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Search results for logo

Showing results 101 - 125 of 282 matches

April 28, 2005 Link to this post

Dodgy journalism
Wow, even the big boys are falling all over themselves with Xbox 360 fever. There's been a rumor floating around that Halo 2 will come pre-loaded on the hard drive of the next-generation Xbox; we've mostly stayed away from it, because Bungie ain't talking, and nobody else really knows anything. However, it just got sillier - CVG actually posted an article suggesting that an anonymously-sent image MIGHT actually be a box shot for this new game. Ignoring the absurdity of the concept (if the game comes pre-loaded on the hard drive, why would you need a box in the first place?), the fact that this is simply the current box, with an Xbox 360 logo slapped on top and a hastily-drawn 'Director's Cut' (with a non-printing character subbing in for the apostrophe, no less) on the front tells you all you really need to know about its legitimacy. CVG should be ashamed of itself for fanning flames with something this weak. (Louis Wu 18:04:04 UTC)

April 1, 2005 Link to this post

Clan News
HBO Clan news - lots of it, it seems. c0ld vengeance has decided that he doesn't have what it takes to be clan overlord for the HBO Helljumpers, and has stepped down, turning over the reins of power to BOLL. (The Helljumpers website has been hacked by the same folks who took over the forum for a short time a couple of weeks ago.) The HBO Lekgolos have become the Lord British Shishkabobs - you gotta love that new logo. (Makes 'We'll Eat Your Bones' take on a whole new meaning...) As far as I know, the Sentinels, the Spartans, and the Forerunners are just fine today. (Louis Wu 11:38:38 UTC)

April 1, 2005 Link to this post

Put a marine on your butt.
For all those who think that the love of a game like Halo can never lead to financial success (unless you're a part of Microsoft)... take heart. Halo Babies has been contracted by Proctor and Gamble; the "buttsock marine" has become the logo of the newest line of Pampers. Check out all the details! (Louis Wu 11:14:44 UTC)

March 14, 2005 Link to this post

A Worthy Disc
DoctorEvol decided to mill the Seventh Column logo out of solid aluminum. There are a pair of pictures in this post - the circle is 8 inches (20.3 cm) across, the depth of the cut is about a seventh of an inch or so (40 mm). Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:28:26 UTC)

December 6, 2004 Link to this post

I haven't seen THAT for a while...
Pcsme found a truly retro Halo-themed logon screen for Windows users at WinCustomize. It's so old, it's new! (Louis Wu 14:20:09 UTC)

November 8, 2004 Link to this post

Eggs... in Screens
Already, the eggs are starting to get posted. Hawaiian Pig points out this pic, with its Seventh Column logo staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight. And Daeryl Rodriguez (with help from Konrad) found what he thinks is a mirrored Halo 2 symbol on the right breastplate of Master Chief's armor in this picture (it's not in any others - just a weird shadow?). I'm sure there are more. (Louis Wu 16:18:28 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

The Schwagging Continues
More new stuff at the Bungie Store for you. Looks like a white Halo 2 logo tee and a new mad cool brain sponge. Check it out! Update: There's also a Dry Tech jersey. Woo woo. (mnemesis 17:33:48 UTC)

November 1, 2004 Link to this post

I wonder what the logo looks like?
Hehe - Nick Atkinson points out that there are lengths you can go to to express your love for Halo that will be recognized only by like-minded individuals. Check out the official name of his Cabinetmaking business. (Louis Wu 15:29:56 UTC)

October 25, 2004 Link to this post

Random Images
I was cleaning out my inbox (in preparation for clearing out the art queues, once again woefully behind), and found a few images that don't really have a place to go in our heirarchy, but are worth showing anyway. ragereset sent in a pair of photos (here and here) showing a bus he saw in downtown Sydney, Australia a couple of weeks ago. The second one is blurry because rr drives a manual transmission car, and it's hard to photograph and drive at the same time. And linus wanted to show us the depths of his love for Halo 2 - he actually painted a Halo 2 logo on his retainer. Wow... (Louis Wu 15:53:27 UTC)

October 16, 2004 Link to this post

Freebies with Halo 2 in Canada
Recoil points out nice bonus deals from Canadian sellers, if you haven't already ordered your copy of Halo 2. Best Buy is offering a free T - the Blue '2' logo on the front, 'Go Earth. 110904' on the back. (This doesn't seem to be available on the online store, and Recoil doesn't say what color this shirt is; most of the freebies I've seen have been black, though a white one exists, as well.) Over at Futureshop, they're offering free mini action figures (one of two packs). Again, this doesn't seem to be available online, so visit your local store. (Louis Wu 14:34:56 UTC)

October 5, 2004 Link to this post

Still need a cool headset?
haloTV is into week 3 of their Plantronics Halo 2 headset giveaway, with 6 more headsets to go out. The response has been tremendous - so they're giving you chances to win that aren't just 'put your hat in the ring and pray' (though that option is still there). Make the coolest haloTV wallpaper, or logo, or video, or do the craziest stunt for them... you'll win a headset. Check out the Headset Giveaway Forum for more details (registration required). (Louis Wu 21:25:32 UTC)

September 15, 2004 Link to this post

Halogen Update
Chronomaw points out that Halogen, the C&C Generals Total Conversion, has posted a large update for the mod, including unveiling the interface for the game and their concept of the UNSC logo, as well as some new renders. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:07:03 UTC)

July 23, 2004 Link to this post

Bees... you think Ant Farm was involved?
The really odd thing folks have noticed about the Halo 2 ad looks to be an easter egg or viral marketing ploy of some sort. At the very end of the video, the tiny URL underneath the Xbox logo changes, for a frame or two, from www.xbox.com to www.ilovebees.com. On the surface, this looks like a common website that's been hacked in some way... but investigation shows that some very, very strange stuff is going on. View the source for some clues in the META tags at the top of the page... and view this forum thread for dozens of OTHER oddities. (Louis Wu 17:19:25 UTC)

July 3, 2004 Link to this post

New Goodies from Joyride
Joyride has updated its site again, with more pictures - the yellow civilian hog mentioned in its printed material now has some information - it'll be limited to 2000 pieces, and will be available in October. Check the Halo 2 page, and click 'Hog'. There are also pictures of the newest Battle-Damaged exclusives in the Halo section (look at the bottom). I can see Cobalt and Maroon being used in upcoming Miniature Halo episodes... We get a lot of mail about Joyride changes (and don't post notes about all of them) - but I think first mention of the yellow hog pic goes to A Halo 2 Logo, and lbm mentioned the new BD pics. Thanks! (Louis Wu 17:39:06 UTC)

May 23, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Logos, packaged for use
A couple of days ago, Owl created a pretty huge standalone Halo 2 logo. Yesterday, Fury Three posted a standalone rendered version... and BOLL posted his own stuff (extracted from the official site's content). Between these, you should be able to find a version you can use for your web creations... (Louis Wu 15:38:27 UTC)

May 21, 2004 Link to this post

New Wallpapers on B.net
Wow. Swing by Bungie.net and grab four new wallpapers; there's a simple but beautiful one involving the Halo 2 logo, and really nice versions of mehve's Fall of Reach, The Flood, and First Strike book jacket artwork. All four desktops were done by Zoe. Thanks, Tempus Fugit. (Louis Wu 00:40:25 UTC)

May 18, 2004 Link to this post

Rumor Mill Kicks In About Clan Gaming
xblShooters has posted a story about Xbox Live 3.0's Clan feature - the feature that will allow you to use custom logos and colors on your character during online play, as well as provide detailed team stats stored on Bungie.net. They state that the cost for Clan play will be $5/month or $50/year, over and above the $50/year for XBL service. As of this moment, there is NO confirmation of this information from anyone at Bungie or Microsoft; if we hear or find something, we'll be sure to post it. Caelux 1 noticed this at xblgamers (but showed a healthy skepticism). One thing to keep in mind; there were many rumors suggesting that XBL would double or triple in price after that first year; folks couldn't believe Microsoft WOULDN'T try to fleece its customers for every penny they could. That never happened; XBL still costs $50/year. Bungie has never suggested that the upcoming statistics linked prominently in their navigation bar would actually cost extra to access (and I can't see any good reason why TEAM stats should cost any more than INDIVIDUAL stats; that's what computers are good at, after all). This may turn out to be true - but until it's confirmed by someone in the know, don't worry too much about it. Update: This has been confirmed as totally false by SketchFactor. Clan gaming will be free. (You still have to pay for Xbox Live, of course.) (Louis Wu 09:11:39 UTC)

April 9, 2004 Link to this post

I don't like where this is going...
The latest Red vs Blue episode (29) is available for Sponsors (on the sponsor forum, not the standard page) - and it's the best in a while. First swearing I've heard all season, too... New logo, goes nicely with—nope, not ruining it. Go watch. (If you're not a sponsor, this will be up on Sunday. Nice Easter present.) (Louis Wu 14:36:16 UTC)

April 3, 2004 Link to this post

Dream Team
Recently, we'd mentioned that we'd mentioned the translucent green Xbox/copy of Halo/special-Halo-logo-S-controller deal. Well, Ross "I Suck" Mills has found a press release detailing the US availability of the boxes and has printed it out in our forum.

Of course, he didn't actually provide a link to the release, but luckily for you I found it at PR Newswire. Only $169.00 and only 200,000 available, so go check it out! (mnemesis 00:58:03 UTC)

March 11, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Elite Pack
Recently, we mentioned a special edition Halo-branded Xbox for sale in Korea - ZigZag Master pointed out one that's being marketed in New Zealand. You get a green Halo-branded console, a green S-controller (with the 'X' in the center replaced with a Halo logo), plus the game, in a box labeled 'Elite Force Pack' for $399 NZ (about $260 US). For reference, street price is about $379 NZ, $50 NZ ($32 US) more than the standard black box WITHOUT Halo. Roughly speaking, there's no real markup for the Halo branding. (Louis Wu 21:19:20 UTC)

December 8, 2003 Link to this post

Mac Halo is GOLD!
Press release is right here... but the bottom line is, the Macintosh version of Halo went into duplication late Friday night, December 5th. It'll be hitting store shelves soon! Mac owners... it's time to see if you can keep up with your PC brethren. (Louis Wu 16:25:19 UTC)

September 19, 2003 Link to this post

The Silent Cartographers
Over at Subnova, there's a quiet, unassuming little note with a title reading 'The Silent Cartographers'. Turns out, this is an announcement of a new Halo PC mapmaking group, made up of Subnova members (which means Bungie old-schoolers). They're not currently accepting applications (though they will be next month), and the website has no info except a logo... but you should expect big things from these people. Remember: they have inside connections. They've been playing with stuff for weeks now. (Months?) (Louis Wu 20:46:15 UTC)

September 3, 2003 Link to this post

Another Flash-animated logo
Bluestone, of 343 Guilty Spark, submitted a new Flash-animated Halo logo. We've linked it on our Logos page. (Louis Wu 16:40:10 UTC)

September 3, 2003 Link to this post

Hosting, and not hosting...
Okay, it's been a while since I've found time to rummage through the submissions - and for that, I apologize. Lots of people have been waiting for substantial chunks of time to see their work displayed for the Halo community... and I've been lax about getting it up there. However, our uploads folders (and email) are filled with material which we have to toss, as well... and this makes me sad. Some of it is just that folks aren't paying attention to the existing guidelines... but some of it is that we've never outlined what isn't acceptable. So I'm doing that now. First up, some rules to remember:

  • Movies that are submitted in WMP9 version ONLY (that is, without a corresponding MPEG, or AVI, or whatever) will not be posted. This rule is in effect until Microsoft releases WMP9 codecs for operating systems other than their own.
  • Movies that are simply collections of tricks, or that are rehashes of existing films we've posted in the past, will not be posted. You're welcome to find your own hosting, and send us a link; we're happy to announce it to the community. We cannot provide you with bandwidth, however.
  • Items that are uploaded to our ftp or http uploads folders without attribution will not be posted. If we don't know who you are... we're not putting your work up. We'd like an email address (even if you don't want it listed with your work; we're happy to withhold it)... but we NEED a name, at least.

And while we're at it... uploading halo.jpg or readme.doc or description.txt is sort of silly... remember that our Wallpaper section has almost 1000 items in it, Miscellaneous Art isn't far behind; name your work (AND its accompanying text file) appropriately. Thanks. Now as for things that we've not addressed yet:

  • Red vs Blue artwork (wallpaper, disc covers, logos, you name it) are really not appropriate for HBO. RvB has their own website, and a forum to post tribute work. Please use it.
  • Windows executables will no longer be accepted. Once upon a time, we took some mini-games folks created... but the last item we tried to test totally hosed the Windows emulator I had running here, and in today's virus-strewn world, it's simply not worth our time or effort to ensure that your mini-game is safe for public consumption. Please don't upload them - we won't post them.

Material listed above - the stuff we won't post - is simply discarded; we probably won't contact you to tell you we're not posting it. (In the vast majority of cases, we CAN'T contact you, because you haven't bothered to include an email address.) If you feel that you've uploaded something that we SHOULD have posted, but didn't - please don't upload it again - simply drop us an email, asking us what happened to it. (Be sure to identify it clearly.) We'll get back to you about why it wasn't posted, or post it if it was simply overlooked. (Because yeah, we do make mistakes sometimes.) Hopefully this clarifies the issue somewhat. I'll do my best to get the recent stuff put up soon. (Louis Wu 14:25:13 UTC)

August 26, 2003 Link to this post

Pics, pics, and more pics
Hot on the heels of the Wallpaper update, we've cleared out the Miscellaneous Art queue as well. There's a pretty wide range of stuff; comics, some very cool stylized logos, a beautiful pic of a machete-wielding MC, and a bunch of other stuff. Visit the Miscellaneous Art section for all the goodies! (Louis Wu 00:23:53 UTC)

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