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Search results for start screen

Showing results 3726 - 3750 of 4250 matches

May 31, 2002 Link to this post

Combat Unevolved...
It had to happen... Scott Porter writes to let us know that work has begun on a Marathon Infinity conversion - Halo: Combat Unevolved. They've JUST started, so there's not much there yet... but if you are interested in getting in on the ground floor of this project, send him mail! (Louis Wu 02:02:08 UTC)

May 29, 2002 Link to this post

The chase is on... again!
In the old days, Box Acronyms were a staple of Bungie's offerings, and provided quite a bit of discussion fodder for fans. The practice fell by the wayside, unfortunately, with Oni... and the original Halo release has none, either. However, starting with the Game of the Year Edition, and continuing with the Halo Soundtrack, the practice is back! I don't have a copy of the GotY box, so I don't know what the acronym is... but Friday night, lucky Fanfest-goers got their hands on the Halo Soundtrack, a couple of weeks early... and the acronym there is


Our own mnemesis, of the Halo Story page, threw out a guess of 'Songs About Buildings And Babes Wearing Leather'... but this is probably not exactly right. Anyone else have any guesses? (We'd also love to get hold of the GotY acronym, if anyone's got a copy...) (Louis Wu 14:55:44 UTC)

May 28, 2002 Link to this post

The last survivors...
Thanks to Miguel Chavez, who sent in a nice pic of the close of the Fanfest last week. It was taken just before we broke everything down, and you can see the die-hard late-stayers, along with two of the 6 Xboxes we used (plus their screens). Only about half the people are labeled - this is my fault, as I didn't know everyone there. :( (If you know any of the unnamed people, feel free to tell us - we'll add labels.) And for those who don't believe Miguel is REALLY Bungie's Number One Fan... check this out. (Louis Wu 18:01:17 UTC)

May 22, 2002 Link to this post

New Fanfic series started
Today's Fan Fiction update consists of a pair of chapters from Jean-Paul Allee, the first and second of his 'Into the Unknown' series. Check 'em out! (We also got two copies of a story from Gordi... but both were corrupt upon arrival, and Gordi's email is blocked by his ISP - mailbox is full. Maybe he'll see this...) Update: Gordi DID see this... and sent in another copy of 'Upon This Stage (Prologue 1)'. (Louis Wu 16:31:33 UTC)

May 18, 2002 Link to this post

Saturday's reading material
Saturday's Fan Fiction:

Rainy weekend here - good for reading. (News will probably slow down - lots of family stuff to attend to. Not to mention the service outages that have started up again, thanks to the weather...)

May 18, 2002 Link to this post

Closeup screens finally finished
Whoa - FINALLY! Way back on March 6, Bungie posted a series of closeup screenshots, and challenged fans to decipher them. Most were figured out within the first couple of days... but scrn_081 has baffled the community... until now. xbill gets the kewpie doll, according to Dave Candland, the devious creator of the challenge. W00t! (Louis Wu 00:10:01 UTC)

May 17, 2002 Link to this post

Pictures for your screen
A pair of new desktop images have been submitted - you'll find 'em in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 20:05:18 UTC)

May 15, 2002 Link to this post

PoA... for C-S
A month and a half ago, bikeman704 submitted a rendering of the Halo pelican in a Counter-Strike format... today, he brings you two screens of a level based on the Pillar of Autumn. You'll find 'em in our Miscellaneous Art section. Nice! (Louis Wu 15:38:07 UTC)

May 14, 2002 Link to this post

Marty O interview at Xbox.zone
Thomas Bottrill sends word that he's put up a new interview of Marty O'Donnell at Xbox.zone (the site is framed, so hit the 'Say Halo!' link, then the 'Marty O'Donnell Interview'). Some interesting stuff in there... though Marty's a bit more reticent than usual (check out the answers to the Halo 2 questions). A sample:

xbox.zone: What's with the Irish folk music? And why did it work so bloody well? Also what styles/types of music didn't make it into the game, and why?
Marty: Well I'm Irish so maybe that's where that feel came from. Actually, I never intended it to have an Irish folk music feel but I guess it is a little on the "River Dance" side of things. I just liked the groove when it came to me and started developing it. I have no idea why it works. As far as styles that didn't make it in, I'm sure you'll not be able to find any Hawaiian music in the game.

Me, I'm sorta missing the Hawaiian stuff now... This has been added to our Interviews database. (Louis Wu 18:44:55 UTC)

May 14, 2002 Link to this post

Dust and Echoes... and echoes...
Tuesday Fan Fiction offerings - two eerily similar stories, at least at first:

The second story is the beginning of a complete rewrite - Nick (formerly known as GarlicJr11) was unhappy with the quality of the story, and chose to start anew. The original version has been removed, at his request. (Louis Wu 16:31:26 UTC)

May 11, 2002 Link to this post

Everybody's Reading on the Weekend
Saturday's Fan Fiction offering:

Get an early start... (Louis Wu 09:46:24 UTC)

May 6, 2002 Link to this post

Xbox price drop imminent?
Reuters is reporting that a market analyst is predicting a $100 price cut on the Xbox to be announced as early as E3 (in less than 3 weeks). That should jump-start new sales... thanks to Dave Calotta for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:20:58 UTC)

May 6, 2002 Link to this post

The Bungie Store opens for business
The Bungie Store is live. Start your buying. (Thanks, M.A.G...) (Louis Wu 20:07:39 UTC)

May 2, 2002 Link to this post

Fan Fiction undertaking needs volunteers
Ryan dropped us a note with a rather ambitious proposal - he hopes to get as many fan fiction writers together as possible, and as a group, tell the story of the game.

  • Skill level of the writer is not important - everyone is welcome.
  • All writers will have a chance to help with the actual editing of the project. (There is no minimum amount of work needed to be part of this - you contribute what you feel comfortable contributing.)
  • The editing process will (in Ryan's words) "help to blend all of our writing styles effectively to create a story far more polished, enjoyable, and colorful than any one writer could do alone. Since it has an elaborate and fair set up, inter-writer disagreements will be dealt with proactively in the benefit of the story as a whole."
  • There aren't any fixed dates for the project at this point - work will start when there are enough writers, and will end when everyone involved is satisfied.

If you're interested in participating in this project, drop Ryan a note - he'll be doing the coordination at this stage. (Louis Wu 18:51:24 UTC)

May 1, 2002 Link to this post

Dual-monitor desktops - now for a single screen
A couple of weeks ago, Bungie released some cool dual-monitor desktops. Did you decide they were nice to look at, but that you didn't have the screen real estate to show 'em off? Never fear - Allenthar has combined them into nice single-monitor desktops - you can find them, in a whole slew of resolutions, in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 14:48:23 UTC)

April 30, 2002 Link to this post

Ghost Jumping with SaTaN
A few weeks ago, SaTaN discovered a cool new trick - you could use the momentum of a vehicle to push your player up a LONG way. He described it on our forum, and then Bonk filmed a demo of the technique... but SaTaN's put out a video of his own, showing how versatile this trick really is (and showing some s7yle in the process). We've started you out with two mirrors for the 8.6 mb film... but we're happy to list more. (Louis Wu 09:36:55 UTC)

April 24, 2002 Link to this post

Halo 2 announcement at E3?
News catch-up... Peter Haughie points out that the latest issue of Xgamer, a UK Xbox mag, has some speculation about a Halo 2 announcement at E3 next month (they state that 'an inside source has confirmed that Halo 2 exists'):

The timing is everything. Xbox is off to a rip-roaring start but Microsoft needs to keep the momentum going. And what better way to keep the good times rolling than by announcing the follow-up to the game that's got people pulling Xboxes off the shelves as fast as their hands can move? That announcement will take place at videogaming's biggest industry event of the year - E3 in Los Angeles, between May 21st and 24th.

The rest of the article is pretty interesting, as well - once it's off the shelves, we'll be sure to put it up in our Press Scans section! (Louis Wu 17:32:40 UTC)

April 23, 2002 Link to this post

Mirror list for HTM Teaser 3 started
Halo-game has mirrored the newest Halo movie teaser from Blackstar productions - we've created a mirror list for it; as more come in, we'll add them. Off to update the movies page... Update: Not to be outdone, today's other release, The Pillar of Autumn with No Weapons, has also acquired a mirror list. Collect the whole set! (Louis Wu 13:24:53 UTC)

April 22, 2002 Link to this post

Screens... lots of screens
Slacking again... we've finally caught up on Halo Screenshots - four new collections have been added to the Screenshots Database. (Time to come up with a less awkward navigation system, I think...) The path to completeness continues. (Louis Wu 22:33:20 UTC)

April 22, 2002 Link to this post

Psyjnir Complex HL gets movies
A boatload of movies have just been uploaded to the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server (in Halo -> Movies) - if you're having trouble finding a film, this isn't a bad place to start! (We'll be adding more as time goes on.) Thanks, Psyrixx and *Ar! (Louis Wu 21:33:18 UTC)

April 22, 2002 Link to this post

Store... coming sooner
Heh - da5id noticed that the Bungie Store front page is up again (but requires a login to get past that screen) - shouldn't be too long before this puppy is open! (Louis Wu 16:24:05 UTC)

April 21, 2002 Link to this post

MC on a WinXP login screen
Bob Henegar has created a replacement login screen for Windows XP, featuring the Master Chief. We've added it to our Miscellaneous Art section, for lack of a better place - a preview can be seen there. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:34:53 UTC)

April 16, 2002 Link to this post

Halo CTF designs recreated
Team Overkill has created a pair of images based on the designs on the multiplayer flags in Halo - you can see the originals in this screenshot, and find TO's representations in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 09:32:31 UTC)

April 12, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Multiplayer Maps... already
A couple of days ago, This Side Up mentioned on our forum that he'd begun work on some Halo multiplayer map designs. He's turned them over to us, and we've put them up for you to look at - there's no guarantee anyone can ever make them... but it's an intriguing start. (Louis Wu 19:20:10 UTC)

April 12, 2002 Link to this post

Major Tru7h and Recon update
Whoa. Major update at Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation site. New Screenshots (12 of 'em, not a mediocre one in the bunch - but beware spoilers in at least one), and new Concept Art (early Hunters and guns). Thanks to Tarrsk for the speedy heads-up! (Louis Wu 02:06:08 UTC)

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