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Search results for start screen

Showing results 4101 - 4125 of 4250 matches

July 13, 2000 Link to this post

New Halo screenshots!
New Halo screenshots! Woohoo major kudos to edge (again!) for pointing us to a new Halo preview at CDmag which has some very high quality screenshots including the new alien. There's also a shot of the Halo marine driving the jeep! Woot! (Wirehead 07:31:59 UTC)

July 10, 2000 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 7-day stats posted
The Halo SETI Marines are back in full force! Over 2600 units crunched this week, with a total of 17 new names on the list. Welcome back to DarthFlounder and Lithion (and thanks to max.max for getting them back!), and a big hello to all the folks who've entered the top 400, plus Carnage, Kytis, Ape Man, Porter, Savage, and crazy_bob_15. Welcome, too, to Banzif, who has started up another client, and will likely be climbing quickly over the next few weeks. TidBITS is still looming in that 46th spot... can the Marines grunt their way through? Check the 7-day stats for all the details! (Louis Wu 15:10:13 UTC)

July 10, 2000 Link to this post

Cov needle gun modelled
Ian "I can't stop modelling" McConville has pumped out yet another Halo weapon model. This time, it's the Covenant needle gun, first seen in the E3 trailer, and most recently in the August issue of PC Gamer. Check it out! (Louis Wu 01:47:35 UTC)

July 9, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to Damien Fransolet, who updated his desktop pic to conform to standard screen resolutions. There are now three flavors to choose from on our Wallpaper page! (Louis Wu 14:40:32 UTC)

July 8, 2000 Link to this post

High quality scans from PCG
The night for screens, it seems. The August issue of PC Gamer contained a number of screenshots that have already been scanned on other sites... but a couple were missed, and the quality of the rest did not really do the images justice. We've rescanned all of them, and placed them on our Magazine page in the screenshots section. Of particular interest are the shot of the needlegun, and the concept drawing of the elite covenant. (Louis Wu 02:14:33 UTC)

July 7, 2000 Link to this post

How do you outfox the Halo FoX clan?
Koen De Paus informs us of a new Dutch Halo clan called FoX. As you may remember the Dutch got an amazing Halo scoop in the latest issue of PC Zone Benelux. New Halo screenshots and some concept art. We'll be bringing you that as soon as we get permission. (Ding 17:24:30 UTC)

July 7, 2000 Link to this post

NextGen shot a mirror of a PCG shot
Seems we flubbed. The screenshot we mentioned last night does NOT show a gun we've never seen before... in fact, it's not even a shot we've never seen before. The same shot, mirrored, was in the PC Gamer spread recently upped to the R.net Hotline server. Here they are, side-by-side:

PC Gamer, August 2000NextGen, August 2000

If you're not convinced by the thumbnails, check out the full versions above. We hope to bring you better scans of the PC Gamer material soon. An interesting tidbit: both mags are part of the Imagine family, which would explain why an image that didn't show up in any released movie is in both places. (Louis Wu 13:57:26 UTC)

July 5, 2000 Link to this post

New alien in Computer Games Magazine 117 August 2000
Another new alien? Kudos to Davin for spotting what's looks like a new Halo alien in Computer Games Magazine. We'll let Davin tell it:

I just got a copy of Computer Games Magazine No#117 August 2000 www.cdmag.com. There is a good 5 page spread in there about HALO. The most interesting thing however is that page 39 shows a totally new alien I haven't seen in any of the videos or pictures. He almost looks like an alien knight. He has 5 large tapered spires rising up from his back pointing upward at an angle (2 on each side with outter most 2 being a little shorter with one in the center). He is very stout looking and has a solid looking redish orange shield mounted on his upper left shoulder, and another large oblong shield in his left hand which covers a good portion of his body and is somewhat rectangular with the edges cut off. The alien looks very cool. Almost has and anime look to him. Hope this helps! You gotta get a screen of it.

We'll try to bring you this ASAP. If anyone can grab a scan in the mean time please send it into us. Thanks. (Ding 10:58:00 UTC)

July 4, 2000 Link to this post

More trailer grabs at SpieleCity
Picky draws our attention to another Halo review, this time at SpieleCity, a German gaming site. This one contains quite a large number of screenshots from the E3 trailer, so if you're having trouble stomaching the huge download, this is worth a look. (Louis Wu 22:41:44 UTC)

July 2, 2000 Link to this post

High PC Gamers scan at Battleground Halo
Battleground Halo has upped two higher quality scans from the Halo preview in PC Gamer Aug2000. You can now get a clearer picture of the new red Covenant craft and the Covenant sniper rifle. Thanks BGH. (Ding 09:47:15 UTC)

July 1, 2000 Link to this post

Halo SETI Marines drop two places from #46 to #48
Dink! The Halo SETI Marinesdrop two places from #46 to #48 in the Battle of the Teams. While we've got 436 recruits we've also lost some big crunchers. Banzif is the latest to stop crunchin'. Unless we get more marines crunchin' units we're going to start losing out big time. Don't let the team down... crunch a unit today tomorrow it could be you! (Wirehead 16:35:14 UTC)

July 1, 2000 Link to this post

Xbox technology-head speaks!
Xbox technology-head, Seamus Blackley, discusses console hard drives and why developers are having an Xbox love affair in an IGN Xbox interview. Here's a snippet:

IGN Xbox: Did you have the same problem convincing developers of themerits of the Xbox that you did convincing the general public?

SB: No, I think that the main problem with consumers is that, to date, we have been primarily talking with developers. And the problem is talking to consumers and saying 'because the platform is so great for developers, and because they like the platform so much, you're going to see better games, and therefore you're going to be happy.' And that's kind of an awkward message to get out. Our decision all along has been to let the games speak for themselves, so as you start seeing games coming out, and we start to announce developers, and you start to see samples, that's when we're going to start talking to gamers, and talking to consumers about what it's going to be like. One of the things that we're very shy to do is over-hype Xbox at all. We have a very strict policy of under-promising and over-delivering, so we're not going to talk about how great it's going to be until we have something to show you.

(Crux Fidelis 14:55:33 UTC)

July 1, 2000 Link to this post

Game Guru: Reflections on Bungie and Microsoft
Nate Birkholz airs his views on the situation between Bungie and Microsoft in a MacCentral article called Game Guru: Reflections on Bungie and Microsoft. Here's a great quote:

Large publishers are, by nature, somewhat conservative, and they prefer to maintain a healthy measure of control. Most developers hear at first that things aren't going to change, but then the corporate babysitters, excuse me, "representatives" show up, and things start a slow slide. Other developers have successfully resisted the tides of change in similar situations, but it is exceedingly difficult. As a friend of mine at another company said months after his company were acquired by a large publisher, "My wife said she liked me just the way I was at first, and that she wouldn't try to change me; next thing I know I don't have season tickets to the hockey games anymore, but I do go to the symphony a lot, and my Camaro became a minivan."

The article is well balanced though with some serious comments about Microsoft's role, "killer apps", the loss of good friends. (Ding 09:44:16 UTC)

July 1, 2000 Link to this post

Halo movie screenshots
Haven't grabbed the Halo movie yet? Then never fear Bravehamster is here! Kudos to Bravehamster who sends the following good news:

I brought the E3 halo movie into WMP and managed to get 30+ screenshots taken. Some pretty good ones in there, got all the major points of interest. Anyways, here's the link, for your readers who don't have the bandwidth to download the whole movie:


Nice work. :) (Wirehead 08:17:46 UTC)

June 27, 2000 Link to this post

Close, but no cee-gar
That Wirehead has sharp eyes. He noticed that the thumbnail included in last week's PC Gamer buyout analysis was close, but not the same as, the thumbnail included in last month's Newsweek article. Seems both groups had access to the base material (probably the E3 trailer). Here's the two shots, for you to compare on your own:

Newsweek, May 29PC Gamer, June 19

Soon, we hope to see the entire trailer! (Louis Wu 13:00:41 UTC)

June 24, 2000 Link to this post

Story page shirts available only at fanfest
Man, that Crux... first he's off by an order of magnitude on the petition (understandable, he's using a 9" screen, and has it set to 1600x1200), now he gets the Shirt Story wrong. Seems the Story page t-shirts aren't sold out... they aren't sold, period. Jon Chang isn't allowed to sell them by mail, so you HAVE to come to New York and buy one at the fanfest. Hope this straightens things out. (Louis Wu 20:26:09 UTC)

June 20, 2000 Link to this post

HL Chat with Max on R.net
The Question and Answer session on Rampancy.net's Hotline server got off to a rocky start, but eventually settled down. We missed the very beginning of the actual questions, but we managed to record a large chunk of the discussion. There are some interesting tidbits in here. Visit irc channel #bungie (on EFNET) for another go-round. Thanks to Max, for his graciousness! (Louis Wu 00:46:43 UTC)

June 19, 2000 Link to this post

Blue's News posts new Halo Screen
Wow. New screenshot at Blue's News. Who said Bungie couldn't do trees? (Louis Wu 22:06:48 UTC)

June 19, 2000 Link to this post

Top cruncher clocks up 7777th SETI unit, quits.
Hamish calls it quits! In a dramatic countup which started early this morning the Story page's SETI client "Powered by Jjaro tech" clocked up its 7777th SETI units on the very day that the Microsoft-Bungie buyout is announced. Coincidence? We think not. We've also learnt that Hamish doesn't intend to continue crunching SETI units which should be good news for Banzif. The Marathon's Story page lives on though. This is what the page had to say:

Marathon lives on. And the "heart and soul" of the Marathon's Story page is not Bungie but its fans. As long as there are fans there will be a Story page. Veritatem Dies Aperit.

Anyone know what that last bit means? (Ding 20:43:29 UTC)

June 18, 2000 Link to this post

Ex-Bungie employee opines on our forum
Jonathan Haas, a former Bungie employee (who left a few months ago to join a startup), weighs in on the MS/Bungie firestorm, with some very level-headed views. Worth a read by all... (Louis Wu 00:46:32 UTC)

June 15, 2000 Link to this post

Screen Grabs of Teaser available
Matt Martinez writes to let us know that for those of you on a slower connection, there's now an alternative to the multi-meg movies for getting your Halo fix. He's snapped 35 screenshots from the trailer for you to drool over. Go check 'em out! (Louis Wu 02:30:23 UTC)

June 13, 2000 Link to this post

Time, once again, for poetry
Another poetry thread has started up on our forum. Go and contribute! (I particularly like this one. It's fun.) (Louis Wu 00:18:24 UTC)

June 12, 2000 Link to this post

Orbit's been dead for a while
This has come up a few times, so it bears mentioning here. Orbit, a site which started up in early January, closed its doors on May 2nd, 2000. We neglected to mention the closure on our front page, but we DID move the Orbit link to the Static section at that point. (You can read Haloplayer's news item here.) Unfortunately, Orbit seems to have left a server-side date tag on their main page... so that the date shown above the "Abandoned" message is always close to the current date. This means that folks stumbling across the page read the note, and think Orbit closed yesterday. They didn't. :) Hope this helps. (Louis Wu 13:18:45 UTC)

June 11, 2000 Link to this post

Lots of German Halo news
Thanks to our HBO offices in Berlin (Germany) we've got some German Halo news for you.

First off HaloNews noted a Halo preview at Krawall Gaming Network. Three pages long and quite detailed but no new screenshots and some are actually scans taken fromHaloplayers. What's Jenkz going to do about that?

Halo Network report a German Halo clan site called DarkCide.

We've also got two new German Halo sites on the register: Halo-Fans and Halo Zone.

(Ding 11:56:08 UTC)

June 9, 2000 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
Thanks to Joedaphish, who cleaned up our "Bobs in action" shot from a couple of days ago for us. We've posted it (and the other unique PC Gamer screen) in our Screenshots section. Looks nice, Phish! (Louis Wu 03:50:33 UTC)

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