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June 13, 2003 Link to this post

Demo progress
The mirror list for the demo trailer continues to grow. Latest addition is Xbox Community HK - it's a Hong Kong-based server with excellent connections to Taiwan and mainland China (and the rest of Asia). Hopefully, we'll have more European links for you soon, as well. (Brian Towne updated the forum on the efficacy of the BitTorrent links; they're really starting to pick up. Remember, if you use them, leave the window open after your download finishes, and share the wealth! The more people who help out with uploading, the faster it goes for EVERYBODY.) (Louis Wu 20:42:37 UTC)

June 13, 2003 Link to this post

iGames Summer Season registration open
CobaltNova points out that registration is in progess for the iGames Summer Season, which starts next week (06/21/03). Visit the iGames news page for more details. (Louis Wu 13:35:09 UTC)

June 12, 2003 Link to this post

Halo 2 Screensaver updated
Ciarán posted a note on our forum to say that his Halo 2 Screen Saver has been updated in anticipation of tomorrow's trailer release. (He also has some info about the website it's served from - some nice use of RSS there...) (Louis Wu 17:01:02 UTC)

June 12, 2003 Link to this post

Now THESE are big.
Thanks to Strato, who pointed out some astonishingly high-resolution versions of the first 6 Halo 2 screenshots over at the Xbox.com press section. The zip file is almost 40 megabytes, and for that you get some Bungie logos (EPS format, so you pick the size), and 6 TIFF files that weigh in at 2560x1920 pixels each. (Check the alpha channel of any of 'em for a funky bonus.) If you're looking for hi-res shots to create artwork from... these are your friends. (Remember that yellow text in the brute shot that looked like S'pht writing? You can read it now.) (Louis Wu 01:53:14 UTC)

June 11, 2003 Link to this post

Super Death what?
It's bizarre... but it's small, so what the heck. synide created a sub-4mb movie (QuickTime format, now), showing (in his words, mind you) 'super death drop bomb melee charlie in the trees type stuff'. Timing's pretty nice. Check it out. (You may have to watch it a couple of times; there are fun views from both screens.) (Louis Wu 15:16:22 UTC)

June 11, 2003 Link to this post

Hot Head.
The new One One Se7en is part of a 3-strip series; I'm sure it was supposed to happen in a single week, and I'm sure the fact that it's starting on a Wednesday instead of a Monday is entirely my fault... but you'll just have to maintain your sense of continuity over the weekend, sorry. (Louis Wu 15:10:26 UTC)

June 11, 2003 Link to this post

Hold on to your hats - the internet's coming down
For those not tuned in to the minute-by-minute goings-on at bungie.net, about an hour ago, SketchFactor announced that the E3 2003 vid (the real deal, not the shakeycam versions floating around the net) will be released this Friday. Start your browsers! (Louis Wu 01:27:10 UTC)

June 7, 2003 Link to this post

Elite Force version of HeH up
Calvin Hansen alerts us to a version of Hang 'em High for Star Trek: Elite Force, over at EliteForceFiles.com. The screenshot looks pretty good! (Louis Wu 01:56:17 UTC)

June 5, 2003 Link to this post

Keeping you informed about Halo PC
The Nightrider points out that Bungie's Halo PC FAQ gained 3 new questions yesterday - check 'em out for info about playable demos, beta tests, and the Mac version of Halo. (Louis Wu 18:41:14 UTC)

June 2, 2003 Link to this post

I see the lawsuit now...
You know you've made it when they start copying you. Red vs Blue has gotten quite a bit of positive press recently, and rightly so - they're doing wonderful things with the art of Halo engine moviemaking. And now... they've spawned a tribute group; Salmon vs Teal. We should make it clear that these guys have nothing but the highest respect for the RvB crew... they just want to show it with a parody series. The first installment is up now; it's available in two formats, a large (720x480, 12.3 mb, QT) and a medium (400x300, 5.4 mb, QT). Grab the one your bandwidth allows. You can comment on the project in this forum thread. Update: Both versions of this film have been mirrored by That Weasel Television - always great to have extra bandwidth! (Louis Wu 20:04:19 UTC)

May 30, 2003 Link to this post

Are You Big Enough?
Blackstar is setting up a lanfest in Andover, MA this summer - on a massive, massive screen. (See this forum post for some details.) Attendance is pretty limited... but you can (at the very least) watch the new promo vid for the event. Just under a minute long, 9.1 mb, QuickTime format. I think I saw footage of me dying in there... The Matrix flavor is great, and the vid's got me pumped up for the day! Update: we seem to be significantly slowing down blackstarproductions.net, so we've tossed a copy of this vid up at Mythica.org. Grab whichever copy works faster for you! (Louis Wu 14:55:46 UTC)

May 29, 2003 Link to this post

Elite This
Gr3yFoX dropped off a modified screenshot for our Wallpaper page. Take a look. (Louis Wu 19:10:38 UTC)

May 27, 2003 Link to this post

Screenshots DB up-to-date
Our Screenshots database just got an infusion of 89 shots, all released over the past three weeks. If you're looking for a Halo screenshot (Halo: CE, Halo 2, or Halo PC), and it's on the net, you'll likely find it here. (This is probably a decent time to point out the (relatively) new sorting feature of the page; you can restrict your view to one flavor of Halo.) (Louis Wu 13:15:15 UTC)

May 22, 2003 Link to this post

Silent Cartographer - in under 5 minutes.
Vern Shields put together a pretty nice speed run for Silent Cartographer. Yes, it's on Easy... but there are some pretty cool aspects to it. First, he completed the entire level in 4:43, measured from starting to ending checkpoints. Second, as he leaves the underground area, he passes not one, but TWO gold elites. Third, at the top of the last ramp, there's a nice example of mass scripted death - all the baddies simply fall dead on the ground as he reaches them. Fourth - the ending cutscene has a surprise in it... watch it all the way through. And fifth... well, he picked a piece of music that meshes amazingly well with the action. Nicely done all around. There are other nuggets worth seeing... grab the film at Mythica. (It should also be on the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server sometime later tonight.) It's in QuickTime format, and weighs in at 23.1 mb. The Legendary Speed Runners have something to shoot for! (Louis Wu 21:42:20 UTC)

May 20, 2003 Link to this post

Screenshot oversight
In the fervor of last week, we managed to forget to post about a seventh screenshot at Bungie.net; unlike the first 6, it's at 640x480, because apparently the depth-of-field effect only works at that resolution. It's very slick, though - worth seeing! (It's the last shot on the page.) (Louis Wu 13:58:21 UTC)

May 19, 2003 Link to this post

Halo Half-Life mod - up for grabs
Some time ago, BOLL started work on a Halo-related mod for Sven Co-op, itself a Half-Life mod. He's decided to give it away, because he no longer has time to work on it. You can read the details in the Sven Co-op forums... or simply download the existing package. Update: BOLL clarified that Sven Co-op actually allows custom models to be built right into maps; BOLL's project, although including custom models for monsters and weapons, is still just a map. (I think we're simply describing the same thing with different words... but he's right, we should be more accurate in the description. :) ) (Louis Wu 15:22:28 UTC)

May 19, 2003 Link to this post

AGP E3 Trailer available
Dan Chosich created a 50 minute video for the AGP Spring Tournament this year... and has put up the trailer for it on his site. We were asked by Jay Umboh, the president of the AGP, to mirror this... and it's pretty dang cool, so that's exactly what we're doing. You can find a copy on Mythica.org, which has a bigger pipe than ever before (something we'll be putting to the test in the very near future...). Screensize is 720x405, filesize is 16.5 mb, duration is 1:30, and format is QuickTime. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 00:02:27 UTC)

May 18, 2003 Link to this post

Never-before-seen screens at a Danish site
Interesting. There seems to be a passel of new screenshots at Boomtown, a Danish gaming site. Conversations with Bungie employees this past week led me to believe that these shots wouldn't actually be released... but it seems that Boomtown has a source that thinks differently. The article is in Danish, but Mr Leut, who pointed out the screens on our forum, says that the text describes being able to use human and alien weapons simultaneously. Check 'em out - as far as I know, some of these pics haven't been seen ANYWHERE else, online or in print. (There are several that appear, in modified format, in the OXM article... but these have backgrounds that the OXM shots don't have.) (Louis Wu 14:45:36 UTC)

May 16, 2003 Link to this post

We're awake...
A bit disheveled - we were at the Beverly Hilton until 2 am last night with SketchFactor and Achronos - but not really the worse for wear... I'm going to attempt to process some of the photos we have this morning, but to start with, you can read a couple of fanfest writeups by forum regulars Shishka and Skeletor. As a point of interest, about 200 of you have taken the online trivia contest so far... and it's proving to be somewhat more difficult than I'd expected. The high score so far has more than a dozen wrong answers... (Louis Wu 16:17:55 UTC)

May 15, 2003 Link to this post

E3 Coverage Section is now Operational
A second news item on Bungie.net discusses the online trivia contest to be hosted here at Bungie.org, starting tomorrow night. The trivia contest, and most of our other E3-specific coverage, will be accessed on our E3 2003 page - right now, most sections are offline, because there either isn't any content or you're not allowed to see the content... but keep your eyes peeled! (Louis Wu 01:44:46 UTC)

May 15, 2003 Link to this post

15% off Halo Schwag
Woohoo! Just in time for the fanfest, Bungie is running a special at the Bungie Store - 15% EVERYTHING. The offer is only good on Thursday, starting at 12:01 am PDT (7:01 am UTC - that's less than 6 hours from now) and ending at midnight (7 am Friday UTC). Go read the details on how to get in on the deal at Bungie.net. (Louis Wu 01:16:13 UTC)

May 14, 2003 Link to this post

You like your screenies big, and clean?
Nick has posted the full 1280x960 un-watermarked versions of the 6 Halo 2 shots released yesterday on our forum. (ShackNews put them up yesterday in this format, as well - it's nice when sites are willing to distribute press material without branding it or altering the size...) (Louis Wu 09:49:51 UTC)

May 13, 2003 Link to this post

Are you overloaded yet?
Dang - wouldn't you know it? Bungie has updated their Truth and Reconciliation site with new Halo PC screens - and because they love you so much, there are three never-before-seen images in there. Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 18:50:00 UTC)

May 13, 2003 Link to this post

Press shots... now.
Recently, there has been some discussion about a pair of screenshots for PC Halo that have appeared (one each) in the current issues of Computer Games Magazine and Computer Gaming Monthly. For those who can't wait until June for us to post the press scans, the shots are now online at Microsoft's PC Halo site: the Computer Games shot is here (apologies for not using the Flash interface; there's no way to give a direct URL that way), and the CGM spread is this image (though without the large logo in the center). Who says we never gave you anything? (Louis Wu 08:20:25 UTC)

May 13, 2003 Link to this post

Oh... my... eyes...
Gamespot has posted 6 spankin' new screenshots of Halo 2 - and all I can say is, bumpmapping is astounding stuff. You must see these. Thanks to Ross Mills for the heads-up. Update: these images are also available (at a smaller size, but without the gamespot imprint) from the IGN media page. (Louis Wu 07:49:23 UTC)

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