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Search results for Operation Chastity

Showing results 51 - 58 of 58 matches

February 11, 2009 Link to this post

Operation Chastity Concept Art - A Gallery
Pete Cooper stopped in this morning to unveil the latest - and last - piece of concept art for the 'Operation Chastity' project. These pieces are so spectacular, we've collected them to make a small gallery; they deserve close attention. Check 'em out. Update: Pete Cooper has asked us to remove the gallery until he's had a chance to watermark the images; hopefully it'll be back online soon. Update 2: Gallery's back up, MUCH sooner than expected. (Louis Wu 19:22:46 UTC)

February 9, 2009 Link to this post

Operation Chastity Art Collection Grows
Pete Cooper is back with MORE concept art for the upcoming Halo Fan-created film, Operation Chastity. If the quality of the film comes anywhere NEAR the quality of the concept art, Hollywood's gonna be jealous. (Louis Wu 18:26:37 UTC)

February 7, 2009 Link to this post

Operation Chastity: More Concept Art
Last night, ElusiveEagle519 did some searching and turned up some interesting information about Pete Cooper's Operation Chastity. Pete had been hoping to dole out content a little more slowly, but since it's been found, he was kind enough to summarize the useful stuff that was put up in several different posts across a couple of threads - swing by to see truly amazing concept art for the upcoming movie project. If they can live up to what their plans are suggesting, this is going to be one HELL of a fan project. (Louis Wu 15:55:52 UTC)

January 26, 2009 Link to this post

Operation Chastity - Progress Update
Pete Cooper dropped in to announce that the blog devoted to Operation Chastity (the live-action fan film project that's building its own Warthog) has been updated with lots of pics and a writeup of the progress to date. Great stuff - give it a read! (Louis Wu 16:46:46 UTC)

January 17, 2009 Link to this post

Operation Chastity - Warthog Pics!
Pete Cooner stopped by with a few pics of the early progress on their real-life Warthog. Check out the pics, and be sure to check out the blog! (Louis Wu 00:49:34 UTC)

December 20, 2008 Link to this post

Operation Chastity - now with more warthog info!
Pete Cooper stopped in to say that the Warthog Diary for his Operation Chastity movie is now online - go see how the progress is going! (Louis Wu 22:25:33 UTC)

December 19, 2008 Link to this post

Operation Chastity - Moving Forward
Pete Cooper stopped by our forum with an update on Operation Chastity, an upcoming Halo live-action fan film. Looks like a website will be live by January, some concept art will be coming soon, and (and this is actually rather surprising) Al Matthews, the man who played Sgt. Apone in the movie 'Aliens' (a character who clearly inspired the character of Sgt. Johnson in the Halo universe). All I can say is 'wow!' Check out the full details in Pete's forum post. (Louis Wu 21:42:16 UTC)

October 31, 2008 Link to this post

Operation Chastity Kicks Off
Pete Cooper stopped by to announce a Warthog construction project, as part of 'Operation Chastity', a Halo live-action fan film. Details are in his forum post! (Louis Wu 19:50:16 UTC)

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