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March 14, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
We've updated our Screenshots section with the nine new shots released today. Most are available in two resolutions: 800x600 (originally found at MSXBox.com), and 1920x1440 (originally found at Daily Radar). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 03:16:55 UTC)

March 14, 2001 Link to this post

Fan Fiction section updated
In the midst of new screenshots and movies and previews, Anrkey submits a short story about our beloved cyborg. Go and read 'Technology Collides' in our Fan Fiction section! (Louis Wu 02:10:08 UTC)

March 13, 2001 Link to this post

The Shaft, in Purple Glory
The Shaft! Thanks to John B Hopper IV , who noticed that MSXbox has posted the other three screens they were missing... and a new one besides! So THAT'S what the Shaft looks like... (Louis Wu 23:25:31 UTC)

March 13, 2001 Link to this post

Smug Bastard checks in
Matt Soell dropped into our forum to update folks on the Gamestock presentation. The kicker?

And new screenshots are just the beginning. :-)

Go read what you missed! (Louis Wu 20:52:39 UTC)

March 12, 2001 Link to this post

MSXbox puts up Gamestock preview
MSXbox has put up their own preview of the Gamestock event which happens tomorrow. The Halo mention:

Bungie Software's Halo is quite possibly one of the most anticipated titles of the past few years. Halo is a third-person sci-fi action game in which all the action will take place in the sky, on land, under the earth, indoors, or outdoors. New screenshots haven't been released for this game for several months now, and this new round should blow the others away.

Heh - they forgot underwater. :) We're looking forward to new media, as well, though... (Louis Wu 03:08:15 UTC)

March 11, 2001 Link to this post

cortana.org begins to awaken
Interesting. Physalis notes on our forum that Cortana.org has more content, currently, than the simple placeholder it's had for a while. The top graphic incorporates a bit of an old Halo screenshot, and the navigation links (as yet unlinked) refer to players in the Marathon, Myth, and Halo universes. As Physalis notes, cortana.org is delineated in morse code at the top, and there are a few tidbits in the source. Currently, the only things available for download are a movie and an image involving the second Oni movie ever to hit the net (thereby rounding out the major Bungie games referenced on the page). The possibilities are intriguing... (Louis Wu 13:57:23 UTC)

March 11, 2001 Link to this post

The tides... the tides...
Bastard sends in what we hope is the start of a multipart piece of Fan Fiction - The Tides of War.

Wolmak doubted they would make it far into the forest today, as he was being cautious about Svith's warning. Only a mile into the forest and they could all sense that something about the area was different... something that set their nerves on edge.

Swing by our Fan Fiction section to read it. (Louis Wu 02:21:33 UTC)

March 6, 2001 Link to this post

Mere screenshots? Pshaw!
Something other than 'mere screenshots', says Matt of the Halo offerings at Gamestock. Also, the bungie.com website (not just the Halo page) is about to undergo testing, prior to public display. Good stuff a'comin'! (Louis Wu 01:23:55 UTC)

March 4, 2001 Link to this post

Xbox Preview Guide goes up
Still using the oldest known screenshot, but with nothing but kind words, xbox.ign.com puts up an Xbox Preview Guide, and says of Halo:

Expected to make its Xbox debut at Gamestock 2001, this highly touted FPS title from Bungie is expected to change the face of action gaming with this Xbox-exclusive. This probably the best looking game we have ever seen, and the fact that it will be all about advanced AI, vehicle use, and more Online multi-player options than you can shake a stick at get us more than a little excited.

Nice to know that even without new material (nobody's seen anything new from Bungie since June of last year), they're still talking nice. (Thanks to PunkRocker for the heads-up on our forum.) (Louis Wu 14:11:13 UTC)

March 3, 2001 Link to this post

HaloNews.Org closes its doors
Eep. Glock writes that HaloNews.Org (which started life less than a month ago) is closing its doors due to RealLife time constraints. Ouch. We wish him the best of luck in whatever he does. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 10:43:49 UTC)

March 1, 2001 Link to this post

Fan Fiction section updated
Thanks to Foxhound, who sent in Chapter 2 of his story, 'Group 3'.

I tried the squad comm link then flicked on the console in the jeep, just to see if there were any signals. There was nothing, nothing except the dry crackle of the damn energy storm, all communication in our vicinity were dead, for the time being anyway. I again looked out of the windscreen...

Check it out in our Fan Fiction section! (Louis Wu 17:33:16 UTC)

February 28, 2001 Link to this post

Shaken, not stirred
Earthquake followup:

We are Bungie Tough.

(Why am I getting visions of juice spilled on a kitchen floor when I hear that?) Matt Soell takes time out of his busy day to let us know that aside from some disarray introduced into Mordia's action figure collection, the Bungie offices are damage-free. Good to hear! Now where are those screenshots? (Louis Wu 19:58:26 UTC)

February 28, 2001 Link to this post

AOD Halo throws its hat into the ring
Yet another cleanup of that dang xbox screen image. (This is the last one we're mentioning, folks... we mean it!) Dorkonaspork, of AOD Halo, has posted this shot - makes the gun the Marine is holding pretty interesting-looking; is that an artifact of the enhancement process or a new gun? Your call. (And here's hoping we get some DIFFERENT Halo news to post soon...) (Louis Wu 15:24:17 UTC)

February 28, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Empire enhances Xbox image
SOKAR, from Halo Empire, writes that they've done some image enhancement on the TV screen shown in the Seattle Times pic, and gotten a clearer view of the Marine. To my eyes, it's closest to a screenshot that came out in PC Gamer UK last July... so I guess that's a pretty standard pose.

One of these days, maybe we'll even find out what those guys were looking at! (Louis Wu 14:17:04 UTC)

February 27, 2001 Link to this post

Just watching the game...
Big thanks to Geoff Grosenbach, who scanned in the Seattle Times front page photo mentioned yesterday. You can see it here. Geoff asks

Do you think they're really playing the game? I think they're probably just posing since the picture on the tube looks a little static and they guys look way too enthusiastic.

Hmm... good question. There's no split-screen, as is common with console games played head-to-head... but on the other hand, maybe a game just ended (Mat's demeanor lends credence to this). In any case, it's nice to see Halo on the front page of a major city newspaper. Thanks, Geoff! (Louis Wu 10:01:36 UTC)

February 26, 2001 Link to this post

Halo team members, playing around
Thanks to Dilbert, who found a smallish version of the aforementioned Seattle Times picture in the paper's Business and Technology section of their website. The actual picture in question is here. It's difficult to tell what's what, because of the size... but that looks like Marcus Lehto (Art Director) and someone else ;) handling console controllers while Rob McLees and Shikai Wang (?) look on. The screen is pretty tough to distinguish, but it's definitely the Halo Marine... and the press coverage begins! (Anyone want to scan in a better version of the shot, or give a more accurate accounting of who's there?) (Louis Wu 19:12:39 UTC)

February 26, 2001 Link to this post

Halo in the news
Thanks to MSN, who noted on our forum that there's a picture of the Halo dev team and the cyborg running on (presumably) an Xbox dev kit screen on the front page of today's Seattle Times. Anyone in Seattle have a scanner? (Louis Wu 18:41:01 UTC)

February 17, 2001 Link to this post

Matt likes his hippos!
Just great! Louis heads off to the sun and pina coladas leaving me here with a mad monk and an aging packet router for company. Didn't bother to leave the keys to Crux's cell either. Damn monk is starting to count out primes again. Louis won't let us answer your HBO mail either not after the last incident. Well we can still post news. Head on over to the Marathon's Story page for one of the weirdiest pics of Matt Soell ever. That's the guy who writes us those Halo updates. Scary! ;) (Wirehead 18:07:14 UTC)

February 17, 2001 Link to this post

Louis is GONE!
Just a quick heads-up to HBO visitors - I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow morning, to a place that's warm, and serves drinks with little umbrellas in them, and has no net access. Ding and Wirehead and Crux (well, maybe not Crux) will be here to pick up the slack... but mail will not be answered. (It will still be READ - you can send artwork, or stories, or whatever, and they'll add it to the appropriate sections - but please don't expect a reply before I get back.) Here's hoping that no super-hi-res screenshots get released in the next 8 days... (I can't believe I just said that.) (Louis Wu 03:01:55 UTC)

February 17, 2001 Link to this post

super-hi-res screenshots... mmmm.
Snow in Seattle didn't stop Matt from sending a seriously meaty Halo Update to the good folks of Rampancy.net... though it did make him rant a bit about SUV-driving wusses. Almost every point is tasty... but the two that got me were

  • The chain gun for the Jeep is now fully textured. Rob is working on a new gun intended for "fodder-type" opponents; the geometry is almost done and texturing should be another couple of days.
  • The script for Halo's single-player campaign is about 30% done. (Don't confuse this with the story itself, which is more-or-less finished at this point, and should completely satisfy those of you who like Bungie games for the story.)

Good story... that's key. What I REALLY want to know, though, is... what's a "fodder-type" opponent? And can I make my friends play as them in netgames? Go read all the details for yourself! (Louis Wu 02:08:26 UTC)

February 9, 2001 Link to this post

Ed Fries has good news
Thanks to Iden (who mailed this to us this morning) and Forensic (who posted it to our forum a little later), for the heads-up on a comment posted at MSXbox.com. Ed Fries jumped into the thread started by the no-delay news bit we mentioned a few days ago. Here's what he had to say:

"Any of you who have large monitors with your PC's you'll be happy to know that we are most certainly supporting VGA output without any adapters needed! There was some speculation on wether or not we'd implement that feature right ouf of the box.

Also, the remote which will be required to view DVDs witll be very inexpensive. You're looking at roughly $20.00 american."

Good news for those wanting to use non-tv outputs! Thanks, guys. (Louis Wu 20:59:15 UTC)

January 30, 2001 Link to this post

non-repetitious repetition

"The fun part in terms of the music playback in the game is that it won't play the same way twice."

With this, Marty O'Donnell had me hooked. He's a sucker for a free beer, though, so I eventually got more of the story from him:

So it's a little something I've been working on for years now. Just some simple ways to keep music looping in a non-repetitive way. The start and stop are caused by the player's actions, and the middle looping areas will play random sections that go together in musically acceptable ways. So each time you hear music play, if you pay close attention, it will be a variation of the last time you heard it. I even did it to all the techno tracks, as repetitive as they are, they aren't predictable.

He's been using this technique for a while now - the win screen music and loss screen music in the Myth series were the first experiments with it, and it's used extensively in Oni.

Almost all of Oni's in-game music uses this technique, even during the scripted cut-scenes.

I think it'll been even better in Halo, but it works pretty well in Oni.

Pretty slick - the same old, same old, without being the same old at all! Thanks, Marty. (Louis Wu 01:15:42 UTC)

January 30, 2001 Link to this post

Simultaneous? Definitely not.
We were gonna let this pass, but we started getting mail about it - Ding's comment yesterday, on the possibility of a simultaneous US-Europe Xbox release, was off the mark. As we noted last month, Microsoft has officially stated that there WON'T be a simultaneous release... Ding had just forgotten to take his medicine. It won't happen again. (Louis Wu 01:01:30 UTC)

January 29, 2001 Link to this post

Seven Deadly Xbox Rumors
Seven Deadly Xbox Rumors. Thanks to Ash whopoints out on our forum that DailyRadar have a feature article on dispelling Xbox rumors. Here's rumor #5

The Xbox is going to be launched simultaneously in the U.S. and Europe.

Smoke or Fire? Red hot flames
How'd it Start? Sony recently pushed back the release date for theEuropean launch of the PS2, to the chagrin of many huffy Brits. People don't seem to like waiting for their goodies while othercountries fire up the new games. Word began to spread that the Xboxwill be launched on a single day throughout the U.S. and Europe (andperhaps Japan.) The developers we spoke to said thay hadn't beengive a specific date (only that it will be available before Christmas2001), but they did point out that Microsoft has traditionally launchedtheir products simultaneously worldwide. So this one seems like a solidbet.

Hey good news for all non-US Halo fans. :) (Ding 13:29:39 UTC)

January 25, 2001 Link to this post

Weekly updates - made searchable
About 3 months ago, Matt Soell started a weekly update tradition - on Friday evenings, he'd post a concise (or rambling, depending on how much drinking was involved) catalogue of halo-related items to a random fansite. There was a lot of interesting info that entered the Halo knowledgebase this way... but it wasn't always easy to find. Well, we've lightened the effort needed - all of the weekly updates so far (and future ones, to be added a few days after their release) have been compiled into a searchable database for you to peruse. Read them in their entirety, scan for particular categories, or simply search for a specific term - it's your choice. Hope this helps fuel some good Halo speculation on our forum! (Louis Wu 01:10:11 UTC)

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