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Search results for logo

Showing results 176 - 200 of 282 matches

March 29, 2002 Link to this post

Japanese Halo site updated
The Official Japanese Halo site has put up a bunch of wallpapers - they look a lot like the images poena.dare #CP#g sent in a while back... except with Xbox and Halo logos plastered on 'em. (There is also a nice new section on characters, and an interesting picture in the news that shows dogtags and some sort of metal box - the only (english-readable) text is 'Halo Championship'... intriguing.) (Louis Wu 14:30:39 UTC)

March 19, 2002 Link to this post

Advertising Hi-Lynx
Two years ago, Lynx deodorant made a huge splash in the Halo community due to their outright theft of the Halo font - but the furor has died down. However, today, we received a picture of a DIFFERENT Lynx deodorant - Gravity - which uses an interesting graphical logo... these guys don't quit. :) (Thanks to Rage Reset for the pic.) (Louis Wu 15:20:12 UTC)

March 8, 2002 Link to this post

Marathon-logoed object... found?
ElectricSheep thought he had it - the mystery image with the Marathon logo was, in his opinion, Captain Keyes' pipe. Preliminary investigation suggested this might be the case... but the context was all wrong. (The blue stuff around the object is nowhere to be seen in the first level.) Dave Candland confirmed that we had NOT, in fact, found the image... but folks weren't ready to give up. AmechWarrior suggested that maybe it was near the Keyes flood creature... and Strykerwolf confirmed that it was there. We have no pictures, however - hopefully, they're coming soon. Congrats to all involved! (Louis Wu 14:13:28 UTC)

March 4, 2002 Link to this post

Halo Soundtrack?
Woohoo! Kudos to Frogblast, who noticed what is likely the Halo Soundtrack on the Bungie Webcam:

Now all we need is the Bungie Store to reopen... Update: Tumbleweed points out that this is NOT the Halo Soundtrack, after all... but the Xbox Soundtrack 1, available since November 13. (We reported on this back on November 7 - shame on me for not recognizing the picture! (Louis Wu 19:58:52 UTC)

December 24, 2001 Link to this post

Burning logo submitted
Carl "B.O.E" Cline dropped off an animated, burning Halo logo for our Logos section - take a look. (Louis Wu 16:33:45 UTC)

December 7, 2001 Link to this post

How consistent IS Bungie?
Knight Premier writes to suggest that there's a clear relationship between the 7th Column logo and 343 Guilty Spark, a character from Halo. (As well, of course, as the obvious relationship between Sparky and the Marathon logo...) You make up your own mind. (He's modified the 7th Column logo a bit, to help you out.)

(Louis Wu 17:10:46 UTC)

December 6, 2001 Link to this post

New logo modification
We received a wet-looking Halo logo from Rob Cox - we've added it to our Logos collection. (Louis Wu 09:59:13 UTC)

November 23, 2001 Link to this post

New Logo uploaded
Lothster sends in a new rendition of the Halo logo - psychadelic! You'll find it in our Logos section. (Louis Wu 14:34:41 UTC)

October 31, 2001 Link to this post

binary wallpaper
Gah! First it's ascii art in html format... now it's ascii art as... ART! Well, desktops, anyway. Blizzard turns in a pair of desktop images for our Wallpaper section, and for good measure throws in the Halo logo, in binary code. (You'll find that last in our Logos section.) (Louis Wu 02:53:49 UTC)

October 31, 2001 Link to this post

Dots R Us
Not satisfied with yesterday's ascii logo, [SE]X-Com has submitted an even more elaborate image: the Halo marine. (427K) God help us... (Louis Wu 02:35:58 UTC)

October 30, 2001 Link to this post

Halo... logo, sort of
Hehe - [SE]X-Com, editor over at Socket Error, sent in a Halo logo... well, you just gotta see it. (136K) The time some people have... (Louis Wu 15:35:32 UTC)

October 23, 2001 Link to this post

More Desktops 4 U
Like your Mullins unadulterated? Or maybe with different adulteration? Skeletor played around with Paint Shop Pro, and turned out three different versions of yesterday's cool desktop: the first has no logo at all; it's just the Halo (and Threshold in the background). The second has the old-style blue Halo logo. The third is the same as the released version... except the words 'Combat Evolved' have been... um, removed. You can find all three flavors in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 12:10:39 UTC)

October 19, 2001 Link to this post

Updated logo submitted
Justin Brimm sends in an updated version of his rust-colored Halo logo - recolored and larger. You'll find it in our Logos section. (Louis Wu 13:27:14 UTC)

October 13, 2001 Link to this post

Hi-res Combat Evolved logo
We've added the new, hi-res version of the 'Combat Evolved' Halo logo to our Logos page, in a couple of resolutions - these might be helpful for those thinking about creating new artwork with it. (Louis Wu 10:57:02 UTC)

October 11, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Wallpaper redux
Fanatic sends us a new image - he lists it as a logo, but it's desktop-sized, really... we've added it to our Wallpaper collection. Check it out! (Louis Wu 20:30:06 UTC)

October 5, 2001 Link to this post

New Halo spoof available
Dorram posts on our forum that a new Halo spoof/rant has gone live - it's two and a half minute long MPEG, available as a 44 meg, 320x240 format, or an 8.4 meg, 144x120 format. Footage from a number of different films has been spliced together, and put to a new soundtrack, with a very cool 3D logo animation thrown in for good measure. Warning - the javascript on the page is pretty Netscape-unfriendly; I was unable to follow the movie link using Netscape (or iCab). Opera and IE work fine, though... A big thanks to Psyrixx and B-Sharp for their generous mirroring of this movie. (The mirror links hold a zipped version of the large movie - it's 32 MB.) Go take a look! (Louis Wu 15:57:52 UTC)

September 21, 2001 Link to this post

Marathon in Halo - we know
The first time we got a note on this subject, recently, I smiled. The second time, the smile faltered. Now, I'm disturbed. There seems to be a whole raft of newcomers to the Halo scene, who have just discovered that in the center of the Halo logo is buried the Marathon logo. They send us pictures, pointing it out... they send us notes, they get excited. Folks - this was noticed first on July 21, 1999... the day Halo was unveiled at MacWorld NY. It's been discussed to death on our forum and to some degree at the Marathon's Story page. It's considered common knowledge, and it's the cause for some confusion now that there's a timeline at Microsoft's official Halo site that sets Halo up roughly 100 years before the Marathon ever leaves Mars. It's no longer news. (Louis Wu 13:57:29 UTC)

September 17, 2001 Link to this post

Halo Animation submitted
Joker writes to pass along a Halo animation - sort of an animated logo thing. It's 3.1 MB, and lasts about 20 seconds. It's in MPG format, and you can snag it here. (Louis Wu 12:20:10 UTC)

September 7, 2001 Link to this post

M B sends in a fun logo for your perusal. On second thought, it brings to mind a frightening Stephen King 'Night Shift' story... ::shiver:: Check it out in our Logos section. (Louis Wu 01:14:39 UTC)

August 11, 2001 Link to this post

Halo: Combat Rusted
Justin Brimm sends in the first of a new generation of logos, based on the new "Combat Evolved" image. Check it out here. (Count Zero 19:31:16 UTC)

August 8, 2001 Link to this post

Nope, still the same name
Team Xbox has investigated the new Halo logo spotted recently, and gotten this reply from Matt himself:

It's just a tagline, not part of the title (i.e. the game is still named "Halo" not "Halo: Combat Evolved").

(Count Zero 01:57:30 UTC)

August 6, 2001 Link to this post

Halo: Combat Evolved
An interesting thread on the TeamXBox forums points out that Microsoft's Halo page is now sporting a brand new logo. Combat Evolved? Sounds good! Thanks to Andrew Paul for pointing it out to us. (Count Zero 14:22:41 UTC)

July 26, 2001 Link to this post

Photoshop is cool.
Aginor started with the flamethrower pic from the new OXM preview, did a bit of judicious pixel pushing to remove the text (and fill in the remaining space), added a Halo logo... and ended up with this bit of Miscellaneous Halo Art. Nice job! As he says, it's a shame the original pic was low-res, or this would make a pretty nice desktop pic. Pax. (Crux Fidelis 19:58:25 UTC)

July 23, 2001 Link to this post

Logos section updated
Fanatic sends us another logo for our Logos section. Pretty! (Louis Wu 17:58:47 UTC)

June 12, 2001 Link to this post

New CS decal created from Halo logo
fAt1, of MPZ Halo, writes to say that he's taken an interesting Halo logo and turned it into a Counter-Strike decal. Grab it here, add it to your Counter-Strike directory, and you can use it just like any other tag in-game. (Louis Wu 01:42:09 UTC)

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