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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3926 - 3950 of 4250 matches

September 19, 2001 Link to this post

Screen caps from TeamXbox footage
We've put together a page of screen captures from the newest halo footage over at TeamXbox - you can see 21 shots showing some of the fun stuff in this movie. (Louis Wu 19:54:47 UTC)

September 19, 2001 Link to this post

Halo mentioned at Penny-Arcade
Matt Liebhold writes to say that Penny Arcade mentions Halo today in their news post...

Since I don't remember (and it keeps changing) whether or not Halo will be available for the PC ever, I'm going to get my Halo on the only way I know how. Who knows? It's got full co-op (Thank HEAVENS), maybe Bungie will be the ones to bring me around to split-screen gaming. They single-handedly showed me what an idiot I was for buying in to the whole "Mac/PC" debate, everything I play from them renews my appetite for gaming in general.

(It's NEVER changed... but that's a totally separate can-o-worms.) Nice to see the mention! (They also (finally) mention Mac Hall, a great comic drawn by frequent HBO contributor Ian McConville (and written by bungie.org staffer Matt Boyd). Check it out! (Louis Wu 18:03:14 UTC)

September 18, 2001 Link to this post

How to get sound AND video on the mac
Okay, I don't understand this at all... but it works. So here goes. I mentioned yesterday that a program called DivX Player will let you watch the movie, but not listen to the sound. Bluskale writes to say that you can get sound by selecting 'DivX Doctor' from the 'Movie' menu, and saving the resultant .mov file. This file will play using the QuickTime Player, with the following caveats:

  • You keep DivX Player around
  • You start the movie only from the beginning (the visuals continue to work if you jump around, but sound stops the minute you do)

I got all excited when I saw a .mov file playing... but tests with a second machine show that you still need DivX Player, and DivX Player needs WMP 6.3 - so putting the .mov up is hardly worth it. (If you want to do this for yourself, download the .avi, and run it through the doctor.) Wow - the lengths we go to for new footage! (Louis Wu 00:00:02 UTC)

September 16, 2001 Link to this post

More screen caps for the masses
Thanks wholly to Bravehamster =PN='s conversion of the .wmv to .avi, I was able to use QuickTime (with its much more flexible manipulation tools) to grab a few more screen captures from the interview/discussion movie. There are 18 new shots on this page. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:06:39 UTC)

September 16, 2001 Link to this post

Rendered Wallpaper
Mr. Bill. Jr. V© sends along a homemade (with Bryce and Photoshop) desktop - inexplicably, it's 500x375 pixels. I've taken the liberty of scaling it up to a more standard desktop size, but the original is still available in our Wallpaper section, if you'd rather start from scratch. (Louis Wu 04:41:37 UTC)

September 16, 2001 Link to this post

BGH cuts 30 MB from your DL
Coolness. Bounty, of Battleground: Halo, has compressed down the 44-meg .wmv to a 10 meg .wmv - quality is quite good for the size. For folks who can't handle a 44 meg download... check out the low-res version. (It's the same screensize as the original, just higher compression.) Note: in BGH's description of the downloads, these are listed as .MPG files... they're not. Both are still .WMV files, and you'll still need Windows Media Player to watch 'em. Update: MPG designations removed - apparently, Bounty was doing his best to re-encode them, but without success. Thanks for trying! (Louis Wu 00:09:22 UTC)

September 15, 2001 Link to this post

Screens snagged from MS Flash site
Well, we can't do anything about the fancy Flash site being down for now... but we can at least show you the new screens that were included in it. Two of 'em are similar to shots that have already been shown (one was seen in a very small format in the OXBM preview last month)... but one shows off the sniper rifle's rangefinding screen. (As those who've seen the Interview movie know, this is different from how it looked there - it's possible there are multiple modes, or it could just be that the screenshot is newer - Ferrex has said that the build used in the Interview movie looks to be about 3 weeks old.) Go visit our Screenshots section! (Louis Wu 02:28:01 UTC)

September 15, 2001 Link to this post

Marty's done
This week's Halo Update is over at Rampancy.net... looks like we may be in luck, in the near future, with new screens/movies! (Personally, I'd LOVE the 50 meg TIFFs... but I understand Matt's point.) On other fronts, it's mostly tweaks... but what, exactly, is 'attract mode'? And oh, yeah... Matt and Mordia blew most of yesterday playing Halo. The bums. Go read the details for yourself! (Louis Wu 02:15:29 UTC)

September 15, 2001 Link to this post

Screen captures from the interview
For all the folks who can't get the 42 meg Interview, I grabbed a few screen captures. They're not great - Windows Media Player has almost NO controls when it comes to this sort of thing, and play is really choppy on the mac anyway... but they're something. The images are 320x240, the size of the movie - I've captioned them; just click on the thumbnails. Hope this helps a little! (Louis Wu 01:59:43 UTC)

September 14, 2001 Link to this post

Official MS Halo page updated
Thanks to Draikin (and Mavruss, incidentally) for the news that the official Microsoft Halo page has been updated - totally new flash interface, new screens, the works! Check it out. (Louis Wu 19:40:38 UTC)

September 10, 2001 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Blam!... the Halo Seti Marines climb back up to 52nd in the Battle of the Teams... but don't start resting on your laurels, soldiers! As the 7-day stats show, total crunchage hasn't climbed very much... it'd be easy to fall again! (Louis Wu 14:09:21 UTC)

September 10, 2001 Link to this post

Rolling Stone screenshot added to archives
While we're uploading older scans... it's about time to add the Rolling Stone image posted by Jesse Simko last month. It was pulled from the September 13, 2001 Rolling Stone, in an article about the Xbox, and it belongs in our Screenshots section.

September 9, 2001 Link to this post

Mike Price submitted a new desktop using the latest screenshots... you can find 'Halo Ice' in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 22:02:04 UTC)

September 9, 2001 Link to this post

Screenshots section updated
We've updated the Screenshots section with the new shots from Xbox.ign.com. One of these days (soon!), we'll add the remaining OXBM shots, as well... (Louis Wu 01:00:16 UTC)

September 4, 2001 Link to this post

German TV magazine coverage
Schmiddtchen sends along a tiny screenshot he scanned out of a German TV magazine, 'TV14'. It appeared in an article comparing the Xbox to the PS2 - the caption reads 'Furious shooting action in Sci-fi style'. Coverage outside of computer mags commences... (Louis Wu 13:01:51 UTC)

August 31, 2001 Link to this post

Priceless headshots
Filling a void that we didn't even notice until we saw this artwork, Nathan Giem submits the first (but maybe not the last) parody of the famous Mastercard 'Priceless' ad campaign. You can find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Please - this one is very well done, but if we get a bunch of shoddy copies, we may start rejecting some.) (Louis Wu 16:06:29 UTC)

August 30, 2001 Link to this post

Wallpaper hits the 200 mark
Two more desktops for you today - another from Siva, who started this latest trend and continues to send in attractive images, and one from FunkyJ, who... um, is sending in original artwork. Sort of. Check 'em both out in the Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 23:23:47 UTC)

August 28, 2001 Link to this post

End of drought in sight
Matt Soell dropped by our forum recently to explain a bit about the dearth of new Halo material (screenshots, videos, etc). Bottom line - there's stuff coming... soon™. (Louis Wu 06:10:19 UTC)

August 28, 2001 Link to this post

In your face
Uploaded to our ftp site, a German clan site called Socket Error modifies a Halo screenshot for our Miscellaneous Art section. Check it out! (Louis Wu 05:44:39 UTC)

August 27, 2001 Link to this post

Halo SETI Team 7 day stats posted
Dink!... Dink!... The Halo SETI Marines get slammed down two slots, to 52nd in the Battle of the Teams, due in part to the meteoric rise of Team Russia. Even with the timely addition of -horn- and Bjlake, they're slipping - can you help? 7 day team stats show who's pulling their weight, and who's letting the Covenant slip in under the radar screen. (Louis Wu 17:19:53 UTC)

August 26, 2001 Link to this post

halo-war.de comes online
Christoph Lipp writes to say he's started up a new Halo fan page - halo-war.de. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:33:06 UTC)

August 25, 2001 Link to this post

Rolling Stone screenshot scanned
Thanks to Jesse Simko, who scanned in the new screenshot seen in a recent Rolling Stone issue... and to Stephen Laughlin, who pointed it out to us. (Pet peeve - and this isn't directed at Jesse, it's a general thing - if you run across a screenshot of Halo in a magazine, PLEASE - give more information about the location than 'the current issue'. There have been at least 4 threads discussing this Rolling Stone issue, and NOBODY has stated anything about the issue involved (beyond a mention of 'the issue with all the Nirvana interviews' - which still requires searching what's on the newsstand for content). Saying "The August 3rd issue of Newsweek, on Page 45" would be FAR more useful to others attempting to buy the magazine for scanning purposes.) (Louis Wu 00:41:48 UTC)

August 19, 2001 Link to this post

Everybody wants a look
New site EDBIS has thrown up a Halo preview. Not bad, except for the old screenshots... (Count Zero 04:34:08 UTC)

August 15, 2001 Link to this post

The further adventures of the Silver Hawks

ÊÊÊÊHis train of thought was derailed as the intercom on the table started beeping. He entertained notions of ignoring it, setting it with a charge of plastique, or dropping it in the "Out" bin- filed the ideas for future reference, reached over and activated the com.

The Silver Hawks indulge in a little electronic espionage (among other things) as Vector40 sends in the next chapter of his Hawk Chronicles. Once again, this very long fanfic was posted as Part 1 and Part 2. (Count Zero 22:07:48 UTC)

August 11, 2001 Link to this post

Sea of Steel, Part 6

"Commander, drop zone is near. I humbly suggest that you prepare to drop," said the sensor operator. Tsheac walked over to him and peered over his shoulder at the screen.

Sea of Steel continues as Omniscient sends in Part 6 of his ongoing story. (Count Zero 19:17:47 UTC)

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