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Search results for start screen

Showing results 1776 - 1800 of 4250 matches

June 16, 2008 Link to this post

Ascendant Justice: The Architecture of War
Another interesting series has been started over at Ascendant Justice - they're calling it 'The Architecture of War', and it looks at the factors of the Halo campaigns that make them so enjoyable to return to again and again. First up - Environments. Go see how your surroundings affect your playstyle! Upcoming chapters include 'Sandbox' and 'Enemies'. Thanks to mendicantbias00 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:09:49 UTC)

June 16, 2008 Link to this post

Anybody want a Halo 3 HotPocket?
Okay, this is just silly. Hawty McBloggy found an auction on eBay where someone's selling a donut hole that looks like a Master Chief helmet. Well... it's SUPPOSED to look like a Master Chief helmet. (I don't see it, myself. Looks like a Dunkin Munchkin. Munchkins cost about a quarter each. Remember that when you realize that starting bid on this puppy is $25 with shipping.) People will sell anything... (Louis Wu 12:23:36 UTC)

June 16, 2008 Link to this post

MLG San Diego - Cold Storage Unveiled, Str8 Rippin Wins
The big news this weekend was the unveiling of Cold Storage, a new remake of Chill Out that Bungie brought with them to MLG San Diego. (The 'screens' in that story are pretty lousy - you can get a slightly better look at the map in a fan-recorded video from the event over at GameTrailers - thanks, MasterChief2829.) The jury's still out on this one - but reaction from the event (where the only people who actually SAW the map were) is pretty positive. While you're over at MLGPro.com, check out the San Diego Hall of Champions - congrats to Str8 Rippin, who took first place in the 4v4. (Louis Wu 11:57:54 UTC)

June 14, 2008 Link to this post

Halo: Retro Evolved
Maximum Fear is running a contest - create a screenshot of what Halo would have looked like if it had been released on the original Nintendo Entertainment System, win prizes. Details on their site! (Louis Wu 23:09:47 UTC)

June 14, 2008 Link to this post

MLG Halo 3 Streams - Live from San Diego
As you might have noticed with our In the Spotlight image on the right - MLG will be broadcasting Halo 3 streams live from San Diego, today and tomorrow - click through to watch! (As of this writing, they haven't started yet - they kick off in about 90 minutes.) (Louis Wu 14:01:50 UTC)

June 13, 2008 Link to this post

Spotlight on: Compound Intelligence
This week's Community Spotlight over at Bungie.net is on Compound Intelligence, a group that started up in response to the Iris ARG last summer. You can learn more about them in the writeup, and you can see some of their favorite files in the Bungie Favorites section, which they're currently filling. (Louis Wu 18:16:33 UTC)

June 11, 2008 Link to this post

Hostile [Carrier Signal]
TTL Demag0gue mentioned that Reclaimer 54 is now available for viewing - it uses some nice screenshots gleaned from Haloscreenshots.net, and the news post suggests that if you'd like to participate in the NEXT episode, your own screens might be used. (Louis Wu 13:40:51 UTC)

June 8, 2008 Link to this post

HBOFF interviews William Dietz
UNSC Trooper stopped by last night to point out an interview he conducted with William Dietz, the author of Halo: The Flood. Swing by the HBO Fan Fiction forum and hear from Mr. Dietz how he got started as an author, how he got involved with the Halo universe, and what he thinks about Fan Fiction. Nice read! (Louis Wu 14:33:26 UTC)

June 6, 2008 Link to this post

Okay, we're going to cut the leg now. Bite hard.
It's Friday, so it's time for Caption Fun over at Hawty McBloggy's. She's got last week's results up (some funny lines in the more than 300 submissions!), and a new picture to work with. Go see! (Speaking of caption fun, over at Forge Hub, they're running a screenshot caption contest - come up with a caption, and get some front-page time there!) (Louis Wu 13:00:27 UTC)

June 5, 2008 Link to this post

Listening to Gamers Play, not Talk
The Screen Play blog in the Sydney (AU) Morning Herald has an article about Framework, a game development conference that took place in Melbourne yesterday. A significant chunk of it is devoted to some information from Keith Steury, who was involved in usability testing for Halo when he worked for Microsoft Game Studios. There's some fascinating info about how decisions were made, and what sort of changes came about because of the testing. Go read! Update: DOH! Didn't notice Ding beat me to this by a few minutes. Worth the read twice, I guess. (Pretty funny that we focused on the same point for our headlines...) (Louis Wu 15:17:58 UTC)

June 5, 2008 Link to this post

Look as I do, not as I say
Keith Steury, formerly of MGS, spoke at an event in Melbourne and touched on how Bungie changed the rules when it comes to testing. Though back in the day it almost turned into a meme ("Bungie cares more about mothers that play Halo!") this article highlights that clever selection of datapoints gives you richer results. The result being a smoothly polished game experience we've come to love in the Halo series. Will it continue to bleed into other games? Looks like our friends down under are listening! Hat tip to Google Alerts. (Ding 14:59:32 UTC)

June 3, 2008 Link to this post

Theory of Evolution
2P START! has another Halo-related comic (it was posted in April, but Don just brought it to our attention today) - pretty clever! (Louis Wu 17:07:49 UTC)

June 1, 2008 Link to this post

There goes that 99% SLA
Whee doggies! I love leaving the country. This morning, I got an email from the company that hosts the files*.bungie.org servers. One of their data centers had an explosion that knocked out several walls and an electrical equipment room. All servers are fine... but those hosted in that building are not accessible until (at the earliest) later this afternoon. ('This afternoon' would be Sunday, central standard time - the center is in Dallas.) This affects a number of bungie.org sites - the most relevant to Halo visitors is HaloScreenshots. Apologies for the outage - but we should be back up and running in the next 12 hours sometime. (Louis Wu 11:53:32 UTC)

May 30, 2008 Link to this post

More DixieLAN Jazz
A few days ago, we mentioned a thread with writeups from pooberry's DixieLAN event - pooberry added his own yesterday, but since he started a new thread, I feel obliged to point it out again. Silly man... but a silly man with an overactive camera. LOTS of pics. (Louis Wu 14:12:20 UTC)

May 24, 2008 Link to this post

Mix Picks, Week 5
xMixMasterX stopped by with word of 'Week 5 of Mix Picks' up at The Social. These are Bungie.net-hosted film clips, culled by him from a much larger collection. (There are screenshots and descriptions to let you know what you're in for before you download.) Go see! (Louis Wu 17:28:34 UTC)

May 23, 2008 Link to this post

Community Spotlight: Ascendant Justice
Bungie has spotlighted the Ascendant Justice blog for its consistently high-quality writing; we've mentioned each piece they've published as it came out (because we agree with Bungie, the stuff they do is great), but if you missed any of it, this is a great reminder to go back and explore. (The point of this spotlight is to introduce the next community member to populate the 'Bungie Favorites' section of Bungie.net - go see what gametypes, maps, screenshots and films AJ thought was worth your time!) Thanks, Don. (Louis Wu 13:05:32 UTC)

May 23, 2008 Link to this post

HBO Leaderboards at HaloCharts.com
A couple of days ago, JeSteR 343 started up a group at HaloCharts.com, allowing HBO regulars to compare themselves to other HBO regulars. It took a little while for the bugs to be worked out of the grouping system, apparently - but things seem fine now, and there are a number of members already signed up. Go add yourself! (Louis Wu 13:04:07 UTC)

May 22, 2008 Link to this post

A Forged Goodbye
Hawty McBloggy posted a series of screenshots, created by community members, paying tribute to Frankie and his time at Bungie. Go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 17:45:16 UTC)

May 22, 2008 Link to this post

Pro Tips with TSquared
Looks like earlier this month, G4TV's X-Play started a feature in which MLG's TSquared provides tips about various multiplayer maps. So far they've posted Blackout (May 6), Ghost Town (May 13), and Foundry (May 20). We'll have to keep an eye on this! (Louis Wu 13:15:25 UTC)

May 21, 2008 Link to this post

Grifball.com screenshot contest winners
Last night, Quikthnkr posted results from the Grifball.com screenshot contest - go check out the winners! (Louis Wu 21:57:59 UTC)

May 21, 2008 Link to this post

Happy Easter, Marty.
So, yesterday's news of a brand-new egg in Halo 3 got me thinking... what if there are more? Well, there are. Lots of people know about the Seige of Madrigal egg at the top of the structure at the end of the Covenant level... but did you know that there's ANOTHER egg on the OTHER side of that same structure? (Same location, but on the right, instead of the left.) This one wasn't found before now, it seems, because there is a time factor in the trigger; if you stand in the right location, you can hear a number of computer-generated voice clips, but they don't start for two or three minutes after you arrive (and each additional one takes ANOTHER two or three minutes). I've made a short movie showing the location of the trigger (and the various clips you can hear) - grab it in WMP9 (14 mb) or QuickTime (11 mb) formats. Judging from the content of the clips, this one looks to be aimed at Marty O'Donnell... by the audio crew. Hi, Marty! (Louis Wu 17:26:52 UTC)

May 21, 2008 Link to this post

MC Costumes on eBay
There are a couple of Master Chief costumes up for sale on eBay at the moment - this one is made of cardboard hardened with resin, has a current bid of $400, and expires in about 8 hours, while this one is made of ABS plastic, has a starting bid of $900, and runs for 5 more days. Get started on this year's Halloween early! (Louis Wu 17:24:57 UTC)

May 20, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Update
This month's Halo Wars Update is now online at HaloWars.com - info about the Alpha (including LIVE play), a mention of an article in this month's GamePro mag, some tidbits about the Campaign, and a higher-res version of the screenshot that was mentioned in our news this week. Omega was first with the word. (Louis Wu 22:01:51 UTC)

May 20, 2008 Link to this post

Coffee Talk
While ZZoMBiE13 is on a break, Another Halo Comic Strip will have some guest strips running. The first one is up now - Thanks to Keith Jones for a fantastic start. (Comments are, and will be, disabled for guest strips, by design; if you want to discuss these, you can use our forum.) (Louis Wu 17:03:23 UTC)

May 20, 2008 Link to this post

When did YOU start cheating?
ab1 noticed an article on the Hitwise blog (aimed at internet marketing) discussing trends of game-related searches, specifically looking at release dates and cheat searches. Halo 3 is used as a prime example. Looks like a lot of folks actually play the game first, and don't start looking for cheats for at least a week... (Louis Wu 13:31:39 UTC)

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