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May 12, 2005 Link to this post

Tied The Leader
XerxdeeJ has started up a new Halo-related blog - this one's titled 'Tied The Leader'. There are a couple of articles up already; the most recent looks at how sportsmanship is related to online anonymity. (Personally, I think Penny Arcade nailed this one last year - but XerxdeeJ's take, while less pithy, is a tad more in-depth.) Give it a read! (Louis Wu 09:42:23 UTC)

May 10, 2005 Link to this post

Off the screen, into your hand
Drew Santorello and Mark Werner like to bring their virtual playthings to life; they sent in a few pics of weapons they've recreated in real life. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 16:16:01 UTC)

May 10, 2005 Link to this post

Necrosis Episode 2
The third movie to make it through the MPRRS today is the second episode of the Necrosis Clan's eponymous series. You can grab it from their site (WMP9 format, 3.4 mb) or from ours (WMP9 format or a 4.8 mb QuickTime). Again, dialogue comes from the Dialogue Databank; it will be interesting to see how long they can make that work. Screensize is quite small, so some of the action is a bit difficult to see. (Louis Wu 15:10:30 UTC)

May 10, 2005 Link to this post

Something Different
The Movie Peer Review Rating System continues to evolve; we've begun to add tips for movie makers, and you can find them on the Submitter FAQ page. A recently-passed vid came from MereCatFish, a member of the HBO Helljumpers clan. It's basically a collection of stuff that amused him in-game; some of it is great, some is a bit... well, you'd laugh harder if you'd been there, I guess. My favorite part was a single in-game score screen that comes up around 5:11. 14 players, 13 are dead. And one has quit. It's available in both WMP9 format (26.8 mb) and QuickTime format (21.9 mb) - thanks to Mythica for the hosting. (We'll be releasing a couple of other vids today, so I thought I'd spread the love.) (Louis Wu 13:53:43 UTC)

May 9, 2005 Link to this post

Stuffo's 2 bits on a Halo movie
In the absense of any REAL information about a big-screen Halo movie (all the information ANYBODY has at this point was summed up in a February piece in Variety), How Stuff Works has posted 'Halo: The Musical', a short piece explaining what they DON'T want to see happen. It's just like a million forum posts out there - except it's a 2-page article on a popular website. Thanks, Eric Smith. (Louis Wu 10:44:30 UTC)

May 8, 2005 Link to this post

More released videos
Speaking of the MPRRS, two movies that have passed in the last couple of days are now ready for download. Spartan Smasher originally posted his Hpod Shuffle vid in our forum - when it passed our rating system, we put up another pair of links for it. (The originals, plus our mirrors - both WMP9 and QuickTime - can be found in the forum thread.) And VALENCEelectron sent us a trailer for a Halo movie - it uses cutscene video mixed with a soundtrack from the Sky Blue trailer to show you what a Halo big-screen vid could be like. Nice synching, for the most part, though some of the character choices are a bit odd. This is available in both WMP9 (18 mb) and QuickTime (18.4 mb) formats. Enjoy 'em both! (Louis Wu 09:35:27 UTC)

May 7, 2005 Link to this post

Enemy At The Gates
I meant to get to some of these yesterday - but then I was gone for most of yesterday. The MPRRS has approved a new slew of movies - first off the blocks is a film called 'Enemy at the Gates', a Halo 2 version of the big-screen film of the same name. This one was put together by MotleyCrusader, and has some nice timing and filming. There are some funky volume shifts, so be careful - but overall, a great piece. It's available in WMP9 format (34.2 mb) or QuickTime format (33.3 mb). Enjoy - more films coming soon. (Louis Wu 11:53:22 UTC)

May 7, 2005 Link to this post

I miss Mister Chief.
A tad late, because of family obligations, but it's time to let you know about another Bungie Weekly What's Update, posted over at Bungie.net. It's a pretty big one - it contains information about the new maps to be released in June (including two new teaser screens, of Relic and Backwash), as well as plenty of tidbits about the new playlists, and rank, and employee-shaped clouds. Go read! (Louis Wu 02:14:29 UTC)

May 5, 2005 Link to this post

I Ain't Dead Yet
BIGwooly, a name that will be familiar to long-time fans, is back with a new montage. He submitted this to our Movie Peer Review Rating System, and passed nicely; there's some great audio sync going on here. Final credits are also a great example of how this can be done nicely, without too much time given to black screens and white text. You can grab a copy in WMP9 format (31.7 mb) or QuickTime format (29.3 mb). (Louis Wu 15:24:50 UTC)

May 4, 2005 Link to this post

Stats Reset, Playlist Updates - coming soon!
Over at Bungie.net, there's a large article with info about upcoming Bungie-related events: Wednesday, May 4, stats will be reset, and the Matchmaking Playlists will be updated. Details about the new playlists can be found in the article, so go read! (Details about the stats reset are pretty straightforward - they're getting reset, so you're starting at Level 1 again tomorrow.) Thanks to the eight billion people who wrote to tell us about this. (Louis Wu 02:52:01 UTC)

May 2, 2005 Link to this post

New Prometheus Update
Nick writes to point out that Prometheus, the Halo/Halo2/HaloCE editor in production, has another update, with screenshots, sarcasm, and a small vid. Go look! (Louis Wu 12:01:35 UTC)

April 29, 2005 Link to this post

9th Map identified
rRootage scanned the display case for the new Multiplayer Map Pack - he found it on display at EBGames. It contains pretty solid confirmation that one of the remaining maps (almost certainly Backwash) is set in a 343GS-type swamp... which would pin down Frankie's last remaining hint word, 'Firefly'. The original post is here, with speculation - the actual scan is in this post. (This is news because before this point, 8 of the 9 maps were either released or fully described (look for the writeups on Luke Timmins' talk at the University of Utah for details on 4 of the 5 coming out in June) - Backwash was the only unknown, and many people speculated that it would be a remake of Damnation. Looks like that's not the case.) Update: Whoa. mnemesis noticed yet another box acronym. Get started! (If you don't know about Bungie and box acronyms... read this.) (Louis Wu 12:59:48 UTC)

April 25, 2005 Link to this post

The Face in the Ring
Didn't take long... the first egg in the new maps was actually found before they went live (on Turf, you'll find two cola machines; one with a rooster, the other with teeth) - but now that the maps have been released, a slightly less obvious one has been pinned down. Walshicus on our own forum, and A Random Hero on the High Impact Halo forums, both noticed a face in the Halo overhanging Containment - both thought it might be Frankie, but it sure looks to me like Chris Carney. (Thanks to A Random Hero for the screenshot from the level.) (Louis Wu 19:28:23 UTC)

April 24, 2005 Link to this post

Friends List Reset Rumor: FALSE
A couple of days ago, a rumor started somehow that Bungie was going to reset your XBL Friends list in the near future. Not only is this ridiculous (Bungie has no control over your Friends list; only Xbox Live can do that), Frankie has specifically denied that Bungie has any interest in doing so. Please, for the sanity of everyone on your list, STOP sending messages to them telling them that they're going to lose your name. (They MIGHT, if you don't stop messaging them... but it won't be Bungie's fault.) (Louis Wu 12:30:26 UTC)

April 22, 2005 Link to this post

The Big Blue Boom
Shishka has posted yet another 3D screenshot over at Bungie.net - this one is on Turf. Shishka manages to win a Pyrrhic victory by nuking EVERYONE - but oh, it's so beautiful. (He also made a new forum avatar that would drive me out of my mind, if I read the bungie.net forums for any length of time.) (Louis Wu 21:49:09 UTC)

April 21, 2005 Link to this post

Video Walkthroughs - Wizard
Red vs Blue's Burnie Burns has put together walkthroughs for the four new maps coming out on Monday; they'll be releasing 1 per day for the next four days. Tonight's release is Warlock; you can find both high-res (19.9 mb) and low-res (5.9 mb) WMP9 versions in their video archive (the hi-res versions are for sponsors only). We've agreed to help out with low-res web mirrors (both WMP9 and QuickTime - 5.5 mb), as well as hi-res BitTorrent links (with hefty seed bandwidth) - WMP9 and QuickTime. If you want to see how the levels are put together - grab these video walkthroughs, starting with tonight's entry of Warlock! Update: RT has posted the hi-res WMP9 for non-sponsors, as well, and HaloImpulse has put up both the low-res and the hi-res WMP9, with .rar compression. (Louis Wu 01:04:46 UTC)

April 20, 2005 Link to this post

Map Screens - Writ Big
Bungie has posted very large versions of many of the new screenshots released recently - the smallest is 960x720, the largest 1920x1768. As SketchFactor put it, if you haven't seen them or you want to see them in a larger format or with a less obtrusive watermark, they've got you covered. Go download! (Louis Wu 06:22:35 UTC)

April 19, 2005 Link to this post

New Map Media Frenzy
Wow, very nice - there are 28 new map pics over at Gamespot showing off the new levels; many gameplay shots, but also several overhead shots showing the full level layouts. (Thanks, Red Leader.) There's a written preview (with a movie - an interview with Brian Jarrard about the new material), as well. Not to be outdone, IGN has their own preview - some of the same screenshots (with the IGN watermark, of course, instead of the Gamespot one), plus 12 new vids (streaming for the masses, downloadable for IGN Insiders) showing off the first four maps. None of the new media is on Bungie.net yet (nor has anyone sent us copies behind the scenes) - but if we get our hands on un-watermarked copies, we'll be sure to post 'em. Update: looks like the shots are up at TeamXbox, too (with a smaller watermark than GS or IGN) - thanks, chaos recon. Update 2: GameInformer has a preview/media, too. (I'm sad - we're not on the right lists, I guess.) Thanks, Apocalidiot. (Louis Wu 00:56:36 UTC)

April 18, 2005 Link to this post

Humpday Challenge - On Your Screen
Art Vandelay recorded some of last week's Halo Humpday Challenge between High Impact Halo and Bungie, on XBL; I thought the third game was pretty interesting to watch. Remember; you're seeing this entirely from a single player's viewpoint, with no editing; It's not nearly as exciting as it would have been had multiple people recorded the game and then had the final product edited together... but it SHOULD give you a sense for how both teams played. (You'll see that Sketch's writeup is... um, less than accurate (It's HIH that scores first), and there's a hilarious sequence starting at around 4:20 or so - were I to give it a title, it would probably be 'Duck Hunt'.) The game was Neutral Flag CTF on Colossus with Snipers, and the vid is 9:05 long, weighing in at 33.3 mb. You can grab it in WMP9 format (mythica.org | bungie.org) or QuickTime format (bungie.org | mythica.org) - nice stuff! (Louis Wu 01:34:37 UTC)

April 17, 2005 Link to this post

Major MLG Changes due to Auto-Update
There are a couple of important news items over at MLGPro.com for folks who play in their tournaments. The first points out that having the MLG Online League actually start competition the night the auto-update comes out might cause some headaches... so they've pushed the leagues back a week for folks to get used to the changes. (Thanks, Clan Fire When Ready.) The second warns anyone heading to MLG Orlando next week to NOT allow the Auto Update onto their Xbox, since the update will NOT be supported at the tournament. (All SUBSEQUENT tourneys will use it - but this one is so close that it seemed unreasonable to expect folks to change their playstyle overnight.) For practicing between Monday and the 23rd, they suggest XBox Connect. Wow... makes me glad I'm not organizing this stuff! (Louis Wu 13:16:08 UTC)

April 16, 2005 Link to this post

Pink Death, Amplified
I'm not supposed to be here, but I'm trying to save my inbox from the assault it would receive if I left this until morning; Shishka has posted another way-cool 3d screenshot over at Bungie.net, this one of Containment. You wanna see what those new land mines can do? Check this out. (You'd think, given that today is agdTinman's last day at Bungie, that Shishka would have let this flag capture go... but no. Guy's a monster. Go tell him what you think of his heartlessness.) (Louis Wu 02:32:04 UTC)

April 14, 2005 Link to this post

Prometheus Update
Nick points out a new update about Prometheus, the multi-version editor in development. A bunch of questions answered (mostly bringing expectations back into line with reality), a set of new screenshots. Go look! (Louis Wu 12:35:02 UTC)

April 14, 2005 Link to this post

Halo/Star Wars crossover
Mjolnir14 points out a thread on the FileFront forums about a project starting up to create a Halo mod for Star Wars Battlefront. If this is your cup of tea, go see if you can help! (Louis Wu 12:29:22 UTC)

April 13, 2005 Link to this post

Lookin' For Fun
ST started a Halo-related blog - this one devoted to his Halo 2 stats. His post 'A look at H2 through the eyes of the mediocre player' is a rambling look at what it takes to find a 'fun' game. (Louis Wu 14:59:41 UTC)

April 12, 2005 Link to this post

Game Diversity at Tourneys
Video Gamers League started a program where gamers can vote on which games they'll have running at their tournaments; visit their page for more details. (As far as I can tell, this is in addition to Halo, and you're not limited at all in what you vote for.) (Louis Wu 19:26:32 UTC)

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