougRon's, or THASF's, both of which contain lots of content about what was there. Sounds like it was a blast! (Louis Wu 12:10:17 UTC)

August 21, 2007 Link to this post

Wired Cornucopia
Over at Wired.com, there's an amazing collection of new content - the cover article from the most recent issue is online, along with a whole bunch of extras. A few new unwatermarked screens are there (we've seen these in magazines, but not yet in digital format), there's a video primer to get you ready for Halo 3, and there's a hyperlinked image of the cover, with all of the visible tags explained. The cover article is a fascinating look at the testing process Bungie developed to make Halo 3 the best game it could be. Go read! (Louis Wu 12:53:27 UTC)

August 20, 2007 Link to this post

Halo on the BIG screen
if you live near Seattle, you might want to look into the Halo 3 IMAX Preview event - it's tomorrow night, at the Seattle Pacific Science Center, and seats are first-come, first-served, RSVP only. Go read! (Louis Wu 21:42:20 UTC)

August 20, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Sling Bag
failedparachute noticed a new Halo 3 Sling Bag at EBGames. $50, but you'll probably want a better look than the dinky screenshot available before you spend your dough. (Louis Wu 14:42:48 UTC)

August 19, 2007 Link to this post

The Wonder of Foam Core
Daijitsu is working on a Hunter cosplay costume. Awesome start! (Louis Wu 04:48:49 UTC)

August 18, 2007 Link to this post

99.9 percent complete
A few hours ago, Luke Smith posted the Bungie Weekly Update - info about the Halo 3 Epsilon playtest (if you're not in it, you're not gonna be, sorry), some cool IMAX Halo 3 action, info about the upcoming filesharing aspects of Halo 3, a teaser about WETA's activities, and some discussion of the recent Narrows screenshots. And oh, yeah... the next podcast has Mat "I'll kill you and your whole family" Noguchi - should make for some interesting discussions. You can, as always, read it in our Weekly Update Archive if you prefer black-on-white text. (Louis Wu 06:11:31 UTC)

August 17, 2007 Link to this post

The Age talks to Frankie
The Screenplay blog in Sydney's The Age newspaper contains an interview, of sorts, with Frankie about Halo 3. Good stuff - and for folks paranoid that the new rules laid down by Microsoft about the use of game content are going to ruin the moviemaking community, Frankie's comments would suggest you might be overstating the problem. (Louis Wu 18:08:57 UTC)

August 16, 2007 Link to this post

Sydney-based Halo 3 Hands On from Kotaku
Kotaku's got a writeup of the third level of Halo's single player campaign, as played in Sydney - along with a discussion of the Saved Films option (which they see more as a cool screenshot composer). They're happy with what they saw. (Louis Wu 15:43:16 UTC)

August 16, 2007 Link to this post

The sun hasn't exploded yet, either.
I'm not sure how CVG thinks this is news... but they've put up an article that states that Bungie hasn't started work on Halo 3 for PC. In fact, there's no word from Bungie about whether there WILL be a port, eventually - and Frank is quoted in their post saying that "it's not even a twinkle in [Bungie's] eye" at this stage. So... there you go. (I'm posting this to ward off the emails saying "hey, there's a story at CVG about a PC version of Halo 3!") (Louis Wu 15:30:41 UTC)

August 16, 2007 Link to this post

Massive Info Dump at IGN AU
Bungie revealed a new multiplayer map yesterday, to IGN Australia; it's called 'Narrows', and you can see seven new screenshots of it at their site. There's also a new campaign shot, of a level played by press in Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago, and an interview with Frank O'Connor - IGN AU was busy! I read about this at Geekpulp, a New Zealand gaming blog. (Louis Wu 14:56:29 UTC)

August 15, 2007 Link to this post

Dan Chosich - Reel 2007
Dan Chosich dropped in to point out his latest creation - a video reel showing off a bunch of work he's done in the past two years. A significant portion of it is Halo-related (mostly MLG promo stuff) - all of it is gorgeous. He's got it available at two sizes, in QuickTime format, and we've added local mirrors for both to save his bandwidth. I think back on 2002, when he started out making Halo montages, and I'm amazed by how far he's come. The man makes beautiful movies. (Louis Wu 14:36:40 UTC)

August 12, 2007 Link to this post

Grunt Plushie Templates - to Start
Last month, Horus released pictures of a Grunt Plushie he'd created, along with rough templates for making your own. Now, he's back with finished templates - or at least half of them. You can find templates for Arms and Legs, Torso, and Backpack over at DeviantART. The rest are coming 'soon-ish'. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 20:38:06 UTC)

August 12, 2007 Link to this post

Comparing Haze and Halo 3
CinemaBlend has put up a screenshot comparison between Halo 3 and Haze. (Louis Wu 15:36:05 UTC)

August 11, 2007 Link to this post

Halo Gnomes
Aeros pointed out a very cool sculpt of a grunt, created by hapakid88, over at the Mjolnir Armor forum. Adorable! (Check out the whole thread; there are some neat pictures of potential Halo lawn gnomes to be had...) (Louis Wu 01:51:31 UTC)

August 6, 2007 Link to this post

Piano Solo - now for Finale
Rampancy.net posted a Finale version (put together by a fan) of the piano solo from the Halo 3 Announcement Trailer. Grab it and start practicing! (Louis Wu 12:29:28 UTC)

August 6, 2007 Link to this post

New McFarlane Pics
Littlebigman (with some help from Radiago713) pointed out some new pics of McFarlane's Halo 3 action figures - prototype only at this point, but man, they look detailed! (Louis Wu 11:28:17 UTC)

August 6, 2007 Link to this post

Halo: Genocide
Random Year Old pointed out a homebrew PSP game available for download - screenshots can be seen at his 1timeuser link. (Louis Wu 11:27:10 UTC)

August 6, 2007 Link to this post

Fanmade Halo T Slogan Contest
Last week, _Wheels03 started a small contest to come up with a good slogan for a Halo 3 Launch T-Shirt. In the last 24 hours, interest seems to have picked up quite a bit - I'm mentioning this because entries are flooding in. You've got until Friday, August 10 to come up with an entry... check it out! (Louis Wu 11:08:57 UTC)

August 1, 2007 Link to this post

Limited Halo 3 Hoodies in AU
If you're headed to the Australian TechEd 2007 conference in Queensland, Australia this weekend, you've got a shot at one of fifty extremely limited-edition Halo 3 hoodies to be given away there; pictures available at the istartedsomething blog. Mmm... I wish they were actually selling these... (and that's it for me; internet access disappears - NOW.) (Louis Wu 18:51:51 UTC)

July 31, 2007 Link to this post

Four Player Online Coop Confirmed for Halo 3
Luke Smith confirmed (over on the NeoGAF boards) that online coop for Halo 3 is in, and supports four players. I'd give that a double W00t! and a couple of Wongas! to boot! Thanks, Phatcorns.Update: Luke's also penned a new B.Net article detailing the new hotness that coop is to become. Go read, and learn about a couple of new characters in our Halo universe! (Dang, I better blow the dust off of the ol' Story Page and start updating...) (mnemesis 18:53:47 UTC)

July 29, 2007 Link to this post

New RvB series coming soon
Over at Xbox.com, there's a promo page explaining the next project coming from the Rooster Teeth crew. It's a commercial series; looks to be available for (probably paid) download from a variety of retail websites, starting on Tuesday. It's a five-episode special series of Red vs Blue, helping the transfer from Halo 2 to Halo 3. Go read the details! (I think that's it from me - the connection is gone.) (Louis Wu 18:35:25 UTC)

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