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January 25, 2002 Link to this post

New poll at bungie.net
Eep - new poll at Bungie.net, and we missed the start! 'What is your favorite section of the Halo Tru7h and Recon site?' Go vote! (Only 100 folks have, so far...) (Louis Wu 08:19:36 UTC)

January 22, 2002 Link to this post

How good are your eyes?
To atone for the sin of bad imagery, we've added another easter egg to the page - this one can be found at the start of multiplay. Check it out on the Halo Easter Egg page! Thanks to Allenthar for this submission. (Louis Wu 16:55:46 UTC)

January 20, 2002 Link to this post

Latest Bungie screens added to db
We've added the latest batch of Bungie screenshots (from the Truth and Reconciliation site) to the Screenshots Database. Warning again: MAJOR STORY SPOILERS INSIDE. (Louis Wu 16:06:07 UTC)

January 19, 2002 Link to this post

Hey-ho, hey-ho! Halo good for Europe? No!
Bungie's Truth and Reconciliation website has been updated - a new page of screenshots (MASSIVE spoilers for those who haven't played, amazing demo of Bungie's way-cool screenshot-taking technology for those who have), and a new section on the Outtakes page - including a music-less version of the big grunty thirst speech. (If you don't know what that is, check our Easter Eggs page a bit later tonight.) There's also a pretty interesting rant by Joseph Staten, over on the main Bungie.net site. Thanks to Skeletor for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 03:20:52 UTC)

January 18, 2002 Link to this post

The Eggs have Started
It's been a long time coming... but we've begun to populate the Halo Easter Eggs page. At the moment, there's just a single entry... but there are more coming. Be aware that 'Easter Eggs' will be pretty stringently defined - we're not talking bugs, here, or weird behavior (they'll go somewhere else in this same section); we're talking deliberate items added by Bungie folk designed to reward the adventurous/observant. We'll do our best to credit the first documented finding of each egg... and nothing will get posted without verification from a HBO staff member. (No 'unlock the guns by finishing Legendary in 3 hours' stuff!) That said, visit the Easter Eggs page to see our first goodie! (Louis Wu 04:35:07 UTC)

January 16, 2002 Link to this post

More screens added to db
We've added the 23 new screens from the Computer and Video Games review mentioned earlier to the Screenshots database (as well as a funny screen created by Bungie for an article on the Seventh Column site last week - thanks to Freewill for reminding me about it). Remember - there are major spoilers in the CVG shots (not to mention some pretty psychadelic colors...) - visit only if you're not saving yourself. (Louis Wu 21:53:09 UTC)

January 16, 2002 Link to this post

CVG reviews Halo
Thanks to DT_Spike, who pointed out that Computer and Video Games put up a Halo review last week - we managed to miss it. It's a pretty glowing review... but be warned, it's FULL of spoilers (both in the review itself and in the accompanying screens). We've added it to the Reviews page here, and we'll be adding the screens to the Screenshots database soon, as well. (Louis Wu 21:20:24 UTC)

January 11, 2002 Link to this post

Yeah, yeah...
Heh - Mark Levin points out this page, devoted to an Xbox emulator. Sounds exciting... except that the screenshot of the emulator showing Halo in action looks... somewhat familiar. Okay, REALLY familiar. In fact, I don't think you can actually REPRODUCE this scene in the shipping version of Halo. Ah, well... careful what you download. More info: Further investigation by folks who are good at this sort of thing (read further down in the thread) suggest this is nothing more than a hoax, and a poorly done one at that. (Louis Wu 19:42:03 UTC)

January 8, 2002 Link to this post

GamePro screens added
We've added the 65 screenshots (LADEN with spoilers) from the GamePro Strategy Guide we mentioned a couple of days ago to the Screenshots Database. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 11:06:28 UTC)

January 8, 2002 Link to this post

Tips N' Tricks gets some content
The first two entries to our Gameplay Tricks page have been added; both have been seen before, but we're starting to get organized. DT_Spike's vehicle collection on Blood Gulch has been moved over from its random location... and the page created by Ben Kane, formerly hosted at Geocities, is here now. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 00:25:01 UTC)

January 7, 2002 Link to this post

Climbing the old-fashioned way
As though called by the upcoming new 'Tips and Tricks' section, Ben Kane has updated his collection of odd places in Halo, including easy-to-follow visual directions for getting to the top of 343 Guilty Spark without jumping on the dropship. More to come, it seems... but start here! (Louis Wu 09:12:16 UTC)

January 6, 2002 Link to this post

Visual Halo Guide at GamePro
Uriel points out that GamePro has put up a pretty nice little Halo Guide (complete with a whopping 65 screenshots) for your playing pleasure. WARNING: There are major story spoilers here; do not read this unless you've finished the game (or are completely stuck somewhere). We'll add the screenies to our database in the near future. (Louis Wu 05:44:03 UTC)

January 4, 2002 Link to this post

Screenshots Database updated
The 21 new shots posted recently at Bungie's Truth and Reconciliation website have been added to our Screenshots Database. One-stop-shopping, and all that. (Louis Wu 05:00:15 UTC)

January 4, 2002 Link to this post

New images at T&R
Halo: Truth & Reconciliation gets some more content, including alien vehicle concept art, multiplayer screenshots and some funny outtakes. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 02:34:22 UTC)

January 4, 2002 Link to this post

I want that Engineer!
Wow. TheDarkRaven13 went to the trouble of transcribing the entire EGM interview with Jason Jones, and posting it to the IGN forums. Some good stuff in there! (You finally get the other half of the 'I would have been your daddy' quote...) Thanks to gdnt for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 01:41:08 UTC)

January 2, 2002 Link to this post

More on Xbox names
Ruzhyo, working on the suggestion of Mr. Yun (that the Xbox name and the random names assigned to multiplayers choosing the default setup come from the same pool), has compiled a rather large list of possible names for your Xbox. (38 of 'em, to be exact.) There are some still missing (Quick Save, for example), but the list jibes well with the Xbox Names list we started (and abandoned) last month. (Some entries on our list are suspect; they were sent in by people who had already changed the name of their Xbox in another game.) Look for a definitive list (or something close) soonª! (Louis Wu 22:23:21 UTC)

January 1, 2002 Link to this post

Halocenter.com for sale
Got a new Halo site to put up, and need a good domain name? Halocentral.com is up for sale at eBay. Bidding starts at $9.99, with no reserve. souja gets the nod for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:06:15 UTC)

December 31, 2001 Link to this post

More FF Bloating
Gasmask turns in another couple of incredibly short Fan Fictions - one ends the Journey of the Doomed series, the other starts the Training Day series. (They're SO short, in fact, and they come so frequently, one wonders why he doesn't just send them in when the series is complete - each of his completed series make a nice little 2-page or less fanfic... but every author is different, I guess.) You'll find them in our Fan Fiction section, and if you'd like to read them all in one go, use this link. (Louis Wu 22:00:02 UTC)

December 28, 2001 Link to this post

Older screenies added
Two of the new reviews mentioned recently contained new screenshots - we've added them to the Screenshots database (now up to 538 shots!). The Xbox Hotgames pics are right at the beginning, where new shots usually are... but the GamerSquare shots are farther in (since we missed the review when it first came out). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 01:59:10 UTC)

December 27, 2001 Link to this post

Massive Review Boost
Wow. Dan Rudolph pointed out this page at Game Rankings, containing a list of 40 Halo reviews, a whopping 11 of which weren't on our Reviews page. We've added them now... and placed a running aggregate score at the top of the page. (Halo currently holds a 95.2% rating over those 55 reviews.) Later tonight we'll add some extra screenshots, and a pair of movies, found on the new pages. (Louis Wu 21:57:01 UTC)

December 27, 2001 Link to this post

Deimos™ points out what happens when you take a Banshee where it shouldn't go... and flip it. Yes, that guy's on the wrong side of the glass. (Louis Wu 09:40:19 UTC)

December 23, 2001 Link to this post

Swiss Hijinks
Fresh from the rumor mill: Harry Al-Shakarchi, on a mission to translate a German article perportedly about Phoenix (an upcoming Bungie project), ran across this photo, with a caption that reads:

One of the "open" rooms. Small but still-present bugs in the PC version of Halo are currently being gotten rid of.

The original article is here, on the Swiss site GBase.ch. Props to Mark Levin, who noticed the writeup at Blue's News, and to Harry, who took it one step further. (From what I can tell, though, that picture was taken in July, during a tour of the Bungie facilities... it seems really unlikely to me that anyone at Bungie was working on the PC verison of Halo in July.) Update: maggi points out that the date in question (7.11.2001) is more likely November 7 than July 11 - my American bias is showing. Still... Bungie was saying as late as mid-December that work on the PC version hadn't started yet... sorry for the confusion. (Louis Wu 16:02:59 UTC)

December 19, 2001 Link to this post

They're never wrong...
Heh - bonus screenshot! Max tells us we're confused - a short update on the T&R site:

You imagined that duplicate screenshot. Go check for yourself. Us, slipping? Never!

(He's referring to a comment we made last night...) Upshot - everyone gets a surplus screenshot. It's a pretty nice one, to boot! (We've added it to our Screenshots database... but the original is still there, to remind those guys to keep on their toes...) Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 21:26:25 UTC)

December 19, 2001 Link to this post

T&R gets major new content
In addition to the Jones interview (have you read it yet?), the Truth and Reconciliation website got a MAJOR update tonight. New screenshots (spoilers!), new storyboards (way-cool spoilers!), a new (and final?) section to the Multiplayer Guide. We've added the screens to our Screenshots database... but that shouldn't stop you from visiting T&R. (For the sticklers among you, it should be noted that scrn_046 happens to be the nearly the same picture as scrn_022 - is Bungie getting sloppy?) (Louis Wu 06:02:26 UTC)

December 15, 2001 Link to this post

Looks like an angel, plays like a dream
Space Cowboy points out that Next Generation magazine reviewed Halo, and gave it 5/5 stars. Their opinion:

"Let's keep this simple: ÊHalo is one of the best games you'll ever play. ÊPeriod."

Maybe it's time to start adding magazine reviews to the Reviews page... but to do that, we'd have to go back and figure out who reviewed Halo so far. Too much work. :) (Louis Wu 20:59:03 UTC)

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