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Search results for logo

Showing results 201 - 225 of 282 matches

June 9, 2001 Link to this post

New Wallpaper AND a Logo
Thanks to Fanatic, who submitted a new logo (in a bunch of permutations) and a new Wallpaper (using the logo). Enjoy! (Louis Wu 02:04:46 UTC)

June 9, 2001 Link to this post

Hand-separated Halo Logo as Wallpaper
Wow, now THIS is dedication. Kevin Fitzpatrick sends in a newly-built Halo logo... and makes it available in a layered photoshop document, for those who want to tweak it as well. Pretty nice work! Check it out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 00:04:08 UTC)

May 16, 2001 Link to this post

15 new Halo screenshots
15 new Halo screenshots over that MSXbox. Thanks Siva (W'rk). The same shots without Xbox logos can be seen over at Blue's News. Thanks Anaphiel. (Wirehead 18:45:08 UTC)

April 24, 2001 Link to this post

Blue's News gets a touch of Halo
Thanks to Ilium Rise who points out on our forum that Blue's News gets a touch of Halo. Their main logo has been featuring a different game each day and presently it has the jeep from Halo. Pax.

Update: Frans P. de Vries of Blue's News informs us that their logo changes once a week, not once a day. Thanks Frans. (Crux Fidelis 06:25:01 UTC)

April 19, 2001 Link to this post

New Logos available
A large collection of logos were upped to our ftp uploads directory a couple of weeks ago - I've been holding off on posting them, because there were so many (7, in fact), and were all so similar... but Zypper prodded us via email, and Crux told me it was time... I've put the two color variations on the Logos page, and made the remainder available as a single zipped download. Enjoy! (And if you made these, let us know.) (Louis Wu 09:22:34 UTC)

April 8, 2001 Link to this post

Trippy new logo uploaded
Someone dropped us a new entry for our Logos page - if you made it, let us know. I gotta lay off that acid... (Louis Wu 13:45:13 UTC)

March 13, 2001 Link to this post

Phoenix logo?
The Marathon's Story page had an interesting hypothesis this morning - that one of the business cards that showed up on the Bungie Webcam last night was Halo-related, due to its shape. Thanks again to Pallor and Mat Noguchi, who collaborated to bring us this closeup of that card - it's clear that 1) it's not really the Halo symbol after all, and 2) the card belongs to Bob Settles, who's known to be the program manager for the Phoenix project. Curiouser and curiouser... (Louis Wu 17:38:57 UTC)

February 16, 2001 Link to this post

bungiestudios redux
Finch adds more info to the bungiestudios.com mystery:

about that URL, I visited it shortly after the Microsoft/Bungie thing and at that time it had a few Myth II plugins available for download. They had used a corrupted version of the Bungie logo, and I just passed it off as someone trying to use the URL to make a buck off of Microsoft.

We received one other bit of mail about this earlier today, that seems to agree with Finch:

a third more likely scenario is that someone probably thought they could profit from the domain name.

Will we ever know the full story? Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:50:18 UTC)

February 7, 2001 Link to this post

Halo logo history revealed
Ever wonder where the Halo logo came from? Well, Lorraine Reyes, Bungie artist extraordinaire, passes on a bit of Bungie trivia in this post (and in several of the followup posts.) The whole conversation makes me wish I could have seen some of the rejected designs! (Louis Wu 03:32:34 UTC)

January 4, 2001 Link to this post

Symbol analysis resumes
Symbols, revisited. Starting back in October of 1999 (yeah, a long time ago), there was a bit of discussion about symbols found on various surfaces in Halo. Steve Campbell found some Marathon symbols... Hitman =PN= thought they might be something else... There was much speculation about Marathon logos, and flagstaffs. There was a lot of discussion of Covenant logos, both here and at the Marathon's Story page. It all sort of died out, though, because we got very little new information. Well, it seems to be resurfacing. Halo HQ has put up a Research Center, and they're currently reexamining these same logos. Interestingly enough, this was cause for Haloplayers to put up an image of their own... and this one, as far as I know, is new. (Well, new in the sense that it hasn't been discussed before.) Are the floodgates opening again? (Louis Wu 15:50:01 UTC)

January 2, 2001 Link to this post

Logos page updated
Thanks to Phalynx, who submitted a nifty new logo for our Logos page. Check it out! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:16:50 UTC)

October 24, 2000 Link to this post

Free custom Halo logo at the Junkyard
Ryan "Mhaddy" Matthews sent us mail that the Junkyard is having a contest... they're making custom-designed Tribes maps or logos. Visit the site, click on Custom Orders, and fill out the form (name and email)... if you win, they'll make you what you want. Apparently, the logos part can include Halo. If you're interested, stop by! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 09:12:39 UTC)

October 23, 2000 Link to this post

Logos page updated
Back on July 26, 1999 (a week after MacWorld NY 99), we snagged a logo off the bungie.org Hotline server. It had no identifying marks, so we put it up, and asked the author to mail us. Yesterday, he did. And he told us that it was a rough version of the final product. Therefore, we now bring you the final product, on our Logos page. Thanks, TypeleveN! (Louis Wu 01:21:22 UTC)

October 14, 2000 Link to this post

Logos page updated
Luke Varley submits a... different sort of Halo logo. You can find it on our Logos page. (Louis Wu 20:25:06 UTC)

October 11, 2000 Link to this post

Logos page updated.
Thanks to fire phoenix, of HC, who submitted another logo for our Logos page. Take a look! (Louis Wu 04:40:14 UTC)

October 6, 2000 Link to this post

Flash Halo logo made
Clay Bratt has put together a new Flash Halo logo... you can see it here. (Thanks to Clay for the heads-up on our forum, and to •Mimer for the corrected URL.) Pax. (Crux Fidelis 13:07:57 UTC)

September 28, 2000 Link to this post

Logos page and Wallpaper page updated
Thanks to Diogo Barbosa, who mailed us two pieces of artwork: a modified Halo logo for our Logos page, and a new desktop for our Wallpaper page. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:32:15 UTC)

September 21, 2000 Link to this post

Wallpaper page
Thanks to Pr@iler, who sent along a desktop combining the Xbox logo and a modified Halo logo for our Wallpaper page. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:15:32 UTC)

September 21, 2000 Link to this post

Xbox logo public, finally
Kudos to Picky, who found this page at Computer and Video Games... THIS is what the new Xbox logo looks like. Hmm... I still like the old one. ;) Heh... and check the official Xbox page - now 'The Word' section contains not only 'News' and 'Noise' but also 'Rumors'! (Louis Wu 00:02:36 UTC)

September 19, 2000 Link to this post

Codename Xbox = Realname... what?
Thanks to papamarx@speakeasy.net, who writes in with news from Daily Radar, who in turn got it from Advertising Age... Microsoft will be announcing a new name and logo for the Xbox tomorrow in San Francisco. Ouch to all those sites who bought xbox domain names! Pax. (Crux Fidelis 18:13:43 UTC)

June 22, 2000 Link to this post

Fanfest taking shape
Syburwolf wrote to Matt Soell with a couple of questions, and got this response:

 >Will the deal with Microsoft put the games(and thus the Macintosh versions 
>:->) into the main stream stores a.k.a. -Walmart, Best Buy- or will it just 
>mean an ugly (pardon my bias) Microsoft logo on the box...  Also, will you 
>be attending MWNY ?  

Obviously a big part of the appeal of this deal is Microsoft's 
distribution might.  Whether or not stores carry the Mac versions of 
titles is entirely up to the individual stores; not even MS can force 
them to carry titles they don't want to.  But we think they'll want to 
carry our stuff.  

We probably won't be exhibiting at MacWorld NY (although last-minute 
miracles have been known to happen) but at the very least some Bungie 
folk should show up at the fan gathering there to hang out with Hamish 


We got word from Freewill tonight, as well... the location for the fanfest is shaping up. Look for more info coming soon! (Louis Wu 03:07:25 UTC)

June 14, 2000 Link to this post

Logos page updated
Fire Phoenix sends along another logo for us... pretty spiffy, I'd say! Check it out on our Logos page. (Louis Wu 02:16:54 UTC)

June 7, 2000 Link to this post

Yes ANOTHER new Halo screenshot
Whoa! The London offices of HBO snagged us a copy of PC Gamer UK July 2000. We're not worthy... we're not worthy! They also scanned in a full page Halo marine pic not previously seen on the net. Go grab it here before we're raided! Much to our amazement they ripped the mag apart to bring you a FULL shot of the Halo "Bobs" in action. Now you can see the unseen left half. It's pretty clear from this scan that the logo on the cap is not a Marathon logo. (Wirehead 14:20:17 UTC)

June 6, 2000 Link to this post

Marathon-like logo on Commander's hat
The Marathon-Halo link again... silverfox, on the R.net forum, has noticed a Marathon-like logo on the hat in one of the new PC Gamer screens. What's going on here? (Louis Wu 22:31:10 UTC)

June 2, 2000 Link to this post

Mesoamericans influenced by the ringbuilders?
The logo on the right side of the new Halo pic scanned by R.net was mentioned by them last night... but the weird glyphs along the bottom were not. They look vaguely mesoamerican... can anyone place them? Does this suggest that Aztec or Mayan glyphs were created by non-earth-dwellers? Thanks to The Marathon's Story page for noticing this. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 18:33:42 UTC)

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