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September 27, 2007 Link to this post

News Catchup
News dump, yet again (I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the day when coverage can go back to commentary on every item):

  • The Seattle Post-Intelligencer thought Halo 3 was good, but not great; there were plot holes. Three stars out of four.

  • 3of9 found a very cool UNSC logo shirt at MyTeeSpot

  • Gamespot created a graphical comparison between the three games; it's a little unfair because they did a far better job getting screenshots for Halo 3 than for the other two, but the general idea is sound (thanks, Marcus-626)

  • Scott Hanselman reviewed the game for his blog, and declared it 'balanced'

  • Britain's Telegraph reviews Halo 3, and says that "Halo 3 crosses into the "essential" category effortlessly".

  • TheStreet.com warns that enthusiastic launch events do NOT say anything useful long-term for investors; they're taking a 'wait and see' approach.

  • Apparently, the US Air Force took advantage of the launch to try to do some recruiting in a small town in New Hampshire

  • Yahoo Games has posted a Halo 3: First Tips article

  • The New York Times posted a 'ho hum' article; I must include this quote:
    For all its grand panoramas and its galaxywide narrative, Halo 3's plot feels like a bit of a throwaway, a rather short adventure with a predictable story and dialogue that is sometimes as hokey as something from an old John Wayne war movie.
    The author felt that Halo 3 was simply Halo 2 with better graphics.

  • Binary Bonsai thought the story was a little obscure, but that the game was really fun anyway

More news coming soon - this was just a way to TRY and clear out the bulk of the backlog. (Louis Wu 14:46:17 UTC)

September 27, 2007 Link to this post

Another shoutout for a community member in need
trigger119 pointed out the GTV Spotlight over at GamingTV - it focuses on Zukan, a longtime community contributor who is suffering from Hodgkin Lymphoma - he'll be starting chemo soon. Stop by and give the guy some support! (Louis Wu 03:02:05 UTC)

September 26, 2007 Link to this post

More News Than You Can Shake a Stick At
News roundup:

  • The New York Times wrote a pretty long article about Halo 3 - not a lot new in it, but significant for the column space in a paper like the Times (thanks, Usul)
  • TalkXBOX wrote up 10 Reasons they're Pumped for Halo 3 - thanks, Rishi Modha
  • ESPN (really? ESPN?) checks out what makes Halo 3 special - thanks, revan09
  • Master Chief rang the final bell at NASDAQ yesterday - Major Nelson has pics, Xbox Scene has a story (thanks, RVideo)
  • You can buy a pretty nice Brute Spiker replica on eBay (auction ends in less than 4 days) - current bid is $250 (thanks, Dualist)
  • TeamXbox posted all 300 pictures distributed to journalists by Bungie a couple of weeks ago - I'm sure they're elsewhere, too, but most folks put up representative samples. These are scaled to 1000 pixels wide.
  • Roger Travis has talked about the epic nature of the Halo story before (we mentioned him in May) - he's back, with an update for Halo 3
  • Heather Newman of the Detroit Free Press gets a reader to help with Halo 3 review (they completed the whole campaign in 4 hours with 2-player coop; they must have been playing easy or normal)
  • Data Mining looks at Halo mentions in the blogosphere compared with Resident Evil (the top video game release from last week), the Bourne Ultimatum (one of the largest movies of the summer)... and the iPhone.
  • Drost, of 2Old2Play, posted a full Halo 3 review a couple of days ago - he says "it's the most fun I've ever had playing a game."
  • Entertainment Weekly reviewed Halo - both reviewers gave it an A
  • Techtree.com (in India) previewed Halo 3 - and liked it
  • Apparently, Walmart in Canada plans to sell Halo 3 at price parity with the US, which will make the game cheaper at that store than at most stores in Canada (their price for the standard edition is $59.83 - about CDN$10 below everyone else)
  • MTV wrote up an interesting piece on Saved Films - check out how a cool screenshot came to be
  • A Guardian Unlimited blog discusses how many cliches were hit in the Halo 3 coverage
  • Joystiq is giving away some amazing stuff - go visit and see if you can win (thanks, Engadget)
  • Business Week wrote a really nice piece on the social aspect of Halo 3, and where it might be leading us (obDisclosure: I have a quote in this one)

Good lord, that's a ridiculous list. Unfortunately, that didn't even clear out the queue; there's more coming. I'm not sure if I can get to it right away. (Louis Wu 20:46:10 UTC)

September 26, 2007 Link to this post

Launch Writeups
Wow. So I was going through mail that came to email addresses other than halo@bungie.org, thinking that I'd make a summary of all the news that hadn't gotten posted in the last couple of days before I STARTED posting - but the list is so enormous that I'll never get through it unless I just start. So - I'll do my best to combine like items, but beware the news flood! First up, some release night shenanigans around the country (and the world):

I think we should probably call it a day after those; I'm sure there are HUNDREDS of writeups of local launch things (there were, after all, over 10,000 stores in the US, 1,000 stores in the UK, and uncounted numbers in other countries all open for this event), but we'll say this is representative. (Louis Wu 20:00:23 UTC)

September 25, 2007 Link to this post

Bungie fan hits radio big-time!
Sparkypinball heard Los Angeles-area morning show hosts Kevin and Bean talking on-air about how Halo 3 comes out, and what a big deal it is, and how they don't get it, so he took it upon himself to email them and fill them in on some of the details. Long story short, he'll be on the air this morning with them, plus a guest from Bungie Studios. If you can get KROQ anywhere, listen in starting at 7 am PST. Cool! (mnemesis 02:15:03 UTC)

September 23, 2007 Link to this post

First Halo 3 Review Hits the Web
Press Start Online seems to have broken the news embargo on full reviews of the game by a little bit (That embargo ends at 12:01 pm, PST, today) - but hey, everyone makes mistakes. I don't think you can write a full review WITHOUT some minor spoilers, so ANY full review we link to should be viewed with care (and there'll be a lot today, trust me)... but this one does a pretty good job of giving you gameplay impressions without spoiling the story. If you've read this news post and can live with the caveats, go read the review. (Louis Wu 08:28:25 UTC)

September 23, 2007 Link to this post

Flaming Ninja Armor
SketchFactor posted a cool image of himself and Luke Smith wearing some new armor variants; you can see a screenshot in his Screenshots section on Bungie.net. Because the Screenshots section in general is rife with spoiler pics right now, we're hosting a LOCAL copy of that particular image, if you don't want to risk a visit; it's 1920x1080, and weighs in at 151k. If you only want a small preview (592x333, 30k), you can have that too. Sketch's label for this picture reads "Wonder twin powers activate!" Thanks, Patrick Dalire. (Louis Wu 08:21:35 UTC)

September 23, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Player Image Generator
Veegie let us know that his friend Tural has made a program that can generate player images from Bungie.net; it's a Windows executable. An example of the output can be seen here, and the actual program (52k) can be downloaded here. (Louis Wu 08:12:34 UTC)

September 22, 2007 Link to this post

Nine Outta Ten, Baybee
Heh - Pedro the Penguin noticed that IGN visitors REALLY want some Halo today... because the 'Most Popular' sidebar on their homepage changes, we've screenshotted it as of about 5 pm, ET, on Saturday September 22. (Louis Wu 21:11:54 UTC)

September 22, 2007 Link to this post

Cashing in with homemade stuff
RVideo pointed out another fanmade suit for sale on eBay - starting price is $2000, with four and a half days left to go. (Louis Wu 10:49:27 UTC)

September 21, 2007 Link to this post

Quikthnkr sent in links to a couple of eBay auctions that might interest some of you; one is an enormous bronze casting of a Master Chief, 7 feet tall. I don't know what it weighs, but eBay's shipping calculator wants to charge me nearly $400 to move it about 200 miles. Starting bid is just under $5000. If that's a little out of your price range (or maybe your floorspace range), he also pointed out a pair of Halo 2 magnums, made by Westerfield, with a starting bid of $55 and a Buy it Now price of $75. Something for everyone! (As long as everyone wants a giant statue or some handgun models.) (Louis Wu 17:49:04 UTC)

September 21, 2007 Link to this post

Irish Gamers Attempt To Set Halo World Record
Wow, I nearly missed this - apparently, a gaming center (sorry, centre) in Dublin, Ireland is running a competition this Saturday, starting at midday - if folks can beat Cody Miller's world record of three and a half hours on Halo 2 Legendary, they'll be up for cool prizes, including a Legendary Edition of Halo 3. There's no mention in the news story about the most critical part of that record - that it was completed with no deaths. I mean, the HighSpeedHalo community has put together a composite Legendary run under 2 hours... but there are deaths, and each level is done separately. Interesting to see if they'll hold players to Cody's full parameters... (Louis Wu 16:55:56 UTC)

September 21, 2007 Link to this post

The start of something... odd
We got this image today - it's one of many, apparently. That's all I know. (Louis Wu 12:28:54 UTC)

September 20, 2007 Link to this post

Saved Films and Forge, from IGN
IGN has posted an article, with several streaming vids, about a demonstration at the Tokyo Game Show this week. Jay Weinland and Jonty Barnes walked the IGN folks through some campaign coop stuff, as seen through saved films - there are definitely some minor spoilers in here, so if you're looking for a pristine campaign experience, do NOT watch the first two videos... but if you want to see gameplay you've never seen before, and get a sense for how saved films work (and how Coop works), take a look. There's also a demonstration of Forge, with some clever pointers on use - these start in Part 3, so you can visit the movies page, and just watch this, if you want to avoid the campaign content in parts one and two. Part 4 continues the Forge demo... and shows off 'Rocket Baseball', as mentioned in an interview not too long ago. Thanks to Eric Max and Sean Kelly for the heads-up(s). (Louis Wu 15:25:45 UTC)

September 20, 2007 Link to this post

Video Walkthrough of Construct (unauthorized)
Hmm... this is the sort of thing I'm not sure if I should be mentioning. Someone has created a reasonably high-quality film of a walkthrough, in Forge, of the multiplayer level Bungie announced yesterday, Construct. There are no spoilers in the film - it's just a guy running around the map, no voiceover at all - and it shows off the gorgeous graphics of the level to nice effect... but it IS content that hasn't been released by Bungie yet (though they HAVE announced it, and released screenshots). It's up to you whether you visit or not; it's a really pretty level, but you'll get to run around it all by yourself in just 4 days. If you want to see it now, visit GameTrailers. I found this at Planet Halo. Update: Brodingo points out that there are runthroughs of The Pit and Isolation, as well. (While the multiplayer environments match locations in the Campaign, these cannot be said to contain spoilers, because there is no context for what you're seeing. No part of the STORY is spoiled by seeing the environment, in these cases. That said - these were created by people who got their hands on the game before they were supposed to, and have been uploaded without Bungie's approval; if you want Bungie to decide what you see, and don't see, before launch, don't visit these links.) (Louis Wu 10:43:23 UTC)

September 20, 2007 Link to this post

Custom Spartan on eBay
Joerhyno wrote with some news about an auction a friend has set up. It's a custom figure - he started with a mini figure that was enlarged with Hydrospan, then cast in resin and cut up to fit on a Microman body, and painted. A lot of work! Current bid is $50, with a week to go. (Joe also pointed out this thread on the Spawn forum - some great pics, including two from him, using Joyride figures, down near the bottom. Fun with action figures! (Louis Wu 10:19:48 UTC)

September 19, 2007 Link to this post

It all start with a good control scheme
Kikizo has an interview with Harter Ryan, Executive Producer of Halo Wars - it's an interesting discussion about how the game came together, what's new and what's not, and where the Ensemble team would like it to all go. Give it a read! Thanks to Narcogen, at Rampancy.net, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:42:32 UTC)

September 18, 2007 Link to this post

Bungie.net Evolution, Defined
TeamXbox has interviewed Chris Gossett, Bungie.net Development Lead, about some of the new features you'll be seeing soon on Bungie.net. Boatloads of info about what we're getting - both in screenshots, and answers from Chris. Go read - and get pumped up! (Campaign spoiler-free.) Thanks, Red_Breast. (Louis Wu 18:51:57 UTC)

September 18, 2007 Link to this post

Isolation - Midship meets Burial Grounds
IGN Has posted a preview of Isolation, one of the Halo 3 multiplayer maps we haven't seen yet. Six screenshots (check the screenshots section for the ones not included in the article) and some questions about gameplay answered by Tyson 'Ferrex' Green... go look! (A couple of the screenshots show off some of the UI tidbits for the Infection gametype.) Thanks, tj rome. (Louis Wu 11:17:06 UTC)

September 18, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 How-To: Forge Basics
Also on Bungie.net today - a Halo 3 How-To giving you some Forge Basics. It's just the first of three Forge pieces coming from Bungie - this one will teach you how to get started and do some simple things. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:14:09 UTC)

September 17, 2007 Link to this post

Spartan Laser - Cardboard
A couple of days ago, several people pointed us towards the Half-Life Fallout forum, where tastybread had once again created a pretty amazing piece of work out of prosaic materials. (DominoEffect was first, but a bunch of people were hot on his heels; this was Dugg early Sunday morning.) If the name sounds familiar, it should - tastybread created a full set of Spartan armor and an assault rifle out of cardboard, as well, a few months ago. I tried to contact him to ask about hosting the pictures locally (to save the HL Fallout forums from another deluge), but haven't heard back yet - and the pictures are starting to appear on other sites, with NO attribution. I figured it was better to get this posted, and worry about the mirroring later. Take a look - it's a pretty amazing laser! (Louis Wu 11:17:45 UTC)

September 15, 2007 Link to this post

Halo on TV
A number of people have been letting us know that the Discovery Channel has started advertising a special Halo episode of their Future Weapons show. (Samusaaron3 was first with the news a couple of days ago.) This episode should air Monday. Major Silva noticed that the Sci Fi channel is airing something similar, the day Halo 3 is released - it's called 'Halo 3: Sci vs Fi', and will be on the air at 4pm, according to this guide. (Of course, you can't forget the SpikeTV and G4 specials that will be running on September 24...) Update: The commercial is now on YouTube (thanks, CYBRFRK). (Louis Wu 11:42:42 UTC)

September 15, 2007 Link to this post

Everybody starts sometime.
Geezer Gamers has a nice editorial about making room for new friends, soon... (Louis Wu 11:12:03 UTC)

September 14, 2007 Link to this post

Edge's View of Halo 3
Edge Magazine had a large Halo feature last month - it's online at Next Generation now. (This was mentioned by Red_Breast a few days ago; I held off posting it because I'd meant to host his magazine scans as well, but haven't found time to do that yet. The article showed up today at BusinessWeek, so I figured it was time to post it.) (Louis Wu 19:21:00 UTC)

September 13, 2007 Link to this post

New Screenies at 1Up
1Up posted 33 new screenshots today - I tried to find out if they were part of the media kit distributed this week to journalists (since those are embargoed until September 23)... but had no success. So I'm posting them. There are a couple of dozen new campaign shots, and a dozen new multiplayer shots... no information in them that hasn't already been released by Bungie. Go look! Thanks, darthbob. (Louis Wu 01:53:01 UTC)

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