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November 11, 2000 Link to this post

Fan Fiction section updated
Iden sends in a new story, Firestarter Squad, for our Fan Fiction section. Adrenaline-packed read... go check it out! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:52:49 UTC)

November 9, 2000 Link to this post

Blue asks, Separated at birth?
As Mark Levin points out on our forum, even Blue's News has gotten in on the "isn't that Planetside screenshot a lot like Halo?" game. (This game was first played by Nights, on our forum, Tuesday.) Concentration, anyone? Pax. (Crux Fidelis 17:18:47 UTC)

October 24, 2000 Link to this post

Flippable wallpaper
Okay, here's an odd one. Halo Command UK has started a section called ''Flippapers'... it's wallpaper you can turn upside down. (The obvious question will remain unasked.) If you're intrigued (and who wouldn't be?), head on over and take a look! (Follow Media to Stuff, then to Flippapers.) (Louis Wu 18:20:06 UTC)

October 22, 2000 Link to this post

Halo Heaven starts a mailiing list
BluR writes to say that Halo Heaven now has a mailing list, for Halo news. If you want the latest in your mailbox, check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:44:19 UTC)

October 9, 2000 Link to this post

Ultimate Gamer posts some E3 trailer grabs
We just got mail from Geert Roete, saying that there are some Halo shots posted at the Dutch site Ultimate Gamer. They're just screen grabs from the E3 movie, though, and the text is very sparse (one sentence), so I'm not really sure what the deal is. You can go look anyway, though... there might be other stuff of interest. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:31:07 UTC)

October 7, 2000 Link to this post

The start of a regular thing?
MICROSOFT TURNS BUNGIE INTO SWEATSHOP: Oh, wait... that's not right. Matt Soell stopped by R.net's forum this evening (yeah, we know, he's not allowed to do that) and volunteered a bit of info about what's going on behind the scenes. Promises of more info have been made... beware, Matt, your words have been recorded. Go check it out... as he says, "Microsoft Tasta Mo Lika Bungie Spice." (Talk to Matt.) (Louis Wu 01:08:44 UTC)

October 1, 2000 Link to this post

Halo preview at IntelGamer
StarHawk sends word that IntelGamer has a new Halo preview up. It's nice to see new people excited about Halo, even if some of the info is out of date or just plain wrong. (All the pictures in the article use the old-style, outdated screenshots, Larry Niven is named in connection with the storyline, and IntelGamer suggests that there are rumors "that Microsoft is withholding release of HALO until the X-Box of released", among other tidbits.) The fact is, though, that not many games could generate a new preview like this in the current drought that is Halo PR. (Louis Wu 02:27:26 UTC)

September 22, 2000 Link to this post

Halo Division comes online
Budd Morris sends word that he's starting up a new Halo clan, Halo Division. Currently, he's not looking for standard recruits... he's looking for staffers. If you're insterested, stop by the site and read the job opening list. (Louis Wu 13:10:07 UTC)

September 16, 2000 Link to this post

Halo screensaver available at HaloEmpire
Sokar writes to say that HaloEmpire now has a Halo screensaver (created by GCA) for download. It cycles through Halo screenshots with various fades and cuts between them. (Windows only.) Go take a look! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 14:33:04 UTC)

September 14, 2000 Link to this post

HaloPort goes live... maybe
A rather spartan email from Pureblood announces HaloPort... which is, apparently, a new Halo site. I say 'apparently' because it requires a username/password combo to get past the opening screen... but provides no way to obtain one. More as we know it. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 08:54:03 UTC)

September 8, 2000 Link to this post

Miscellaneous Art page updated
Matthew Unger has composited a couple of Halo shots to come up with this 'screenshot' for our Miscellaneous Art page. Nice job! (Louis Wu 14:13:47 UTC)

September 4, 2000 Link to this post

New Halo preview at Jack In
Thanks to Eric (on our forum), Dan Rudolph (via email), and fire phoenix (of Halo Center, also via email) for notification of yet another Halo preview, this time at Jack In. Mostly, it's a good overview of the game... but they either know a LOT more about this game than the rest of us, or they're good at making things up as they go along:

Other borrowed touches include the window at the top of the screen as seen in Delta Force that allows you to snipe from a third-person viewpoint. The non-complicated control system of Quake and its sequels. Also included are the class distinctions as seen in Team Fortress, although it will be possible to pick up new weapons and change your role as it is possible in another of Half-Life’s fantastic mods, Counterstrike. Another aspect taken from Half-Life is the mapping system that means that the area is broken down into sections that link to one another.

Window at the top of the screen? Class distinctions? (Jason has said this won't happen... at least not in the context of other games' class distinctions - they'll be learned, not chosen.) Mapping system with linked sections? An interesting read, even IF this stuff is all just made up. (Louis Wu 20:30:04 UTC)

September 3, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to Alerus, who sends in another desktop for our Wallpaper page. It's built on the original Blues News screenshot... so it's sort of big. Worth a look, though! (Louis Wu 14:45:59 UTC)

September 1, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to Ben Evans, who sent in a pair of desktops for our Wallpaper page. They're composited screenshots... one with the old graphics, one with the new. Take your pick! (Louis Wu 13:09:06 UTC)

August 24, 2000 Link to this post

Gamasutra's old look at Trespasser... relevant?
Yesterday, we posted a news item about an interview with Seamus Blackley, the Director of the Xbox Advanced Technology Team, and we got both email and a forum post lamenting the inclusion of Blackley on the Xbox team. He's best known for his involvement in the development of Trespasser, a game released in October 1998 with real problems. Last May, Gamasutra printed a postmortem of Trespasser written by one of the game's designers, that explains clearly where the game development went wrong. A sentence near the start caught my eye:

The pie-in-the-sky concept for Trespasser was an outdoor engine with no levels, a complete rigid-body physics simulation, and behaviorally-simulated and physics-modeled dinosaurs.

The article as a whole points to more similarities between Trespasser and Halo (remember that this was written before Halo was announced), and Wyckhoff's conclusion was that

"...just as there are no successful anarchic world governments there can not be any successful development teams without management."

To the best of our knowledge, the Halo team hasn't yet filled the Producer position vacated last fall by Nathan Bitner. Definitely worth a read... and feel free to add your comments to Forensic's thread on our forum! (Louis Wu 14:52:38 UTC)

August 11, 2000 Link to this post

It's full of stars! says SiliconDream
It's full of stars! SiliconDream has put together a starmap showing Earth, Tau Ceti, iota Horologii and HD 177830, plus the directions and distances from Earth of the Galactic Core and the Pfhor homeworld. Head on over to his site to see the systems.jpg. More details can be found here. You can blame Miguel and Hamish for starting all this. Corruption of the youth we call it.

The HBO Spin: SiliconDream has way to much time on his hands... but he may be the next Carl Sagan so don't knock him. (Wirehead 06:53:25 UTC)

August 4, 2000 Link to this post

Once again, Halo is coming to Mac/PC
For some reason, we've been getting a ton of mail recently asking us to start a petition to bring Halo to the Mac (or PC). For those who are getting their info from print magazines that were put together 2 months ago, I point you to this announcement (for Macs) and this one (for PCs). Halo IS coming to personal computers, not just the Xbox. (Louis Wu 20:40:37 UTC)

August 1, 2000 Link to this post

GameCenter discusses the Xbox
GameCenter put up an article with some more details about the Xbox yesterday. They're ramping up development right now:

"We shipped our first XDK, which is the software development kit for developers," explained Bach. "By the end of the summer we will have shipped over a thousand of those to well over 200 developers that will be working on the project in various ways. That's a big milestone for us, because that's the tool that people are going to use to start creating these games. The first XDK is basically a PC development system, very much like what most people do when they start. And then over time that XDK will migrate into a full console system, which will be the full Xbox, as we complete all the components."

The HBO Spin: with development actually occurring on a PC (at least at first), it's possible that the gap between the Xbox version and the PC version might be less than people thought. Thanks to TomeOne for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:31:31 UTC)

July 31, 2000 Link to this post

The Halo SETI Marines gain 6 new recruits
Whoa! The Halo SETI Marinesgain six new recruits over the last 24 hours bringing the total team count up to 472 marines. Looks like we're heading for thatbig 5 double aught... soom(TM). Hopefully we should start to see some more climbing in the SETI team ranks. Put your computer's idle time to good use join the Halo SETI Marinesand help in the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Remember if you haven't already updated to Version 2 of the SETI@home client please do so since units from older clients might soon be refused. (Ding 15:17:27 UTC)

July 30, 2000 Link to this post

Help us update our FAQ
What do you want to see in our FAQ? Mark "Mr FAQ" Levin wants your help in updating our Halo FAQ. He's started a thread in our forums for your thoughts and ideas. Help Mark to help Halo fans. All additions will be fully credited. (Wirehead 13:16:13 UTC)

July 26, 2000 Link to this post

Battleground: Halo returns
Battleground: Halo returns with a redesigned look. White and blue is in and they've started a new fanfiction series titled "Retaliation"by Patrick "Defcon" Palmer. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 06:38:29 UTC)

July 23, 2000 Link to this post

New Craig Mullins art posted
Craig Mullins, who got his start in the BungieVerse with his Marathon art, has continued to create astounding artwork for Bungie. He started to do some Halo art... but apparently, it wasn't in the right direction. He's sent us an early drawing... not the Halo that we have today, but we love it anyway! (It's on our Miscellaneous Art page.) (Louis Wu 19:03:16 UTC)

July 17, 2000 Link to this post

Sierra's PR says Tribes 2 buries Halo
|CARNYL| sends word of an interview with Lee Rossini, Brand Manager at Sierra Studios, over at Tribal War. Lee is in charge of all the marketing for Tribes 2. When he was asked,

"Okay. It's time for a practical exercise in marketing. I'm a fan. You're the marketing expert. Convince me why I should purchase Tribes2 over HALO."

he answered with some information that might or might not get under your skin.

Well...for starters, each game has their own strengths..the Halo marketing person can point out things about Halo that we don't have just as easily as I can do the same about Tribes 2. That being said, I think there are some very cool things about Tribes that should be mentioned when it comes to choosing it over any FPS action title. First, Tribes itself was truly an innovative title..it redefined team-based multiplayer action. Second, Tribes 2 will be even more revolutionary. Dynamix is putting together a game that is designed from the start to build community.and teamplay. With the in-game and out-of-game communications features, killer community building tools, and awesome teambased play, Tribes 2 will be the ultimate team-based action title. Third, we should have at least 50+ players in the game at once. Nobody is doing what these guys (at Dynamix) can do..yet.

You make the call... will Tribes 2 beat Halo for the "ultimate team-based action title" moniker? (Louis Wu 19:09:47 UTC)

July 15, 2000 Link to this post

New art from PCZone Benelux
Our agent in Holland was finally able to get his hands on the PCZone Benelux July 2000 issue, which contains the first of a multi-part Halo preview. We're still working on permission for the full scans (and a translation), but there were a few new bits of concept art in the spread, including some drawings of the monkey-like creature first seen in the bTV day 4 footage, and a very nice early sketch of the dropship, done by Marcus Lehto. (Yes, we asked about these.) You can find these on the Magazine Shots page of our screenshots section. (Louis Wu 01:52:52 UTC)

July 14, 2000 Link to this post

bungie.com and bungie.net down for the move
The move is underway! Both bungie.com and bungie.net are currently unreachable... this almost certainly means the machines are physically on their way to Redmond. Here's hoping the move goes smoothly, and that everything's back up and running soon! (Flashback noticed b.com down about 4 hours ago... so they started pretty early in the morning.) (Louis Wu 15:34:58 UTC)

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