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Showing results 1151 - 1175 of 4250 matches

February 11, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap - Really? You're stumped?
Folks STILL haven't come up with a solution for the latest Hide, Seek, Snap image - so we've added a second clue. And we've had word from the first Round 10 winner that Sgt. Johnson codes do, in fact, still work, even though the original cards said that they'd expire on January 31 - so reproduce our screen, and win your own! (Louis Wu 15:21:19 UTC)

February 10, 2010 Link to this post

1 vs 100 Extended Play - Halo Edition
Yesterday there was a Halo-specific version of 1 vs 100 on Xbox LIVE - if you missed it, FyreWulff streamed it on Livestream. (It starts in this video, about 9 minutes in, and finishes up in this video.) You can't win anything by playing today - but you can see how up-to-snuff your Halo knowledge is! (Louis Wu 17:31:07 UTC)

February 7, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Strike a Pose
The Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots theme this week is 'Strike a Pose' - I'm lovin' these! (Louis Wu 16:02:07 UTC)

February 7, 2010 Link to this post

Goodies on Halo Waypoint
Don't you just love it when weekends turn out like you planned 'em? Back for a little bit, to update you on a few of the things that have been going on since Friday. Let's start with Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian, Part 4 - it went live, as expected, yesterday, and finishes the Frank O'Connor-penned short story Waypoint started 3 weeks ago. It's a great piece of work, and if you'd rather see it in one unbroken run, it'll be up on Halo Waypoint next week in its complete form. While you're there, don't forget all the other stuff they've got for you! (Louis Wu 15:55:51 UTC)

February 1, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Legends Poster/DVD Contest from 360Junkies
360Junkies' Jonathan Heier let us know that you can win a Halo Legends poster - and maybe even a copy of Legends. Their contest starts today, and runs through February 15th at Midnight (PST). Go sign up - free is good! (Louis Wu 22:07:52 UTC)

February 1, 2010 Link to this post

Grand Valley
TDSpiral also whipped up a gorgeous piece of artwork - this one's concept art rather than promotional, but it's just as nice to look at. (He started a thread about it on our forum, as well.) (Louis Wu 14:47:58 UTC)

February 1, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap: Round 9 over, Round 10 live
The two Halo 3: ODST screens for Round 9 of our Hide, Seek, Snap contest were successfully reproduced (congrats, Mushroomy and bhwrice - you both have new Sgt Johnson codes!) - and two new screens (from Halo 3 again) are available for Round 10. Still missing a Johnson code for ODST Firefight? Here's another pair of chances! Go find 'em! (Louis Wu 14:45:08 UTC)

January 30, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Getting Hammered
I guess it's in honor of the Double XP list this week (Grifball) - The Top Ten list over at Halo3Screenshots.com is called 'Getting Hammered', and man, are those pictures cool. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 15:11:13 UTC)

January 29, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap - Now up to Round 9
Congrats to leafman343, who reproduced the remaining Round 8 screenshot from our Hide, Seek, Snap giveaway - another Johnson code, out the door! Swing by the contest page for a pair of Round 9 images - these two come from ODST, rather than Halo 3! Get to work! (Louis Wu 15:55:49 UTC)

January 27, 2010 Link to this post

Tools, Tech, and Team - all Advanced
Last night, Bungie.net posted 'Halo: Reach - 3D Art Evolved' - it's an article which details the development of various assets through the years, with some great comparison shots. 3D Art Lead Scott Shepherd discusses how Bungie attacked the asset issue in Halo: Reach. Go read the rationale behind some of the changes - and look at the pretty pictures! (There's a large thread on our forum, started last night by Minime637, if you want to toss your two cents in.) (Louis Wu 15:04:25 UTC)

January 26, 2010 Link to this post

Inspiration for the DMR?
Crackshot53 recognized a brand-new (in OUR world) gun called the 'Kel-Tec RFB' when he looked at the new DMR in Bungie's Reach assets. Screenshots are in his first post, and a video of the RFB firing can be found here. Seems like a pretty solid gun! Maybe Bungie liked it too? (Louis Wu 19:24:44 UTC)

January 26, 2010 Link to this post

Legends to be Screened in London February 3
If you live near London, you might want to consider a special screening of Halo Legends, to be held on February 3 at 6:30. The Coventry Telegraph has all the details - this will be the only chance to see Legends on the big screen in the UK. (Louis Wu 14:43:02 UTC)

January 26, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Info Falls
Bungie massively updated its Reach Project page last night - you'll need to do some serious exploring. We mentioned Screenshots yesterday - but new Concept Art is up, and the Personnel section has been populated (you can read these in a more linear fashion on the front page of Bungie.net, as well). Good stuff! Thanks to CaptainTony for noticing early. If this isn't enough info for you - swing by GameInformer's website; they've put up even MORE info about Carter-259 (thanks, CaneCutter). (Louis Wu 14:35:23 UTC)

January 25, 2010 Link to this post

pete_the_duck was first to notice some gorgeous hi-res versions of those Reach screenshots that have been hitting the net today over at Bungie.net - filenames might provide clues to Reach's campaign! There are currently 18 new shots in the Screenshots section - but they seem to be going up one by one, so there might be more by the time you get to them. (Louis Wu 22:38:56 UTC)

January 25, 2010 Link to this post

Halo: Reach Developer Commentary
It's Battle of the Magazines! Game Informer has posted 'Halo: Reach Developer Commentary' - a seven-minute video narrated by Marcus Lehto that gives you an overview of what you can expect from Halo: Reach. (The imagery is simply the screenshots and art assets already seen last night in the Gamereactor article, but the discussion has tons of new details.) (Louis Wu 18:47:02 UTC)

January 25, 2010 Link to this post

Gamereactor Plays Halo: Reach
The Reach content embargo ends today, January 25 - and Sweden got to that date long before the US. Over at NeoGAF, Syringe pointed out coverage by Swedish gaming site Gamereactor - the text is in Swedish (though Google will translate... kind of), but the pictures are understandable in any language. There's concept art, screenshots we've never seen, and environment art (and images from the reporter's trip to Bungie's offices, as well) - go take a look! (A thread on our forum has already picked out some of the juicier tidbits...) Update: DJ Lars has translated the first half of the article - go check out a much more readable version! (Thanks, DJ Lars!) (Louis Wu 11:04:39 UTC)

January 24, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: EVA
Halo 3 Screenshots posted a new Top Ten list on Friday, as usual; this one is called 'EVA', and shows off some truly amazing views of the EVA armor. Check 'em! (Louis Wu 15:27:46 UTC)

January 23, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap Round 7: Winners
Congrats to RobboForever and NICKOFSTEEL, for being the first to identify and reproduce the latest Hide, Seek, Snap screens - two more Sgt. Johnson codes out the door! We're going to take a little break posting screens - there'll be another image soon! (Louis Wu 19:56:40 UTC)

January 22, 2010 Link to this post

The Homecoming Clip - now online at GT
As mentioned a few days ago, you can see a scene from The Homecoming on last night's GTTV - online now at GameTrailers.com. (The Legends scene starts around 17 minutes in.) (Louis Wu 14:52:45 UTC)

January 21, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap: Round 6 Winner, Round 7 Screens
Hide, Seek, Snap continues apace - III Hyokin III was first with the Round 6 answer. Enjoy that Johnson code! Round 7 has two screens - don't send us both (you can only win once). There are still 15 codes to win (though we're almost out of screens - gonna need a new batch, stat!), so don't lose hope! (Louis Wu 13:41:57 UTC)

January 21, 2010 Link to this post

Edge: Tales from the Fall
Edge's latest issue has Reach on the cover, as well - and they're starting to put excerpts of the goodness on their website. The first article online is called 'Tales of the Fall', and it's an interview with Marcus Lehto, Joe Tung, and Brian Jarrard. I have to say, while it's short, it's awfully promising - go give it a read! Thanks to ElzarTheBam for noticing. (Louis Wu 13:09:24 UTC)

January 20, 2010 Link to this post

Heretic, Citadel, Longshore - YOU CAN BUY EM (soon)
Whoa - great news. The three new Halo 3 Mythic maps that were released with Halo 3: ODST are FINALLY going to be available for download on Xbox LIVE, starting February 2. Only a bit over 4 months late! Thanks, Kotaku (and GrimBrother One). (Louis Wu 18:02:15 UTC)

January 20, 2010 Link to this post

A slightly early look at Reach Screens
It looks like EB Games Australia was the first site on the internet to break the embargo on Reach screenshots - you can see eight shots (in relatively low res) directly on their site, plus 3 more that never got linked (9 | 10 | 11). These are the same screens that Game Informer used in their print story - so if you were one of the thousands who checked out the photographed pages that circulated the internet last week, here's your chance to take a better look. Thanks to Kakansho for the heads-up - the thread of discussion is already quite long! (Louis Wu 16:11:59 UTC)

January 20, 2010 Link to this post

Hide, Seek, Snap - Round 5 won, Round 6 live
This batch of Hide, Seek, Snap screens must be much easier - we had four responses in a 3-hour span last night. The first successful recreation was sent in by rvbsithhead, who won another Sgt. Johnson code for Firefight. Swing by and see what you can do with the Round 6 shot! (Louis Wu 16:11:34 UTC)

January 20, 2010 Link to this post

Lots of Halo Stuff for Sale
Austin Childres is selling a very large collection of Halo schwag - go visit the auction page on eBay for a full description. Action figures, books, games... it's a lot of stuff. Starting bid is $350, and there are still four and a half days. He's trying to buy his first car! (Louis Wu 16:11:00 UTC)

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