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Search results for mothergoat

Showing results 26 - 49 of 49 matches

May 7, 2005 Link to this post

Why does Halo rock?
Mothergoat tried his hand at pinning down what makes Halo as good as it is... interesting analysis. Go read! (Louis Wu 12:04:11 UTC)

April 29, 2005 Link to this post

Objective-based game lovers, unite!
Mothergoat is trying to compile a list of gamers that enjoy objective games, but aren't obnoxious Live-users. If you're interested, read his post, visit his forum, add your name. (Louis Wu 18:30:58 UTC)

February 9, 2005 Link to this post

Imitation... for the right reasons?
Interesting blog entry over at Lawrence.com - Matt Cox (known to many as Mothergoat around these parts) talks about the trend towards real instruments in game music these days, and how the Halo franchise may have sent the wrong message to developers; instead of focusing on the QUALITY of the music Marty and company created, they focused on the DELIVERY of it, mistaking the medium for the message. Makes you think... (Louis Wu 11:51:27 UTC)

December 21, 2004 Link to this post

Lawrence.com GVA awards announced
Last week, Lawrence.com posted its Gamer's Voice Award nominees - Halo was nominated for 8 awards. Today, they've posted the results - Halo took home Best First-Person Shooter, Best Multiplayer, and Best Soundtrack, as well as the Gamer's Voice Award (reader's choice). It took runner-up to Burnout 3 for Best Replay. Go read all the results - thanks, Mothergoat. (Louis Wu 15:41:55 UTC)

December 16, 2004 Link to this post

'Tis the season
And still MORE awards - Lawrence.com has posted its 2004 Gamer's Voice Award nominees - Halo 2 is up for a whole PASSEL of goodies: Best First-person Shooter, Best Presentation, Best Replay, Best Online Multiplayer, Best Graphics, Best Soundtrack, Best Audio, and Best Overall. Winners will be announced on December 21. Thanks, Mothergoat. (Louis Wu 16:56:49 UTC)

December 2, 2004 Link to this post

Mothergoat sings about Halo 2
I know it seems like pigpiling on Bungie... but it's not. Yet another hardcore community member has taken the time to write out, coherently, what he thinks is wrong with Halo 2. Mothergoat wrote up a 'Reflections on Halo 2' post on our forum, looking at the little things that (for him anyway) diminished Halo 2 from a GREAT game to a great game. (Tip o' the hat to Dazza for the distinction.) Before anyone goes ballistic: mothergoat says, clearly, "I love Halo 2 as a video game. Just... not as a Halo game." Personally, I find it heartening that so many longtime fans are making the effort to try and nail down what it is about Halo 2 that disappointed them; not a single one of the criticism posts we've mentioned recently has said 'Bungie sucks!' or 'Halo 2 sucks!' or 'I'm never buying another Bungie product again!' These are people who LOVED Halo, and (for the most part) LOVED Bungie, and want to see them get it right(er) next time. They want to turn the great game that is Halo 2 into the GREAT game that could be Halo 3. (Or whatever it ends up being.) (Louis Wu 16:21:36 UTC)

November 2, 2004 Link to this post

The Second Coming
Lawrence.com has posted an article about Halo 2, and the road that led to it (starting way back in the 70's with Pong). Nice read! (Thanks, Mothergoat.) (Louis Wu 20:59:26 UTC)

October 28, 2004 Link to this post

Biggest Fan Ever
Mothergoat writes to say that his contest to find the Biggest Halo Fan Ever has ended - won by Conrad Tobias. Visit this forum thread for some pictures that might... well, scare you. (I'm hoping he set a lot of this stuff up just for the contest...) (Louis Wu 10:50:29 UTC)

October 26, 2004 Link to this post

Another note about spoilers
Okay, I think some of you are going a little overboard. I got several messages yelling at me for not warning people about the spoilers in the new commercial, and I got torn a new one for posting Mothergoat's newest piece, 'Death of Cortana' (even though the FIRST time we mentioned that we made it clear that he got the idea from First Strike, NOT Halo 2, and that he knows nothing about the Halo 2 storyline). If you believe there are spoilers in the new Halo 2 commercial, I'd recommend that you grab a pillow, climb under your bed, and stay there until November 9 - because otherwise you might look out the window, see a schoolbus, and realize that the fate of the universe might rest on the Master Chief RIDING a schoolbus through the sun of the Covenant Homeworld... and be spoiled. In short, people... calm down. If it's on our front page, I will GUARANTEE that it's not a story spoiler. Period. (Louis Wu 13:36:54 UTC)

October 25, 2004 Link to this post

Death of Cortana
Mothergoat has just released what will be his last Halo song, for many reasons. We posted news about a teaser for it not too long ago... the full version of Death of Cortana is poignant, graceful, and beautiful. 3.8 mb mp3, hosted by us. Go listen. (And Mothergoat - good luck, in everything you do. Your music rocks!) (Louis Wu 14:45:34 UTC)

October 18, 2004 Link to this post

Now that's a RANGE.
Wow - two WILDLY different audio submissions today - actually, one came in this weekend, but I didn't get to it (sorry, guys!).

  • Welcome to Halo was created by Kil and Lox - it's a Halo-themed version of the Welcome to Atlanta remix from Jermaine Dupri. Guns and rap - they just seem to go together, don't they? 3:21, 4.6 mb mp3
  • Death of Cortana Sample is another Mothergoat creation - don't worry, there aren't any spoilers here (at least none that Mothergoat knows of); he came up with the idea after reading First Strike. A moving piano piece - I'm looking forward to the full version. 1:36 long, 1.4 mb mp3

Grab them both - or pick the style that appeals to you. (Louis Wu 13:33:19 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Are you the biggest fan ever?
Mothergoat filled us in on the details of the contest mentioned earlier - write up the details of what makes you the biggest Halo fan ever, and you could end up in a big news story on Lawrence.com. The best writeup will winn a copy of Halo 2. Full details can be found on Mothergoat.net. (Louis Wu 15:57:25 UTC)

October 8, 2004 Link to this post

Mothergoat opens the doors
Mothergoat writes to point out that mothergoat.net is finally open - all of his Halo-related videos and music (including the previously unreleased-by-itself piano portion of Hail 117 Anthem) are now available to download. Plus, he says there's a Halo-related contest coming today! Keep your eyes open. (Louis Wu 12:20:27 UTC)

September 27, 2004 Link to this post

Windsor Medium - gone, but not forgotten
Mothergoat wrote to point out that Windsor Medium, the band he's been a part of for some time, has broken up - and the website (which has housed all his Halo-related creations for the past 8 months or so) is gone. We're unwilling to let this content simply disappear, so it's all been mirrored on b.org servers. If you search for any of his content (mp3's or maps) that we've mentioned in our news, you'll find local links for the actual files. Hope this helps some of you! (Our condolences go out to Mothergoat.) (Louis Wu 18:39:29 UTC)

September 22, 2004 Link to this post

Mothergoat has released Unyielding, his newest musical Halo-inspired creation. It starts quietly, majestically... but quickly explodes into heavy guitar-driven rock. 5:32 long, 5 mb big, hosted by Mothergoat himself (though if bandwidth gets tight, we'll certainly provide an alternative - it's quite good). Go listen. In Mothergoat's words, "Turn it up loud, close your eyes and let your mind wander in the Halo universe. I tried to provide a sountrack. :)" Update: Oops, there's a forum thread about this already, if you want to toss in your two cents. (Louis Wu 12:48:36 UTC)

September 17, 2004 Link to this post

Unyielding Teaser
Mothergoat has posted a 'one minute, barebones sample of where I am going' with his new tune, 'Unyielding. It's in zipped .wma format, 5.2 mb. Cool monks and hard guitars. Grab it today! (Louis Wu 18:02:55 UTC)

July 13, 2004 Link to this post

The bar continues to go up
Falcon Zero has tried his hand at HUDless Megabattle pics... some really nice pieces in there. Check 'em out! Update: Hehe - nice one from Mothergoat, as well, using his home-brewed Decoy map. (Louis Wu 11:54:36 UTC)

July 8, 2004 Link to this post

Decoy Promo
Mothergoat has whipped up a preview video for his map, Decoy. (We mentioned this map a few days ago.) The movie, a 20.5 mb WMP9 file, is 3:03 of fun gameplay along with descriptions of the modded weapons. Definitely worth watching. Rated R, for r0X0rs. (If you haven't downloaded the map yet, you can grab it from him, as well - 7.5 mb.) (Louis Wu 14:51:24 UTC)

July 5, 2004 Link to this post

Decoy and Kill Valley Winter
Mothergoat has posted another pair of maps, with descriptions, for Halo CE. For the curious, there are also a few screenshots. Nice! (Louis Wu 08:09:44 UTC)

May 20, 2004 Link to this post

A new HCE map - Transfer
Mothergoat (author of some cool Halo fan music) has been bitten by the mapmaking bug - and his first map is now available for download. It's called Transfer, and it's pretty bumpy. (Mothergoat calls it 'jump-heavy'.) Some nice touches, like the overarching longsword beams. There's a small promo movie (3.9 mb, WMP9) if you want to see what you're getting into. Grab it - it's 7.5 mb! (Louis Wu 15:42:04 UTC)

February 23, 2004 Link to this post

A Song to Kill By
Here's a Halo Fan Music submission unlike any other we've received... this song comes from Mothergoat, the composer of the Hail 117 Anthem, and while it's Halo-inspired, it's not as obviously based in Halo's themes; it's designed for fan music videos.

Seeing the Oddbrawl video made me realize the Hail 117 Anthem is more theatrical than it is good for constant firefights. So now I bring you "Repeater," a faster-moving overdrive fury with a good pinch of Halo. There's a lot of repetition on purpose. The tune was made as background music for use in fan videos.  Anyone can freely use it by just giving me credit in the video.

It's a 3 mb mp3, 3:20 long, and as Mothergoat says, would probably work very nicely as a backdrop to Halo carnage. You can grab our local copy. (Louis Wu 11:23:57 UTC)

February 18, 2004 Link to this post

Silvergrunt created a movie using 'Fraps, Windows Movie Maker, and 2 cans of Mountain Dew' - it's almost 5 minutes of an Oddball game on Derelict, filmed on the HBO-Coerce server. It's in WMP9 format, weighs in at about 12 mb, and is being hosted by MereCatfish. The soundtrack is Mothergoat's 'Hail 117 Anthem'. You can grab it here. (Louis Wu 16:54:26 UTC)

February 9, 2004 Link to this post

Hail to 117
Last week, we posted about a work-in-progress, a musical tribute to Halo (and to its music's creator, Marty O'Donnell), from Mothergoat. Last night, he uploaded the final product. 'Hail 117 Anthem' is just over 5 minutes long, 4.7 mb big, and beautiful. If you like the work - his band, Windsor Medium, has a website up. Update: Mothergoat has sent along this description of the piece:

The final tune is pretty theatrical. It's what I envision as the struggle of the final battle, escaping an exploding moon, defeating the Prophet of Regret and his last minions, then eventual sadness of the death of a close companion at the end of Halo 2 (my pure conjecture based on First Strike).
(Louis Wu 11:45:07 UTC)

February 5, 2004 Link to this post

Hard-rockin' Fan Music
Mothergoat of Clan Boomstick, dropped off a pretty cool piece of music he put together. Here's what he says about it:

This isn't any sort of easy remix or anything, this tune was built with full instrumentation from the ground up. Matt Cox (me) of the band Windsor Medium wrote this new theme for Halo, inspired by Marty O'Donnell's favorite melody. I play every instrument heard. NOTE: This is just a 2-minute clip of the 5-minute song it will be soon. I will be adding piano and strings to the final version.

This is the kind of music I want to hear while searching, then bullet-dancing with Gold Elites...with a butt-load of explosions, too.

Go grab Hail to 117 (1.8mb, mp3) and look for that Gold Elite! (Louis Wu 01:22:41 UTC)

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