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Matt's Halo Updates - Search results for screenshot

Friday, October 05, 2001
Joseph Staten, having nothing better to do, took a couple of new screenshots for you guys. The best way to thank him is to pay close attention to the shots. When you know what you're looking for, you'll usually find it hidden in plain sight.

Friday, September 28, 2001
Because I have so little to say this week, I'm falling back on the old saw "a picture is worth a thousand words" and artificially inflating the word count of this week's Halo Update with the inclusion of a screenshot. Enjoy. (Screenshot is 1024x768 .JPG, 427 KB)

Friday, September 14, 2001
I saw how bummed out people were this afternoon after MS launched and then retracted their Halo website. Peter suggested I could cheer you guys up with a new screenshot. As you already know, there's not a lot for me to talk about these days, so screenshots sounded good. Besides, other people had suggested back in the day that I include a screenshot with every update, and I never said I would, but I never said I wouldn't either. Peter happened to have several lying around, so we took a look at them. Some were not up to snuff, but several were great.Unfortunately they are all 50-megabyte TIFFs and converting them into something easily downloaded over the net is turning out to be a problem. Half the fun of a Halo screenshot is the ability to zoom in and see the ridiculous level of detail involved. So we won't be able to do anything this week, but we have an idea...keep your eyes on the sites where the Halo Updates appear.

In other news:

Friday, February 16, 2001
Chucky got the super-hi-res screenshot code working. I can't imagine what we'll use it for. ;-)

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