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May 16, 2006 Link to this post

Wait... is it fake?
There's been a screenshot purporting to be the UI of Halo 3 floating around for the past couple of days; Frankie posted a note on our forum yesterday that it was fake, but has since put up a note on Bungie.net to reach the much larger general Halo audience. To reiterate: It's Fake. (Louis Wu 19:21:20 UTC)

May 15, 2006 Link to this post

Miniature Halo Returns!
After a really, REALLY long hiatus (Page 25 was released in November, 2004), SESpider restarted Miniature Halo - you can find Page 26 and Page 27 in our archives. (To be fair, 26 was actually posted on our forum 2 weeks ago - it's just been a really, really busy 2 weeks.) (Louis Wu 15:24:59 UTC)

May 12, 2006 Link to this post

The Trailer, Dissected
One quick last post, before heading off to DeanFest 2006 - the Weekly Update is posted over at Bungie.net, and it's a doozy. It might just contain the most real information about a Bungie product, ever. Amazing collection of solid answers. Go read. (And then stop harping on the silly stuff in our forum, and start speculating about the REAL meat!) As always, it's available in our Bungie Weekly Update Archive, as well. (Louis Wu 23:44:39 UTC)

May 12, 2006 Link to this post

Announce This!
vivien molia pointed out a new Press Start to Play with a Halo theme - take a look! (Louis Wu 23:25:51 UTC)

May 11, 2006 Link to this post

Organized Halo 3 Content at R.net
Over at Rampancy.net, Narcogen has lost no time organizing the Halo 3 content out at this point; you'll find a new Halo 3 Movies page, containing local mirrors of the announcement trailer, a Halo 3 Articles page, containing local mirrors for Bungie's Halo 3 comments, and a Halo 3 Image Gallery, which contains both official screenshots and some interesting screengrabs that have been intriguing forumgoers everywhere for the last couple of days. Go look! (Louis Wu 04:42:59 UTC)

May 10, 2006 Link to this post

Screenshots for the BIG screen.
So... if you like the screenshots over at Bungie.net, but feel like they're not hi-res enough (they're only 1280x720, after all), or you're unhappy with the Bungie watermark... swing by the Xbox.com Press site, and grab the official press screenshots (70 mb, zipped). What do you get for those 70 megs? You get the 5 images in uncompressed TIFF format - 10-16 mb each - at the absurd resolution of 6400x3600. Wonga. (Louis Wu 13:28:35 UTC)

May 9, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Content Now Up
For what it's worth: The Halo 3 content at Bungie.net is available. (Up until now, clicking any of the links in the Top Story or on B.net's home page simply redirected to the home page... but the section is now live.) The screenshots are all from the trailer (though they're considerably clearer than screengrabs), and the only wallpaper available is a 'Finish the Fight' one. The FAQ is worth reading - especially the bit about how the trailer is a real-time piece of work. That is: this trailer is NOT like the X02 trailer, which was rendered in-engine, but not in real time; this was recorded in real time, off stock Xbox 360 hardware. Yes, it looks that good. (Louis Wu 22:55:02 UTC)

May 9, 2006 Link to this post

Content for EVERYONE
Swing by Bungie.net - now back up, and with a pretty amazing top story. The announcement trailer is available for all - in QT and WMP9 formats (with more options coming soon, looks like) - plus Screenshots, Storyboards, Wallpapers, a new FAQ, an About page, and a new forum. WONGA. Go take it all in. Update: hmm... looks like the non-trailer content isn't actually accessible yet (I just get redirected back to the main page). Patience. :) (The movie links work fine, though.) (Louis Wu 19:57:36 UTC)

May 9, 2006 Link to this post

Beautiful Needler - the Video
A year ago, Archie Gates started creating Needler songs over at Gamespot. (Unfortunately, his profile is now private, so I can't link you there.) He's since created 4 (search our news) - and just recently, imSuck, of HollywoodHalo, submitted 'Beautiful Needler', a music video based on the first Needler song, to the MPRRS. The reviewers loved it. Go grab a copy. WMP9 version is 43.2 mb, QuickTime version is 41.9 mb. Awesome, classic song, perfectly synched to Halo action. Christina would be proud. (Well, okay, maybe not - maybe she'd be like 'OMGWTF', but she SHOULD be proud.) (Louis Wu 12:43:04 UTC)

May 8, 2006 Link to this post

EchoZuluFilms has released Alonewinder, a HaloCE map designed primarily for the machinimas ALONE and Major Tom Diaries. It's a 13 mb download. (Sounds like it's sidewinder with new vehicles and weapons.) One of the new weapons is the Boomstick; it started life as a simple shotgun mod, but now is a totally separate weapon. Thanks, PsiMatrix. (Louis Wu 16:08:54 UTC)

May 3, 2006 Link to this post

Impressive Screenshot Tools
c0ld vengeance pointed out a pretty cool thread over at HaloMods - a month ago, xbox7887 posted a collection of information which (if you have a modded Xbox) will allow you to grab full-resolution screenshots of Halo or Halo 2. The pics are GORGEOUS. Make sure you actually READ the material provided before you bug anyone about this stuff, though. And no, you can't use this stuff WITHOUT a modded box. (Louis Wu 13:40:23 UTC)

May 2, 2006 Link to this post

No Online Halo Today
As noted on Bungie.net, Xbox Live will be down for most of today - in theory, they started maintenance a couple of hours ago (2 am PDT, 9 am UTC), and it will continue for the next 12-14 hours. This means no Halo 2 today. Don't bother Bungie about this - it's not their maintenance. Thanks to Skywalker DSP for the reminder. (Louis Wu 11:02:04 UTC)

April 27, 2006 Link to this post

Halo: The Covenant War
Ewen dropped us a note about a tabletop RPG adaptation of Halo he's working on called "Halo: The Covenant War." You can find some sample artwork for the miniatures in this blog post. Great start! (Louis Wu 13:50:02 UTC)

April 26, 2006 Link to this post

Today's One One Se7en refers to a forum thread that blew up last week; it started with a simple question, and ended with some gaming philosophy. (Trust Stuntmutt to boil it down to a bad joke.) (Louis Wu 19:31:35 UTC)

April 25, 2006 Link to this post

Halo at E3 - rumor acknowledged.
Gah. I wanted to avoid this altogether, because it seems like it's better just to see what happens... but when rumors start showing up on CNN, you gotta pay 'em SOME attention. Lots of places have been hinting that E3 could be the first place where new Halo footage is seen this year - and now Chris Morris' Game Over column joins the list of hinters.

Expect to see the first footage from the next installment of "Halo," which might shift some focus away from the competition. (The game won't hit stores until 2007, however.)

'Expect' might be too strong an imperative... but it's certainly possible. Anyway, I've now acknowledged the rumor, so any more emails concerning it (from any site) will be blissfully ignored. (Thanks, ICDedPpl.) (Louis Wu 20:10:26 UTC)

April 18, 2006 Link to this post

Valley of the Forerunners, Part 8
Dennis Powers writes to point out that Part 8 of the Valley of the Forerunners is now available for download on the Halo CE Chronicles website. 8:17 long, available in WMP9, QuickTime, and streaming Flash, this part shows Harrington and the Marines a little more about what they're up against. If you've wondered why some of the episodes of this season seem to start and end in non-standard places... Dennis wrote up a short piece explaining the difference between 'Episodes' and 'Parts', and why this season is laid out as it is. Worth a read! (Louis Wu 18:11:13 UTC)

April 18, 2006 Link to this post

MLG TV - Almost Here
Apologies for the news blackout; connection from this hotel is MUCH more difficult than I'd expected. Let's start with some MLG news - Pieter Kok pointed out that MLG is about to launch a television show; you can find links to more info on MLG's site. Pretty cool stuff! (Louis Wu 13:57:04 UTC)

April 10, 2006 Link to this post

Operation: Backwash Trailer
Treeskunk Productions, the guys behind Outpost: Coagulation, have started a new series, entitled 'Outpost: Backwash'. The series trailer made it through the MPRRS yesterday; they weren't looking for hosting, but since their downloads page offers only WMP9 format (22.9 mb), we're providing a QuickTime link (21.4 mb). Looks to be funny, well-filmed, entertaining - check it out! (Louis Wu 12:58:21 UTC)

April 9, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Pro - a Template?
Michael Katcher looked at the MLG model and extrapolated to sports in general; could we see internet-based subscription content supplanting one-size-fits-all TV options in the future? (My guess - not if cable companies have anything to say about it; video-on-demand might make this whole concept moot in the next couple of years.) Comments can go into his blog, or into the forum thread he started to let us know about this. (Louis Wu 13:49:06 UTC)

April 7, 2006 Link to this post

Put on your glasses, start sewing!
Captain Spark dropped off another 19 dialogue snippets - you can grab 'em in bulk from his site, or browse 'em in our Dialogue Databank. There's one that's unintelligble to me - and Spark didn't even try it, so he clearly couldn't hear it either. (If you can tell what the brute is saying, let us know.) And yes - there are still a TON of snippets from other submitters in the queue; once again, Spark's stuff jumps to the front of the queue solely because processing takes me a couple of minutes, instead of a couple of hours. I'm really sorry. Update: Marty clarified the full quote for us - it looks like the sample we've got is missing the first couple of words. Pretty funny quote, though! (Louis Wu 17:13:50 UTC)

April 6, 2006 Link to this post

MC Goes Conning
Devastator sent along a link to another bunch of pics of him at I-Con in a Halo costume recently - check 'em out! (Louis Wu 15:50:10 UTC)

April 4, 2006 Link to this post

Dead Man's Hand Kicks Off
Dweezle86 from the TTL Gunslingers has started up another gaming-related (Halo-oriented) blog - go read Dead Man's Hand. Them Gunslingers... they sure do write a lot! (Louis Wu 17:43:47 UTC)

April 4, 2006 Link to this post

The Valley of the Forerunners: Part 6
Over at the Halo CE Chronicles website, you can grab part 6 of the Valley of the Forerunners series. Harrington and the marines are starting to get an idea about how much trouble they're actually in. Cinematography is quite good on this one. It's a long one - almost 13 minutes, and weighing in at more than 40 mb for the downloadable versions (or 15 mb for the streaming Flash). Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:30:03 UTC)

April 4, 2006 Link to this post

Tablesaw Anatomy Episode 1
Fwankman88 and friends at Force Lightning Studios created 'Tablesaw Anatomy Episode 1 - it's the start of a new machinima series. Two Ex-Marine bounty hunters stumble on a secret lab during a "sting". Questions are left as they try and figure out what they really saw. Production values are quite high; great effects, great sound quality. This is one to follow. The MPRRS liked it, too, which is why we're offering you downloads in either WMP9 or QuickTime formats (22.3 mb, 8:23). Go grab it! (Louis Wu 01:48:45 UTC)

April 3, 2006 Link to this post

James Stewart would fall.
Aequitas created a screenshot which might just make you sick. (Motion-sick, not gross-sick.) Check out his forum post (and the followup) for more details, including how he made it. It's 1.1 mb, so give it time to load. (Louis Wu 17:23:30 UTC)

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