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November 28, 2008 Link to this post

Buckell Back in the Hospital
Gah - Tobias Buckell is BACK in the hospital, this time with a pulmonary embolism. (This is basically a blood clot in the artery that brings blood to his lungs.) Best wishes to the man - his Halo novel is now out everywhere, but he's in. Several people sent this in - thanks to Aaron Spuler, and to General Battuta for starting a thread on our forum. (Louis Wu 17:44:52 UTC)

November 25, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Mythic Walkthrough: Halo (and a challenge)
The ninth and final chapter of Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris' Solo Legendary All Skulls On walkthrough of Halo 3 is now online - the level Halo, with its gorgeous architecture and its tribute to the Maw run, can be handled at the highest possible difficulty. Go give it a read/watch! And once you're finished... you might want to swing by Bungie.net, and the Quest for SLASO group Tyrant founded there - he's posted a description of his Monthly Mythic Challenge. Each month, starting on the first, and ending on the 7th, you'll have a chance to use the skills he's taught you to beat Halo 3 on Mythic difficulty - if you're the first to do so for the month, you'll win 4000 MS Points. Full rules (including eligibility and exact timing) are in the newspost - so go read! You've got a week or so to prepare. (Louis Wu 17:19:46 UTC)

November 25, 2008 Link to this post

Top 25 Starting Weapons
GameDaily put up a list of their Top 25 Starting Weapons in video games. Halo's M6D pistol made number 6. Thanks, Cardz. (Louis Wu 16:04:33 UTC)

November 24, 2008 Link to this post

Letting the Halo 3 Art Speak for Itself
There's a fascinating look at the construction of the Halo 3 Art book that goes on sale tomorrow - it's not finished (the last part will be posted tomorrow), but what's there is a great start. Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:44:59 UTC)

November 24, 2008 Link to this post

Yellow MC Helmet on eBay
For less than half the starting bid of that 8" or so action figure, you can bid on a high-quality Master Chief helmet, being sold by Briar's Armor. You've got almost a week to decide - starting bid is $149. (Louis Wu 12:48:14 UTC)

November 24, 2008 Link to this post

When Action Figures Get out of Control
Hawty McBloggy found an interesting custom action figure... with a starting price that's more frightening than its visage. (Louis Wu 12:45:18 UTC)

November 23, 2008 Link to this post

Sierra 117 - Arrival (LEGO-style)
We've mentioned Sapber-Scorpion and his LEGO creations many times in the past (just search our news archives) - but recently, he finished up an entire cutscene in LEGO, and Willy noticed. Swing by to see Sierra 117 - Arrival, from start to finish, and more. (Louis Wu 15:39:30 UTC)

November 22, 2008 Link to this post

Ultimate Screenshot Competition
Jdars pointed out the Ultimate Screenshot Competition - submit yours, and win a chance at having it labeled one of the best! (There don't seem to be any prizes besides pride.) Full rules are listed on the site. (Louis Wu 16:58:33 UTC)

November 21, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars NXE Premium Theme
BenjaminBirdie posted a bunch of Premium Themes screens over at NeoGAF, so you can see what you're getting into before you drop 250 MS Points. Scroll down a little to see the Halo Wars theme. Thanks, Herr Zrbo. (Louis Wu 19:54:04 UTC)

November 21, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Assets Surface
Bongo let us know about a thread at Polycount - it was started by DH_, who works at Ensemble. He posted some of the stuff he's worked on, including a bunch of early Halo Wars stuff. Check out the early version of the Ship AI! (Louis Wu 16:29:00 UTC)

November 19, 2008 Link to this post

Str8 Rippin Captain gets Star Treatment
According to the New York Times, Tom 'TSquared' Taylor's mug will appear on 175 million Dr. Pepper labels starting in January - the MLG Pro's deal is the label's first sports promotion with national distribution. He's bigger than the Dallas Cowboys! (They only got regional distribution on Dr. Pepper labels.) (Louis Wu 13:35:01 UTC)

November 19, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars Art, Hands-on Pieces Continue
More Halo Wars coverage - The Halo Wars website mentions writeups at Joystiq and Xbox360Achievements.com, in addition to the stuff we mentioned a couple of days ago (post 1 | post 2). Planet Halo points out one at TeamXbox, too. And Wired has put up its own piece. On top of this news, the Halo Wars team has posted new wallpapers on their Screenshots page (they're labeled 'XBOX Live Screenshots') - the theme that these papers come from is available on Marketplace for 250 points. And they've added wallpaper containing the Flame Marine, concept artwork of Jackals, and a new Hunter shot. Pretty stuff! (Thanks in part to 2900d4u for the heads-up.) Update: There's even more - The 1UP FM podcast contains an interview with Ensemble's Graeme Devine and Dave Pottinger this week. Thanks, LoneRanger 2.5. (Louis Wu 13:29:23 UTC)

November 17, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Wars: The Floodgates Open
The Halo Wars news is pouring in fast and furiously. IGN has a hands-on preview of the campaign, GameSpot has updated their hands-on article, D+PAD has an interview with Graeme Devine (four pages long, lots of info). We'd updated our earlier screenshots post - but if you missed the update, swing by and read it now! (Louis Wu 22:41:13 UTC)

November 17, 2008 Link to this post

New Halo Wars Art Assets
A new batch of Halo Wars screenshots and a few cutscene stills were released this morning - we've posted them here, because it's a good bet that the full-sized images (5120x2880 for the screenshots, 1920x1280 for the stills) won't make it to the web on most sites - and almost EVERY other site will slap a watermark on each image. Enjoy the full-sized, watermark-free versions! Update: Kotaku got a LOT more pictures than we had access to (though I put up another 5 shots on our page); Kotaku's are not watermarked, but they're not big, either. However... some of them ARE really cool. (There's an interesting article that goes with them - story material, background on gameplay, more. Worth a read. Thanks, gunluva.) (Louis Wu 17:56:39 UTC)

November 16, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Memories - Going Strong
The thread we started yesterday, asking people to reminisce about how Halo has affected their lives, is pretty amazing. Lots of stories, lots of love. Bring a pretty big cup of coffee - people have been writing a LOT. I'm seeing names that have been quiet for years, alongside names of relative newcomers, and everything in between. If you have your OWN story, feel free to toss it in the mix! (Louis Wu 14:55:00 UTC)

November 15, 2008 Link to this post

Off To a Good Start
GameDaily put up a list of their Top 25 Best 'First Levels' in Games... and the Pillar of Autumn made the list. Go read why! Thanks, darthbob. (Louis Wu 14:44:45 UTC)

November 14, 2008 Link to this post

Halo Custom Edition Map Screenshot Archive
Dennis Powers let us know that the Halo CE Maps website has put together a Map Screenshot Archive - and they're looking for help in fleshing it out! Swing by and see what you can do. (Upload page for Halo CE screenshots, along with rules, is here.) (Louis Wu 22:03:41 UTC)

November 14, 2008 Link to this post

Cows and Bees, and Making Games
Bungie has put up another 'Breaking In' interview - this one has Joe Spataro, whose job title is 'Technical Designer in Animation'. Go read about how he got started, what his interview process was like, and what he thinks you should know if you want to work for Bungie! (Louis Wu 13:55:56 UTC)

November 13, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3 Double XP: Grifball
This week's Double XP Weekend is Grifball - and it's live. Get warmed up for the Winter League (starting in about a month)! (Louis Wu 19:30:16 UTC)

November 13, 2008 Link to this post

Grifball League Enhancements
NOKYARD let us know about a cool new feature of this year's Grifball Winter League - your team can build a customized Home Court! The official map has been designed to allow teams to customize the large wall so that 'home' games are more comfy - and you've got permission to get started on the customization. Full instructions and rules can be found in this ForgeHub thread (ForgeHub is working with Grifball.com to make this process smooth, and to ensure that none of the changes affect actual gameplay). Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:31:56 UTC)

November 12, 2008 Link to this post

Halo 3: Recon info in new GI
The December 2008 issue of Game Informer has a cover story on Halo 3: Recon - and it's a doozy. It doesn't contain any new screenshots, but there's quite a bit of concept art, and there's a lot of description of how the game is going to work. There are some very interesting tidbits included:

  • Paul Bertone describes the scope of H3:R as "a three to five-hour expansion pack"
  • Recon Armor will be earnable for all - complete the Vidmaster Challenge series of achievements and it's yours
  • Bungie's Joe Staten says "we do not view this as a $60 title"
  • The cover art is spectacular, and has been whipped up by Bungie newcomer Jaime Jones (google him - I found this gallery of pretty amazing stuff)

The game sounds to be a lot of fun to play - you'll need to read the article for details. If you're a subscriber, you should be seeing it today - or very soon. If you're looking for it on the newsstand, you might have to wait a week or two. I'm droolin'... (Louis Wu 23:08:11 UTC)

November 12, 2008 Link to this post

TRR Favorites - go enjoy
Thanks to urk, who put up a note about a new collection of community favorites at The Running Riot. Screenshots and film clips, this time out. (Louis Wu 22:30:35 UTC)

November 9, 2008 Link to this post

HBO: Cooler Taglines Than Bungie
The 'Cooler Tagline' contest started by John_117 yesterday has already concluded - looks like we were victorious! That was the fastest Kotobukiya statue we've ever won. Now I have to go back through my mail - I seem to recall getting some cool contest ideas not too long ago... (Louis Wu 17:04:44 UTC)

November 7, 2008 Link to this post

The name 'Jen Taylor' should ring a bell with Halo fans - she's been the voice of Cortana since there's BEEN a Cortana. Over at Bungie.net, there's a post that might be of interest to Taylor fans in the Seattle area... she's part of a group that just started the New Century Theater Company, and you can visit to see "cutting-edge, relevant, professional theater." Their first show opens next week - go check out The Adding Machine! (Louis Wu 18:31:26 UTC)

November 7, 2008 Link to this post

Say hello to my little friend.
It's Friday, so it's time for another round of Friday Caption Fun over at Hawty McBloggy's. The last outing was 3 weeks ago - this one contains reader submissions for that screenshot, plus a new screenshot to play with. Seriously... that is one big gun. (Louis Wu 15:43:29 UTC)

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