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April 5, 2003 Link to this post

Some pics, at least...
Once again, we're falling behind in the art submissions; there might be more later today, if time permits, but as a start, here are three desktop images for our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 18:08:31 UTC)

April 5, 2003 Link to this post

Red vs Blue is back!
I completely forgot to post this yesterday - but it's hilarious, and you HAVE to go watch it. Back in September, the guys who ran Drunkgamers.com started a project called 'Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles'. It generated a lot of interest, at the time... but then the project dropped off the radar screens, and drunkgamers dropped offline. Until this week. They've come back at a new location - redvsblue.com - and have some brand-new content for you. There is an intro for the series (ranging in size from a 5.7 mb 360x240 QuickTime version to a 17 mb 720x480 DivX version), plus 'Episode 1: Why are we here?' (16 - 40 megs, depending on version). If you're offended by cursing, this might not be for you... but I found it laugh-out-loud funny. If bandwidth gets tight, we're happy to mirror these... so let us and the RedvsBlue team know, so that we can coordinate new links. They're planning on doing 3 a month, if they can keep up - releases will be on Fridays. (Louis Wu 11:45:45 UTC)

April 4, 2003 Link to this post

Fan Fiction update
Stories in the Fan Fiction section for the day - an even seven:

To read, to read... (Louis Wu 19:48:50 UTC)

April 4, 2003 Link to this post

An easier way to take screenies
Whoa - thanks to Ramius, who pointed out a post on Gearbox Software's forum in which Dave Mertz of Gearbox confirms that Halo PC currently has screenshot capability. That will certainly make documentation easier! (Louis Wu 16:41:46 UTC)

April 3, 2003 Link to this post

Lots of stories
We forgot to put up a Fan Fiction post yesterday, so there are 12 stories for you today:

Better get started... (Louis Wu 09:40:11 UTC)

April 1, 2003 Link to this post

Bungie.net Pro - you gotta have it.
Check this out. Bungie's instituted a new pay-for-content service called Bungie.net Pro. For $7/month, you get access to boatloads of webcams, an online version of the Halo Story Bible, Developer diaries, daily Halo 2 screenshots... and MORE! Go read about it. Then sign up. (I got in early - I was subscriber 20. Not too shabby!) (Louis Wu 10:16:17 UTC)

April 1, 2003 Link to this post

Mac Halo screens!
Wow. Yesterday, Eclarap pointed out a link to the PC Halo Strategy Guide. It's not for sale yet, but that was the first we'd heard that it even existed. (I, personally, figured that the Prima guide would serve.) There was a bit of speculation on our forum about the comments that there would be new vehicles and weapons in the PC version. (The common belief up to this point was that it would be more or less a straight port.) Well, a contact at Westlake (the development house doing the Macintosh port) contacted us late last night with a pair of screenshots to whet people's appetites. Now, I know what you're thinking - it's April 1, this is all a joke. What you have to realize is that we had nothing whatsoever to do with the timing here. Eclarap found that strategy guide yesterday, the day before April 1 - and the discussion about it generated the email that got us the images. I seriously toyed with the idea of holding off for a day, and posting these tomorrow, so that folks would KNOW they were real... but I figure there's enough in them to vouch for their veracity that people could look past the date we're putting them up. Things to notice:

  • The incredibly beautiful hi-res textures here. (blow up an existing screenshot and see what it looks like)
  • The new weapons. (Okay, they're not new - they're back. How cool is that?)
  • The aspect ratio. (Xbox shots are taken at 640x480, max... these are 1280x1024. The ratio is no longer 4:3, it's 5:4.)

We've been told (though we haven't seen for ourselves) that a modified Shadow (not the new one, but a version of the original Shadow) will be available in multiplayer games - and that there are two new outdoor levels to take advantage of this vehicle. Okay, enough talk. Visit our Screenshots database and check out the shots - one campaign, one multiplayer. Personally, I can't wait for summer! (For those still holding out, be warned - these do contain spoilers.) (Louis Wu 08:59:45 UTC)

March 31, 2003 Link to this post

Even more stories
Fan Fiction from the weekend:

Don't forget - stories without titles simply cannot be approved. (There's nothing to link to...) (Louis Wu 14:13:02 UTC)

March 23, 2003 Link to this post

Fan Fiction changes (again), plus stories
11 stories for you today in the Fan Fiction section:

Another change has occurred... there are no more hard-coded copies of stories; the entire section is run from databases. (All old hard-coded links should continue to work - if they don't, please let me know - but the whole system has become more portable.) This does NOT mean that authors don't need to provide a 'pagename' for their story - the databases still require it, it's just used differently. Again, any glitches you run across should be reported immediately. (Louis Wu 20:25:23 UTC)

March 22, 2003 Link to this post

Halo mods - lots and lots of Halo mods
During the past week, we've had word of several mods/skins for other games, using Halo designs. A couple are now housed here. First up is agentJ64's Master Chiefette model for Jedi Knight II - pretty sweet! Then, we've got a Halo skin for Counter-Strike made by rdc^kosh (and found by Matt Smith) - with a bunch of screenshots for flavor. Lastly, Tankramp over at Battleground: Halo found a Blood Gulch conversion for Battlefield 1942 - you can see screenshots and download the maps at LanClan's website. If you can't wait for Halo 2 (or Halo for PC), go play with Halo characters and environments in other games! (Louis Wu 22:26:18 UTC)

March 22, 2003 Link to this post

We've moved... again (plus fanfic)
Okay, the server is back where it started. Dunno how long it's going to take for folks to find it again... but the backup will stay up (if not updated) for a little while, at least. In the meantime, here are the Fan Fiction stories that were in the queue when the box went down. (The entire comments section has been overhauled - some links have changed a bit. If you've bookmarked a page that no longer exists, try going through the front door to find it. One problem I can foresee - if you found this news post by searching, but it's not on HBO's front page, you're still looking at the old site... and the fanfic links will not work. You'll just have to wait, sorry.)

Go to it... and be sure to let us know of any problems! (Louis Wu 17:21:43 UTC)

March 16, 2003 Link to this post

Only 14? You're slacking.
Sunday's Fan Fiction installment:

That should keep you busy for a little bit... (Louis Wu 22:50:19 UTC)

March 14, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Done Quick - Part 1
A month ago, a pair from Canada sent in times for speed runs through the various levels of Halo, performed on Easy. Yesterday, Åstro and his partner, Coreman (Team Poughkeepsie), sent word (and a pair of films) of their work on the first of 10 levels... performed on Legendary. Their run of Pillar of Autumn is just a hair faster than Hartley and Copeland's... on a much rougher difficulty setting. The gauntlet, thrown down 4 months ago, now has some content behind it. The movie of this feat, which includes everything from the time the Bungie logo leaves the screen through the Level 2 loading screen, is available in both QuickTime and Windows Media Player 9 formats (25.6 and 18.6 mb, respectively) from Mythica.org, and both versions have been mirrored on the Psyjnir.com Hotline server. (We are happy, of course, to announce mirrors - just let us know if you put these up.) (Louis Wu 21:48:09 UTC)

March 10, 2003 Link to this post

The History of Halo
Red Loser, who seems to want his own day (but started WAY too late to succeed, sorry pal), has written up a History of Halo: Combat Evolved which brings to light some heretofore little-known tidbits. Or maybe just the type of mushrooms he's been eating lately. (Louis Wu 19:48:24 UTC)

March 9, 2003 Link to this post

The Case of the Missing Screenshots
I'm fallin' out of my seat, laughin'. We got a note from ed, asking us if we knew anything about the new Halo 2 shots showing at Giga.de, a german TV affiliate of NBC-Europe. In ed's words,

Giga is a well-known show about all sorts of internet-themes, and I don't think they would lie, but I wonder if these pics are real, because they have no Bungie-logo on them, and they are still not shown at BungieÇs T&R-site.

To see the pics, follow this link, then hit the 'Shots'N'Pics' link underneath the action figure picture. Alternatively, here's the frame in question. When you're all done, follow this link, posted on our news last week, and if you want, you can even follow the internal links from there for the original source. When you're all done with that, sit back, laugh, and then send Roger Wilco some email, telling him just how cool his work really is. (ed, you were right to be suspicious... but if you ask me, those are good enough to be in the game anyway.) (Louis Wu 01:46:13 UTC)

March 6, 2003 Link to this post

HBO XBL Gamertag update, and news on Fanfic
The HBO XBL Gamertags list has become slightly more functional - you can now (finally) limit your search to a specific starting letter (either HBO Forum Name, or XBL Gamertag, or, if you're clever, both). For Fan Fiction authors who are getting frantic to submit their work, take heart; this change was made because I needed some code off this page for the new Fiction Submission system, and figured while I was there, I'd add the two lines necessary. If all goes well, there'll be a way to submit Fan Fiction by the weekend. (Louis Wu 22:25:17 UTC)

February 27, 2003 Link to this post

MC in UT2003
Strato ran across a Master Chief model for UT2003 - you can find it at UT2003 HQ. The download is just over a meg, and there's a screenshot (mirrored locally in case it vanishes) to show you what you're getting. (Louis Wu 10:15:28 UTC)

February 26, 2003 Link to this post

Short Notice on a Florida Halo Tourney
Ouch - sorry for the short notice on this one, but it was submitted as an add-on to a movie readme in our uploads directory; since Mythica was down for so long, it's simply been sitting in the 'to be dealt with' pile. MCheif-117 is holding an 8-hour Halo tournament in Vero Beach, FL, this Saturday night, March 1. It starts at midnight. Entrance fee is $10/head ($40/team), first place is guaranteed at least $100. Check out the details at the 7th Column Chapter of the Florida Halo Community. (Louis Wu 17:22:05 UTC)

February 26, 2003 Link to this post

With Trepidation, Fan Fiction Reopens
The Fan Fiction section of this site has been closed to new submissions for two weeks. Several options for overhauling the submissions procedure have been considered - most were discarded due to time constraints. The new rules are about as simple as I can make them. The length requirement has been increased slightly. The types of submissions we will accept have been restricted to three. Basic common sense has become a requirement in the submission process. A brightly colored box has been placed at the top of the Fiction section - if you miss it, you're blind. The new guidelines have been posted in a much more concise manner. If you submit a story that does not conform to these guidelines, we will simply throw it away. We will not contact you to tell you we did this. Subsequent inquiries will be directed to the Guidelines page. Several frequent submitters have suggested that we institute a screening process by which new fiction submissions are vetted by community members before being submitted to the archive - we haven't implemented this yet, but it's not off the table. If the quality level remains where it was when we closed down, we WILL set up a screening panel. As of now, the Fiction section is open for submissions... hopefully, the new rules will help, rather than hinder, the overall productivity of the site. (Louis Wu 05:01:24 UTC)

February 25, 2003 Link to this post

Screenies - with no HUD!
Spec Ops Elite came up with a pretty cool technique for taking screenshots that are similar to Bungie's cursor-less shots. They require a modded Xbox, and it only works in the latter half of the game - but if you meet these requrements, the basic steps are described in this forum post. Examples of what you can do with it are here, here, and here. (All of these images are under 50k each.) The possibilities for moviemakers are mouth-watering... (Louis Wu 18:51:54 UTC)

February 24, 2003 Link to this post

Random Halo Site News
A number of Halo sites have come online, or dropped offline, or whatever. These are the ones who've asked for some coverage. Kyle Gallagher has put up Kyle's Halo Website. Bullet, who started Halo World almost 2 months ago, has pulled it down and replaced it with a page about a band. Firestrike (now Shadowfox) wrote to ask for feedback on the site design (and a plug) for Wams.Fireion.com - but when I suggested (politely) that the design was pretty much of a ripoff of THIS site, and that maybe content should be fleshed out a bit, he told me to blame the site designer. And that's the link news as we know it. (Louis Wu 20:35:59 UTC)

February 18, 2003 Link to this post

The Ultimate Desktop
BOLL sent us a collection of three images, created from Bungie.net shots and NASA images, that are designed to be used together on a 3-monitor array. If you've got the screen real estate, this is a pretty fine desktop collection to use on it! And because these came in to our FTP site, they've reminded me that we've recently gotten many uploads with no attribution - if we don't know who made it, we're not going to post it. Drop off a small text file, containing the relevant info (name, email, what file you've uploaded, that sort of thing) - just like BOLL did! (Louis Wu 00:06:02 UTC)

February 15, 2003 Link to this post

Now where the heck is my grunt plushie?
As below, the American International Toy Fair started today, and pictures of the Halo figures on display are already hitting the web. There's a nice collection at Figures.com, including several Halo figures on this and the next few pages (use the "2", "3", and "4" links at the bottom). Thanks to Spartan ][ for noticing this. (Count Zero 14:31:03 UTC)

February 15, 2003 Link to this post

Cortana goes to the fair
According to Team Xbox, the upcoming Halo action figures will be shown at the 100th annual American International Toy Fair in New York, starting... tomorrow. (Anyone who actually makes it to the fair... TAKE PICTURES!) The fair runs through Wednesday, February 19. Thanks to Strato for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:11:15 UTC)

February 14, 2003 Link to this post

Speedrunning Halo, revisited
A few days ago, Åstro dropped into our forum to suggest that he was trying to speed-run Halo again. He was shooting for a 90 minute full runthrough, on Legendary. Yesterday, we got mail from Rory Hartley and Bill Copeland, a pair in Calgary, Canada that have done a full run-through on Easy:

Pillar of Autumn5:45343 Guilty Spark8:48
Halo15:28The Library15:34
Truth & Reconciliation14:45Two Betrayals13:48
Silent Cartographer10:02Keyes10:00
Assault on the Control Room11:40The Maw9:52

Total time there: 110 minutes, 52 seconds. (I'd guess this means Åstro's estimate might be a little optimistic...) Rory and Bill weren't counting beginning and ending cutscenes, and they skipped all skippable cutscenes. (It's unclear what rules Åstro and company are playing by.) Could this be the start of some friendly competition? (Louis Wu 12:52:08 UTC)

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