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Search results for start screen

Showing results 1026 - 1050 of 4250 matches

May 30, 2010 Link to this post

Console Wars Episode 2
Chairleg Productions started a series called 'Console Wars' back in mid-2008. The first episode was very good. (Higher-res download links are available in this post.) Then there was silence, for 2 years. Today, they're back, with Episode 2... and the result is fantastic. Funny story, great video effects, nice cultural references... definitely worth a watch. (Louis Wu 15:19:38 UTC)

May 30, 2010 Link to this post

White Room Demo
Over at Halo3Forum.com, MrTwiggy101 posted a greenscreening demo from Halo 3 that looks better than any attempt I've seen before. He says he's going to be posting a tutorial at some point. (Louis Wu 15:15:03 UTC)

May 29, 2010 Link to this post

Protective Headgear
Halo3Screenshots.com has posted their latest Top Ten Halo Screenshots collection - 'Things On Your Head' is full of pictures of players with... well, things on their head. Some creepy ones in there... (Louis Wu 19:54:11 UTC)

May 28, 2010 Link to this post

20 Questions: XerxdeeJ
CE United's Willy is back with a new 20 Questions interview - this one was held with TTL's XerxdeeJ. Go read about how Tied the Leader got its start, what was good and bad about the Reach Beta, and how a good society is maintained. Great read! (Louis Wu 12:54:43 UTC)

May 28, 2010 Link to this post

Expressing Love
Couple of unusual(ish) tributes to the Reach Beta on our forum recently: hyokin put together a collection of his favorite screens for a screenshot montage, and Train Dodger used an active camera to highlight an Invasion match. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:53:01 UTC)

May 27, 2010 Link to this post

Where All the Deals Went Down
Bungie has posted another map post-mortem - go read how the Halo 3 multiplayer map 'The Pit' got its start, and how it changed into the map we play on today. Fascinating read - very cool pics, very cool concepts! (I'm sad for the loss of the Control Room.) Here's to the next map that's broken down this way! (Louis Wu 20:34:42 UTC)

May 27, 2010 Link to this post

Have 360, Will Play
DragonSlayerMJC added a small LCD screen to his Halo 3 Xbox 360's case - he no longer needs a TV to play Halo! (Or any other 360 game...) Thanks, Hawty. (Louis Wu 12:05:58 UTC)

May 26, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Stats apps get new tools
DHalo joined the Potato group at Bungie.net, set up to test the new Reach Stats API that Bungie is developing; his first attempt at a program is now available for download. Check out the screens, and grab a copy before the Bungie.net Reach stats pages are offline! (Louis Wu 12:54:05 UTC)

May 26, 2010 Link to this post

Looking back at the Beta
GrimBrother One was the first to notice an interesting article at IGN - it's a post-Beta Interview with Brian Jarrard, containing a ton of information about the preliminary findings from the Beta. Startling stats, interesting intuitions, bad-ass bugs. An overall fascinating read... go check it out! (Louis Wu 12:49:31 UTC)

May 25, 2010 Link to this post

VisionsOfHalo - a Screenshot Gallery Option
The 'Gallery Backup' field just got another player - VisionsOfHalo lets you back up your Bungie.net Halo 3, ODST, and Reach screenshots to a single gallery (and once you're in their system, your gamertag will be updated automatically from then on). Nice layout! Check this out. Thanks, Sevenface. (Louis Wu 17:02:34 UTC)

May 25, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Screenshot Backup - Last Call
HaLo2FrEeEk reminds you that if you want to back up your Reach Beta screenshots, this is your last chance to get files into the system. (The collections that are there aren't going anywhere - but after tomorrow, no new files will be added.) Read his post for full details. (Louis Wu 14:18:08 UTC)

May 22, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Spawn Points
Halo 3 Screenshots is looking at 'Spawn Points' in the latest Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots collection. I wasn't sure what this meant, until I looked at the pictures... but they're shots of what you can make with the bright blue spawnpoint symbols in Forge. Very creative stuff! (Louis Wu 11:04:29 UTC)

May 22, 2010 Link to this post

Sending Off the Beta
The Bungie Weekly Update is a quiet one this time around - a wind-down summarizing the end of the Beta, and what you should take away from it. Some great screens - and if you want more than they're showing, get 'em now, they've already said they're killing the Reach Beta content by the end of next week, probably. (Might be a good time to remind you of HaLo2FrEeEk's Reach Screenshot Archive - an easy way to archive what you've already got, for when Bungie.net wipes that set out. If for any reason you aren't happy reading the Weekly Update at Bungie.net, we've got it in our Weekly Update Archive (it's certainly friendlier to lighter-weight browsers). (Louis Wu 00:04:37 UTC)

May 21, 2010 Link to this post

Project Aftershock - Progress Continues
We got another update on Project Aftershock, a Halo mod for Crysis, from its developer, Warlord. (You can see older mentions here and here in our news archive.) Swing by Crymod's forum for screenshots and a video! (Louis Wu 19:27:23 UTC)

May 21, 2010 Link to this post

Friday Caption Fun, Round 93
93? Man... that woman's been doing this for a WHILE. The latest round of Friday Caption Fun has some great captions for last week's Elite Meets Ghost image... and then tosses one of the most captionable screenshots I've ever seen your way. Go read, then go play. (While you're there, check out yesterday's Twitter T&A Thursday - the challenge was to finish the sentence "You know you played the Halo: Reach beta too long when --"... definitely some great ones in there.) (Louis Wu 17:32:57 UTC)

May 21, 2010 Link to this post

Hedgemony Loves Halo
A few days ago, we mentioned that Hedgemony was offering to photo-manipulate your Reach screenshot to make a cool Beta keepsake; a LOT of people took him up on it. His Tumblr collection now has 79 images in it - and some of them are EPIC. Go look! (Louis Wu 13:19:43 UTC)

May 19, 2010 Link to this post

Wednesday Movie Mania
urk got an early start on the video mania in Bungie's Comm Chatter today:

  • Mike and Cheese is back with 'I Got A Jetpack', a live-action (sort of) tribute to Lonely Island... and Reach.
  • Give It Up is a Reach Beta Montage from Vandelay16 - lots of sniper action, lots of hammer action.
  • Nick Johnston put together a Halo Reach Screenshot Montage - it's only 480p for some reason, but the shots are nice.

Always good to start the day with a movie or two... (Louis Wu 16:38:28 UTC)

May 19, 2010 Link to this post

OXM Podcast features Bungie this week
Brian Jarrard and Chris Carney spent an hour with Ryan McCaffrey of OXM for their podcast this week - go listen to it. (Thanks to Kaboris, who pointed this out, and mentioned that the Bungie interview starts about half an hour in.) (Louis Wu 13:09:36 UTC)

May 19, 2010 Link to this post

Spherical Panorama
HaLo2FrEeEk stopped in last night with a spherical panorama of Powerhouse - what a great view of the map! It's available, as all of his super-panoramas are, in multiple formats; scrolling panorama, 'little world' format, and as a screensaver for your PC. Check it out! (Louis Wu 13:05:15 UTC)

May 19, 2010 Link to this post

Reach Beta Extended by 10 Hours
CougRon was the first to let us know about an article at Joystiq - looks like the Reach Beta has been extended a little bit. (It now ends at 10 am PDT on Thursday, May 20 - 10 hours past the original ending time of midnight on the 19th.) Make use of that time - go play! (And don't forget to save anything you want to save (screenshots or rendered films); once the Beta is offline, all access to in-game films will be gone, forever. (Louis Wu 03:01:16 UTC)

May 17, 2010 Link to this post

Halo Screenshot Extractor
HaLo2FrEeEk has written an app to extract Halo Reach screenshots from your Xbox hard drive. Why would you need this? Well... because Reach has changed how screenshots are uploaded to Bungie.net; in the past, they're uploaded as you take them, but in Reach, they're uploaded when you exit the film. If you take less than 30 (the number of slots in your 'Recent Screenshots' block on B.net), this is a huge convenience - they all get uploaded at once. If, however, you take MORE than 30, you're stuck uploading them manually - a much more time-consuming prospect. So - if you're a little bit technically inclined, and have a PC to run the app on, you can use this program to facilitate the building of that massive panorama you're creating. (Louis Wu 12:50:20 UTC)

May 16, 2010 Link to this post

HaloReachShots Kicks Off
HaLo2FrEeEk has offered up a service to archive your Halo Reach screenshots - it's similar to the (now-defunct) Haloscreenshots.net service we used to host, except that it's online and functional. If you want to be able to embed screens on other forums, this is a great option! (Louis Wu 14:41:31 UTC)

May 15, 2010 Link to this post

Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots: Sports
The Top Ten Halo 3 Screenshots collection this week is called 'Sports' - they're seriously amazing pictures. (We won't complain that one of them is actually a Reach pic...) (Louis Wu 12:58:42 UTC)

May 15, 2010 Link to this post

Spherical Panorama: Swordbase
HaLo2FrEeEk is back with another massive panorama - this one is on Swordbase, and it's available as a scrollable image (spin that camera!), a screensaver, and a really cool spherical image. Go look! (Louis Wu 12:58:22 UTC)

May 15, 2010 Link to this post

Lock Beats Rockets
Hawty McBloggy has highlighted a new montage from Americanista123 - it's called 'Halo Reach Bungie Employee Bloopers Minitage', but there aren't a lot of bloopers. Mostly, it's a demo of Armor Lock, and how you can use it to kill the poor guy who didn't choose it at the Loadout screen. Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:58:04 UTC)

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