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January 23, 2001 Link to this post

IGN's Gone With the Wind
We hope you like to re-read. IGN Xbox have posted a Halo article which traces the development of Halo. Actually it's a collection of old Halo previews dating from 1999. The screenshots are really old too. Here's a piece of the intro:

The whole development cycle has been more akin to Gone With the Wind than your average game, thanks to "less is more" philosophy that Bungie has taken about revealing information on the game, not to mention the changes the company has been through. So let's begin at the beginning -- E3 1999.

(Wirehead 07:52:32 UTC)

January 23, 2001 Link to this post

HaloNetwork.de gets a major facelift
Pille writes to say that HaloNetwork.de, a German Halo site, has been completely overhauled, and several sections have quite a bit of info (screenshots are explained, graphical features are outlined, etc). I wasn't able to make the site work on Mac NS or IE, but it looks great on IE on Win98. (Louis Wu 01:47:20 UTC)

January 21, 2001 Link to this post

VE rumor - PC Halo cancelled
Oh, man... it's starting again. Eric points out that VoodooExtreme has a report that EBWorld is no longer accepting preorders for Halo... because the PC version has been cancelled. Look, folks... if the PC/Mac versions get cancelled, you'll hear about it from Bungie, not from some tipster to a big gaming site. (Louis Wu 06:36:53 UTC)

January 16, 2001 Link to this post

Fan Fiction section updated
An apocalyptic conclusion to the Firestarter Squad series was submitted by Iden to our Fan Fiction section. Hit the "more by this author" link to read all three installments in order. (Louis Wu 10:23:07 UTC)

January 15, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Screensaver at Halo Marine
Freedom writes to let us know that Halo Marine has put up a Halo screensaver. It's PC-based, a bit under 7 megs, and contains screenshots theme music. You can find it here. (Louis Wu 19:00:20 UTC)

January 13, 2001 Link to this post

First fanfest reports come in
Thanks to Appleicious, who posted a Fanfest report to our forum. Halo details included:

  • In [the] keynote, we got to see about ten exclusivescreenshots from the "old" Halo engine (exclusive = never before seen).
  • the Halo multiplayer design doc is almost finished and work on the network code will begin in February.

There's lots more, so read the whole thing for yourselves! Also, codetoad posted another report over at R.net, with these tantalizing tidbits:

  • there's 3 weapons finalized in halo
  • there will be a "halo invasion of the media" (due to MS money) very soon, and we won't have to worry about getting info on halo, because it will be ALL AROUND us. (Could this mean perhaps there is truth to the superbowl wild rumor? :-P)

Again, there is much more to that report, as well. As mentioned in both, Phoenix was officially announced... though there isn't much info about it yet, and won't be for a while. Ack. Why are you reading this? Go read those reports! (Louis Wu 11:09:28 UTC)

January 11, 2001 Link to this post

Matt Soell sets the record straight
Matt Soell popped into our forum yesterday to clear up questions like "who is behind cortana.org?" and "when will www.bungie.com be updated?" (Read the whole thread for more nuggets - it starts here.) Where's my Big Mac? (Ding 10:05:54 UTC)

January 10, 2001 Link to this post

Pixel THIS!
John Carswell, from MSXbox.com, sends in an intriguing observation:

If you have taken a look at the Malice screen shots you might be interested in knowing there was no bump mapping used. What appears to be high quality bump mapping is in reality per-pixel lighting. Thought you might be interested because of Matts "per-pixel everything" comment.

Those Malice shots look fantastic. So we wanna know... what happens when you have per-pixel lighting AND bump mapping? Oops, we're drooling again... (Louis Wu 21:19:58 UTC)

January 10, 2001 Link to this post

PC gaming on the way out?
Thanks to Ph.D. who pointed out (on our forum) an editorial at Gamespy.com discussing the possible death of PC gaming at the hands of the Xbox, and consoles like it. Now, it has a few problems (as one of the arguments for the Xbox, it discusses the mod community, and how easy it will be to download new mods, created on a PC, for your Xbox game - if the thesis is correct, and PC gaming dies, who's going to be making those mods?), but in general, it's a decent read. And it has a gratuitous Halo screenshot, to boot. (An old one... but it's one of three games mentioned by name.) (Louis Wu 14:16:58 UTC)

January 4, 2001 Link to this post

Symbol analysis resumes
Symbols, revisited. Starting back in October of 1999 (yeah, a long time ago), there was a bit of discussion about symbols found on various surfaces in Halo. Steve Campbell found some Marathon symbols... Hitman =PN= thought they might be something else... There was much speculation about Marathon logos, and flagstaffs. There was a lot of discussion of Covenant logos, both here and at the Marathon's Story page. It all sort of died out, though, because we got very little new information. Well, it seems to be resurfacing. Halo HQ has put up a Research Center, and they're currently reexamining these same logos. Interestingly enough, this was cause for Haloplayers to put up an image of their own... and this one, as far as I know, is new. (Well, new in the sense that it hasn't been discussed before.) Are the floodgates opening again? (Louis Wu 15:50:01 UTC)

January 3, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo mailing list at theglobe.com
$erial-ki!!A writes to let us know that a new Halo mailing list has been started up at theglobe.com. Swing by and take a look! (Louis Wu 17:14:41 UTC)

January 3, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Center says not nice
fire phoenix of Halo Center sends word that the XBox 365 site which ran the "Halo commercial during SuperBowl 2001" news item is using a third party image of Halo rather than an official one. What's wrongXBox 365? Don't have an official one?

HBO Spin: We're probably going to see alot more of this given the present lack of new'official' Halo material and alot of fan created material. Only yesterday we reported that Compuexpert.com were passing off a fan-created, Bryce-based piece of original art as a Halo screenshot. (Ding 07:46:11 UTC)

January 2, 2001 Link to this post

Second Covenant rifle, revisited
Wow... you think you've gone through every screenshot ever released a million times... you think there's nothing left to find. You're wrong. :) Khaine pointed out to us that the second covenant rifle, which has been discussed recently on our forum, has, indeed, been seen fired... almost 8 months ago! We've put together a quick page to show what's currently known about this gun (minus the four frames in the Incite movie - check our Weapons Rundown for details on that). Thanks for the heads-up, Khaine! (Louis Wu 16:02:38 UTC)

January 2, 2001 Link to this post

Bungie hires a fan artist?
Rony Sanchez writes to tell us that Compuexpert.com, a software retailer, lists a Halo release date of 5/29/01. While this would normally not be worth a mention (release dates that don't come from Bungie aren't worth the pixels it takes to display them), this one's intriguing because of the Halo page itself. In the bank of 10 screenshots used to display the glory of Halo, they've used 9 of the original screenshots... and this image, a fan-created, Bryce-based piece of art originally visible on our Miscellaneous Art page! Guess Ken should feel flattered... (Louis Wu 09:49:33 UTC)

December 22, 2000 Link to this post

Xbox 360 looks (barely) at Halo
Wow. This blows me away. Xbox 360, an Xbox news site, has recently (December 16, 2000) put up a preview of Halo. Given the date, and the focus of the site, you'd think they had current info, right? You'd be wrong. The few screenshots up are all using the pre-E3 models, the background (while nominally accurate) is all a year or more old... ah, well, to be expected from a review that promises

While no official list of weapons is available, several of them have been seen in action, and yes, one of them is a rocket-launcher.

I'm wondering if this article is a harbinger of a wave of under-researched pieces... was the early press Halo got going to be a hindrance? (Louis Wu 16:01:01 UTC)

December 19, 2000 Link to this post

To Boldly Copy What No One Has Copied Before...
If you can't invent it yourself, find someone who can. That seems to be the theory behind the wing contrails in this Tribes 2 screenshot... though I think even the July 99 Halo versions were more believable. Thanks to MakeMineRed, for the forum heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:34:18 UTC)

December 18, 2000 Link to this post

What color is Covenant blood?
What color is blood? Covenant blood that is. Do the Covenant bleed? Is there blood in Halo?These are the questions raised by Darkk in thispiece:

The covenant at 00:01:06 in the full E3 movie bleed blue when shot in the head. The covenant at 00:05:38 start out showing light blue hits but at00:05:39 loose purple blood.

I think the light blue hits are made on an energy shield, and the fact that hits on the marine register blue (00:08:54) indicates they have an energy shield too.
As for the blue blood at the start, I think it's the combination of the colors of the energy shield and the blood, or maybe cranial fluid (thosewere head shots).

Got an opinion? Then head on over to our forum. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 10:48:55 UTC)

December 16, 2000 Link to this post

Playtest Xbox games
Beta test Halo? Thanks to Picky who points out in our forums thatMicrosoft have a Playtest sign-up form for their Playtest programwhich includes Xbox games. However to qualify you must live in the Seattle/Puget Sound region ANDbe over 13 years of age or older. Well that rules out half the HBO staff for a start! :( Pax. (Crux Fidelis 17:44:59 UTC)

December 16, 2000 Link to this post

Bungie Chat Wednesday
"Bungie Chat Wednesday" says IGN Xbox. This is the big one!

Next Wednesday IGN Xbox will be hosting a chat withmembers of the Bungie development team, giving you an opportunity to kick off your holiday vacations with a little Bungie cheer. We'll be releasing details about the chat on Monday, so check back for all the info, and start mulling over those questions.

Will Bungie sing? The HBO staff will be asking the hard questions. Will you? (Ding 11:45:26 UTC)

December 14, 2000 Link to this post

Louis scores 25
Where's Louis? Concerned HBO staff are to start wearing thought screen helmets after Louis scores 25 in the Alien Abduction Survey.

HBO spin: We couldn't think of one. (Wirehead 14:25:14 UTC)

December 14, 2000 Link to this post

Realistic violence in Oni removed
While a number of sites have already mentioned the games.macnn.com editorial on the lack of 'realistic violence' in Oni the Story page goes further and asks what effect this will have on Bungie's Halo? If the editorial is correct in suggesting that the 'realistic violence' was removed to achieve increased sales in the console market then won't the same happen with Halo? We hope not but if Microsoft want to reach the widest possible demographic with Xbox then who knows what could happen. Keep watching those screenshots! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 13:32:23 UTC)

December 13, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper section updated
We've had a couple of recent desktop submissions... we apologize for the delay in getting them up. One is a beautiful gas-cloud pic, the other an enhanced screenshot. You'll find both of them in our Wallpaper section. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 05:32:37 UTC)

December 5, 2000 Link to this post

Glyphs R Us
Hamish Sinclair has added a new screenshot to his 'Ring Motif in Halo' section of the Marathon's Story page... it backs up the theory that the glyphs strewn around the Halo's structures were put there by the builders, not the Covenant. Amazing what turns up in movies... (Louis Wu 13:23:28 UTC)

November 19, 2000 Link to this post

Fan Fiction section updated
Thanks to Iden, who submitted Chapter 2 of his ongoing Firestarter Squad saga today. You'll find it in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 18:12:48 UTC)

November 15, 2000 Link to this post

Seamus Blackley talks to Gamespot Australia
Seamus Blackley, that whacky engineer behind the Xbox, talked to Gamespot Australia about the Xbox recently... he's really pushing the idea that this is a gaming machine ONLY. However, for folks who were afraid that they'd be limited to TV resolutions...

But yeah, television is one we're not too fond of either, in terms of standards. So we output pretty much every video signal known to man.

That should cover your average gamer, eh? And in case you thought old Seamus didn't have a sense of humor:

We actually toyed with the idea at the (US, X-Box unveiling) Game Developer's Conference, when we announced X-Box on stage, to have a button in one of our demos that went through a Blue Screen. Just for fun, because it would cause everybody to have a heart attack. And then say "Oh, just joking!" and then go on with it.

Swing by and read the whole interview... the guy's enthusiasm is infectious. (There's a brief mention of 'Gigabit Ethernet in the Xbox' in the context of LAN play... but check this story out for a more interesting rumor.) (Louis Wu 00:23:46 UTC)

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