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February 26, 2010 Link to this post

Friday Vids
Couple of videos for your watching pleasure in B.net's Comm Chatter today:

  • Carpe Diem is a montage from Snowmann and Alien - heavy on the editing, but not to the point that the gameplay is unwatchable. (Some very nice effects.)
  • Halography is a screenshot montage in high def - five minutes of great shots, at 1080p if your computer can handle it.
Go watch! (Louis Wu 18:03:16 UTC)

February 26, 2010 Link to this post

HaloCharts Favorites are back, baby!
HaloCharts Favorites are back - you can submit your best screenshot, video, or map variant for the weekly rotation. Winners get a cool Player Page award on HaloCharts (and the satisfaction of being favorited). Go read all about it at HaloCharts! Thanks to urk for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:02:16 UTC)

February 25, 2010 Link to this post

Braainnn Shootttsss
Zombie League Gaming is hosting a screenshot contest - send them the infection-related screenshot, win 1600 MS Points. Full details on Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 20:35:51 UTC)

February 24, 2010 Link to this post

Halo 2 Memorial Montage - Your Help Needed
We got an email from 'H2 Memorial' pointing out a forum post on Bungie.net - the group Halo 3 In The Workplace (H3ITWP) is putting together a Halo 2 Memorial Montage, and they want your input. They're looking for clips, screenshots, or just farewell messages. All categories of submissions have pretty strict guidelines, so be sure to read the B.net post for full details. You've got until April 18 to submit - help them make this one great! (Louis Wu 16:28:58 UTC)

February 24, 2010 Link to this post

Be a Hero - Soon
Bungie wanted to remind you that you've only got a few days left to buy a 'Be a Hero' t-shirt from the Bungie Store, if you want the proceeds to go towards the Haiti fund... starting in March, they're keeping the money again. (Louis Wu 00:04:45 UTC)

February 22, 2010 Link to this post

Tag and Release: Sandbox
Today's Tag and Release feature at Bungie.net looks at screenshots on Sandbox - they range from clever to gorgeous. Go look! (Louis Wu 17:56:30 UTC)

February 22, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Theme Song
odious T (gotta love that gamertag) sent word of a video he'd found on YouTube - it's a fan playing the Halo theme. Starts slow... but MAN is it great. Take the 3 minutes and check it out; you won't be disappointed. It's incredible what 40 fingers can do! (Louis Wu 15:46:21 UTC)

February 20, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Grunts
Over at I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots, the latest Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots list has been posted; this one focuses on Grunts. My favorite is 'Ode to 300'. Go look! (Louis Wu 18:48:37 UTC)

February 20, 2010 Link to this post

Royal is the right way to do EVERYTHING
The Bungie Weekly Update is live at Bungie.net (and, of course, in our Weekly Update Archive, though I had to re-render the funny vid in order to make it show up here). Lots of good stuff - network playtests, droolworthy weapons, great audio clips, clarifications about multiplayer map environments, ridiculous hints, gorgeous wallpaper-ready cover art, suggestions for better on-screen performance, and more. No complaints. No regrets. Just drool. (Louis Wu 02:46:36 UTC)

February 19, 2010 Link to this post

GTTV Ep 304, now with more Brian and Marcus
The GTTV episode from last night is now online at GameTrailers - the interviews with Brian and Marcus are right at the start of the show. The footage is all from the ViDoc (or of Geoff Keighley and the Bungie guys), but the discussion has some interesting tidbits. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:27:26 UTC)

February 19, 2010 Link to this post

You gotta wonder what's in that rear-view mirror...
Hawty's back with another round of Friday Caption Fun - high-rated captions from last week, and a new screen that should make you do a double-take. Go play! (Louis Wu 15:11:25 UTC)

February 19, 2010 Link to this post

HaloContest - Closing Down
Morpheus let us know that HaloContest will be closing down in March; it's costing too much to run. It's going out with a bang, though; winners of the latest contest will have a choice between 4000 MS Points, a 12-month LIVE subscription, or the 2-disc edition of Halo Legends. Submit your clip or screen! (Louis Wu 15:10:30 UTC)

February 18, 2010 Link to this post

MLG Forge Forum Map Pack 2
The MLG Halo 3 Forge Forum has put together a 12-map pack with some gorgeous work inside - swing by the MLG Forum for info and screenshots, or just visit the Forge Forum's Fileshare to download the maps. (Actually, the count is a bit suspect; the PR and the MLG Forum post both say 12 maps, but there are 18 maps marked 'MLG H3FF MP2' in the Fileshare. Either way - there's a lot of play options.) Check it out! Thanks to both urk, who posted this on Bungie.net yesterday, and Rehn Miller, who contacted us directly, for the heads-up. Update: apparently, we got our link from Bungie.net, which had it wrong; they used the link for the FIRST mappack. The correct link has been swapped in above (and right here, too). Also: "the map pack contains 12 featured 4v4 maps, with 2 more 4v4 maps being up to the judges standards of gameplay, the rest are FFA, 1v1 and 2v2." Hope that clears things up! (Louis Wu 12:57:54 UTC)

February 18, 2010 Link to this post

Community Spotlight: Mythic Photographers
There's a new Community Spotlight up at Bungie.net - in the spotlight this go-round are the Mythic Photographers. As you might guess, they're big on screenshots. Read about what drives 'em on B.net's front page, and then check out some of their favorite files in the Bungie Favorites section! (Louis Wu 12:56:35 UTC)

February 17, 2010 Link to this post

Wednesday is Movie Day at Bungie.net
Tons of new movies highlighted today on Bungie's Comm Chatter:

That's a lotta videos! (Louis Wu 17:51:58 UTC)

February 17, 2010 Link to this post

Bungie Talks Reach to Waypoint
This went up yesterday, but there were problems with audio synch - looks like this has been fixed. The Halo Waypoint team interviewed Marcus Lehto and Brian Jarrard (in a funkily-lit space) - the discussion is different from many of the other interviews we've seen recently. Looks like cutscenes are going to be scarce (or nonexistent) in Reach! Also, don't start thinking you'll be moving around the universe; Brian confirms that the entire game takes place on Reach itself. (Louis Wu 16:30:16 UTC)

February 16, 2010 Link to this post

Hittin' on that crack pipe
pete_the_duck has decided to try and suss out what the first level of Halo: Reach looks like, based on the screenshots we've seen so far. It'll be a while before we know if he's right or not - but it's a pretty cool thought experiment in any case! (Louis Wu 15:18:53 UTC)

February 16, 2010 Link to this post

McFarlane 2010 Offerings
Toy Fair 2010 happened yesterday - and the news out of McFarlane is Reach-filled. GrimBrother One started the party with a link to Kotaku, but InnerRayg pointed out a lot more pics at Figures.com, and later came back with pics from Cool Toy Review. Go get your fill! (I gotta say, the VISR stuff looks weird.) (Louis Wu 12:48:41 UTC)

February 14, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Partners for Life
Not surprisingly, the Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots collection this week is love-themed... go check out 'Partners for Life'. Mostly safe for work (seeing as how they're all wearing armor). (Louis Wu 13:03:21 UTC)

February 14, 2010 Link to this post

Grifball: Expansion - coming to Waypoint
T51b noticed that a new Rooster Teeth series is coming to Halo Waypoint, starting next week - the trailer for 'Grifball: Expansion' is online now, and the first episode will be aired on February 20. We've put up 720p versions of the trailer on the web, for folks who want to see what they'd be missing: grab it in either WMP9 (32 mb) or QuickTime (26 mb) formats. (If you watch it on Waypoint, don't miss other goodies, like Valentines screens, or the unsegmented version of Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian, or the new Reach ViDoc... or tons of other stuff! (Louis Wu 12:55:54 UTC)

February 12, 2010 Link to this post

Territory Captured.
In all that drooling while we waited for the Bungie ViDoc, we neglected to notice the start of the Team Control Double EXP weekend playlist yesterday - swing by Bungie.net for a full rundown of the gametypes and maps. (Louis Wu 20:42:10 UTC)

February 12, 2010 Link to this post

ODST Helmet for Sale
Renegade_Squadron is selling a one-off ODST helmet he built - it's nearly done, and if you pay the 'Buy It Now' price, he'll finish it for you (or you can do it yourself). Swing by and take a look! Starting bid is $165, and there are about two and a half days left on the auction. (Louis Wu 15:29:51 UTC)

February 12, 2010 Link to this post

Meeting Frankie: Priceless
RedGrimRune went to the IGN screening of Halo Legends in San Francisco yesterday - you can read the details on his blog. Awesome artwork! (Louis Wu 15:26:16 UTC)

February 11, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Beta: It's coming soon!
So if you're not cool enough to be invited to the X10 event in San Francisco today, you might want to swing by Bungie.net - they're showing off new screenshots, new art assets... and a date for the Halo: Reach Beta. Is your calendar open on May 3, 2010? WELL, OPEN IT, SOLDIER! (Louis Wu 21:39:47 UTC)

February 11, 2010 Link to this post

Hint and ye shall receive
A couple of hours ago, we posted that one of the Hide, Seek, Snap images from Round 10 was still unsolved - and provided a second clue. Almost immediately, chris101b sent us a screenshot. Nice work, Chris! We've posted two NEW shots for you - this time, there's one each from Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. Go reproduce them, and get your OWN Johnson code! (Louis Wu 17:41:28 UTC)

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