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December 22, 2011 Link to this post

The Last Sleeper - with ties to Halo and Bungie
So yesterday, GrimBrother One stopped in with a Kotaku link about Kendall Davis, who was working on Halo 4 until he quit to create a comic game. What started as a story with only passing relevance to HBO became more interesting when Hitmonchan did a little digging and learned that the game has ties to Bungie's Aerospace. Amazing how small a world it is! (Louis Wu 14:47:31 UTC)

December 21, 2011 Link to this post

Huntercaust - is it in you?
By:RC Master is unhappy with the lack of updates in Firefight matchmaking - so he's trying to jumpstart the process. He's created a bunch of new gametypes, and has highlighted one he calls 'Huntercaust' in an attempt to show why he's made the decisions he has. Looks like a lot of fun! (Louis Wu 20:41:41 UTC)

December 19, 2011 Link to this post

Remembering group carnage
Two recaps of community playtimes recently - Kermit went all out with his look back at the recent Co-op night on ODST's Kikowani Station, and Hyokin shared some screens from last Friday's Customs Night. Go live vicariously! (Louis Wu 19:57:22 UTC)

December 18, 2011 Link to this post

Fun Movies, Round 3 (Anniversary Edition)
We posted copies of the Halo Anniversary cutscenes a week after the game was released (thanks, Dust Storm!), but thanks to some fancy-schmancy equipment that Cody Miller was able to get his hands on, we're RE-releasing them today - the newest versions are recorded in full surround sound. (The interlacing is gone, as well, for folks looking to grab cleaner screenshots.) And if that weren't enough, we've also posted the Halo Anniversary Terminals - all 11 of them. (These are not in Surround Sound, because they were presented in-game in standard stereo sound. But they're still big and beautiful and fascinating.) Go indulge! (Louis Wu 20:17:39 UTC)

December 15, 2011 Link to this post

Even More of Less of Fear
The folks over at HaloMaps.org wanted to let you know that the next addition to their "Fearless" series is now up for viewing. Check out Chapter 15: Part Two. If You've got catching up to do, you can start fresh right here. Give it a look! (GrimBrother One 21:27:32 UTC)

December 13, 2011 Link to this post

343 Guilty Shirt
The Halo Waypoint folks let us know that the new December Avatar Collection is out starting today, December 13th. New additions include the previously pre-order-only Master Chief Mk V Avatar armor, a new Guilty Spark T shirt, and a pretty cool Booster Frame Avatar Prop. Neat stuff, go check it out! (GrimBrother One 14:29:32 UTC)

December 12, 2011 Link to this post

A close look at Anniversary's Terminals
Cody Miller stopped in this weekend with word of a new article, written by Rampancy.net's Narcogen, on a site dedicated to pointing out some story issues with Halo Anniversary. Narc's pretty unhappy with the way the new Terminals fit into the game, and while he overstates the problem (the 'added details' he laments on the Anniversary viewscreens were, in fact, in the original game), his arguments about how this new information meshes (or doesn't mesh) with existing information are compelling. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 17:25:38 UTC)

December 10, 2011 Link to this post

Dead End Thrilltacular
Kotaku recently ran a piece about Duncan Harris' beautiful screenshot website DeadEndThrills. Our own SonofMacPhisto brought this to our attention, as well as letting us know that Mr. Harris also has a few beautiful Halo shots in his collection as well. Gorgeous stuff! (GrimBrother One 19:07:08 UTC)

November 25, 2011 Link to this post

New Halo Bulletin is a Love Letter to the Community
343's latest Halo Bulletin is one big giant "THANK YOU" to the Halo Community for all the amazing content created by fans just like you! Inside they highlight everything from their favorite screenshots and videos to awesome Halo tattoos and cosplay. You might even find a few familiar faces scattered about! As I always mention, it's available locally as well. <3 Check it out! (GrimBrother One 14:32:23 UTC)

November 23, 2011 Link to this post

Making of a Halo Figure
Sl'askia pointed out McFarlane's Making of a Halo Figure, a 3-part documentary showing how the company got into making Halo action figures - and how they actually make them. She linked Part 3 of 3 (Plastic Molds to Perfect Replica) - but you could start with Parts 1 of 3 (Intro & 3D Models) and 2 of 3 (3D Models to Plastic Molds). Great behind-the-scenes look! (Louis Wu 19:58:21 UTC)

November 22, 2011 Link to this post

In comes new artwork
Stephen Loftus sent along another couple of dozen vector drawings from the various Halo games for his Signs of Halo collection - some are in-game signs (including two brand new ones from Breakneck), some are multiplayer logos. The new Civilian ones start here, the new Miscellaneous ones start here, and there's one new UNSC image here. Go explore! (Louis Wu 19:32:30 UTC)

November 21, 2011 Link to this post

Breaking Quarantine Run
MASSAIKUR put together a video showing you how to slam through the Breaking Quarantine achievement in about 5 minutes (you'll need the Bandanna skull to follow along) - little bit of extra entertainment at the start, too. Check it. (Louis Wu 21:53:12 UTC)

November 20, 2011 Link to this post

Pillar of Autumn, realized in Minecraft
DominoEffect sent word of a new Minecraft project - Gyro2117 built a really impressive Pillar of Autumn. The first link will show you the final product - the second contains more screens and a download link. Awesome! (Louis Wu 18:52:03 UTC)

November 16, 2011 Link to this post

Buy Armor Piecemeal
McFarlane will sell you new armor for your action figures - but the packs run $30-40 when all is said and done... and you might only want a single pair of shoulder pieces. tadboz bought a couple of packs, and is selling off the bits he can't use - they're starting at about a buck each. Might be a nice way to grab that single chest piece you were eyeing! (Louis Wu 15:32:51 UTC)

November 14, 2011 Link to this post

Slidin' in to home
Just caught myself up on the last few days of forum posts (I'd done SOME reading on Friday, but mostly I've been offline since Wednesday night), and found a couple of tidbits that didn't make our front page. If you missed 'em too, enjoy 'em now! First up: Xbox.com put up some screenshots of Halo Anniversary with a supercool slider you can wipe back and forth to compare graphics - go play! (Scroll down to 'Original vs Remastered'.) Thanks, nillapuddin. (Louis Wu 13:21:53 UTC)

November 13, 2011 Link to this post

ETA for MIA is NOW
Halo Waypoint and Rooster Teeth teamed up in another great way today, with the release of Part 1 of its new Waypoint-exclusive miniseries, MIA. If the dialogue starts to sound a bit familiar, this is why. Always awesome, check it out! (GrimBrother One 21:39:24 UTC)

November 12, 2011 Link to this post

Now Playing Anniversary
robofin117 let us know about a nice video from Gamespot's "Now Playing" feature. What else would the be playing but Halo: Anniversary?! A very cool watch, and Classic Mode menu screen? Heck yes, Frankie! In other news, Wu has been disappointed to discover that pressing the Back button doesn't age him back 10 years. You know, to like, 23. (GrimBrother One 15:24:41 UTC)

November 11, 2011 Link to this post

Queen: The Musical
ZZoMBiE13 pointed out an out-of-the-ordinary machinima project he ran across - XxQmanxXP2B put together Queen: The Musical in two acts (Act 1 | Act 2 | Alternate Ending). It's been out for several months now - but this is the first I'm seeing it. Starts a little slow, but give it a chance! (Louis Wu 16:56:07 UTC)

November 6, 2011 Link to this post

Waypoint Video Roundup
There was a boatload of new material released on Halo Waypoint this week - we touched on only a small portion of it. Here's a summary of some of the videos we missed - there's plenty more content that we're simply skipping! (That means you should explore the site for yourself.)

Again, there's more - screenshots, Halo in real life, community interaction... go play! (Louis Wu 16:04:01 UTC)

November 5, 2011 Link to this post

A Machinima Reality Show - depends on YOU
I'm not sure I ever envisioned seeing a project like this one - but I'm wholeheartedly behind this iteration, primarily because of the guy who's putting it forward. pete_the_duck wants to create a Machinima reality show... but he doesn't have the equipment to make it happen. He's decided to ask the community to help; he's fired up a Kickstarter project to fund this. The beauty of Kickstarter is that if his goal ($400) isn't reached in the time allotted (two weeks), nobody owes a penny; the project isn't funded. And pete gets a pretty solid message that this sort of project simply isn't of interest to the community as a whole. If you DO want to see this, though, you can pledge a few bucks; again, you won't be billed until (and unless) the targets are met. I can't see myself endorsing a lot of projects like this; far too many Halo-based projects have great ideas behind them, but enthusiasm fizzles out when the people involved realize how much work is really needed. pete_the_duck has proven himself over and over again as someone who follows through on what he starts - and as someone who comes up with really entertaining Halo projects. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes - if you, the fans, decide to risk your dollars on pete's vision! Update: Whoa. Within an hour of this newspost, pete_the_duck hit his goal, and then some. you guys rock. (Louis Wu 16:29:23 UTC)

November 4, 2011 Link to this post

Anniversary Content from the UK
There are a couple of videos from TeamVVVGames - an interview with Dennis Ries and David Ellis, and a gameplay video showing the entire first level played through (offscreen footage). Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 19:19:55 UTC)

November 4, 2011 Link to this post

Lord Friendship put together screenshots of ALL the BOBs you can find on ONI Sword Base - that's a lot of BOBs! (Louis Wu 18:20:01 UTC)

November 1, 2011 Link to this post

Artwork from afar
More deviantART from CaptainTony - I think we're going to start combining these a couple of times per week. Look for future roundups on Thursdays and Sundays! (Louis Wu 13:23:22 UTC)

November 1, 2011 Link to this post

GT's Anniversary Fever Begins
Gametrailers has kicked off their Halo Anniversary coverage - uberfoop was the first to let us know about the Anniversary Trailer, released yesterday (already on YouTube), and ZZoMBiE13 forwarded links for their 'Ultimate Fan' contest and the first video in their Retrospective series (which actually starts much earlier than Halo). Keep your eyes peeled - there'll be more! Update: we've posted the official press release. (Louis Wu 13:13:39 UTC)

October 31, 2011 Link to this post

Starting Strong
Morpheus noticed a GameInformer article on the Top Ten Launch Games of All Time (how do you measure this?) - Halo made the list. Pretty high up, even! (Louis Wu 22:35:27 UTC)

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