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Search results for Wonga

Showing results 76 - 100 of 114 matches

July 12, 2004 Link to this post

Screenshot Database updated
On June 30, several sites released a flood of Halo 2 screenshots and renders. These have finally been added to our Screenshots database, bringing the total collection size to a hair under 3000 screens (and the Halo 2-specific material to 200 shots). Wonga! (Louis Wu 10:46:34 UTC)

June 7, 2004 Link to this post

They Find Us
Wonga. Blackstar, long-known for his talent at making wonderful Halo spots, has turned his skills to Halo 2. His 29.5 mb, 640x480, 1:04 Halo 2 Spot (QuickTime format) uses Bungie-released Halo 2 footage... but makes you want this game. NOW. Go grab a copy. If this post floods BSP.net with more traffic than it can handle, grab a mirrored copy at Mythica. Thanks to KP for the heads-up. Update: There's now a smaller version (320x240, 4.3 mb) for folks on a tighter connection: mirrors on files.bungie.org and blackstarproductions.net. (Louis Wu 14:25:04 UTC)

May 6, 2004 Link to this post

Bungie's quick Halo CE FAQ
Wonga. See what happens when Bungie yanks their unofficial RSS feed? Lazy bums like me miss important updates. Yesterday, Roger Wolfson, Bungie's test lead for Halo PC, posted a nice FAQ in the Maw forum related to Halo CE and where it fits in the grand scheme of things. It spells out who's responsible for what, from here on out, and gives some pointers on where to look for more info. Go read it! (Achronos posted this on Bungie.net's front page, but I was too busy eating jellybeans to notice. Mmm... jellybeans.) (Louis Wu 14:35:32 UTC)

March 30, 2004 Link to this post

Free helmet for a lucky guy
Wonga. The Nightmare Armor guys updated their site - with the name of the winner of the Helmet raffle. Scott Mills, of New Jersey, congratulations! (He probably already knows, since the helmet was sent out last weekend.) Heads-up came from Madda Cheeb. (Louis Wu 22:00:47 UTC)

March 21, 2004 Link to this post

Fan Fiction Reopens
Wonga. It lives again. Thanks to Subnova, The Fan Fiction section is open again - and there are a few stories that were in the queue before it went down (plus two more that got posted today, from folks who knew the original URL).

Go to it! (Louis Wu 01:06:33 UTC)

January 13, 2004 Link to this post

Fries steps down
Wonga. Ed Fries, Microsoft's VP of Game Publishing, and a huge Xbox promoter (and Halo advocate) from the very start, resigned today. What will this mean for Microsoft in general, and Bungie in specific, in the future? Too soon to tell... Thanks to Lophan for sending in the Bloomberg update. (I couldn't find a web version at Bloomberg's site, so here's a story at TeamXbox.com. (Louis Wu 20:01:51 UTC)

January 13, 2004 Link to this post

Mink Fur, huh?
Frankie has posted a pretty jaw-dropping article over at Bungie.net on the Nightmare Armor guys - including a very first look at the Helmet (with glowing lights!). Wonga. I'm trying to figure out how many of my children I'd need to sell for the $4000 they're asking... (Louis Wu 02:13:01 UTC)

January 5, 2004 Link to this post

I want to cut you.
Ooh... see what happens when i go through the unread forum posts? Shishka pointed out a project of his over at The Silent Cartographers; as soon as that Halo Editing Kit is available, you should be able to melee your buddies with a pretty gorgeous energy sword. Wonga. (Louis Wu 20:30:36 UTC)

December 23, 2003 Link to this post

SparkEdit 2.5 - now with flames!
Wonga. SparkEdit 2.5 has been released; it now supports model viewing, object property viewing, BSP mesh property viewing, object rotation, and more. Grenadiac posted a screenshot on our forum - looks great! (Supports Xbox and Halo PC.) (Louis Wu 02:13:15 UTC)

December 17, 2003 Link to this post

One Hundred
Astounding as it may seem, Stuntmutt's One One Se7en comic has made it to 100. That is - not including Sunday strips, Holiday strips, Archive strips, or Guest strips, there have now been 100 strips presented to you, the public, since April of this year. Wonga. To celebrate, MC gets a cake. (Be sure your computer's not muted.) (Louis Wu 16:30:44 UTC)

November 29, 2003 Link to this post

Two weeks...
Wonga. Now that the DVDs are done, Red vs Blue is back at work; filming on season 2 has begun, and they're shooting for a mid-December release of episode 20. (They're also hoping to have another Public Service Announcement between now and then.) Thanks to Ross Mills for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:02:42 UTC)

November 2, 2003 Link to this post

I have GOT to get on the stick.
Wonga. Took WAY too long (the last update was over a month ago), but the desktop backlog is FINALLY cleared. 19 new images (many with multiple sizes, many in BIZARRE sizes) can be found in the Wallpaper section. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 01:11:03 UTC)

October 6, 2003 Link to this post

Read Read Read
Wonga. You go the weekend without posting, and the Fan Fiction queue gets ridiculous. 25 stories for you (and that's AFTER I culled the stuff that really didn't belong):

My fingers hurt. (Louis Wu 17:17:50 UTC)

September 19, 2003 Link to this post

BGH: New and Improved!
Wonga. Battleground: Halo has updated their design... and massively upgraded their content. Check out the site - visit this page for a list of what's new (it's too long to post here), poke your head into the linen closets. They've painted EVERYTHING. (I did find some unfinished grouting in a third-floor bathroom... but I'm guessing they'll get to it.) Just in time for Halo PC! (Louis Wu 00:01:13 UTC)

September 10, 2003 Link to this post

Huge Halo 2 tourney in the works
Wow, THIS is confidence. SaNd TrOoPeR, of ThinkGeekness.com, stopped by our forum last night to announce a Halo 2 tournament scheduled for next summer. Top prize is planned at $25,000, and they're hoping for 1500-2000 players. Wonga. Check their Halo 2 Championship page for details. (Louis Wu 15:44:25 UTC)

August 9, 2003 Link to this post

My heart's gonna explode.
Okay, I lied - it's ALMOST time for bed. First, a new Halo PC screenshot, straight out of Gearbox - the flamethrower. Wonga. (Thanks to KookyBastard for noticing.) (Louis Wu 03:07:16 UTC)

July 18, 2003 Link to this post

Djö Vu
In under the wire... Friday's One One Se7en continues the Gordon Freeman lovefest. Wonga. (Louis Wu 20:53:37 UTC)

June 22, 2003 Link to this post

Pictures, pictures, and a LOT more pictures
Wow. We haven't updated the Wallpaper section in almost a week... and now there are 21 new desktops for you. 10 come from kapowaz, and are just interesting renditions of opening screens on each campaign level. (Each one is available in 5 sizes, as well.) The other 11 (two of which come in multiple sizes) are individual submissions. Total number of new screens (including variations): 63. Wonga! Check the Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 03:32:03 UTC)

March 31, 2003 Link to this post

Halo PC Strategy Guide details
Nice find by Eclarap - looks like the Official Strategy Guide for the PC version of Halo is being done by Sybex (the Xbox version was done by Prima), and it should be released on June 15, 2003. According to the Amazon.com listing for it,

The PC product refines and improves upon the Xbox version -- which many consider the "best first-person shooter ever" (EGM) -- with greatly enhanced multiplayer capabilities and new weapons and vehicles.

Wonga... should be nice to get hold of this! (Louis Wu 17:46:11 UTC)

March 10, 2003 Link to this post

War, the Stock Market... and Halo 2
Wow. The 'Not in 2003' news on Halo 2 is big enough to be reported by Reuters. Now that's impressive for a videogame release date status update... (Thanks to mnemesis for the heads-up.) Update: Griffon points out that it made the BBC news, as well. When was the last time you saw this sort of coverage for a videogame development status update? Update 2: Hehe - just to be complete, poena.dare (whose day it is not) has compiled a sizeable list of news sites that have grabbed this story. Wonga. (Louis Wu 13:20:50 UTC)

January 25, 2003 Link to this post

Serious Updates at Tru7h and Recon
Wonga. I sleep, Bungie works. The Tru7h and Reconciliation website has gotten some serious updating... there's boatloads of Halo 2 content now. All of it, as far as I can tell, has been seen before... but it's never been on the official site, and some of it is in better digital form than ever before. You'll find a pair of new desktops (using some of the coolest artwork released in the past few months), some new screenshots (at least two of those are angles we haven't seen before, in digital form), a page of concept art (again, available in magazine scans, but not officially in digital form before), and a whole bunch of new gallery shots (the weapons, especially, are great). Bungie's newest Online Team member, SketchFactor, is responsible for the overhaul... nice work! (Louis Wu 11:12:26 UTC)

December 13, 2002 Link to this post

A cornucopia of random art submissions for you today... bikeman and Kyle turn in Yellow Banshee-related pieces, Warbow shares a pretty funny postcard he received, and CYBRFRK passed along a pair of Master Chief sightings in major US cities. (Looks like this might be a rough winter for the MC...) You'll find all the goodies in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 19:27:11 UTC)

October 25, 2002 Link to this post

Story Page's Level Transcripts updated
StarWarsFanMan pointed out a snippet of dialog we missed on the second level of Halo (you only hear it if you don't climb into the Warthog when Foe Hammer drops it off). We've added it to the Halo level transcript. (Louis Wu 18:28:38 UTC)

September 17, 2002 Link to this post

FFP shuts down
The Halo Fan Fiction Project, an attempt to write the Halo story in novel form, has closed down. You can read an explanation by its leader, until it's taken down... and you can chime in on their forum if you care to. Hopefully, the people involved will find other outlets for their creativity in the Halo community. Thanks to Wonga for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:36:34 UTC)

September 15, 2002 Link to this post

Check out that Hunter Shuffle...
StarwarsFanMan has put together a new movie. It's rather large - 35 megs, 7 and a half minutes long (QT format). Content is mostly glitches and tricks - some pretty funny stuff. (Personally, I'd say it goes on too long... but things have been quiet, so I'm willing to cut him some slack. :) ) It's called Operation: Beheaded, and you can find it at mythica.org (of course) and the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server (of course). Any other mirrors are (as always) gratefully appreciated. Biggest thing to watch out for - sound level is rather low on everything but the music tracks. Crank it up for dialog and effects... but make sure you've got your finger on the volume control for when the music kicks back in. (Louis Wu 03:25:53 UTC)

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