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Search results for halo theme

Showing results 501 - 525 of 542 matches

April 20, 2003 Link to this post

How do you overcharge a paintball gun?
Tom Clifford points out that the Valley Branch Retreat, in Indiana, is planning a Halo-themed paintball scenario on May 17th. There's a sign-up form on that page, including details on the registration fees. If you're tired of only getting hit by virtual bullets, check it out! (Count Zero 19:41:44 UTC)

March 26, 2003 Link to this post

The Seventh Column just got spiffier.
Three new themes are now available for your Bungie.net Seventh Column chapter, thanks to poena.dare - two are Pathways Into Darkness-related, but the third (First and Last) is a Halo theme (thus warranting a news post here). Check 'em out! Thanks to SketchFactor for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 02:07:29 UTC)

March 9, 2003 Link to this post

The Case of the Missing Screenshots
I'm fallin' out of my seat, laughin'. We got a note from ed, asking us if we knew anything about the new Halo 2 shots showing at Giga.de, a german TV affiliate of NBC-Europe. In ed's words,

Giga is a well-known show about all sorts of internet-themes, and I don't think they would lie, but I wonder if these pics are real, because they have no Bungie-logo on them, and they are still not shown at BungieÇs T&R-site.

To see the pics, follow this link, then hit the 'Shots'N'Pics' link underneath the action figure picture. Alternatively, here's the frame in question. When you're all done, follow this link, posted on our news last week, and if you want, you can even follow the internal links from there for the original source. When you're all done with that, sit back, laugh, and then send Roger Wilco some email, telling him just how cool his work really is. (ed, you were right to be suspicious... but if you ask me, those are good enough to be in the game anyway.) (Louis Wu 01:46:13 UTC)

February 14, 2003 Link to this post

Everybody's a comic
In an attempt to show up Lorraine R. McLees, Stosh has put up a Valentines-themed comic of his own. (Give it up, Stosh.) Don't forget the site itself... I think he's just bitter cause he got beat by a girl. (Two, if you count Lorraine.) Update: DOH! Wrong comic. (No wonder I had troubles with it...) Try this one. (I still give the round to Lorraine, though. This one's pretty funny... but the Halo Babies can't be beat.) (Louis Wu 00:44:58 UTC)

December 22, 2002 Link to this post

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...
Subnova regular 2 and 2 make 5 has recorded a cool little clip of... SuperGrunt. In his own words:

Very few know the awesome power of flight given to all grunts. I however have managed to convince one of them into showing it off without the helpful nudge of explosive fragmentation grenades. He didn't know I had a camera underneath my trenchcoat, so now all can see the hidden power of grunts.

The movie is 412K (it's only 3 seconds long), and 320x240... but 2 is working on a higher-res version, for anyone interested in using this clip in a Superman-themed music video. Contact him (or us) for more details. (Louis Wu 18:11:11 UTC)

December 13, 2002 Link to this post

Final day for contest entries at B.net
A quick warning - if you're working on a Seventh Column theme for the contest, today is the deadline; the winner walks away with a 'hefty allowance at the Bungie Store', and Evil Otto points out that new Halo goodies are coming soon. (Louis Wu 19:14:29 UTC)

December 7, 2002 Link to this post

Priceless Lessons
ArakniZ has submitted a short film with some important lessons to be learned if you want to be a Halo pro. It's just about a minute and a half long, and you can find it in QuickTime 5 (5.3 mb) or WMP 9 (3.9 mb) formats at mythica.org. (Notice that 9 on the Media Player version - this is NOT playable on a mac, or on a PC with WMP 8 or lower installed.) Update: As noted by oddworld18, the content might be considered inappropriate for younger viewers. Nothing pornographic, but definitely mature themes. (Louis Wu 15:17:59 UTC)

November 12, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Fan Music Rocks.
Wow. Justin Durban, who turned in a pretty cool reworking of the Halo theme about 6 weeks ago, has spoken again. Justin says:

Its hard to describe this one is like. I guess you'll just have to hear it. Basically the theme comes in and out and is even modified to a point. Perhaps Marty will do the same with his score.

It starts quietly, and builds to a beautiful finale - this is three and a half minutes of beauty. It weighs in at just under 5 megs... if you're a fan of the Halo 2 theme, you should grab this piece. (You can check out more of Justin's work at Edgen Animations, if you like what you hear.) (Louis Wu 09:10:03 UTC)

October 26, 2002 Link to this post

HBO AIM theme available
Team Overkill has created an Expression for AOL Instant Messenger based on this site. It's being hosted by AIM Buddy Expressions, on this page... but there are no previews there, so we've put one up here. This work was done with the help of Nick. (Louis Wu 10:45:49 UTC)

October 5, 2002 Link to this post

AIM Halo theme available
SpikeDaDragon has created a new Halo Expression for AOL Instant Messenger. If you know what this is (or if you use AIM and would like to know what this is), visit Spike's site and download the file. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a preview of it anywhere, so if you don't have AIM (or aren't willing to modify files without seeing the results first), you're out of luck. Update: There's a screenshot now, so you can see what you're getting into. (Louis Wu 12:14:54 UTC)

September 29, 2002 Link to this post

From classic music comes classic fan art
Whoa. It really is time to get a 'Halo Fan Music' section set up; we've just gotten another entry. This one comes from Justin R. Durban, of Edgen Animations. It's a 2:36 long .mp3, weighing in at a bit under 2 and a half megs... and it's beautiful. (Very martial.) Justin says:

I played the game for the first time last weekend for about 3 days straight and pretty much got inspired to write my own version of the halo theme. I'd love for your fans to use this track in one of their "fan made trailers" / movie montages. You have my permission to use it however you like.

Full credit is given to Marty O'Donnell for the basis of this piece. Go grab your copy now! (If you have trouble getting it here (you shouldn't, but things happen), you can find a copy on Justin's server, too.) (Louis Wu 19:48:30 UTC)

August 12, 2002 Link to this post

And the Fan Music collection grows... SilverBrin has submitted a new piece for your listening pleasure. He writes:

      I just uploaded a file called "Mahdrigalo.mp3". It's a piece I wrote the day I heard Halo 2 was announced.Ê It is also in honor of Marty O'Donnell's timeless music.Ê It is exciting to think he is now working on new stuff for the new game!

      Anyway, I twist around the Halo and The Siege of Madrigal themes into my own interpretation and then combine them at the end.Ê It is entirely Midi and does not use any audio from Marty's music.Ê Everything was rendered using cheap midi software (hence the poor quality). I still think the dramatic interpretation may entertain...but you guys can be the judges.Ê

Just as Halo wallpaper starts with Bungie-created artwork and presents the submitter's vision, this piece starts with Marty's Halo theme and 'Siege of Madrigal' piece, and presents SilverBrin's vision. We've upped it to Mythica.org - it's 5.3 mb. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 17:24:18 UTC)

August 3, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Theme doings
The Halo theme package released yesterday has found a pair of new hosts - there's a copy at Psyjnir.com's Hotline server (Halo ->Desktops/Wallpaper), and a copy at Pez Mohr's ftp server. In addition, Pez has re-zipped the collection, so that the file structure is better after unzipping. (We'll replace the original version with his as soon as possible - it's currently being downloaded by too many people to simply yank. :) ) (Louis Wu 01:58:39 UTC)

August 2, 2002 Link to this post

Massive Halo Theme for Windows package
St. Joan, an old-time Bungie fan, has submitted a pretty comprehensive Halo theme for Windows-based machines. It's rather large (9 megs), because it contains 5 separate themes, each with "multiple resolution wallpaper, original icons, cursors, and MP3 layer sound files." The quality is quite high - so if you're in the market for a Halo theme, and you're running Windows, give it a whirl. (It was submitted as a self-extracting zip file that actually required some rearranging once I got it installed... so I've re-zipped it so as to include the (separate) readme. There's a full readme IN the package... but getting to the package might be tricky; better to have the text in front of you. The downside - you'll need to unzip it twice. :( ) We've hosted it here, at HBO - but if anyone wanted to mirror this, just let us know! (Louis Wu 19:17:27 UTC)

June 26, 2002 Link to this post

More music, yah!
Woohoo! 5 more musical outtakes, courtesy of Marty O'Donnell and the Bungie Online team - read all about 'em (and download 'em) from Bungie's Tru7h and Reconciliation website. Thanks to Clefton Twain for the heads-up! (With a little work, the Halo Love Theme Sketch could have made it into a Godfather sequel... okay, maybe not.) (Louis Wu 18:55:51 UTC)

June 2, 2002 Link to this post

The Junkyard gets a facelift
Ryan 'Mhaddy' Matthews and Vector40 have both let us know that the Junkyard has gotten a facelift, complete with changeable themes. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 21:02:37 UTC)

May 18, 2002 Link to this post

Two new 7th Column Themes out
Bungie's Seventh Column site has news of two new themes for use by chapters - a Master Chief theme created by Stosh, and a Tru7h theme created by Jonah Friedman. I picked a random pair of chapters sporting these themes - you can see the MC theme on The Elite Enforcers' site (they're a central Florida team offering $200 if anyone can beat them on both Blood Gulch and Sidewinder), and the Tru7h theme is in use for the Central Florida Halo chapter, another CF team headed up by forum regular PCDestroyer. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 11:19:57 UTC)

May 14, 2002 Link to this post

Psyjnir Complex back online
The Psyjnir Complex is FINALLY back online - the crew has grown a bit, so poke around, you might find stuff worth hunting for. (Like an early draft of the Halo theme, in MIDI format... or something.) (Louis Wu 19:19:04 UTC)

April 20, 2002 Link to this post

MS Halo Theme now for older Windows systems
Six months ago, Microsoft released a Halo Theme for Windows XP. The components were quickly extracted and made available... but now Windows 95/98/ME users have the option of a simple Theme install, thanks to Doomsdeath. He's pulled out some of the pieces, and added a .theme file... easy install on older MS systems. 748k, zipped. Go get it! (Louis Wu 01:51:30 UTC)

March 13, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Ringtone Translation
Firfin, of Halo-Game.com, has translated the Nokia ringtone information submitted by Rage Reset into standard tones - I tried it, and didn't hear the Halo theme... but my meter was probably off. Take a look! (Louis Wu 16:00:06 UTC)

March 12, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Theme, on your Nokia phone
Got a Nokia cell phone? Want to make it ring with the Halo theme? Rage Reset has posted the codes necessary in Nokia Ring Tone Composer format on our forum... and it's got Marty's OK (though nobody checked with Microsoft, so be sure you don't go to Redmond and get calls with this thing...). The lengths some people go to... (Louis Wu 03:02:05 UTC)

February 27, 2002 Link to this post

Soffish at 7th Column thanks to Frogblast!
Heh - forum regular Frogblast gets a mention at Bungie.net - the Soffish theme for 7th Column fansites has gone live ahead of schedule, because of him. (Remember - if the link leads you to a message about a database wipe, first hit reload to see the REAL message, then send Yeroen a note to fix this. :) ) Thanks to brandontyler for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 19:59:14 UTC)

February 23, 2002 Link to this post

Cleanin' out the Wallpaper inbox
Two new desktop images for your perusing pleasure: ZMAN sends in a white-themed Halo image, and Germain Couët drops off another one of his very attractive Halo murals. (You'll need a pretty massive monitor to appreciate this...) Check 'em out in our Wallpaper section! (Louis Wu 22:27:25 UTC)

November 9, 2001 Link to this post

Full Halo review at VE
VoodooExtreme's full Halo review has been posted. An overall score of 95% (lowest rating: 90% for Replay value and Stability). It is a nearly perfectly positive review:

After playing through Halo a couple times I can safely say with no repentance that it's one of the most engrossing games I've ever played in my entire life.


Not many games with multiyear development cycles live up to fans? expectations, but I think that Halo is one of those rare exceptions. If you love sci-fi themed first person shooters, Halo is a must buy even if you have to wait for the PC or Mac version. If you have an Xbox, you must own Halo. It's just that simple.

However, there were a couple of things listed in the 'Cons' summary: framerate stutters (yes, still) and 'a somewhat anti-climactic ending'. (That's actually not an uncommon complaint about Bungie games - Oni is the most recent example.) There are no major spoilers - Apache goes out of his way to keep the scope of the information limited to what's already out there on the net. There are also two brand-new screens to go with the 5 released a few days ago (hi-res, and gorgeous). Go read this! (Louis Wu 14:11:53 UTC)

November 1, 2001 Link to this post

A pair of new desktops
Dusty sends in a pair of desktops for our Wallpaper section. That green one is pretty slick! Update: Bounty, from Battleground: Halo, points out that the green wallpaper submitted earlier today by Dusty was, in fact, taken from the screensaver included in the Microsoft-released Halo XP Theme released a week ago. The entry has been updated to reflect this. Please, folks - if you submit work, claim credit for it only if it's yours. Update 2: Sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately, I don't have a machine I can install this theme on (the Win98 boxes I have access to cannot be used for this) - I need to rely on others to let me know when stuff isn't right. From the original documents that Dusty has sent, it's clear that while the elements might have come from the screensaver, quite a bit of the enhancement work is his alone. The Wallpaper entry has been adjusted yet again. (Louis Wu 18:59:43 UTC)

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