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July 5, 2005 Link to this post

Frantic Tranquility
SketchFactor has posted a beautiful preview of Gemini, over at Bungie.net - strategy, map overhead, screenshots of the Marathon Infinity level that inspired it, gameplay tips. You can't go wrong. Go read it! (Louis Wu 22:44:29 UTC)

July 5, 2005 Link to this post

Map Pack data at Bungie.net
For anyone having trouble downloading the five new maps on Xbox Live, SketchFactor has reprinted Major Nelson's Downloadable Content FAQ - go read it at Bungie.net. And yes, we know about the Relic teleporter glitch. (For those who don't - it's quite simple to pass through the teleporter, in either direction, by simply crouch-jumping on top of the platforms.) No, it won't kill matchmaking. It just means there's one more place to watch at the start of the game. (Louis Wu 21:32:59 UTC)

July 4, 2005 Link to this post

Hollywood Halo Update 4
Our final news post of this Fourth of July holiday is community-related. A few days ago, we mentioned some money problems being experienced by Hollywood Halo, a team of Halo movie makers who were socked with some unreasonable overage fees for one of their popular movies. To show people what happened to them, they put together a vid that explains the problem (in a humorous fashion), and then summarizes their work to date. chubark posted a note on our forum last night, explaining the vid and listing several download links (including a BitTorrent link - the video is 87.1 mb, so the BT link might be your fastest option). We've put up a QuickTime version, as well - you can grab it via BitTorrent (we're seeding it with a very nice chunk of bandwidth), or grab the direct download - if this starts to kill us, we'll pull it, but leave the BT link. (The QuickTime is 85.7 mb.) For folks who've written us with a warning that this whole thing is a scam - I think you're being overly paranoid. The hosting company is acting pretty unprofessionally - but a typo in their bill does NOT mean that the bill was made up. And with that - I'm off to start cooking! Enjoy the day, see you all tomorrow! (Louis Wu 12:29:44 UTC)

July 3, 2005 Link to this post

Halo CE Chronicles Season 2 starts soon
Looks like the Halo CE Chronicles is counting down to season 2 - read this news post for details on website changes. Folks have been waiting for this popular series to restart filming - keep your eyes open! (Louis Wu 14:58:33 UTC)

July 2, 2005 Link to this post

Frag Doll Friday - coming soon
Looks like the Frag Dolls are starting a monthly 'play with the fans' thing, under the auspices of Xbox.com - you can read about it on its official Xbox.com page. First game is July 15, with gaming requests needed by July 12 in order to partipate. Thanks to prometheus, who found this on Major Nelson's blog. (Louis Wu 09:38:07 UTC)

July 1, 2005 Link to this post

Briar's Armor Update
Four more screenshots, showing the thigh pieces, have been posted over at Briar's Armor (it's the top row of thumbnails at the moment). If this news post means nothing to you, check older posts. (Louis Wu 15:02:52 UTC)

June 30, 2005 Link to this post

HaloCE work continues
HaloCE Updates, from MasterGrief: The Zelda: Ocarina of Time mod is coming along nicely (a magic meter, and new melee attacks with the sword) - you can see tons of new screenshots in this Gearbox Forum thread, and BitterBanana has created a much less buggy, more realistic chasecam - go download version 1.07. More people should play this game! (Louis Wu 11:41:36 UTC)

June 30, 2005 Link to this post

Screenies - for those who missed 'em
I meant to mention this the other day, but forgot; I'm sure there are a few people who missed it. In the 'Relic Revealed' article over at Bungie.net, SketchFactor mentioned that new screenshots had been posted, as well. This has been true for ALL the map overviews, starting with Elongation. You can find three new pics of each map in Bungie's Screenshot section, starting on page 6. They're dated according to the writeup, so Elongation and Backwash are on June 22 (clearly, that's when the policy began), Terminal (four pics) on June 22, and Relic on June 28th. The action shot off Terminal ROCKS. (Louis Wu 11:37:53 UTC)

June 29, 2005 Link to this post

Relic/Elongation vids continue to spread
More copies of the Film Oasis movies - TeamXbox has the Elongation and Relic films, in WMP9 format, and Computer and Video Games has them as well (though at a smaller screen size), along with text writeups of the levels. Glad to see they're getting more press now! (Louis Wu 20:58:11 UTC)

June 29, 2005 Link to this post

Live Action Halo Movie - coming soon!
Gregory Austin let us know that Zool Inc is working on a live-action Halo fan film. It's entitled "117", and he's sent along a small teaser poster for the film. In his words:

Set in the style of "The Fall of Reach", "117" details the life of Master Chief, starting from his first promotion to Petty Officer, to the dawning of the Mjolnir body armor.

Post-Production will begin soon, and we will release a teaser trailer. Expect more updates soon!

Keep your eyes open! (Louis Wu 15:20:27 UTC)

June 28, 2005 Link to this post

Maptacular Vids - the way they SHOULD be seen
Some not-so-standard promo vids of the new Maptacular levels have appeared recently - Containment was first, followed by Warlock,then Sanctuary and Turf last week. I've been a little unhappy with these releases - some have had encoding problems, others have watermarks or splash screens added by the sites releasing them. I did a little digging, and we've gotten permission to release high-quality, watermark-free versions of all of them. We're starting with one you haven't seen yet - Elongation. We'll add Relic later today or tonight, fill out the existing releases in the next couple of days, and then start on the final 3 maps. Thanks to the Xbox.com team, Film Oasis (who made them), and Bungie (whose fantastic work is so beautifully shown off in them) for helping make this happen! (Louis Wu 19:17:50 UTC)

June 26, 2005 Link to this post

The Cup Is Not The Experience.
I haven't highlighted a forum post from Matt Soell in quite some time - partly because he hasn't been around (in a posting sense) for a while, but also because he no longer works for Bungie. However, he posted a note this evening that is worth a read by anyone interested in the marketing side of video games, and how it conflicts, sometimes, with what the 'fans' want. (I put 'fans' in quotes because they're generally people who believe they deserve the title more than the millions of people who bought Halo 2 BECAUSE of the marketing hype.) If you're new around here, Matt was the public mouthpiece of Bungie for many years, until his departure 2 years ago. He resurfaced about a year after that, at Wideload Games, the startup created by Bungie co-founder Alex Seropian. The man has a way with words, and a pretty grounded perspective on all of this stuff. Read it and let your blood pressure drop. (Remember that all of this is personal opinion; he's not representing Bungie, or Wideload, or anyone else but Matt in this post.) (Louis Wu 03:57:42 UTC)

June 25, 2005 Link to this post

Master Chief Suit - work continues
Alan James sent in some new pics of his Master Chief suit in progress; he's got leg pieces and gloves started. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:15:39 UTC)

June 25, 2005 Link to this post

Terminal on your PSP
Mintz08 continues his PSP-ready conversions - this time with the 3D Terminal screenshots released yesterday. I'm still having trouble understanding the draw, but there it is for anyone who wants it. (Louis Wu 11:23:09 UTC)

June 25, 2005 Link to this post

What should come next
Diss3nt has written up a blog entry with his thoughts about Halo 3. It's a little bit schizophrenic (after ranting about how Halo 2 got too much advertising, and how that detrimentally affected the fanbase, he complains that wants to see more promotional focus on the storyline - it was too neglected in the Halo 2 ads), but there's a lot of feeling behind it. He started a comment thread about it on our forum, as well. (Louis Wu 11:19:58 UTC)

June 24, 2005 Link to this post

Now that just ROCKS.
Shishka, covering for the missing Sketch and Frankie, has posted not one, not two, but THREE gorgeous 3D screenshots of Terminal - you'll need QuickTime to see these, but oh, they're so very nice. I'm loving the last one. Shishka, fresh off a victorious sword lunge, is about to become winshield splatter. w00t! (We got this first from B.net itself, but thanks anyway to 3Suns for the email heads-up.) (Louis Wu 23:20:15 UTC)

June 24, 2005 Link to this post

Master Chief Model
Wortrow found an interesting series of renders over on the Scifi-Meshes.com forums - Doug Godfrey, aka JoKeRr, has modeled the Master Chief, and is in the process of animating his work. (There's a small website begun, as well.) It's out of the ordinary; this wasn't built by starting with Bungie models, it was created from the ground up. (You can see the progression of the model through the thread, now over 150 replies long.) (Louis Wu 11:52:26 UTC)

June 24, 2005 Link to this post

Offline Web Pages - on your PSP
Mintz08 has been porting various web pages to the PSP - he started with some Weekly What's Updates, moved on to the Enkidu Fan Fiction, and last night posted the Bungie.net Terminal preview. If you have a Playstation Portable, and you're interested in reading some of these web pages offline on it, check out his posts! (Louis Wu 11:47:38 UTC)

June 23, 2005 Link to this post

Maptacular summary at CVG
Computer and Video Games has posted a summary of the five newest maps (along with screenshots); if you haven't gotten your fill of this sort of info, go read! (Louis Wu 09:48:57 UTC)

June 22, 2005 Link to this post

Riding the Bullet (blocking) Train
Continuing their series of one map preview per week, Bungie has put up an in-depth look at Terminal - its strengths, its weaknesses, the best Starbucks kiosks in the station. Wait - that's not right. But the rest of it is. Go read! Very cool graphics - screenshots, closeups on scenery items, even a map. (Louis Wu 22:07:09 UTC)

June 21, 2005 Link to this post

Lost Time
Playfeed wrote a review of Halo 2 that starts with "Last week I found Halo 2 in a Limited Collectors Edition tin a pawn show for $15 bucks..." - what blew the reviewer away was how much fun the game actually was. He admits that he ridiculed the game when it came out, entirely because of the massive hype... but he now regrets that. Interesting! (Louis Wu 12:48:08 UTC)

June 20, 2005 Link to this post

T and R - done.
I think this was the last big challenge from Halo, trick-wise... Ms. Man has gotten to the bottom of Truth and Reconciliation, in single-player. (He did this in Co-op mode back in October.) You can find the vid in WMP9 format linked off the High Impact Halo forum (26.6 mb), or grab a QuickTime version from bungie.org (27.5 mb). Warning: the music will make your brain explode. And not in a good way. (Louis Wu 19:21:36 UTC)

June 16, 2005 Link to this post

Show me the money!
Yet another R.net heads-up... this one is a blog entry from Wil Wheaton, discussing the recent agreement between the Screen Actors Guild and video games publishers (we mentioned it last week). Wil's point of view is that actors deserve more. There's a well-written counterpoint over at Game Girl Advance, suggesting that while everyone might WANT more, actors aren't any more entitled to residuals than, say, animators - but that if publishers had to pay EVERYONE residuals, nobody would publish games. The whole issue is becoming more important, as gaming continues to make inroads into mainstream entertainment, and budgets (and profits) continue to climb. Stay tuned - we may have something more in-depth about this in the near future. (Louis Wu 15:52:21 UTC)

June 16, 2005 Link to this post

Articles that shouldn't be written (yet?)
IGN posted a short piece about what they want to see in the Halo movie once it hits the big screen. I found this at Rampancy.net, where Narcogen said their list 'makes Baby Jesus cry' - he ain't kiddin'. (Louis Wu 15:28:33 UTC)

June 15, 2005 Link to this post

Backwash Profiled
In keeping with the plan to highlight a new map each week until the release of the Map Pack in early July, Bungie.net has posted a preview of Backwash. Screenshots and developer commentary bring this map to spooky, eery life - check it out! (Louis Wu 20:40:25 UTC)

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