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Showing results 2701 - 2725 of 4250 matches

June 15, 2005 Link to this post

Battle of the Bobs
The Clan of Bobs is looking to start up its own weekly challenge match, modeled on Bungie's Halo Humpday Challenge. If you're interested in participating, swing by the page and give it a read! (Louis Wu 13:53:10 UTC)

June 14, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 HUDless screenshot tutorial
prometheus wrote up a pretty cool tutorial about how to create a Halo 2 HUDless screenshot; if you're interested in Halo scenery without all the text and personal info, check this out! (Louis Wu 12:34:22 UTC)

June 10, 2005 Link to this post

'sploding somethings.
There's a great summary of Elongation, complete with screenshots and developer commentary, up at Bungie.net right now. This is the first of 5 weekly map previews, leading up to the release of these maps in early July. Thanks to all the folks who sent in links - I think Nedus might have been first. (Louis Wu 02:23:50 UTC)

June 9, 2005 Link to this post

Voice Acting - Stars, or Contract Talent?
The Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists have been getting ready to strike over contract disputes with video game publishers - but a deal was struck yesterday that will keep that from happening (pending approval from the unions themselves). Voice actors will receive a substantial increase in minimum pay for video game work, but will not receive residuals (payment for each game sold). Residuals are standard for movies and television, and as voice acting in video games like Halo 2 and GTA: San Andreas is being done more and more by big-name Hollywood stars, this looked to be a thorny issue (probably will be again, in the future). Thanks, Mr Yun. (Louis Wu 14:51:44 UTC)

June 9, 2005 Link to this post

The Legacy of Halo Nationals
Major League Gaming has posted an info page for MLG Philadelphia, coming up in late July. It includes a look back at the Pennsylvania tourney that started it all for some of the staff - an interesting reminiscence of a much less professional time. Go read! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 09:15:37 UTC)

June 8, 2005 Link to this post

Reflections and Dynamic Mirrors
Wow - it's pretty impressive how far SuperSunny is bringing the rendered view of Halo CE - check out the screenshots in this forum thread. Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 14:37:18 UTC)

June 7, 2005 Link to this post

The Studio Stunt
Wow. So a couple of months ago, the rumor making the rounds was that a Halo script was being written for the big screen by Alex Garland, who wrote The Beach and 28 Days Later. And then we heard nothing. Until today. Defamer has a piece that says that couriers dressed up in Master Chief armor have been bringing the script around to all the major studios to be read (and bid on) today. If we get word on how this turns out, we'll be sure to let you know. Update: Looks like it didn't go over so well... an updated blog entry at Defamer suggests that the script... well, is not so good. Thanks, Anton P. Nym. (Louis Wu 01:30:19 UTC)

June 4, 2005 Link to this post

Halo mod for Madness Interactive
Titan85c noticed a Halo mod for Madness Interactive over at Matrix Rayne Online - there aren't any screenshots, but there's a downloadable zip (4 mb). If you have Madness Interactive, check this out! (Louis Wu 18:20:05 UTC)

June 3, 2005 Link to this post

New Multiplayer Map Resources
Kaboris pointed out a page on the Xbox.com Japan site (I can't find a corresponding page yet on the main Xbox.com site) touting the multiplayer map pack. it's got a bunch of screenshots that haven't been released (legally) anywhere else yet, and walkthrough vids of the first four maps (a lot like the ones Red vs Blue made, except without voiceover, explaining what you're looking at, and only available to PCs - the movies won't play on macs.) Go look! Update: Jimmy points out that those ARE the RvB movies - minus Burnie's voiceover. (Louis Wu 18:42:51 UTC)

June 3, 2005 Link to this post

Console Yourself.
You knew it was only a matter of time before One One Se7en started taking potshots at the new consoles... (Louis Wu 15:10:57 UTC)

June 2, 2005 Link to this post

What IS that thing?
Wanna give us a hand with our content needs? mnemesis has posted a Help Wanted ad on our forum - he's looking for level transcriptions. Read the post if you're interested - as he said, it would be better if we didn't have duplication of effort, so telling us BEFORE you start is a good thing. And... thanks, in advance! (Louis Wu 21:18:40 UTC)

June 1, 2005 Link to this post

ODST Summer League
sh33p has decided to start a summer league for fun, not rank. Rules are posted at his website, and motivation and basic info can be found in the forum post. If you're looking for an alternative to matchmaking, this might be for you! (Louis Wu 12:50:20 UTC)

May 29, 2005 Link to this post

Map Pack Screenies
Aussie Xbox has put up a bunch of screenshots and some cover art for the upcoming Multiplayer Map Pack release, due in early July. (Xboxyde released some of these shots a couple of weeks ago, but that was well before the media embargo was lifted. It's unclear what that embargo date actually IS - but since the big boys haven't released these yet, it's probably safe to say that Aussie Xbox is a little early, too. In any case - they're online, go look. (Louis Wu 16:18:51 UTC)

May 28, 2005 Link to this post

The Autumn! She's been hit!
Starting your Memorial Day Weekend off with a cutscene, we've released the final scene from Pillar of Autumn - our Halo Cutscene Library now contains all of the first level of the game. Go grab a copy! Update: Mainevent noticed an audio problem on the large WMP9 file; sorry about that. It's been replaced on both mirrors. (Louis Wu 11:59:56 UTC)

May 27, 2005 Link to this post

Weekly Update with YOUR help
Holy Magillicutty, Batman... here's your chance to get questions answered. Frankie has started a thread on our forum, offering to answer as many questions as you post (civilly) in this week's Weekly What's Update. There's already a decent quantity up there... but get to thinkin' - you never know! Update: Thread was locked, by Frankie's request - I guess he figured 97 responses were enough. (Louis Wu 17:50:19 UTC)

May 27, 2005 Link to this post

Doom 3 vs Halo 2: The Battle of the Stories
Doom 3 has a much larger amount of story material than the original Doom. In addition, it's presented in-game in a much-more-interactive way than Halo's story is (instead of simply using cutscenes and the occasional scripted encounter, you can find information on viewscreens, dropped PDAs, lab computers, and more). So has Doom surpassed Halo in its storytelling ability? Narcogen takes a close look over at Rampancy.net - you might be surprised by what he found. (Louis Wu 15:15:51 UTC)

May 26, 2005 Link to this post

Modeling the Rocket Launcher
Early this week, Paradox sent along a couple of pictures of his new work-in-progress, a model of the Halo rocket launcher. We've started a gallery for this, and will add pictures as they come in. Looks to be pretty heavy-duty! (Louis Wu 16:02:14 UTC)

May 22, 2005 Link to this post

Halo domain names for sale
MasterGrief pointed out a thread on the Gearbox forums containing a number of Halo-related domain names for sale; prices and an email address for the seller can all be found in the thread. Check it out if you're looking to start a site! (Louis Wu 19:56:58 UTC)

May 22, 2005 Link to this post

Pillar of Autumn Space now available
Whew. Back from LA, still WELL-underslept, but I'll turn in early tonight and be back to normal by morning. A few things sitting in the in-box; looks like JackBauer's Pillar of Autumn Space map for HaloCE is available for download - check this Gearbox forum thread for details. (Thanks to several people, including JackBauer himself, for the heads-up.) Update: oops - there were other HaloCE map announcements, I almost missed them - Arteen has released Augury (check this thread for screenies and a download link), and Peter Sakievich has released The Narrows - screenies, description, and a download link can be found at Halomaps. (Louis Wu 19:30:51 UTC)

May 18, 2005 Link to this post

eBay - the friend of college students everywhere
MarkHawk is broke, and looking to make up a little of the cash he needs by auctioning off a pair of Civilian Warthog action figures and a giant promotional poster. You can find the forum post here, and the eBay auction here. Not a bad starting price for a pair of extremely rare hogs and a poster! (Louis Wu 16:34:02 UTC)

May 17, 2005 Link to this post

New map screenies
Whoa, cool. Looks like Xboxyde was first out of the gate with new screenshots of the upcoming map pack maps (I'm sure all the big boys will have copies before the night is over). Check 'em out! Thanks, Recoil. (Louis Wu 22:54:38 UTC)

May 17, 2005 Link to this post

Montage Heaven
Wonga. If you like montages, swing by Halo2Forum - they started a contest a few weeks ago, and received 135 movie entries, which they've narrowed down to 8 finalists. Two of those have already been released on HBO, but the other 6 are new to me - all told, you're looking at 500 MB of montage goodness. Here's hoping the bandwidth holds out... thanks, Z. (Louis Wu 17:01:53 UTC)

May 17, 2005 Link to this post

Halo for Homeworld 2
Interesting. A mod is starting up for Homeworld 2, attempting to bring Halo 2 ships into the game. (Many of them aren't even in Halo 2; some of the models are built off descriptions in the novels.) It's early days yet. There's a thread here, and the start of a new board here. Thanks, Chris Buhr. (Louis Wu 10:44:54 UTC)

May 15, 2005 Link to this post

VideoTuts Mass Media Release
A new site, VideoTuts.net, has opened its doors; in the words of one of its admins, "Our goal is to push the gaming and CG industry further, and make it easy and accessible to everyone." (Well, mostly everyone - not Mac users, but everyone else.) They've released 20 new video tutorials on the use of 3ds Max and Photoshop; these range from large to ginormous, and most of the new ones (all of them?) are encoded with the TechSmith codec. (TechSmith is a Windows-only screen recorder; if you're on a Mac, you're completely out of luck. On the other hand, 3ds Max doesn't run on a Mac, either, so...) This codec, for Windows, can be downloaded from a link in their video FAQ. If you're looking for step-by-step tutorials showing you how to perform specific tasks related to game development using 3ds Max or Photoshop... check this stuff out! (Louis Wu 19:28:51 UTC)

May 15, 2005 Link to this post

Zelda mod coming along
Hehe - the Zelda Ocarina of Time mod being created for Halo CE is progressing nicely, as can be seen in the screenshots in this thread on the Gearbox forums. Still a ways from being done, but what's there is quite impressive! Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 18:57:59 UTC)

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