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Search results for start screen

Showing results 2001 - 2025 of 4250 matches

October 24, 2007 Link to this post

Art from art
sorahn let us know that the second and third mosaics made from user-submitted screenshots are now posted at haloscreenshots.net. The third one, at 5120x2880, is pretty amazing... (Louis Wu 11:33:43 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Free stuff from 2o2p
2old2play is looking to give away some cool schwag (a copy of the Legendary Edition and a copy of the Standard Edition of Halo 3) - all you have to do to have a shot at it is create a funny caption for a screenshot they've posted on the contest page. You've got until November 2 to submit your entry... so get to thinkin'! Thanks, doodirock. (Louis Wu 20:44:26 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Slothboy started a site that will make me cry, if I'm not careful. Tell him he's a bad person. (Louis Wu 19:45:38 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Cutscene Library: Arrival
Been a while in preparation, and it won't be fully fleshed out for a couple of weeks, at least... but the Halo 3 Cutscene Library is now online. Arrival, plus all of the ending variants, are now available for download. At the moment, you have two choices for download size: 856x480 (widescreen 480p), or 428x240 (half the width of the bigger one). We have plans to add 720p versions down the road - but only if we think we can manage the bandwidth hit. For now, consider these 'web-sized'. Huge thanks go out to Cody Miller, who grabbed the video for us. Depending on when the bandwidth spike subsides, we'll be putting up the Sierra 117 cutscenes in the next few days. (Louis Wu 18:26:41 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Fan Interaction - A Powerful Secret
Gamasutra has an article about how the movie industry could learn from the gaming industry in leveraging fan communities - and Bungie is held up as a shining example. (There is a slightly odd focus on Luke Smith as the driving force behind Bungie's success in this field - I'm pretty sure even Luke will tell you that he's continuing a tradition started long before he arrived - but the basic gist, that Bungie has successfully tapped into the enthusiasm fans have for the game, and for their company, in their attempts to increase awareness and excitement, is solid.) Interesting read - thanks, Anton P. Nym. (Louis Wu 17:33:39 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Davidgojr has a little trouble with some of the people he runs into on Xbox Live. Let him tell you about them at 1P Start. (Language warning.) Update: Eep - my mistake, David just found this, he didn't write it. Apologies. (Louis Wu 16:41:41 UTC)

October 23, 2007 Link to this post

Halo 3 Map Walkthroughs - The Pit
LaurenOboe, who's been a part of the RvB community for quite some time and appears here periodically for her machinima and musical offerings, has started a series of multiplayer map walkthroughs - first up is The Pit. She covers what's available, weapons/equipment-wise, in the stock version, and discusses layout and basic strategy. If you find this sort of thing useful, let us know on the forum - she'll make more. (I, for one, love to have this sort of resource available.) Grab it in WMP9 format (69.5 mb) or QuickTime format (66.7 mb) - both are 720x480, and run just over 5 minutes. (Louis Wu 15:10:08 UTC)

October 22, 2007 Link to this post

Game Invasion to broadcast Essentials Disc One
Looks like a significant chunk of the Essentials Disc One (the extra disc that comes with both the Limited and Legendary editions of Halo 3) will be available online, via Comcast's Game Invasion, starting Thursday (the one-month anniversary of the relase of the game). The entire 'Anatomy of a Game' documentary, plus the 24-hours-in-the-life-of-Bungie piece 'Git Ta Werk', will be available to watch. Thanks, MasterChief2829. (Louis Wu 20:45:30 UTC)

October 22, 2007 Link to this post

3D Screens
kapowaz found a guy who's making stereoscopic pseudo-3D images out of Halo 3 screenshots. Nice! (Louis Wu 18:39:50 UTC)

October 22, 2007 Link to this post

The Artful Forger
Hawty McBloggy discusses ways to use Forge which might not have occurred to you at first blush. The screenshot she links to is truly amazing... (Louis Wu 11:33:28 UTC)

October 22, 2007 Link to this post

Photo Mosaic - Made with Your Help
Yesterday, we front-paged a request from sorahn for your gamertag, so that he could grab your Bungie.net screenshots and turn them into a photo mosaic. Several hundred of you agreed to help - and the first mosiac is now up to see. It was created with the first 2000 submitted screens, and it's available for download in a 5600x5792 version. (Louis Wu 10:48:38 UTC)

October 21, 2007 Link to this post

Another Halo Comic Strip
ZZoMBiE13 has been around the Halo community for quite a while; we first heard from him in 2003, when he started submitting Halo artwork. More recently, he's been filling in for Stuntmutt on some sanctioned One One Se7en guest spots. He's done enough of these, actually, that we've taken him on as a new comic creator - Go check out Another Halo Comic Strip. (There are already five strips up on the page; the first is a welcome piece, and the others are all migrated over here from his DeviantART page. He'll be adding new ones here as the inspiration hits him.) If the layout seems familiar... it should. We simply repurposed the design we built for Halo Heads, using ZZoMBiE13's own graphics. Hey, if it works, why mess with it? (Louis Wu 12:26:31 UTC)

October 21, 2007 Link to this post

Calling All Screenshots
sorahn is trying to make a huge screenshot collage - and he needs screenshots. To that end, he's written a small script that will scrape screenshots from Bungie.net RSS feeds - but he needs gamertags to seed the system with. If you got some cool pics, add your gamertag to the list. (Once he's got enough images, he'll turn this off, so depending on when you read this, you may find that the system is closed.) Side bonus - you can use the page to easily view all the screens from a submitted gamertag, without having to jump through the Javascript hoops at Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 11:30:26 UTC)

October 19, 2007 Link to this post

Another Topps Auction
A couple of days ago, we mentioned an auction for a Topps original sketch card. That auction is still going on (5 more days, current bid is $150) - but there's a new one: Kevin's posted a sketch of a Spartan in EVA armor. You've got five and a half days on this one, no bids yet (starting bid is $150, as well). Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:29:39 UTC)

October 18, 2007 Link to this post

Purple Light Sold Separately, Apparently
Hawty McBloggy points out a somewhat risqué custom-made Cortana statue for sale on eBay; this can probably be considered NSFW. That said, it's a pretty amazing piece of work. Starting bid is $200, with just under 5 days to go. (Louis Wu 12:18:27 UTC)

October 17, 2007 Link to this post

The very model, he is.
Gundulf started off this forum post by explaining that "no one's done the mandatory Gilbert & Sullivan parody for Halo yet." No, indeed, nobody has. Until now. Oh, how I wish someone would record this! (Louis Wu 12:57:37 UTC)

October 17, 2007 Link to this post

Halo in Church - Again
At The Christian Chronicle, there is another article looking at the 'Halo in church' issue - some interesting points. This one is starting to be beaten into the ground, but there are still some voices to be heard. (Louis Wu 11:54:01 UTC)

October 16, 2007 Link to this post

Oregon Trail, 2552 Style.
AnTi PRO let us know that ArmTheFlag.com is in the process of creating the first episode of a Halo 3 machinima project titled ' Oregon Trail: Pioneering Evolved'. They released a trailer a month ago, using the Halo 2 engine... but didn't want to spread the news too widely until the Halo 3-based first episode was almost finished. They're mostly done with filming, and about to start on voices... so it's time to go watch the trailer. You can stream it at YouTube, or download it from Mythica. And keep your eyes peeled for Episode 1! (Louis Wu 20:40:56 UTC)

October 16, 2007 Link to this post

From Kakanui to Seattle
There's a great article in the New Zealand Herald, looking at Chris Butcher, an Engineering Lead on Halo 3, and how he got to where he is today. Seems he was pretty sharp from the get-go... he got his Bungie start with Marathon, and never looked back. (He contributed to the fan communities of Marathon and Myth, and worked for Bungie on Oni, Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3.) Nice! Thanks to Sam Tobin for the first heads-up. (Flustered points out that the same article is up at Stuff.) (Louis Wu 05:01:39 UTC)

October 16, 2007 Link to this post

Crowdsourcing can build Halo 3 assets
kapowaz has started collecting Halo 3 screenshots on Flickr - he feels that the sorting and tagging system there (not to mention the unlimited storage space) makes it a better choice for sharing these. He's looking for help in both tagging his shots, and growing the corpus of Halo 3 shots overall; join him! (Louis Wu 04:57:36 UTC)

October 16, 2007 Link to this post

Push to Talk, Ep 1
Sep7imus let us know about a new podcast started up by a couple of Seasoned Gamers - the 'cast is called 'Push to Talk', and while it's a general gaming blog, the first episode is all about Halo 3. And hour and a half, 21 mb. (Louis Wu 04:57:12 UTC)

October 13, 2007 Link to this post

Return of the black hole of free time.
Bleet Tameheart let us know that Roomies had a Halo reference this week - but you might have to start at the beginning of the story arc to actually understand it. (Don't worry, it's only a couple of extra strips.) (Louis Wu 11:35:01 UTC)

October 13, 2007 Link to this post

Abstrakt Featured Artist
TTL Demag0gue stopped by to say that Abstrakt, the relatively new blog devoted to artistic screenshots taken in-game, now features a guest 'artist' on Fridays... and he's the first one. Go visit to see the new work! (Louis Wu 11:12:49 UTC)

October 12, 2007 Link to this post

Halopic.com - for the comedian in you
Josh Nichols pointed out Halopic.com, new site that lets you caption uploaded screenshots - easier than firing up Photoshop! (Louis Wu 16:37:31 UTC)

October 12, 2007 Link to this post

I hope someone doesn't start one of these about me.
Injunfett kicked off a blog that is devoted specifically to screenshots of the Bungie team getting killed in Halo 3. Makes you wonder what his childhood was like... (Blog title left out of this newspost because it's not particularly pleasant.) (Louis Wu 16:34:28 UTC)

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