Blam! Halo SETI Marines

Update on the last 7 days! (October 23, 0700 hours - October 30, 0700 hours PDT).

New members +4 Total members 522

New entrants to the top 400 in the last 7 days.

Name Total units
kevin murray 2180
Daedalus 155
Elf 24

Members lost in the last 7 days.

Name Total unitsWhere they went
Andrew 138 Nowhere

Results received in last 7 days Today's team total Last team total
3662 141269 137607

227 marines in top 400 crunched a total of 2507 units. Counting the gained and lost units, the SETI servers lost 1066 of our units.

CPU time in last 7 days Today's CPU time Last CPU time
5.00 years 201.15 years 196.15 years

Top seven unit submitters in the last 7 days (excludes new recruits)

Order Name Units (7 days) Total Units Average CPU time per unit
La Crunch
DarthFlounder 143 3214 12 hr 43 min 59.4 sec
2) Brian Towne 98 3424 7 hr 33 min 34.8 sec
3) Chucky 87 2956 8 hr 23 min 50.0 sec
4) And0 64 885 13 hr 00 min 28.9 sec
5) cae 62 6322 6 hr 34 min 03.0 sec
6) Xzzy 55 1765 10 hr 21 min 32.5 sec
7) SHARkY 51 430 9 hr 38 min 36.1 sec

Top seven climbers in the top 400 in the last 7 days (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)

Order Name Positions climbed New rank Old rank
Juhan 52 371 423
2) JoeDaMac (Joseph Haake)
both climbed 31 NA NA
3) Vanadium-=SUN=-
Cpt. Nikolai
both climbed 24 NA NA
4) Trails 18 267 285
5) rlpowell 16 182 198
6) Trux
Mister Peanut
all climbed 14 NA NA
7) Levicon
both climbed 13 NA NA

Results for 7 Day stats for 
September 18, 2000 September 11-September 18 2000 
September 25, 2000 September 18-September 25 2000 
October 2, 2000 September 25-October 2 2000 
October 9, 2000 October 2-October 9 2000 
October 16, 2000 October 9-October 16 2000 
October 23, 2000 October 16-October 23 2000 
October 30, 2000 October 23-October 30 2000 

Older results can be found in the Halo SETI Marines Archive

Stats not right? You have a question/suggestion? You found the Covenant? Then email us.
