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WU thumb17 December 2010
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Bungie Weekly Update: 12/17/2010

Posted by runningturtle at 12/17/2010 4:14 PM PST


If you are looking for your usual mouse-wheel breaking twenty seven pages of sophomoric humor, sprinkled with a few pictures and peanut-gallery-esque commentary then you're in the wrong place. Urk is on vacation. You'll be back to your regularly scheduled programming starting in the New Year. This week there's a new sheriff in town and I'm going to institute a few changes. We're adding more holiday cheer, more videos and more stats than you can cram down a chimney.

On with the show…

Happy Halodays!

Click to get print quality size (1.7 MB).

If you prefer a "clean" version for your own personal, non-commercial, holiday use get it here.

Happy Halodays "Clean" (1.7 MB).

VGA Trailer!

Last week Halo: Reach took top honors for Best Multi-Player at the Video Game Awards and at the Inside Gaming Awards won Best Innovation for Forge 2.0. You may have also seen some of the extended cut VGA Halo: Reach trailer. If not, fear not. We've posted the full version right here. WARNING, if you're one of the few that hasn't played through campaign yet, there be spoilers!

QuickTime Versions:

WMV Versions:

iPhone Version:

Added Up!

Stosh, Michael and Jacob have been hard at work scraping stats off the bowels of our databases to offer you this sweet visual view of the first few months of Halo: Reach.

Click to make big and enjoy!

Blame Stosh!

That's it, we out, see you next year!
