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August 4, 2001 Link to this post

You might wanna swap weapons... NOW
A week and a half ago, Young Gwasshoppah posted scans of a Halo spread in this month's PC Gamer (they were later made more accessible by Andrew Roberts). They induced a flurry of discussion on our forum... and then they faded away. They popped up again in Rampancy.net's forum yesterday... and this evening, Ferrex (Dead), part of the dev team, chimed in with some pithy observations about one particular shot. Nice to get Bungie confirmation that this guy is known as a Hunter, which strengthens the Marathon/Halo link (Hunters in Marathon are immune to flame as well)... and Ferrex's assessment of the player's chances made me laugh. Check it out. (Louis Wu 02:26:06 UTC)

August 2, 2001 Link to this post

When Covenant Go Bad
Razorback sends in a modified screenshot - we've added it to our Miscellaneous Art section. The funny thing about this screen is, it's possible to get into this sort of a position in a net game! (Louis Wu 12:29:37 UTC)

August 1, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Zone comes online
Thanks to Haloplayers, who got word that a new Halo site has started up - Halo Zone, part of the Total Gamer Network. Nice layout (though the text is a bit small for Mac NS) - they've managed to leave us off their links page... but other than that, a good-looking site! (Louis Wu 22:11:19 UTC)

July 30, 2001 Link to this post

Random Musings

More fire started coming from several directions and all we saw was the setting sun and a few clouds as the pilot traded speed for distance in what was becoming a desperate attempt to break contact.

Newcomer John Oreskovich sends in a story apparently titled Halo, Random Musings. The Fan Fiction area continues to grow. (Count Zero 22:12:27 UTC)

July 30, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Developer Diary, Part Three
PlanetXbox has put up part three of its Halo Developer Diary series (part one and part two were mentioned earlier), an interview series with Jaime Griesemer about the process Halo is going through on its way to release. This installment is a fascinating look at interactive scripting, and shows how Bungie's working on getting you to forget you're playing a game:

The communication system constantly monitors the game, looking for any of the dozens of hooks it can use to call combat dialog. Just to give you an idea of the complexity of the system, it knows who damaged who, what their respective races were, what weapon was used, how bad the damage was, and what the other characters in the encounter were doing when the damage was dealt, and it can call different lines of combat dialog based on all of these parameters. This means we can have someone say "Eat lead" and be sure he's not firing a flame-thrower. Sometimes they even laugh at each other's jokes or comment on something somebody else said in the heat of battle. This gives our characters real personality and believability.

There's also a little snippet that answers a longstanding question:

The entire first level revolves around the defense and eventual abandonment of the Pillar of Autumn...

It's been speculated that we'd see the PoA only in a cutscene at the start of the game; when the Halo Updates started mentioning some modeling of the ship itself, folks wondered if that meant it would be a battleground instead of a movie - this seems to confirm that it will be. Go read the whole thing - it made me tingle. (Louis Wu 12:27:57 UTC)

July 28, 2001 Link to this post

Let's hope there are oceans...

A message flashed across the computer screen in the EUD Roswell headquarters: IT IS SUCCESSFUL. NO FURTHER COM.

Omniscient's 'Sea of Steel' saga continues with Part Two in our Fan Fiction section. (Louis Wu 10:10:32 UTC)

July 26, 2001 Link to this post

Photoshop is cool.
Aginor started with the flamethrower pic from the new OXM preview, did a bit of judicious pixel pushing to remove the text (and fill in the remaining space), added a Halo logo... and ended up with this bit of Miscellaneous Halo Art. Nice job! As he says, it's a shame the original pic was low-res, or this would make a pretty nice desktop pic. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:58:25 UTC)

July 25, 2001 Link to this post

Halo links for sale... cheap
Interested in starting up a Halo fansite, but don't have a cool domain name? Looks like Halo-World.com is about to be released (its registration expired last week, and the URL now forwards to this informational page). This suggests that maybe it's time to prune some of the entries on our Links page... (Louis Wu 00:38:19 UTC)

July 23, 2001 Link to this post

PCZone UK looks at Halo
Barak, over at Haloplayers, noticed that this month's PC Zone (UK) contains a one-page article on Halo - mostly recent screens, but also some interesting info. See what Barak has to say... and then go look for the mag! (Louis Wu 16:51:44 UTC)

July 18, 2001 Link to this post

Waiting for the flatscreens
Here I sit, in the basement of Freewill's New York abode, wearing a spiffy new b.org t-shirt (they arrived today!) and waiting for TomeOne's train to get in from Toronto... MacWorld begins tomorrow, but the chances of Halo news are pretty slim. Nonetheless... if something comes up, we'll bring it to you. (Louis Wu 02:31:35 UTC)

July 13, 2001 Link to this post

Counterstrike meets Halo
Stephan from Germany sends us this link - we tried Babelfish, but it choked on the translation, so we have no idea what it says... but hey, a composite is a composite, right? (They should have added a shadow, I think.) Update: Nick Rolfe informs us that Babelfish works just fine if you remember the umlaut - the translation is something like 'Terror Fight in the year 2098'. I think I liked it better when I didn't know... (Louis Wu 16:02:59 UTC)

July 13, 2001 Link to this post

Poetry... but it's short
The shortest Fan Fiction in our archives, I think... Vector40 starts the poem he finished a week ago. You'll find it our Fan Fiction section. (We'd give you an excerpt, but it would probably be the whole thing...) There's more to come, we hear. Take THAT, Ape Man... (Louis Wu 15:56:58 UTC)

July 12, 2001 Link to this post

More Fan Fiction for you
Tursas sends in the next installment of his ongoing fan fiction saga, Hermes Trismegistus. This is starting to get... weird. Just read it. (Louis Wu 00:02:03 UTC)

July 6, 2001 Link to this post

Tchaikovsky + Halo = Fun!
What do you get when you put a great battle scene to great battle music? A little diversion, that's what. Freedom, from Garden of War, started with the E32000 Halo movie, and spliced and diced it to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The result is a pretty nice clip. Check it out. (1.7 megs, WMV format.) (Louis Wu 04:19:25 UTC)

July 1, 2001 Link to this post

Edge loves Halo
fAt1, of MPZ Halo, sent in such a nicely written description of the Edge article mentioned a few days ago on our forum that we're just gonna post it.

Edge, the most respected videogaming journal in the UK, had their E3 feature in the latest issue (99), and it had a lot of Halo in it... and they were highly impressed looking relatively at what they said about other games:

"Bungie's Halo Project Manager, Joe Staten, follows and showcases XBox's other potential killer app.ĂŠUnoptimised framerates aside (Which Edge is later informed is due to an autosave feature not fully implemented), this retains massive potential. Time restraints cut short an immersive looking demo, even if Statens foolish fireless attack on a gun-toting Covenant alien sees him get killed quickly. At least the crowd gets to see the intelligent autosave feature in action."

Also, in a later Halo preview they add that "Also adding to the overall atmosphere is the way the game has been designed so that it plays continuously - there are no loading screens once the action begins"

They also note the framerates in split-screen "suffered massively", and that the XBox controller feels like a "chunky quaterpounder" but Halo's control system makes this less of a problem.

This is a glowing report from the likes of Edge who are made up of games designers turned journalists. This mag is more of a journal for the videogame industry more than a games magazine so I think Halo did well to impress them as much as it did.

Thanks, fAt1! (Louis Wu 14:00:11 UTC)

June 25, 2001 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 21 day stats posted
As several people noted last week, the SETI servers finally started crunching stats again, so we've gotten to the Halo SETI Marines 7-day stats (this time out, 21 days) again as well. Looks like crunching went on as before - numbers are roughly three times the normal weekly output. (This is good - it means we didn't lose anyone, or any crunching, during the downtime.) Tharkhaad takes La Crunch honneur, with 244 units over the past 3 weeks, and WereTiger leaps over 105 opponents to snag the Frogblast award. Nice going, guys! Full details are on the 21 day stats page. (Louis Wu 14:15:43 UTC)

June 24, 2001 Link to this post

HQ Halo opens its doors
Andreas den Hertog writes to say that he's started up a Halo fansite, called HQ HALO. Check it out! (Louis Wu 00:13:49 UTC)

June 21, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Development Diary, part 2, at PlanetXbox
PlanetXbox has put up the second installment in their Halo Development Diary, wherein Level Designer Jaime Griesemer talks about training players to use Halo without boring them to death. Instead of step-by-step voiceovers, you'll learn skills as you go:

For instance, at one point you engage some Covenant from down a hallway and the only good cover is a side passage that leads around behind the Covenant, encouraging the Player to come out behind them and see them slowly sneaking up on where they last saw him.

He also talks about the things they DON'T want to have to teach you:

We're also hoping that some things won't need to be taught. As soon as you see a pair of giant armored hunters start bombarding the trees you are using as cover, we're assuming you'll learn to retreat pretty quickly.

It's a pretty good read - stop by and snag the rest! (Louis Wu 17:58:24 UTC)

June 9, 2001 Link to this post

Testers needed for a Halo screensaver
Eldar-colonel writes to say that freedom, of Garden of War, is building a Halo screensaver, and would like testers before he releases it. If you're interested, sign up on this forum. (Louis Wu 00:03:44 UTC)

June 7, 2001 Link to this post

Details from Gamestar's E3 video
Thanks to an intrepid HBO agent in Germany, we've gotten our hands on the Gamestar CD movie mentioned a few days ago. Now, we can't actually put this movie online yet (to do so would violate Gamestar's copyright), but we can tell you that it contains filmed footage from the first two missions, as do most of the E3 movies. There is a telltale red glow at the bottom of the image, indicating that (like other films) it was recorded off one of the plasma screen displays (they had small halogen lights underneath them, which cast these red glows on the screens themselves). However, the quality is very high, higher than most other stuff out there... and the gameplay is quite good - looks like the player is no novice. There are some interesting tidbits in this film, such as flying Covenant Elites, a look at the newest Covenant race, and a spectacular view of the jeep's undercarriage. We'll make this available as soon as we can - please be patient. (Louis Wu 20:24:41 UTC)

June 3, 2001 Link to this post

New German GameStar Halo video details
Massa webmaster over at Halo Network describes in detail the new German GameStar Halo video:

New GameStar-video: The same as with the last one - we're not yet allowed to publish it on the web. But one thing is sure - the quality is good and the footage is all new. It shows the E3-level from the beginning - well, not exactly... it starts with the escape-pod crashing onto the Halo. Player exits and the action starts. Some covenant-forces arrive with their version of the dropship, but they're no match for the marine, who is supported by some bobs. The battle goes on and the humans retreat onto some sort of platform which has been seen on the last official screenshots. From this position it is easy for the human-forces to take the covenant our. CUT, some jeep action (including the player running over some covenant with the jeep). CUT, some indoor-scenes (not very spectacular, but one of the new covenant [which also appeared on the recently published screens] appears and is killed) - that's it.

People who got the DVD-Version of the GameStar own the video in DVD-quality (well, as far as a filmed video can have DVD-quality ;o)

We need that movie! (Ding 13:57:28 UTC)

May 29, 2001 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
You gotta love it when you totally forget you've done something. Halo SETI Team stats were collected yesterday, as they usually are on Mondays... but due to the holiday, we forgot completely to mention them. Team output was up a bit this week - nice job, folks! The Marines are holding steady at 49th place in the Battle of the Teams, but maybe with the two new additions (nurble and Calvin1331) the climb could start again. And what's with the HUGE increase in unit production from CowMutilator? See how YOU are doing on the 7 day stats page. (Louis Wu 09:33:05 UTC)

May 28, 2001 Link to this post

Halo a runner-up, says Gamespot
Gamespot has put up their 'Top Games of E3 2001'... and Halo takes runner-up in the Xbox category to Gun Valkyrie, an action-shooter from Smilebit. Gamespot was clear:

Halo's one-player mission was engaging and challenging, but the slowdown in the four-player split-screen mode was unavoidably visible.

They have not, however, lost hope:

While the framerate in multiplayer was a little rough, we expect that Halo will clean up nicely by the time it's released this November.

Go read the whole thing! (Poking around on Gamespot's site also pointed out this E3 2001 Preshow Hands-on that we seem to have missed from last week... they're pretty psyched about the AI. Check it out.) (Louis Wu 02:13:20 UTC)

May 26, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots updated (finally)
Took a while to find some slow time... but the Screenshots section has been updated - you'll find the 15 official pics released by Microsoft last week on the Gaming Sites page, and a number of camera shots taken off the monitors at E3 on the Unofficial page. (Most, though not all, of these have already been seen on the bungie.org E3 2001 coverage page.) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 16:51:14 UTC)

May 24, 2001 Link to this post

Internet Xbox play unlikely at first
We hesitate to point this out, given how some folks tend to overreact to the words of Bungie employees... but it seems pretty clear from here. Matt Soell weighs in on the possibility of internet play for Halo - looks like it won't happen, at least for the initial release, on the Xbox. NOTE: He specifically limits his comments to the Xbox version:

I should make clear that I'm talking specifically about the Xbox version of Halo here.

Please - don't jump on this and start crying about how Bungie has cancelled internet play for the Mac/PC versions. Read the whole post for Matt's full explanation. (Louis Wu 19:15:41 UTC)

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